Merry Christmas.

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It was close to midnight when the sisters got done face timing with their parents, their aunt Julisa, the twins, their so-called brothers and relations, as well as with Chloe and Taesuk, and everyone else for the rest throughout the day in celebration of Christmas Eve. It was because they knew that everyone else would be too busy on Christmas day to do their own holiday things. As for the sisters they were going to sleep in until the afternoon, eat while opening presents, probably check out the Christmas lights, and then turn in for the night. Both of them knew that there was nothing else for them to do when they were so far away from their loved ones.

Anyways, both Serena and Melanie tiredly crashed onto the sofa once they ended their last call with James who was the only one not celebrating it with a significant other. "I wonder if James just loves his single life to be tied down and committed." Serena mused with a yawn as Melanie nodded also letting out a yawn. "Probably. I think it's just him being hella picky though." "I know right." Serena agreed with a laugh as she closed her eyes. "Gonna sleep right here. Too lazy to go to my room." "Me, too." Melanie said as she made herself comfortable on the couch opposite of her sister.

Melanie and Serena were about to fall asleep into a sweet dreamland when both of their phones rang. Melanie's phone's volume was on low, but the light was flashing indicating activity. Serena's phone just continued to vibrate against the surface of the coffee table as she had muted her sound to vibrate mode instead. Melanie didn't budge as she didn't hear it, but she also didn't care for it. Serena on the other hand heard it and tiredly reached over to grab hers while lightly tapping Melanie awake with her foot to get hers as Serena had also picked up her sister's phone and threw it onto her sister's chest. "Answer your phone. It's ringing."

"Ugh, just leave me alone, Rere." Melanie groaned before actually looking to see who was calling her. She clumsily sat upright while staring at the image of Jaebeom calling her. "Why is he calling?" She mumbled as she answered his call. "Hello?" As for Serena she was debating on picking up Mark's call or not when she saw his name flashed across the screen, too. Serena let the call go through as she didn't feel like talking to him right now. She was about to set the phone back onto the coffee table when she felt the vibration first before the device lit up with Mark's name showing up again. Serena gave in and answered his call. "Hello?"

Both sisters answered the idols' call, but eventually got up and walked towards their room to talk in a more private manner when both idols requested for Serena and Melanie to go somewhere else so they could converse in private although it wouldn't really have mattered since neither sisters were loud or obnoxious to one another. Anyways, the sisters rolled their eyes while looking at one another and mouthed what the boys had said before silently chuckling and doing as what they had said and were now in their own bedrooms and lying upon their beds. "Could you meet me at the JYP building?" Both Jaebeom and Mark had asked the pair.


"Right now?" Serena questioned in disbelief with a laugh while staring up at the ceiling nonchalantly not really expecting Mark to actually think she would see him at this hour and weather condition. "Yeah." Came Mark's reply which caused Serena to frown and furrowed her eyebrows together. "You're serious?" "Yes, I'm serious." "Um, but why? It's so late though." There was a pause on his end as Serena waited for his explanation on why he wanted her to meet him at his company. "Mark?" "I have a few hours to hang before our next schedule and I just wanted to spend the early Christmas hours with my home girl." Mark simply replied, but to Serena it had caused her heart to tightened upon hearing his words. Before she could say anything, Mark spoke again. "So, do you think you could meet me at JYP soon?"


"When?" Melanie asked as she played with her bed sheets believing that he wanted to meet her later in the week or something like that. "Right now." Jaebeom stated as Melanie stopped her blanket as she tried to process the idol's words. "As in right now? But it's late, JB. Why do you wanna meet you at the company, anyways?" She cautiously asked as she rolled onto her stomach and waited for his answer. It was silent for a while and Melanie spoke again. "Hello? JB? You still on the line?" "Yeah, I'm here." Came his response as Melanie waited to see if he was gonna say more. "I just wanted to hang out with you, Chaewon, before our next schedule. I have a few hours to kill and I thought we could spend the early Christmas morning hours together. Do you think you could meet with me?"


