Chapter 1

Kim Yongsun has needs

It was a late Friday afternoon. The sky had adorned a brilliant blende of orange and golden hues through which curious stars began to peek. The once heavy, humid air that hung onto daily by-goers, lulling their hasty movements to slow strides, chilled to a teasing breeze. Despite this frigid early evening air, a certain brunette was feeling anything but cold.

It had been yet another long week for Kim Yongsun, to put it nicely. She had been heading an exclusive project at her company which finally seemed to be nearing its completion. After an exhausting 3 months of dealing with incompetent colleagues and constant queries from clients, Yongsun was relieved to be able to take a breather. She swore, if she had one more pretentious client questioning her abilities or one more junior spilling coffee on her, she’d whip them so hard even Hyejin would flee. And Hyejin was a one.

So, you would think after 3 months of constant exertion that Yongsun would just want to snuggle into the covers for some well-deserved rest. Well, you wouldn’t be completely wrong there. However, her thoughts involved a certain blonde and everything but rest. 3 months is a long time, don’t judge the girl. Yongsun had been too busy outlining budget plans to address…uh…certain…desires. It didn’t help that her stupid girlfriend would casually laze around in their shared apartment with nothing but her vest and skimpy pyjama shorts, as if she was unaware of her iness. Stupid Moon Byulyi with her long slender legs and her toned arms…oh god and her abs…

“Excuse me Miss? Are you ok? You seem like you have a fever.”

Oh Yongsun did have a fever. Byulyi fever. But she couldn’t tell the sweet stranger that because, firstly - contrary to popular belief - telling a complete stranger how you are currently is not socially acceptable; secondly, Byulyi fever only seemed sensual in Yongsun’s worked up head. In reality, the phrase was kind of lame.

“O-oh, I’m fine thank you. No need to worry.”

Yongsun gave the stranger a sheepish smile before dashing off the subway towards her apartment.

Barging into the apartment, she hurriedly kicked off her shoes and coat before calling out for her girlfriend.

“Yongsun?” Her heart began racing at the sound of the person’s voice she had been thinking about all day. “I’m in the lounge.”  Quickly brushing down her hair, she speed walked to the lounge where she found Byulyi sprawled out on the couch, clutching a PlayStation controller.

“Byul - ”

“Great! You’re home! Can you fetch me the other controller by the TV? This one’s about to die.”

Byulyi muttered without even sparing a glance at Yongsun. The latter couldn’t help but let out a frustrated sigh. She had been suffering the entire day with thoughts of Byulyi and here was the source of her frustration playing with the wrong thing.

“Byulyi put the stupid game off.”




Yongsun snatched the controller and threw it to the other couch (not before putting the game on pause of course - she needed Byulyi in a good mood).

“Hey! I was in a very serious situation the - ”

“Byul, you were playing Farming Simulator.”

“Exactly! And I was farming and simulating pretty damn well till you came by and destroyed my happiness.” She huffed and crossed her arms with a pout, which Yongsun found irresistibly cute. She couldn’t help but tackle the pouting blonde onto the floor; bombarding her with light pecks all over her face.

“I. Missed. You.” Yongsun whispered; pecking her girlfriend’s lips after each word.

“Move woman my livestock need feeding!” Byulyi pushed (gently of course this is Moon-freaking-Byul-smoother-than-your-oppa-yi we’re talking about) Yongsun off, before desperately grabbing the controller by the TV.

“Yeah well they’re not the only ones with needs.” Yongsun rolled her eyes as Byulyi un-paused the game and began nonchalantly feeding some cows. ‘Mama mama moooo’ she would sing in triumph after each cow was fed.

‘How did I fall in love with this complete weirdo?’ Yongsun realised that she’d have to take some desperate measures if she wanted Byulyi’s attention. The girl was a geek and diehard gamer. Things were not going to be easy.

“Baby…” she seductively whispered while ing her dress shirt,”It’s been ages since we’ve had fun together.”

Not picking up on her innuendo, Byulyi frowned at this, “What?...You don’t have fun with me?”

“No no NO! I didn’t mean it like that!” Yongsun hurriedly explained, seeing the hurt look in the blonde’s eyes,”I meant,” she switched back to a sultry tone, “it’s been a while since…you know…”

“I know what?”

Yongsun flushed. She was way too embarrassed to admit her carnal desires and was hoping Byulyi would take the hint. But alas, her top-shot-engineer-genius-girlfriend was a total .

“Byul come on…you know what I want.”

“Your shirts ed.” Finally, Yongsun thought, letting mischievous giggle escape her lips.”It’s cold put some clothes on and go to bed. You must be exhausted.” The brunette’s face fell. Out of all times, Moon Byulyi decides not to be a greasy ert now.

“Come with me?” Yongsun pleaded with puppy eyes.

“You go ahead first. I’ll join you later.”

Byulyi ended up falling asleep on the couch; clutching the PlayStation controller much to a certain chubby-faced Squirtle look-alike’s annoyance.


Alright! First chapters up! It's a little short compared to what I usually write. But I have more chapters coming up. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think ;). 

Also, Farming Simulator is this game on Playstation where you literally manage a farm. My brother plays it for like 6 hours straight and I really don't understand the point of it. I felt like Byul would be the type to get addicted to Farming Simulator - that loveable dumb nerd.


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a_disappointment #1
Chapter 3: back here reading this again and it still manages to make me laugh XD
Kdyc16 #2
Chapter 3: Cant stop laughing :))
Chapter 3: Reading this in 2020 and still funny af 🤣
Chapter 3: I CHOCKED TO THE "you're looking at your dessert" HAHAHHAAHAHHAHA
Chapter 3: This had me grinning like an idiot throughout the whole thing. I love it haha
Chapter 3: Am i the only one who wanted the scene where they eat off each other while spreading whipped cream all over their bodies? Okay, no? Okay.
Chapter 1: Poor Solar xD
Chapter 3: *0* ahahaha the plan worked so well ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
This was funny and hoooot <3 Ty for writing it, author-nim! >3<
Chapter 2: Lol I laugh so hard while reading this chap

What could be this secret plan?
Chapter 1: Ahahahahaha
I could picture solar asking for "it" and byul being so into the game, that she didn't notice it at all ahahahaha