Ravi's Rose

N's Shadow

Hello all~ 

I'm just going to put a brief warning here for, how should I put this, descriptive making out? 

Nothing too bad, but this chapter is full of fluff and a little bit of making out, so better safe than sorry.



The next morning I wake up, yawning. The sunlight through the window warms the room, and I’ve never seen such a peaceful place. I feel an arm around my waist, and a leg entwined with mine, and I decide that there is no other place in the world I would rather be at this moment.

I stay still, not wanting to wake him, and think back on the events of yesterday. Was it really just the night before last that I had fallen asleep with Wonshik for the first time back at the hotel? It seems like an eternity has passed since then. And the day before was the first time Wonshik and I kissed…

I thought about that kiss, and everything that had happened since. Hakyeon appearing to drag us out of our comfortable routine, my nightmares, the armored vehicle, falling off the cliff and nearly drowning, losing Wonshik and Hakyeon in the woods, meeting Rod and Jean… last night.

My face starts to flush as I recall the previous night.



“You’re the only want I want to sleep with, too.” Wonshik had said. Too surprised and aroused to speak properly, I respond to his words with a kiss. An explosion of desire, emotion, and lust feeds my actions, and Wonshik meets my intensity. I push him further onto the bed so that he’s lying down, and crawl on top of him. His lips are soft and sweet, but his kisses are rough and passionate. He’s holding back less than he was before, and I enjoy this side of Wonshik. After only a moment, he flips us over, and I’m lying down with possibly the most handsome person I have ever laid eyes on leaning over me.

“Wonshik,” I say, although I am cut off by a mind-numbing series of kisses, the last of which he lingered, then pressed his lips down my jawline, to my neck, gently and softly cradling my skin with his lips, before opening his mouth and lightly pulling on the skin, hard enough to leave a mark. I gasp involuntarily, and he pulls away to look at me, almost apologetically.

“Sorry,” He says. “Does that hurt?”

I nod, and he looks guilty, before I tell him, “Do it again,” and let the mischievous smirk on my lips speak for itself.


The rest of the night was a whirlwind of ecstasy, emotion, passion, you name it. I try not to blush when I realize that I’m going to need to find a way to cover up my neck so as to not cause Jean a heart attack.

    Wonshik shifts as he sleeps, subconsciously tightening his arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I trace the veins on his forearm, and admire the toned muscles that I got to see so clearly the night before. I was right about him having the looks and body to be a model, I think as I recall the first moment we met. His face was so stoic, his actions and words were unapproving and harsh. His eyes, however, were the same. He tried to guard them, but I could always tell exactly what he was feeling because of his childlike inability to stop his emotion from channeling through his beautiful, deep brown eyes. It was a trait I admire about him, and I wonder if he can read my emotion the way I can read his.

Of course, he gave up trying to guard his emotions altogether not long after we settled in that hotel room. Our hotel room. Our home for one long, shining month.

    With a shiver of nervousness I recall one last event from the night before.



    “Wonshik?” I say, in between kisses. Things were slowing down for a minute, and Wonshik was lying next to me, shirtless. I lay facing him, and he pulls me close, kissing my forehead, before planting a slow and meaningful kiss onto my lips. When he pulls away, he replies,

    “What is it?”

    “I…” I hesitate, biting my lip. It was such an out-of-character thing for me to feel, much less say out loud. Much less to someone I’ve known for only about a month. Wonshik notices my hesitation and looks at me with concern.

    “Rose, is everything okay? Is it… is it Hakyeon?” He says, not with bitterness, but with what sounds like fear.

    “No! No, it’s just that, well,” I look up into his waiting eyes, his endless, selfless, beautiful eyes, and manage to force the words out, with the terror of his possible response flooding my system.

    “I think I love you.”

A moment passes. Two moments. I’m beginning to wonder if he even heard me, when suddenly he’s leaning over me, enveloping me in somehow the most loving, gentle, and yet passionate kiss I have ever experienced.

    Hoping that the kiss is a good sign and not just an attempt to shut me up, I pull away after a moment to look quizzically at him. Wonshik just stares at me with some kind of disbelief etched on his face, and I’m starting to get uncomfortable.

    “Did...did you hear me?” I ask tentatively. His face turns into a blinding smile and he just laughs lightly, lying back down and pulling me into his arms.

    “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would hear you say that.” He says.

    “Does that mean…?” I leave my question hanging in the air with bated breath.

    “Yes.” He replies.


    “Yes, I love you too.”


    I can’t help but smile like an idiot thinking about the words we exchanged last night. I decide that Wonshik has slept long enough, and I turn over in the bed to cover his face in soft kisses. After a moment he stretches and opens his eyes, smiling groggily as he sees me.

    “That’s one way I’d like to wake up every day.” He yawns.

    “I mean, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.” I respond, giggling at his tired frown.

    “Oh come here.” He pulls me closer, eyes closed, and tries to plant a sloppy kiss on my lips, missing and kissing my chin instead. Laughing, I cover his disappointed frown in a sweet morning kiss, and I know now, without a doubt, that my heart belongs to Wonshik. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.



Sorry for such a short chapter, I was going to continue writing, but since it's late I decided to split one of the chapters into two smaller chapters, so I can update it before I get busy the next couple of days. 

Obviously there are sliiiight implications to certain things happening, but that's up to your own interpretation~

Hope you liked. :3 

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hanistar99 #1
Chapter 16: Can't wait to know what will happen to Wonshik TT
chaglutinous #2
Chapter 15: So nerve wrecking '!!! Are u serious!! In the same time plane ;O thanks for the update though
Chapter 15: omg i so cant wait to know what happened GOSHHH T.T
kyarania #4
Chapter 14: holy... man I just read this in a day and I cannot emphasize on how much I love your writing so much! It's amazing that you can write in such detailed action but keeping it simple so it doesn't confuse the readers. I love love loveee the story line too! I usually don't like romance involved in such story like this but this is just written nicely that I even got feels instead of cringes from them! And honestly if you ask me I can't choose between Wonshik and Hakyeon lol can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 13: Omo..
Chapter 12: Omgggg