Why We Broke Up

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Tiffany tries to forget and move on from her college ex-boyfriend, Kim Taeyeon.


Dear Kim Taeyeon,

Let's forget what happened two years ago. Let's forget each other forever. Let's think that nothing happened between the two of us. And I hope you'll never come back, ever. I hope I won't see you again.

- Tiffany, the best ex you probably ever had.

Why We Broke Up
tiffany hwang \ kim taeyeon

please comment and subscribe :) thanks for stopping by! <3
this is honestly the most... random story that I did. I'm gonna tell soon why hehe ;) AND ALSO i think I've seriously dug a hole for myself... lmao the amount of responsibility!!!!


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Chapter 5: Still waiting for this huhuhu
Chapter 5: Ahh.. just be together, you two XD
tipco09 #3
Chapter 6: Well, I think that they're well on the way to getting into a relationship. Your title stresses me out though.
Chapter 6: Just date already! My god I feel Yoona's situation xD
funkyoilee #5
Chapter 6: please make more taeny moment ok!?
Chapter 6: thanks for the update!
taenysic3981 #7
Chapter 5: Yes yes yes give him a chance

ps . Please let this story end well v_v
tipco09 #8
Chapter 5: The story title makes me anxious. I really hope that this has a happy ending.
This is gonna end sad
Chapter 5: No sad endinggg pleasee :(