Hunter's heart

Running from Death

Hey guys... I'm really tired but I miss MBLAQ, so here I am. Guess what, it just three days into the new semester and I have been told I would fail twice. Way to break someone's heart. LOL.

I know you guys won't read my ranting but I still want to write. Muahahaha. First day, during briefing, our prof said there's three killer posting. O&G, Paediatric and Orthopaedic. And guess what my first posting? Yup. Orthopaedic. I even got put under team spine (which by the way the toughest team). Guessed, I'll get killed by the end of my first posting. *sigh*

And my back is also trying to kill me these days. Then again, I have been quite busy going on ward round, on call, clinic, seminar and so on... Well, it's just the first week though. Still have looooooong way to go. Fighting to myself! Please don't fail me!!!!!!!!

*ps : I'm not writing a diary. Or, am I? Lol, whatever :P




Seungho gasped as the thunderclap resonated. His fingers stopped typing all at once. He stood up suddenly, knocking the chair behind, almost hitting Leo. "Did you hear that?" He asked as he whirled around the building, even running to the window, wild eyes searching for something at the outside. There was nothing except the mown yard with the beast still roaming around the place.

          "Yea, it's raining outside." Taemin answered casually. He had been staring out at the window since now, watching the feline-like mutant outside.

          "No. Not that. I heard someone... Cheolyong..." Seungho whispered at the end of his sentence, palming his chest that suddenly throbbed in unexplained pain.

          Taemin frowned, turning his head at Seungho, watching Seungho with a weird look. He threw confused glance at Leo who just shrugged unknowingly.

          "Hyung." Leo approached the obviously disturbed Seungho. "Maybe you should rest for a bit. You can at least spare a few minutes for some good rest before you get back to the PC."

          Seungho exhaled a long quiet breath. He threw one last glance outside the window. He knew something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. Cheolyong... Byunghee... Stay alive...

          "Hyung?" Taemin clapped on Seungho's shoulder, massaging slightly at the tension he felt there.

          "I'm fine. We shouldn't waste anymore time." Seungho said, shooing his bad feeling away and went back to the computer. Cracking his finger and his spine, he typed fast across the keyboard. A few minutes were spent in silence except a few occasional painful moan from Dongwoon who was still under Sanghyuk's care. Until a small noise escaped Seungho's lips. "Oh?" His fingers once again stopped dancing on the keyboard.

          Leo rushed to Seungho. "What is it, hyung?"

          Seungho stared at the screen. "I did it. I cracked the code."

          "You did?" Taemin almost shout in his excitement.

          Seungho nodded and hummed. He checked on a few files stored in the computer and his expression slowly morphed into disgust. There were a few files of report including pictures showing how people were experimenting on helpless animals. Human are sometimes so cruel.

          There were a few recorded videos in some of the files. Seungho decided to click opened one out of curiosity. At the sound from the video, both Leo and Taemin went to watch as well while Sanghyuk could only crooned his neck from his spot. He was curious as well but he didn't want to leave Dongwoon alone.

          A picture of a foreign woman appeared clad in white lab coat, a glasses on her face and notepad was in front of her on the table. She spoke in English and though Seungho wasn't exactly best in English, at least he was good enough to understand some part of the contents. It was said that the research team was looking into reviving extinct animals such as Xenosmilus, Machairodus, some species under Canis lupus species. They had been looking into the DNA similarities between those species with the modern wild cats and dogs even domestic ones. And the result was... Well, they have seen with their own eyes, the glowing jade green eyes monster.

          "That's sick." Taemin said with disgusted look similar to the one on Seungho and Leo's face as the video shown a black dog like the one that of the police dog being strapped on the table and drugged. Taemin closed his eyes, unwilling to watch any further.

          Leo who saw the look in Taemin's face shook his head towards Seungho signing for the older to close the video for Taemin's sake. Seungho nodded and closed the video.

          "Well, the internet is connected. We really should contact the p-" A particularly loud thunderclap roared from the outside that they swore even the building was rattled from the impact. And split second after the thunderclap, the whole system in the building shut down and they were left in dark.

