Chapter 1

Players Vs Nerds



Genie POV...

Maid: Miss, do you really want yo wear this?
Genie: Yes... Why?
Maid: I.. (pause) I think this outfits is horrible..
Genie: (smile) That's the main reason I'm wearing this.. I want to blend in with others.. I don't want to be the center of attention again. Pass me the glasses..

I looked at myself at the mirror. I do look horrible.

Maid: Miss, you're late for college...
Genie: Oh no.. I'm going now..

I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed a toast. I ran out and asked the driver to take me to college.

Angela POV...

Another boring day. I sighed. I heard girls shouting again. I rolled my eyes. Its them.

Calvin: Aaron, did you hear a new student transferring to this college?
Aaron: Yeah.. I know. Another girl to play with.
Calvin: How do you know its a girl?
Aaron: I know.. (smile)

I felt disgusted when I heard their voices.

Girl: Aaron...

That girl used her whining voice. I rolled my eyes. Does she have any pride?

Aaron: (smirked) Calv, I have to go.
Calvin: Go.. (small laugh) Have a great time.

All of the girls are crowding at my locker. Why my locker must be next to him? I sighed. I make my way into the crowd.

Angela: Excuse me.. Excuse..

I managed to open my locker and took my books out. Suddenly, I lost balance and fall. I closed my eyes to ease the pain. Instead feeling pain, I felt a pair of stron hands holding my waist. Supporting me from falling. I opened my eyes and saw him. First word came out from my mouth.

Angela: Ewww!

I pushed him away and ran.

Even/Gui Gui POV...

I was walking around the library to find a book. The book that I needed so much. Suddenly, I heard some funny voices. I peeked and saw a couple making out. They were kissing each other passionately. I shivered. I wanted to walk away. I accidentally knocked the book rack. One of the book felt on the floor. I picked it up. Its the book that I'm finding for.

Even: I found it!

I shouted.

Aaron: Who's that?

Opss.. The guy turned. Both of them looking at me. My eyes are wide opened. Its him. The playboy, Aaron Yan.

Even: I'm sorry...

I wanted to walk away. He stopped me.

Even: What are you doing?
Aaron: Hey! You leave first.. I'll contact you.. (smile)

He looked at the girl. The girl smile back.

Girl: Ok.. Bye..

I shivered again. He turned facing me.

Aaron: I remember you.. You're the girl that sit in front of me during Maths..

I don't even want to go near him. He's disgusting.

Even: Can you move away? I'm late for my class..
Aaron: What's the hurry? (smile) I have the same subject as you.. Why don't we..

He leaned closer to me. I quickly pushed him away.

Even: Ewww.. Move!

I ran out from the library.

Hope you like this update. I divided into three thinking. So, you could hear what are the girls thinking. Hope you enjoy it. Next chapter will be interesting. Stay tunes!


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