After agreeing to meet with the idols both sisters told each other about what their GOT7 bias had said about hanging out and agreeing to meet the two idols at their building. The duo went to change into warmer clothes for the cold airy night and grabbed their things before heading out. They decided walking to JYPE would help get their blood circulation moving and the fact that it wasn't that far away of a walk. The sisters texted the boys about their whereabouts and found the two already waiting outside for them in their get up. Before the duo could asked about the meeting both Mark and Jaebeom had took the respective sister's hand in theirs and led them in different directions.

Jaebeom had thought on taking Melanie down the Luxury Fashion Street which was only about an hour or so away so that he and Melanie could enjoy the Christmas lights he remembered her mentioning about several days ago. Mark decided to take Serena to the park as he knew that Serena always went there to do her nightly walk and maybe they could watch the night sky as well. To get there though both pairs took the bus in different direction and sat in a silence. Both pairs enjoyed the quiet comfort of each other as well as the night time scenery as it sped on by while still holding hands.


Once Melanie and Jaebeom had stepped out of the bus and began walking down the empty, but still lit street of Cheongdam Luxury Fashion Street, Melanie couldn't help but noticed all of the high end brand stores. She eyed the idol suspiciosuly. "You're not planning on buying me clothes or things from here when it's day light or something, right?" Jaebeom laughed. "No." He answered as Melanie still questioned him still not assured. "Then why are we here?" "The Christmas lights." "Oh." Melanie actually assessed their surroundings and took in the lights that decorated the dark streets. "It's so pretty." "I know." Jaebeom meant something else though.

The duo continued to stroll the streets as Melanie took pictures of the scenery with her free hand and Jaebeom took notice of it. "Do you wanna take pictures with the lights, Chaewon?" He casually asked as Melanie heard how he said her name for the second time tonight. "Did you just call me without the 'noona' part, again?" "Maybe." Jaebeom mused as Melanie stopped walking causing Jaebeom to stop walking. Melanie let out a slow breath before speaking in a calmer tone as possible despite her heart beating against her chest heavily. "You usually respect the whole age thing, JB. So why are you dropping it all of a sudden?"

"Because I was hoping you'll start calling me Jaebeom only instead of JB, Chaewon." Jaebeom explained while using Melanie's Korean name without the 'noona' part on it again. "Okay, Jaebeom, I can do that, but I still don't get why though to be honest. It doesn't explain on why you wanna drop the honorifics when you're so set on the whole age thing. You won't even let Jackson call you just JB or Jaebeom." "I like you, Chaewon." Jaebeom confessed as Melanie smile not really comprehending at first what he meant by it. "Okay, I like you, too, but h-" She paused as she realized what he had just admitted and needed him to repeat it. "I'm sorry?"

"I like you, Lee Chaewon." Jaebeom confessed for the second time, but frown. "Or should I call you Melanie?" Melanie laughed at his confusion. "You can if you want to." "But I want you to call me Jaebeom. Do you not want me to call you by your real name?" "It's fine, Jaebeom." He still looked unsure, but continued on. "Now you know that I like you, Chaewon, so please don't make me repeat myself." Even though she heard his confession and was just okay a while ago, but now that it set in her mind went totally blank. Jaebeom was growing unsteady upon her continuing silence and he wonder

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[191228] LIKE OH~2.0~ has been all revised. hopefully the epilogue is a lot more fun to read as that one had a major revision compare to the other chapters. anyways, at least the typos and other things should be fixed xD kthxbai~


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Chapter 32: The best Love stories ever!! Author -nim you did awesome!!! Thank You
HarajukuGirl #3
Chapter 9: Lol why is got7 so annoying. Like they just follow the girls all the time and annoy them lol
HarajukuGirl #4
Chapter 2: I like the story so far im just having a problem reading the conversations cus i get lost and i lose track who says what :( xD
OML, I'm going to enjoy reading this so so much.