          Taemin jumped and clung on Leo, almost screeching out in surprise. "What? What? What is it?" Taemin asked, almost breaking out in panic.

          "Calm down. The storm outside must have cut the power off." Leo explained.

          "Urm... The fuse box..." Seungho hesitated. "Must be outside of this room..."

          "It should be... Urm... At the back of the building." Sanghyuk chirped, opening the flashlight app in his phone, flashing it in the direction of the trio. "And... That thing is still outside, isn't it?"

          Taemin jogged towards the window, peering out. "I can't see. The light outside is off too. It's too dark." He informed.

          "I'll go and take a look." Seungho offered.

          "No way, hyung." Leo stopped Seungho. "It's too dangerous!" He reminded.

          "Well, we can't exactly just sit here rotting in this room either." Seungho said, pinching on the bridge of his nose. "And I want to get out of this place as fast as I could."

          And find Cheolyong and Byunghee.

          "We all do." Leo immediately replied. "But that doesn't mean we should just go outside and do such ridiculous suicide mission. We can't be sure if that thing still outside."

          "Then, do you have any other idea?" Seungho asked, raising his brow in anticipation.

          They all fall in silence.




Sanghyun curled around himself, wrapping his arms around his knees as he spaced out while watching the rain falling and wetting the earth. He chewed his lips out of boredom. He didn't know what to do. He was totally lost and he knew no way out. What if he never got out of here? What if... He would be lost forever.

          Sanghyun sighed. But he didn't regret going after Mir. Just that, he was quite worried about his own safety right now. "Why won't this rain stopped already? It's so cold..." He complained to no one. "And I'm hungry..." He sighed again. Sanghyun smacked his lips. There was no way he would die in this forest. He stood up. Screw the rain! He was so not going to sit still and wait for death. He needed to find the way out!

          "ANYONE? IS ANYONE HERE?" He shouted, climbing out of his shelter and walked through the grasses and rain. He kept on shouting, walking with his eyes searching for any sign of people or any trail that he might recognize and would lead him to the way out.

          Feeling his throat drying, Sanghyun coughed a bit when a hand covered his mouth, taking him in surprise that he swore his heart stopped beating for a few moments.


          He recognized that voice and Sanghyun relaxed visibly, nodding his head. He turned around and smiled as Mir came into his line of sight. "Cheolyong! You're safe!" He embrace the smaller maknae tightly, frowning when he felt Mir's body tensed against him and he swore he heard Mir slightly hissed at his touch. Did he hurt Mir? He pulled away slowly. It was too dark to see clearly what kind of face Mir was putting forth.

          "You shouldn't be too loud." Mir said quietly.

          "Hmm?" Sanghyun tilted his head in confusion. He was about to ask further when his stomach growled loudly.

          Mir shook his head. "Well, your stomach is being loud too." Mir took off his backpack and took out an energy bar, handing it to Sanghyun.

          "You... I didn't see you bring your bag with you when you ran away..." Sanghyun wondered out loud, shoving the whole bar into his mouth.

          "I didn't. I went back to camping site." Mir handed one of the mineral bottles to Sanghyun when he saw the older had finished up the bar.

          "You know the way back? I thought you're lost. Then, why are you out here?"

          There was a few moments of silence as Mir stared at Sanghyun as the older gulping down the water, making a loud satisfied sound when he finished half of the bottle. "Hyung..."


          "Is that why you're here? Are you looking for me?"

          "Yeah, of course. You ran off alone. I was worried."

          Mir tilted his head, staring at the older yet again, trying to make out Sanghyun's features in the dark. Nope... Can't really see. So he took out his torchlight and shone it on Sanghyun who flinched back from the bright light.

          "Ouch! Cut it off." Sanghyun yanked the torchlight from Mir's hand and took his revenge by pointing it to Mir who simply raised his hand to block his eyes.

          "Hyung. I'm not a kid."

