
Used to

I lazily stepped out of my bed. A new day had come, a special day.

Walking down the stairs, I yawned while tying my hair. I needed to be hurry, or he would have to wait again!

- Do you still remember what today is, Minhyunie? We used to celebrate it together, - I looked at his picture hung in the kitchen, smiling. - It used to be a great day.

" - Happy 1st annivesary of us! 

- W-What anniversary? 

I giggled as he stared at the huge cake in my hands confusedly:

- You silly, don't you remember it has been one year since we met? "

- We used to eat that cake together, and I bought it because you used to say you like chocolate cake, - I said as I took out the ingredients for cooking. -  You used to eat it like a hungry cat, and you even asked me to buy it next year, remember? This year I will make one myself, I hope you will love it! 

" - You like it?

- Chocolate cake? Well, ok, I guess... " 

I stared at the cooking formula, following each steps of it carefully. I mustn't make any mistake, or the cake would be inedible. 

I stirred the mixture of vinegar, oil, vanilla, water and egg while singing a morning song. Minhyunie used to watch me cooking and singing for hours, then said my posture when cooking was like a cute wife. I was sure he wanted to be the husband.

Putting it into the stove, I slowly adjusted the time and heat, he used to tell me not to depend on the formula too much, instead use experience to cook something.

- Just a little bit more, the cake is almost finished, wait for me, Minhyunie ~

I giggled as I made the word " 3rd anniversary " on the cake, carefully adjusted the height of the letters to make them fit with the cake's face. After that I took out a big box and put the cake into it, luckily the box was big enough.

- Done! - I grinned. - Now, Minhyunie, we will celebrate the funniest party ever together! Awww I can't wait!

Walking along the street, I took a deep breath, Minhyunie used to wait for me to go to school together, and he always breathed like that while waiting. I used to look at his face when he did it for the whole time: eyes closed, relaxing face with a relaxed smile. It must be the most handsome face ever in the world.

Suddenly, a big wind blew over, made the old leaves fall like a rain. Right, it was autumn already. I and Minhyunie used to sweep the leaves together every afternoon after having watched them falling time to time. We used to watch them falling, just like a couple, no, we were a couple, right?

I went straight to school without looking around. The weather was eally nice and the sky was clear, but I didn't want to watch them on my own. 

There was only one place I took a stop at.

- His favourite place to take a nap, - I whispered and sat down in front of a big old tree. He used to be here everyday afterschool watching the sky and waiting for me. 

" - Hey there! - I shouted to him cheerfully.

- Oh, hey... - He lazily answered, wiping his eyes. - What's up?

- Sorry for letting you wait, now, let's go back home!

- Well, if you want to, then good bye. I want to stay here a little bit more... - He said before closing his eyes again. "

He used to be a big motivation to me, make me love everyday going to school though it was the scariest place ever to me.

I sighed, slowly entered my class and took a seat. Well, they used to be good memories I could have.

- Min Ki! - A girl with blonde hair patted my shoulder. - What's up? You look like a rotten apple.

- I'm ok, Yoon, - I gave her a light smile. This girl had been my best friend for a year. We used to be stranger, or even worse, but life was unpredictable.

- Cheer up! I don't want to see my pretty friend's doomy face. Especially today.

- Today? 

Yoon nodded, took the chair next to me:

- Minhyun, he has disappeared for a year, it was today one year ago when he was told to be missed. I don't think he wanted to skip school since I know he was a keen student. He used to go to school everyday. I don't think he would just stay home without a reason, for a year. 

- He is your boyfriend? - I asked. Yoon nodded with a smile.

- Of course, we used to have great time together. He was the best man in the world.

I smiled. Oh, I do know it, my friend.

- So you moved to this class to study with him?

- Well... no. I just wanted to explore the area and ask people around here for more information about Minhyun. I was sure they knew where he was last seen.

- Oh, right, - I rolled my eyes. Yoon used to ask me tons of questions because I was told to be Minhyunie's friend. I used to afraid of her until we got closer.

-Today is our first anniversary, - She sighed. - I used to wish he would come here, then we would celebrate it together.

I used to, too.

- That's why I have to be here, I have to find out the truth! - She looked directly into my eyes. - I wish I knew where he was now. I wish I could tell him how I feel!

I quickly looked away. Her eyes made me feel sorry, but the anger in me didn't want to.

We feel in silence. It took me a moment to whisper:

- I know a person, he could tell you where Minhyun is now.

- Really? - Yoon almost stood up, her eyes sparkled. - Why didn't you tell me sooner?

- I just don't know if it is the right time to tell you, - I pulled the chair away. - So, you want to know, or...

- I do! - She grabbed my arms and shake them. - Please!

- Then...- I kept the smiling face. - Let's go.

- Thank you, thank you Min Ki! - She hugged me tightly. - I'm sorry for shouting at you, you are my bestfriend.

 I smirked. Used to, Yoon. No, we even weren't friends.

I walked out of the class without looking back, I knew she was right behind me.

I knew I and Yoon would be reported absent today, well, just today.


~ *                *  ~


- Minhyunie ~ - I pulled the door next to my room. - I have a surprise for you ~

I walked into the room quietly bringing a huge box. He must be asleep. But I knew he would wake up and grab up my present for him.

- I brought you your most favourite thing! I'm sure you will like it. Now, why don't you just take a look at it? Quickly so we can have chocolate cake.

I leaned on the box.

- Or you just don't want to see it now? Oh come on, don't be silly, Minhyunie. You used to tell me you love her the most. I did my best to make you happy in charge of the happiness you gave me though she gave us a hard time.

"- Minhyunie? - I leaned my head on his shoulder.

- Hmm?

- What makes you happy the most? - I looked at him, eyes sparkled.

- Well...- He scratched his head - I guess it's being with my girlfriend.

- Girlfriend? - I raised an eyebrown. - Wow.

- Yeah. The best girl in this world. She knows me the best, just after my parents. "

- You two just became a couple today? Minhyun, did you just forget what today is?

- W-What?

- I hate you! You ruined our special day! - I cried out, running away.

- What are you talking about? - He shouted, chasing me. - If you want to say about our anniversary, it is not today! We became friends a few months later!

- But I met you today a year ago!"

However, we got through it easily, right?

I even let you stay with me as your wish.

"- M-Min Ki? What do you think you are doing? - He stared at me nervously, why was that?

 - Don't be so frightened, Minhyunie. - I smiled. - I just wanted to celebrate our second anniversary in a new way, and this the best I could think of.

- What are you talking about? Let me go! This isn't a good way at all! - He shouted at me.

- Don't you dare say so to me, Minhyun, - I frowned. - If you don't enjoy this celebration, then let me try another way. And you can stay here, if you want, just take it as my present to you this year. And I forgive you about the mistake in remembering days, I know you are just a boy, and a boy sometimes gets mistake, right? "

What more do you want?

- Why don't you say anything, Minhyunie? - I started to worry. - Don't ignore me, at least take this, we didn't have a nice celebration in the second year, so let's make this year the best! This will prove that we are the best! Right, Minhyunie? You can only be the best when being with me, because true love makes everything better, and you used to, no, you love me, right?

_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

My first fic ever is completed! Hooray! Thank you for supporting me! 

I know this fic is quite confusing, so if you don't understand anything, just ask me, I will explain to you. ^ ^

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Chapter 1: Did ren keep Minhyun in his room or something?