The Glam Life

Dumb-Luck Life
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“Liyin, I’m angry…”



“H-Hey Junsu… C’mon…”



“NO!” The superstar yelled at her while tending to her wounds. Junsu cupped her chin and gently moved her bangs out of her eyes to examine the deep cuts alongside her face. He dabbed cold antiseptic near her eyebrow and she flinched at the touch. “Th-This is…I’m taking you home with me.”



“N-No. I cant leave this house. This is my house. This is-“



“You called me for a reason. This is my solution.”



“No. Technically, I called Seul Gi and you had her phone.” She lightly fought back. “I’m used to this.”



“You shouldn’t be.” Junsu cringed at the sight of Riin’s abused face and bruises.



“I just need to wait it out, turn 21 and then this house is officially mine. I need this Junsu. Its my parent’s house.” She pleaded to him, and all he could do was look straight into those glossy tired eyes; it was painful. Junsu saw the hurt, the suffering, and the vulnerability; and he understood. He knew why Liyin was the way she was.



“You’re scared…”Junsu skimmed his thumb across her face and she winced. Riin looked down to avoid eye contact and unknowingly a teardrop fell from her face.






Her silence said it all.





“I’m here now. No reason to be scared.” He made Riin lock eyes with him, and he made a reassuring smile. “I called Boa Nuna. Her and I… We’re going to fix this. We’re-”



Soon they heard the front door swing wide open and a deep voice startled them. “RIIN! WHERE ARE YOU?! SOME WOMAN ASKED ABOUT YOU TO ME AT WORK TODAY!!!!”



Riin jumped from her bed and put up a provoking defensive stance towards the bedroom door. Junsu also jolted up too, ready for whatever happens. He side eyed Riin who was shaking as they heard the footsteps come closer.






“Junsu… I-Im… Im scared.” She quietly admitted, eyes completely locked onto her door ready for her stepdad to come barging in.



He grabbed her hand and pulled her to stay behind him. “You got me now…”



Suddenly they heard a tap at the window. Both of them noticed a dark figure on the other side of the fence throwing pebbles at them. The person looked familiar, but both of them couldn’t make the face out. He/She was out there with a car standing outside with a fairly large rock. The unknown person signaled the two to stand back, and they did of course. Out of nowhere the dark figure gunned it at the window, smashing and creating a hole. Glass shattered everywhere.




Riin and Junsu’s eyes widened.




“RIIN! WHAT WAS THAT?!”Immediately, adrenaline started to kick in when Riin heard her door knob jingle.



Junsu squinted to get a good look at the figure through the open hole “Seul Gi!? What are-”



“Shut up! And C’mon!” She yelled



With no hesitation Junsu kicked the broken shards off and the wooden window planks out of the way. He helped Riin hop out first towards the car, and he followed behind.



“Riin, start the car.” And she threw car keys to Riin who coolly caught it. “Oppa! Take this!” Seul Gi threw him a pocket knife



He fearfully caught it. “WH-WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS?!?!” He noticed his sister cut a hole in what looks to be someone’s car tires. Riin’s stepdad’s car tires.



“We’re giving him a diversion.” Seul Gi forcefully kicked Mr. Jang’s head lights and started the car alarm.



“I am seriously going to hell for this…” Junsu listened to his sister and stabbed a hole in the remaining two tires and kicked a taillight as well. However, the more he vandalized, the more he felt stress and anger free.



“Alright, c’mon” Seul Gi grabbed Junsu once she saw Riin’s stepdad frantically run out of the front door. The two quickly ran as Riin pulled up on the side with Yunho’s car.



“Hurry! Drive!” She rushed Riin to get a move on.










“You had one job hyung.”



“Yes I know. I get it. I messed up.” Yunho sat still sighing while Yoochun was trying to free him from the handcuffs with a bobbi-pin.



“Cut him some slack.” Changmin sat back on the opposite side, snickering at him. “I cant believe she cuffed you dude. That’s… something new.”



“No woman carries cuffs without a reason.”  Yoochun grinned. “Junsu certainly picked up a keeper.”



“You know, Manager hyung isn’t going to be happy that you broke the bed banister though” Changmin held up the broken metallic bed bar that was still attached to the other twin cuff. He looked back at the now dysfunctional bed that was destroyed, most likely by Yunho. “Good job leader jjang.”



“I was frustrated.” Yunho’s tongue clicked.



