Innocent Encounter; One shot

Innocent Encounter

"_________-ah, you are going to have a date with your girlfriends right? If you don't wake up soon, you will be late!" My mom shouted from the kitchen."Arrasso, five more minutes mom! five more minutes!" I shouted back, dropping back onto my bed. Being the very lazy me, i couldn't wake up so easily,especially since this is a holiday, i slept quite late last night, and i'm still tired and have no energy. My mom couldn't take it anymore and came in the room. "________-ah, do you know what time it is? It is already 9am! You are supposed to meet your friends in 15minutes time!" Mom shook her head and left the room. When realisation hit me, i ran towards the bathroom and started to wash up, i took a quick shower and grabbed the clothes that i picked out last night, and my geekish glasses, and ran out of the house without eating my breakfast. "BYE MOM! i'll be back before 10! love you!" I shouted before closing the door behind me.
"Aish, i'm such a babo, i'm almost late!" I mumbled to myself while taking out my phone and texting my girlfriends that i might be late. Without realising, i bumped into someone and fell on the floor. "AISH! PAIN. T~T" i groaned, and i saw someone offered his hand to help me up. "mianhae mianhae! i wasn't looking, mianhae! Are you okay?" I immediately apologised and bowed. "Gwenchana. I'm fine. How about you?" The man asked. I checked my watch and realised that i was really late. I was about to go when i realised i dropped my phone. "Did you forget this?" the man handed me my phone and walked off. "Goodbye, see you
again!" He shouted and waved while i stood rooted to the ground, totally speechless. I regained back my senses and started to run towards starbucks, the place where we were suppose to meet. I flipped open my phone to find that a new contact has been saved, i checked it and realised that the man i saw just now saved his contact into my phone. I don't know why but my face flushed and i remembered his face. Suddenly i feel my heart started to beat faster and faster.But i pushed it to the back of my mind and went to find my girlfriends.
"________-ah, what took you so long! pali pali! Lets go shopping now!" One of my girlfriends told me while the rest of them nodded their heads. "you seriously need to buy more clothes, look at what you're wearing!" One of my girlfriend hyun told me. I never had a good fashion sense since i was born, thus i was always wearing the same old clothes. They dragged me towards the mall and started picking out clothes for me, after the shopping trip, i had bags of clothes in my hands and i had a hard time carrying all of them. Since it was late, we bid farewell and i was on my way home. But there was just too many bags and i dropped some of them, and soon, i couldn't manage all of the bags dropped on the floor.
I was picking them up one by one when i realised there was another person helping me with it too, when i tilted my head, i realised it was the same person i saw when i was on the way to starbucks. I started blushing like there was no tomorrow and thanked him. "I'm glad i could offer my help! You know i was waiting for you to call but you didn't" He started to pout cutely. I then realised how cute he was, and that he was wearing pink, i never really saw any guys that wore pink, from head to toe, he was the first. All i could manage to say was "thanks, you know, you're nice and you look so cute!" When i realised what i just said, i covered my mouth and started blushing, and looked away. The man laughed cutely and introduced himself. "annyeonghaseyo! I'm lee sungmin! you can call me sungminnie or minnie!" he smiled at me, while i continued to blush. "Annyeonghaseyo... i am _________ and thank you for helping me time and time again." i managed to stutter. He offered to help me with all my bags of shopping and bring me home and i readily agreed, since i was tired and wanted to get home as soon as possible. He helped me carry all the bags and walked towards his pink car, and i went in and took a seat, and he started driving after he put all the bags of shopping at the back of the car and started driving. We easily striked up a conversation and i had a good time talking to him, within minutes we were like old friends talking, like we've just met each otherafter many years. Finally we reached my house...

"Thanks for sending me home sungmin-ah~!" I smiled.
"No problem! Hope to see you soon! And call me oppa ^^~" he smiled sweetly at me.
"dae! Gamsamida, good night! annyeong!" i bid farewell to him and went back to my apartment.
When i got back, my parents were already asleep so i quietly crept back to my room and placed all the bags at a side and went to bed, before i went into dreamland, i received a text from sungminnie,
From: Sungminnie
_________-ah! Meet me tomorrow at the place where we first met! I have something important to tell you! Around 10am?

I replied him, with a smile on my face.
To: Sungminnie
sungminnie oppa! Okay! see you there! Good nights!
From: __________

And with that, i went into dreamland.
The next day, i woke up exceptionally early, as i was excited to see sungminnie oppa. I was skipping happily towards the place where i bumped into him the day before and waited, but when i reached there, all i saw was a pink car, many pink balloons and many pink decorations. I was in shock, i don't know whatwas happening, when sungminnie suddenly pop up from behind a tree and came towards me with a box of chocolates and roses.
"_________-ah i know we've just met each other not long ago, but i believe my feelings for you are true... Will you will you..." Sungmin started stuttering but he regained his courage and continued. "Will you... Be my girlfriend?" He finally asked. I was shocked, i didn't know what to say. But i managed to say something. "Yes." I replied. I couldn't believe it, i just met him for a day and we were officially a couple. I don't know how to explain this but i already developed feelings for him ever since i met him for the first time, the feeling was... different, that was why i've decided to accept him.
Sungmin was so happy and loss for words that he just hugged me and thanked me for accepting him. Ever since then, we were the happiest couple there was on the planet, if i could ever say that. I love him forever and i know he does too.

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I LIKE~!..haha
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