The strongest one I

The strongest one

- You can't do this to me! How am I supposed to finish this calculus project all alone?!

Jungkook looked up from the coffee cup that he waqs currently making. As usual, the campus cafe he was working at was empty. It's not that their coffee was bad. On contrary it was one of the best places on the entire campus. It's just that everyone preferred to order a take-out. Or as Jin-hyung, the owner of the cafe said "It's because you are too grumpy and scare them away Kookie! I'm still surprised by how they are brave enough to talk to you so that they can order! I guess that's what college does to you - desperation". 

Nope, they just prefer take-outs.

- You choose a date with your lazy boyfriend over your best friend?! No, you want me to die while doing this, don't you?! It's 10 pages of calculus plus physics! Park Jimbles that's the end of our friendship!

"Ouch...ugh math" - thought Jungkook. He kept on watching lilac haired male who was standing in front of the cafe. He found that pretty amusing. Considering that everyone else just came in, spat their order and without sparing him a second glance were already out holding their coffee in hands, pretty boy shouting in front of the cafe was a nice attraction. Finally the lilac haired male stepped inside. He came straight up to Jungkook without any hint of hesitance in eyes which Jungkook personally found pretty nice, "See? I'm not grumpy" - he thought to himself.

- Hello, how can I help you?

- What's the strongest coffee you have?

- Huh?

- know, I somehow need to survive next few hours. That's why I need the stongest coffee you have here.

- Well, uhm. I guess a single shot of esspresso would be enough. But- you don't look like a type to enjoy bitter things too much, the heck you look like people have been feeding you on rainbows and sprinkles! - is what Jungkook wanted to say but he was interrupted by other's angelic voice.

- Great! I'll have that! - said the lilac haired male and went ahead to sit in the corner of the cafe leaving behind few bills on the counter. As soon as he sat he took out his laptop and bunch of files and papers. He didn't even notice Jungkook when he placed his coffee on the table.

- Uhmm, here is your coffee. - said Jungkook but the other still hasn't noticed him.

- may want to drink it when it's still warm. - said Jungkook shyly. Now that he is closer to the other he noticed his beautifull features. He rarely ever initiated conversations especially with costumers if not necessary but somehow he didn't seem to mind talking with the boy. The latter looked up from his papers confused.

- Huh? Oh- sorry what did you say?

- Uhmm, well, it! - Jungkook stuttered and quickly walked away. "Great! well done Jeon Jungkook! There goes your cold barista look!" - Jungkook thought to himself.

After few minutes the boy finally reached for the cup of the esspresso. And no, it's not like Jungkook was looking at him all the time like a creep, whaaat?, he wasn't. He just happened to see how the other's face frowned when he tasted the bitter coffee. And although he found it too cute he still pitied the male. From his expression Jungkook could tell that he didn't like the bitter drink that much. Before he knew the lilac male was again immered into his studies. Then suddenly Jungkook thought of an idea.

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Wow, that's one of the cuttest fanfics I've ever read about taekook =)) Can't stand smiling ;)
ananano #2
Chapter 2: So cuteeeee!!!
taekookland #3
Chapter 2: I love this fanfic ;) it's so cute <3