His two band members laughed. Changmin sat back and the television, but he noticed someone was missing. “Wheres Jaejoong?”



“Funny you mention that. Because he randomly got a phonecall after rehearsal from Queen B. herself, for an emergency.” Yoochun rolled his eyes playfully the minute Boa was mentioned in any Jaejoong topic. “Hold still hyung, almost got it.” He steadied the ‘prisoners’ hand and jabbed another bobbi-pin inside the keyhole.



“All our women are crying ‘wolf’ now?” Yunho chuckled, and he heard a click. The cuff dangled to the bed and gave a sigh of relief and an appreciative look to his savior. “You’ve always been my favorite brother.”



“Only took eight pins and an hour to free you, but its nice knowing that.” Yoochun proudly smiled. “So hyungie, how’d you let one girl cuff you to the bed? I mean the great Yunho… Leader jjang”



The maknae played along and coolly brought a chair to sit in front of Yunho. “Oh this is a good scandal; Leader jjang has a thing for a fellow band member’s sister.”



“She’s his fan. If there’s a scandal, look at him.” The leader pointed to Yoochun who looked back at them with pride; knowing that he’s the fan-favorite in the household. “Besides, he loves the attention.”



“I don’t know, seems to me that you enjoy a little attention from her. With Seul Gi in the picture, of course we’re going to be a little more popular than usual. I mean Junsu hyung planted a scandal seed with us. Anything can happen.” Changmin couldn’t help but instigate the two. DBSK’s hottest leader versus DBSK’s hottest bachelor; he wanted to instigate this. His hyungs glanced at one another for a brief moment and rolled their eyes throwing the whole theory out the window.



“Shut up/Min, stop.”





“This is sooo wrong!!! Boa! Rip up those papers! I change my mind! I change my mind woman!!!”




The three heard a familiar voice head towards the room and through the glass window they noticed it was Jaejoong and Boa; in outfits that seem….




Shady and inconspicuous.




Black boots, black jeans, long black jackets, black gloves, and black beanies.



Jaejoongs came busting through the room to greet the guys. He furiously took off his beanie, ready to vent about the ‘crime’ he pulled with Korea’s finest woman. “Yunho, I need a lawyer. Call your dad” He plainly said.



“Would you stop!! When I asked you for help I needed you to pick me up from the guy’s workplace! Not to lecture me!” They saw Boa laugh. “Didn’t you feel the adrenaline?! Didn’t you feel alive?!”



“Adrenaline whatever! Now I feel like im about to go to jail” He flung off his gloves and threw them aside.



“So, within the time span of having Seul Gi around… Junsu got tangled up with Riinie, Yunho was cuffed and destroyed a bed banister, Boa and Jaejoong committed something illegal, and Changmin and I had to pay a fine for being late to rehearsal.” Yoochun nodded as he recalled past events. “We are so bad. .” He joked with Changmin who took the situation light-heartedly



“Wait, wait, what happened?” Yunho paused and looked at both of them; especially Boa. Something caught his eye. “H-Hey, you have a cut on your face. What happened?!” He protectively stood up and walked towards Boa cupping her chin, already riled up at the dry blood that was obviously smeared and poorly wiped. He could tell that she was smacked in the face. “Boa, who did this!?”



“Oppa, im fine. Don’t get big brother on me now. Jaejoong was there.” She gently smacked his hand away. Yunho looked down at her fearless face and ruffled her hair. She let out a chuckle and he put his arm around her protectively and just nodded along.



“That bastard hit her!” Jaejoong exploded.



“Who hit her!?” Changmin got riled up. “Who hit you Nuna?!”



“Riin’s stepfather. The guy has anger issues already, I ambushed him at work and he was already in a bad mood.” Boa calmed her boys down and just casually squeezed herself in Changmin’s chair, assuring her maknae that she was indeed okay. “I needed him to sign some papers.” And she took out a manila envelope from her jacket, it was labeled ‘Zhang’



The three boys looked at her in shock.



Yoochun grabbed the envelope and opened it; skimming through the thick packet of papers. There was a restraining order, the right of ownership papers, legal guardian papers, etc. “No, don’t tell me, You mean-“



“Yeah. Zhang Liyin- who I did not know was her real name- is up for grabs.” Jaejoong sighed and took a seat. He winced and held his ribs as he eased himself to lay back on the chair. “That as.shole will no longer lay a hand on her…”




The boys soon caught on to the story about Riin and her so called ‘father’.




