Chapter 1

Proven Suspicions

Rain. Rain is pouring down from the grey clouds, proof that autumn is finally and truly here to stay. Eunwoo hastens through the anonymous stream of students, holding a hand over her head- a poor attempt at protecting herself from the rain. When she finally reaches she building, she gets out her phone to check the damage.


Hair- a bit wet and messy. Makeup – still there. Clothes – a bit damp at places, but not too much. It should be fine. Anyways, it could be charming in its own way. New girl forgetting her umbrella on the first day. Not even wearing a rain coat. Boys love girls who are a bit naive. They always seemed to dig the clumsy, innocent types. At least in high school that is.


Eunwoo looks at the time and then glances around. She should make her way to the office now, to get her timetable and some information.




“Hello?” she asks as she steps into the room. No one had reacted to her knocking. “Hello?” she repeats once more, louder this time. Suddenly, she hears shuffling, a nervous giggle. Quiet, almost inaudible, but still loud enough for Eunwoo to hear it.


Then, an adjacent door opens and out stumbles a girl with wide eyes and red cheeks. She hastens to the desk and then stops to take a look at Eunwoo.


“What are you doing here?” the girl asks, brushing her hair back and then sitting down. “Do you need anything?”


Putting on a polite smile, Eunwoo nods. “My name is Eunwoo. I'm a new student,” she says, just as the door opens again to reveal a muscular boy with a small features. Something inside of Eunwoo burns up like a flame that has suddenly been ignited at the sight of him. Her pulse starts to race, pushing blood into every single vein in her body. She stumbles back, her eyes still on the boy who watches her all the same.


Then he quickly glances at her clothed body and lets out a scoff as if disappointed by the sight of her plain shirt and jeans.


“Eunwoo, you said?” the girl at the desk asks with great alarm. She reaches out her arms with urgency. “Give me your ID, I need to check it”, she orders, then turns to the boy, her voice turning softer instantly. “I will see you later Jungkook. Bye!”


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