Freedom is…

Our blind connection [SLOW UPDATE]
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(Jin's road)

“I wish you could reach him.”

Jin had just dropped the paper in the sky. Compared to the stars, who were coming from the ground, the paper fell and go drowned into the “ground”. Jin didn’t even know why he was qualify this as a ground. It was more live an ocean, who had wave appearing from the stars coming. The outside wasn’t noisy but calm and surrounded by living animal. There was principally one type: the flying one. He felt something on his arm, and slowly lowed his head to check what was it. A tiny insect with frail wing were ramping on his arm. He got overwhelmed by a strong feeling and started to jump over and violently shaking his arm.

“A- A BUG ?!?!” Jin firmly closed his eyes, prying for the bug to leave his arm in peace. He felt someone throwing something to him and screamed.

“I- I’m sorry, Seokjin! But please at least don’t move!” The voice was gentle but as scared as Jin. He opened his eyes and found himself in an apartment. From the contemporary decoration, he could tell that it was a great one. The living room was spacious, easily four times his current room and a nice smell of flowers were touching his nose. He finally landed his stare on a young man. A utensil on his hands ready to throw this on him, the young man was in great shape and taller than himself. His bleach hair had lost their previous color and was now on a faded pink. He was now sure wearing an afraid look, but Jin could see that he was kind.

“Namjoon!!! Don’t!!” Namjoon threw the utensil on Jin who immediately closed his eyes and tried to protect himself.

He came back into the reality by bumping in head on the wall, just near the windows. He didn’t have changed his place, just a few steps away the window and still, his head were suffering right now. He was now squatting, while his head with his hands before letting a curse.

He remembered what happened a few second ago. “A punk… You’re a charming but clumsy punk...”. Yet, he softened his voice while pronouncing the name “Namjoon.” He got up and placed himself behind his desk. He took his diary, something that appeared in one of his drawer, and started writing down his “awkward but funny” memory.


(Namjoon's road)

Namjoon knew that he should have be firmer. Yoongi wasn’t there at his wake and he knew that he wouldn’t come neither. He turned around in his room, but his brain was empty. He was too anxious about Yoongi’s state, so nothing was coming as interesting per him. He let a loud slightly and notice a brightness in his windows.


A star??


He slowly approached, afraid that something bad happened. It’s been a while that he understood that each of his movement could affect someone. Since he knew that Jin and himself were bonded, he become aware of his actions. Not feeling alone gave him stress but happiness too. He smiled to himself and shortly became near his windows. A paper with dust stars on it were glued on his windows. His eyes widened at the view of this paper who surely made a long trip from his home.

He opened his windows and took with precaution the paper. Some dust came on his hands and Namjoon felt enthralled by it. His fingers were now colored in a gold color, shine brightly in his rather dark room. Approaching his hands, near his face and gently blew on it. What happened next, putted him years back, where he was still a student in one of the top university in Korea.

He was laid down on a comfortable couch, watching stars on the ceiling, it seems. A woman was talking slowly, describing each star with their distance with the Earth, upon a relaxing music. Namjoon found himself travelling across the Universe; letting his worry and stress on Earth.

Finished, the room was slowly being brighter, allowing the eyes to accommodate.

“Relaxing, right?” Namjoon thought that he was speaking to himself until someone next to him answered.

“… You will tell your adorable but invasive friend Jackson, that Jin appreciated the extra tickets for the planetarium.” Namjoon turned his head and saw him. Jin was laid down next to him, in a tight suit, with accessorizes on his hands. The more the room was getting brighter and the more, he saw that Jin was wearing quite expensive clothes, all from European designer. His stares arrived in his face and Namjoon got mind blown. How come he could know a rich man while he was still in Uni?




Jin smiled to him before standing up and cracking his back a little. He turned to Namjoon and wait to him with a hand opened wide “Let’s go.” With the light behind him, Jin looked like a kind of saint and Namjoon noticed that he was older than him too. Jin became impatient and sighted “Namjoon!” No honorifics used, which confirmed that they were closed.


… Did I get myself into?


His memory finished abruptly at the same time, the stars dust was disappearing from his room. He stood dumbfounded from his place and blinked several before snapping back completely. He immediately unfolded the paper, wishing that whatever were writing in it could help him to obtain clues about his situation.

“Of course! Ask me anything! – JIN.”

Namjoon felt a weight loss in his chest and rushed in his bed, where his notebook was. He tried to pin the paper on a page but torn it accidently. He managed to write Jin’s message properly on a page and thought about his next message.


(Jimin's road)

Something was changing. When Jimin woke up, it was already the afternoon. The Sun were already high in the sky, illuminating his room.

Jimin yawned and sat on his bed. He tried to arrange his hair while traveling his look across the room. Nothing seemed to have changed until he saw a paper on the desk. He got up and walked toward his desk. There, a paper had appearing upon the sheet music.

The paper was yellowish on a corner, with a writing behind it. The moment he touched the paper, he got transported somewhere else. When he opened his eyes, everything near him were black, nothing to tell where he was.

“Wh-” Someone put his fingers on his lips and told him to stay quiet. He blinked twice his eyes and waited for something to happen. Suddenly, they could hear someone putting his keys on the lock. The person next to him urged him to go behind the door with him; which he did.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNGKOOK!!!” screamed at the same time, Jimin and the man. Jungkook was having his mouth open, shocked, with some confetti falling on his hair. Which is good with memory is that the person act on auto pilot, the soul being here as a spectator despite feeling each cell of his body.

Jungkook showed his bunny smile and put them on hug rubbing their back.

“Thank you Hyung.” He then took apart the man standing near Jimin, and started scolding him.

“Taehyung, I told you to NOT call Jimin!!” The other pouted and lowered his head while Jungkook continued his scold “He is working more than us!! He needs proper sleep!! Did you think about that ???”


So, he is called Taehyung…


Jimin walked on his own and gently patted Jungkook’s shoulder. He turned his back and faced him with a sad look. “But, hyung…” Jimin told Jungkook to be quiet and stop harassing Taehyung. It was his own choice to come, despite having two shifts to do; he will never miss one of his best friend’s birthday.


We seem so young…

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Will post at least one chapter a month. (I restarted school today and I'm already overwhelmed...)


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Can't wait to start reading this <3
Queenmerlia #2
Chapter 8: Omg I love the chapter also that pic of suga got me shook like just look at that smirk / smile so magical sighs my heartue is my heart -
LilTae #3
Chapter 7: This is an interesting story. I hope you'll keep writing, because it's good and I can't wait for more. Thank you for the story!
Queenmerlia #4
Chapter 7: 911 what's ur emergency
Um author nim just passed out yeah something about a bag of sugar being adorable and to much swagg yeah I don't think she's well
Queenmerlia #5
Chapter 6: O no u pulled tbc on us yo lolz
Queenmerlia #6
Chapter 5: Omg this is interesting and I think every member is perfect I don't care if its editing which I believe its not they all highkey perfect
Queenmerlia #7
Chapter 3: OMG so good cant wait for more