          Mir was ignored when Sanghyun's hand grabbed his chin, tilting his head upwards and sideway. "Cheolyong! You hurt yourself!" Sanghyun gasped at the long red angry line across Mir's cheekbone and his temple. "Did you hurt yourself somewhere else?" He started turning Mir here and there, inspecting the maknae. "Blood! You're bleeding!" He said, jabbing his finger on the blood stain on Mir's shirt over Mir's chest.

          Mir hissed slightly at the pain. "Geez, hyung. This isn't my blood." Well mostly, but Sanghyun didn't need to know.

          "Then... Whose? What have you done, Cheolyong?" Sanghyun asked slowly, suspiciously only to have Mir's palm colliding almost painfully against his lips yet again and the torchlight was taken over by Mir and switched off, leaving them back in the dark.

          Sanghyun tried to push Mir's hand away when he felt Mir pushed back against him and he was nervous when he could sense Mir's tension. So he stayed silent and only then his ears picked up some sort of noise, like sound of hard breathing and splotch like a stone being thrown into a lake or steps in the puddles.

          Sanghyun felt Mir left him so fast, he couldn't react. He heard a gasp and a loud thud of something falling to the ground. Sanghyun felt around for the torchlight and shine it around randomly until he saw Mir, straddling someone with a blade lied close to that very familiar silhouette.

          "Changsun hyung!" Sanghyun gasped, running to the duo's side on the ground. Mir pulled away, standing aside as he let Sanghyun helped Joon up. "What the hell are you doing here?"

          "I... Urm... I was looking for you guys..." He admitted. "Cheolyong. You okay? Where're Seungho hyung and Byunghee hyung?"

          "Follow me." Mir said, trying to walk away but was stopped by Joon's hand on his shoulder.

          "Cheolyong... There's something in this woods."

          "I know."

          "Huh? What are you guys talking about?" Sanghyun asked, having no idea at all.

          "There's... I don't know. A monster here. I saw it with my own two eyes." Joon said, picking up again the lump of wood he had been carrying as weapon that had been knocked out of his grip when Mir hauled him down.

          "What? What kind of nonsense is that?" Sanghyun laughed slightly but his smile died down quite fast when he saw the serious look on Joon and Mir's face. "W-what kind of monster?"

          Joon shrugged. "I don't know. I saw it in one glance and I just ran the hell out of that place." Joon scratched his chin in thought. "It looks like a bit like a dog though or a wolf, I don't know... A frigging large one. With red eyes."

          "Is it... Dangerous?" Sanghyun asked.

          "It looked like it is..."

          "They are dangerous. The others are dead." Mir blurted out. "I'll show you guys the way back. Then you can just follow the narrow trail to get to main road-"

          "Woah! Woah! Wait! What did you just say?" Sanghyun turned his wide eyes on Mir. His orbs filled with disbelief.

          "Everyone at the camp are dead. With a few exception. But, even then, I'm not sure if they are still alive at this rate." Mir repeated with more information. "I killed one of those beasts. But there are still more. Not sure how many but it's better to assume there are lots of them."

          "What? That monster? There are more? And you killed one? That beast?" Joon squeaked.

          Mir nodded. "That's enough! Let's go. I'll show you guys the way out."

          "Are you even intending to leave with us?" Sanghyun asked, realizing the meaning behind Mir's words.

          "Not at all. At least not until I found Seungho hyung and Byunghee hyung." Mir explained, patience wearing thin at these two fussiness. He wanted to just kicked them out of these forest and continued on his quest on searching for the two MBLAQ hyungs.

          "Well, then, I'm going with you." Sanghyun declared.

          Joon who was drinking the water from the bottle he took from Sanghyun's hand choked and spat the water back out. He coughed a bit, heaving slightly. "Okay... Listen. You haven't seen that monster. You wouldn't want to stay if you saw it." Joon pointed an index finger at Sanghyun, almost poking out the younger's eyes before turning his attention on the MBLAQ maknae. "And Cheolyong! Just because you kill one, doesn't mean you can kill the others."

