MV #1.1 JH

Like a Music Video

MV #1.1 



“You must do another MV with her,” JungShin says immediately after watching the MV. Hmm today I don't know whether to knock his head or hug him. JungShin is like an annoying little brother. Anything that comes out his mouth makes me imagine in my head of knocking his head or hugging him.


“Hyung, it will be nice if you can do another MV with her. Both of you look good together,” MinHyuk, the drummer, says agreeing with the bassist of their band. Sweet and sour MinHyuk. See how sweet he is suggesting the same thing as JungShin did, but it a nicer way. Sour because he is such a nagger.


We have known each other for 7-8 years now. They are so different in personality like night and day. But they compliment each other musically.


“Yes, you do have good chemistry with her.” YongHwa adds on, the vocalist and leader of their band. “You want your music to reach other people right. So think of doing music video as another platform to convey your messages in your music. So people can visualize your music. It is also art Jonghyun-ah.” YongHwa the head and heart of their band. He always knows how to convince me with his rational explanations. As usual, since we were children.


They are a trio band called D’Amerikano, because of their love to the coffee drink. To this day, I still don't agree they use ‘k’ instead of ‘c’ but YongHwa said ‘k’ symbolizes the Korea. Not everybody can see that. We are in their band practice room, watching the release of my MV. This place is like a second home to me because I usually jam with them. The only place and people that keeps me sane.


“Wow, the MV’s view has reached 200 thousand and counting. It has only been 1 hour, hyung,” MinHyuk says while checking the internet.

“See the song and the visual works," JungShin adds.

“You should work together again," YongHwa says convincingly. 


All of them look at me expecting an answer, eagerly.


“Okay.” I give in. “Yeahhhh,” they shout.

“But!” I interrupt their brief moment of joy.

“But this time no kiss scene,” I say adamantly. I dare not to imagine what would happen if I kiss her again. True to my trepidation, I could never see an apple the same way again after our first kiss. It is has been a month since then!


“Owh but why? The kiss scene is the bomb!” JungShin unashamedly express his disappointment.  Knocking his head repeatedly in my mind.


“Well, tough it up man. Because the next song on your album is called ‘Warm Lips’,” YongHwa says with a hidden smile.



‘apple’ \ˈap(ə)l/



:a soft warm lips of SeungYeon-shi.


Groan, I am a goner. 

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mangobun18 #1
Chapter 5: Oh oh oh oh this story is making me want to read more and More! I like where this is Going! The temptAction! Please have more! It's Goooooodd!
gorgeous94 #2
Chapter 5: more authorniiim
oktan-past #3
Chapter 5: how smart pdnim sure know how to torture jonghyun's heart....huehehe
so.... jonghyun... topless?
shasyia #5
Chapter 4: Sweeeet...
Love this story. Authornim, jjang!
Chapter 4: yonghwa, jungshin, minhyuk... also the readers... are gonglee shippers lmao
zhanea87 #7
Chapter 4: yay for another yj ff. super likey
athrun_azzoe #8
Chapter 3: Aigoooo please update more. ITS getting interestinggg!! Joaheeeeee
uchamp #9
Chapter 3: Kyaaaaaaa orange and apple!! Hahaha SY, gwenchana, JH is also smitten as you, just wait XD i agree, too much sugar in the morning. Thank you authornim!