“Yes, my hero.” Boa laughed and moved herself to sit next to Jaejoong and leaned toward him poking his face.  “Seriously, you went rogue.”



“Rogue?” Yunho also examined Jaejoong’s condition and noticed his bruised purple knuckles.  “Looks like you went to town on the guy.”He held up Jaejoongs fist in the air to show Changmin and Yoochun. The two just nodded in approval and fist bumped their hyung.



“He smacked her!” Jaejoong retorted and pointed to Boa. He just shook his head and laid back once again to calm down. “I just lost it. A-And now, I don’t know what to do if he’s going to press charges on me or her…So Yunho, I need that lawyer.”



“I’ts a good thing we’re at a hospital.” Changmin took out some antiseptic and bandages from one of the cupboards in Seul Gi’s room. “Did he get a good look at you?”



“His eyes were almost shut closed while he was signing the papers, due to his beat down.” Boa breathed out too and closed her eyes while leaning against Jaejoong’s shoulder. “I owe you, thanks Jaejoong.”



“You owe me more than you think Boa jjang.” He chuckled and fidgeted as Changmin was wrapping up his bruised knuckles



“What you guys did, was reckless.” Yunho began scolding the two. “The story itself sounds stupid too. Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean you have immunity. Boa, you could’ve gotten seriously hurt if Jae hyung wasn’t there.” She crossed her arms and frowned. “And you, what are you going to do if Manager hyung finds out about this?! Look at your hands Jae! What would you have done if they found DBSK’s Hero Jaejoong get into a fight with a stranger?!”



Jaejoong tried to innocently weasel his way out. “…Call your dad?”



Yunho narrowed his eyes.



“Okay, Okay. From now on, no more surprises. From here on out we’re back to being good and civilized Samaritans whose jobs only pertain to singing and performing on stage.” Jaejoong assured.



There was an abrupt entrance at the door as it swung open revealing Junsu who staggered in, dirty and sweaty as if he just ran a marathon. Pieces of glass fell off his jacket and pants, and he threw Seul Gi’s pocket knife on the floor as if it was a piece of evidence that needed to be burned. “Guys… I just vandalized a car.”




Everyone looked at Yunho.




He just smacked his face and sighed. “I’m calling my dad.”


























“Hello!~ We’re Tohoshinki!”



I sat down in the hotel living room casually eating popcorn while watching the guys in a quick Japanese interview after their performance of ‘Beautiful You’. And I have to admit, the guys looked handsome in white suits. I was with them when they did the dress fitting for this performance.



Oh the perks of living with them.



After the whole incident with me, and the whole incident with Riin, it was much recommended by the managers that I continue to stay with Junsu, while Riin luckily stays with Boa until she gets back on her feet. In sum, Jang Riin is way under the radar while her father pleads guilty for multiple charges against him. She’s now in the same boat as me thanks to SM. At least until the paperwork that Boa’s lawyer cooked up, passes in court.



But at this moment, Riinie is having a difficult time coping and transitioning from her old life to her new one. She’s not used to having Boa’s bodyguards on her 24/7, she’s not used to going to not attending class, seeing our old friends, etc. But im hoping it’ll grow on her.



Its growing on me with every passing second I hang out with Junsu.



“ Ahh, the studio has lightened up now that TVXQ is here in Japan performing their hit single, Beautiful You.” The MC sat down and signaled them to sit on the five stools. The guys laughed as they took their seats waving to the fangirls in the audience.  “So, that was a great performance as always. We just have a few questions to ask now”



“I already know what your first question is…” Junsu glanced at the crowd of women and they squealed in return. He held the microphone to his face but he couldn’t stop laughing at the attention he was getting. A lot of squeals from women. As for myself, I couldn’t contain my smile when Oppa first spoke.



The world’s curious about the great Xiah Junsu now.



And he’s loving the attention.



“Oh is that so? Then you must know, its tailored to you Xiah Junsu. Usually Jae-kun is the one I ask first.” The MC pointed to Jaejoong who just shook his head in disappointment.



“He’s the popular one nowadays” Jaejoong  shrugged, but the fans in the audience still screamed for him.



“Nee-san’s angry. Ignore him, the era of Jaejoong is over.” Changmin intervened and made the atmosphere more playful.



“Junsu-kun, what is this talk of you adopting a sister? What does she l

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FishFillets95 #1
Old soompi reader here!! Is this still ongoing?? T^T please say yessssss