          "Then, what are you suggesting, huh? Should I just scampered away and save my own like a coward? Just ditched my brothers behind?" Mir spat venomously. He wasn't usually this hostile. But his own body felt like thousand knife was into him repeatedly, not to mention his heart, which felt like it was cracking into shattering pieces which make him wonder that even if his physical form would be healed, his heart might never would...

          "Cheolyong... You're acting weird." Joon eyed the MBLAQ maknae in worries.

          Mir exhaled exasperatedly. "Let's just get you two out of here first."

          "No! If you want us to leave, then you have to leave with us."

          Joon nodded once in agreement at Sanghyun's words.

          "You know what? You two haven't seen what damage has been done! So, stop acting so stupidly brave and just get the out of here!" Mir seethed.

          "Then, why don't you take your own advice and leave with us?" Joon crossed.

          Mir gritted his teeth as his eyes glaring dagger at Joon whom didn't back off and held his gaze while Sanghyun watched by side nervously. They never has seen Mir this angry to the point the maknae was freely using harsh words at them.

          "Fine! Suit yourself! If you face trouble then, don't say I didn't warned you." Mir turned and walked off, pausing after a few steps. "Stay quiet, fast and alert. We'll never know when one of those beast will jump on us."

          "Aren't you afraid, Cheolyong? I mean... You saw them. And... You know." Sanghyun stride forward until he was by Mir's side, suddenly feeling nervous of what might be here with them, in this dark forest.

          "I can't afford to be scared. As if I'll let myself being hunted. I'll hunt them down instead. Those beasts... I won't let them steal more of what is mine than they already had." Mir spoke sternly. "No more." Images of Jei in the beast's mouth was haunting Mir and he wouldn't let the same befall on either Seungho and GO. And maybe... Mir turned to sneak a glance at Joon and Sanghyun. Maybe same goes for Joon and Sanghyun. He would protect them for all it worth. He'd die before he let anything happened to any of them.

          Sanghyun and Joon exchanged a worried look. This wasn't the Mir that they know. Something was different. Something was damaged in Mir and turning Mir into this new, raging man filled with hatred. And... They were afraid for Mir. Afraid that Mir might really put his life in gamble. And they didn't want Mir to be hurt as much as they didn't want it for Seungho and GO. Sanghyun and Joon nodded to each other, silently reaching to an agreement for them all to get out of this place, alive, for whatever it might take.

