Remember me


The bad androgynous girl Amber Liu with a , drugs and rock-'n-roll attitude whom everybody seemed to fear and admire at the same time, with the flash of a smug smile on her handsome face, and a sigaret or lolly pop in , depending on her mood. A leather jacket always hugging her shoulders, ripped jeans and a loose tank top that displayed just a tiny bit of her sports bra when she lifted her tattoo-filled arms. Everyone was weak for Amber Liu. Krystal simply didn't see it. Until that one night she accidentally met her, and met a whole other person than the stories she had been made to believe. 



Remember Me


Amber Liu
The troublemaker, forever taunting faith and everything that society forbid you to do

Krystal Jung
The good girl, the one who is supposed to make career in her life and isn't supposed to get induced by distraction


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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 35: Just finished re-reading it, and I can’t believe I forgot how good this story is. Love that it didn’t ended once they got together like most fics out there <3
26 streak #2
Chapter 33: Re reading!
26 streak #3
Chapter 35: Re-reading this beautiful story!!
jinmher #4
Chapter 35: This was beautifully written, Thank you authornim for the roller coaster ride of emotions! hope you write a story again with kryber the main characters!
Adesta123 #5
Chapter 35: Thank you for the story Author-nim
Love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bluenight_0217 #6
Chapter 11: That's hot and sweet!
Chapter 35: This is like, so cute and fluffy
Chapter 34: I just wanna say I love this
unknown_kx #9
Chapter 35: Loved this
Chapter 35: Just finished reading the entire story today and I've got to say that the effort and heart you put into this shines through. And to think that English isn't even your first language! Great work, my friend. This fic will have a special place with me. Truly a gift to have been able to read it. Keep it up!