Change // jenlisa

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AN: I'm sorry if its not that accurate i haven't done an extensive reasearch due to the limited time that i have. Anyways, hope you like it and I'll try my best to finish the rest of the oneshots :)


Lisa had always liked routine and order. She liked it when things were unchanged because somehow it helped her in making decisions with knowing what was to come after. Sequence, everything needs to be in order, colours, numbers, and shapes. She felt like putting everything in the way they’re supposed to be based on the specific compulsion she felt that day, made her a hundred times better. She thought it was just the norm, nothing weird with the way she did things. But, the stares she got from the bystanders, the silent talk behind her back, and the vicious comments that she might have accidentally heard.

What a weirdo…

She’s clearly is a freak…

The is she doing?

Those little comments she heard on a daily basis, really took a toll on her self-confidence.  Being diagnosed with OCD didn't help either, as it made her all the more self-conscious about what she needs to do to appear ‘normal’. She fought her compulsions every day, sometimes it caused her to be so upset she was barely functioning. But she’ll take any chance given to at least be better, though it made her feel better if things stayed her way.

One, two, three

She closed the door three times before starting up the engine preparing to leave her house to her group therapy appointment. It was a quiet ride just like the usual. She didn't bother to put on any music because the silence itself had put her mind at ease. It soothed her raging mind making it quiet, so to put it, silence gave her a sense of tranquillity.

After a fifteen-minute drive, Lisa came to a stop in front of the hospital. Turning off the engine, she got out and closed the door for three times before going inside. Her compulsions were making her jittery today, she couldn’t even stop playing with the hem of her favourite Led Zeppelin t-shirt. She kept her head down, to nervous to look up and see the judgment in people’s eyes.

When she finally reached the appointed room. She quickly got inside and walked hastily to her usual seat. Fearing someone would take it if she didn't get there fast enough. Her seat was the third seat

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this new one shot was inspired by a Youtube series called both side and a fic i'd previously read. I do not take all the credits. Have a good day:) please tell me if you guys want other pairing's version on this one. And please do not plagiarise or copy without my permission :)


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Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : heart ache
Chapter 11: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1364034/11'>Both Sides // lisoo</a></span>
My lisoo hearteu!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 11: This is so soft and cute. Such a heartwarming chapter! Thank you
Chapter 11: I did not cry, you are. >.<

Thanks ^-^
Chapter 1: Whyyyyyy:C
Chapter 7: more lisoo please
Chapter 10: This is so deep yet soft
Joyisdaddy #8
Chapter 10: Adorable!! I love this
agentwave #9
Chapter 10: Great story, can’t wait for the next part. It’s cool to see that most of the stories here, Lisa is the one who is being taken care of, and not the other way around.