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Chapter 7: I'm reading this again and dying just as much as I did then but wait, wait, wait. Did Lizzy love Mir in a more than a friend kind of way??
Chapter 12: Oh my god! A sequel! I can already see a fic where they'll try to fix a damaged Mir, who just doesn't know how to live with it all and has a PTSD and just really needs them even if he might push them away. Omg. Maybe even hallusinations that he's back in the forest and all! Damn you, don't make me excited like this. Angsty Mir is my favorite with some Mblaq bromance of course. Just what you like to write haha. And maybe we'll find out what's the thing with some of the mutants that liked Mir and why Mir was hidden and his family too. And Joon and Sanghyun will find Mir because they've been kept in dark. See, you got me all worked up already.
Chapter 11: This is going to end isn't it. Like damn. So soon. Wasn't expecting that. It took a lot of effort to read the action scenes. Not because they were poorly written but because I tend to get too excited and skip half of the sentences and then I have no idea what's going on and I have to go back again. And was it because of Soju that they were so tame with Mir? That was kind of cute though. And Mir better be alive. You wouldn't kill him, would you? Then again he'd be with Jei again.... But yay, no one else died.
Chapter 9: I'm so happy that instead of little snippets of texts here and there, you're writing longer parts of different people in different situations trying to stay alive. I really like it and I think it makes everything more solid in a way. So thumbs up! You're doing it right. Well for me anyway. And I know you're busy and you have a lot to do but I'm glad you still find the time to update sometimes. Right now, me being me and getting sick of everything again, this is the only story I still follow and impatiently wait updates for. I swear. But I'm not rushing you to update, take your time because we all have our lives (do I? XD) and all that jazz, so don't take pressure with this. It's just an compliment, okay? Not an update demand. Remember that. ILY.
Chapter 8: Oh my god... Why do I feel like Mir bumping to those two will only bring him more trouble? Like... Joon doing something stupid or something like that? Because that's the image I get with the three of them. Well not Mir, he's too badass for that, doing stupid things I mean. Sigh. Seems like he still can't rest and try to heal. Even he doesn't trust the duo enough xD But yeah. And Seungho wtf don't go there! No! This is how people die in the movies! And gee, haven't the scientists watched Jurassic Park? Those movies literally taught us that never ever try to create dinosaurs or any extinct animals at that. Christ.
Chapter 7: Oh my.... Well wasn't that just cruel. Minho died? Well . Let's hope that Key won't come across him or recognize him if he does. I was really bothered that Lizzy screamed so much in the situation with Fei because weren't there two mutants there? Or was it the same coming back? Because one, the one biting on Fei could start targeting her and two, the second beast, if it was there in the first place, could get attracted by the noise again. But anyway that's besides the point and that would be scary so maybe she has the right to scream. Fear kicks logic away sometimes anyway. Lizzy should really leave before she's dead. But nope, Mir ain't leaving. Not before finding his hyungs and likewise. That tooth thing was unexpected but cool. And sigh. Mir's injuries surely aren't better after that.
Chapter 6: So much has started happening! I don't even know what to comment about except that I want more! So many people crossing paths and hearing from one another! But seriously, these girls better stop screaming unless they're up to death. And Sanghyun, you got lucky and soon maybe Joon will join you but please, stop shouting! And what else, what else... Oh, right! I loved Mir's sudden transformation to this cool survivor guy! It's like he's been in this kind of situation before and now he's stuck with it again even if I know he's just been hiking. But seriously, once he's reunited with any of the old or still in MBLAQ members, he's almost as good as dead and worries them sick (kinda wanna see it tbh). Someone has to take care of him although I like to see him putting up with the pain like a man (does that make me weird?) but yeah. He's going to sacrifice himself otherwise, thinking he'll slow them down. Gasp! Like in that zombie fic in the mall (or whatever)! I'm such a mess.
Chapter 5: The moment I read the title of this chapter, all I could think about was that Mir isn't able to run with his injuries and got upset D: but then it was okay and everyone's aware of the situation now. Well, except the trio of GD, Joon and Lizzy that only encountered the mutant all of a sudden. They don't know all of their friends are mostly dead. Did they all get safely away? And wow, of course there is a lab where some stupid scientists got the brilliant idea of creating a monster. Of course. Because creating a monster makes sense. Scientist logic.
Chapter 4: OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING *echoes in the mountains*
OMG HELP SOMEBODY HELP MIREU and tr puppy tho d'awww
WHERE'S SEUNGHO AND G.O. OMG ARE THEY EVEN STILL ALIVE I havent heard from them for a while
Baekhyun :) is ... I ... What is HAPPENING
This is such a rollercoasted!! Omg I couldnt stop until I read it all
Take your time updating (but I can't say I'mnot fizzig with anticipation ^^)
THISIS GREEEEAT!! congrats!!
Ps. I don't think you should delete Baby U ... Maybe ask for a co author, maybe put it on ibdefinite hiatus, take a break ... I don't think it's a good idea to delete. Maybe put it on hide or draft while your gather your ideas but overralI dont like it when people delete because honestly THERE'S SO MUCH POTENTIAL IN EVERYTHING!! :) so hwaiting!! Good luck!! :)
Chapter 4: Well . It was the people who disobeyed that stayed alive. But why did Minho stay there if Key and Nicole already ran away? Was he waiting for other survivors? And did the beast run into Joon and companions when it was on its way to Sanghyun? I need more Mir haha and gosh, someone needs to obviously find him because he looks like he's dying from his injuries