You lost + Niel panicked= Love♥ ~


First of all...

1.Plese listen to this song..Going Crazy-Teen Top,but if you don't want,its okay.I don't mind.

2.Please leave a comment..

if you don't have anything to write,you can make this ^_^ or T_T or everything that you want.I don't mind..Please,I need your comments for improvement.I'd really appreciate some constructive critism~



"Happy Birthday,Chunji-ah~!!" A girl with yellow dress approached Chunji.

Chunji smiled before said politely,"Thank you..and thank you for coming.Take a sit."

The girl with yellow dress left.

Chunji turned to the door,"Why they don't arrive yet??",he thought.

L.Joe came from nowhere and asked him,"Where are the cat and the dog??Still not arrived??"

Chunji shrugged at L.joe.

Suddenly,a noisy from outside the door made them turned around.

L.joe smirked."They've arrived."

Chunji walked to the door and opened it.

" YAh~I am the one who arrived here first,so I am the one who must press the bell!"

"No! We arrived together,at the SAME TIME,so it couldn't be the reason why you must press the bell.Let me do it.Chunji's my friend."

"He's my friend,too! so,what?I'm still going to press the bell!"

"Why do you so stuborn??"

"You're the one who---"

Chunji interrupted,"Hey guys,don't fighting over my door's bell.I've already open the door."

Both of you stopped fighting and turned to Chunji suprisely.

"Owh,Sorry! we didn't notice you! Mianhe.." You said as you bowed.

Niel grinned,"Hyung~!Saengil Chukkahae!"

Chunji started huggled Niel and dragged him into the house as L.joe approached you.

"______-ah! come on! " he said as he took your hand.

Chunji brought Niel to sat on a sofa and L.joe dragged you to the same sofa before made you sat beside Niel.

Niel and you exchanged look.Both of you shoot a death glare to each other.

He gave you 'Why-do-you-sit-beside-me-pabo' look.

You gave him 'Do-I-care?' look.

He gave you back,'So-annoying' look.

You gave him back,'Whatever' look.

Chunji detected the 'Eye-conversation' between Niel and you,so he shook his head.

"Yah! Can you both stop fighting today??Its my birthday!"

You bowed and said with a cute voice.

"Mianhe,Chunji oppa~we didn't mean to ruin your birthday~don't mind us,okay?"

Chunji could only laugh before left to the door;greet his new guests,Ricky,Changjo and C.A.P.



After he left,Niel murmured,imitated you with a fake cute,high-pitched voice,

"Mianhe,Chunji-oppa~~we didn't mean to ruin your birthday~don't mind us,okay~??~"

You shoot him a glare."What's wrong with you??"

"Whats wrong with me?? Nothing,I'm fine." he replied.

"You're such annoying.Can you stop being annoying??"

"You ARE annoying.I'm not."

You rolled your eyes.

Again,he imitated you.

"Mianhe~Chunji oppa~<3~we didn't mean to ruin your birthday~don't mind us,okay??~~" 

You slapped his hand.

"Why??I just imitating how flirty you are when it comes to Chunji hyung...." 

"Flirty?me?Hello~I just trying to be nice! and actually,you're the one who flirty and all.Do you think I don't know that you are flirting almost with all the girls that you've met??Tsk."

"So,now,its me?? Yah!Actually, you're jealous because there's no boys chasing over you!Just admit it!"

"W-who said??and do you think there are many girls crazy over you??No!You big-lipped boy!"

"Yah! don't talk badly about my lip! It my asset! and you,what do you have?? Two logwood-like leg??"

He teased about my legs?? tsk,you thought.You hit his shoulder again.

"Yah! thats too much! I hate you!! I hate you!! I HATE YOU!" you yelled out loud.

Everybody turned to you in shock.

C.A.P rubbed his head,L.Joe shook his head,Ricky blinked at you,and Changjo tapped his forehead.

Chunji sighed,"They really can't stop fighting.."

As you realised that everyone was looking at you,you fake a laugh slightly and bowed awkwardly before stared at the floor while blushing.

"Hahaha!" Niel suddenly laughed..OUT LOUD.

You shoot him a glare."Why do you laugh?Are you crazy??"

but he continued laughed.

*This funny~!! Her reaction is epic! Blushing..Thats so..cute?*

You blushed even hard when he laughed at you in front of the people.

Impatiently,You took your drink glass and..


Pour the drink on his head.


Everybody was like...*awwww*


Niel stopped laughing before turned to you with his mouth opened wide.

The orange juice dripped down from his head to the floor,made his face wet with the juice.

Chunji hesitately approached both of you.

"Err,Niel-ah,I think you can get a towel in my room for you----"

"Never mind.I'll just go back my home." He turned to you again."..because it seems that SHE doesn't want me to be here.."

You blurted out,"Yes! Just go! I can go home alone!"

Chunji rubbed his head awkwardly as Niel walked to the door.

"Sorry hyung,I'd slightly ruined your birthday party..but..its better for me to go.."

He glanced at you before whispered to Chunji."Please take care of her."

He left.

You watched him left in silence with a heart which already broken into pieces.

"Ugh,I lied about going home alone..Never mind.I can ask Chunji or L.joe to accompany me.." you thought.



Four hours later..

You yawned before took a glance at your watch."Aww,its already midnight.I must go home now."

Then,you approached Chunji,L.Joe,Ricky,and Changjo who were laughing to C.A.P's jokes.

"Guys,I need to go home..."

They ignored you.

"" You continued.Still,no one ignored you.

You sighed.

"What if you just go home alone?We don't want to leave this party.."L.Joe said as he heard your sigh.

"A-alone??" Oh no..



"Everybody ready?" Chunji asked.

All of them nodded."Lets go."



You walked alone on the street."Duh,this is very a drastic desicion! I walk home..ALONE!"

The night breeze blew through your shivered body.

"Where's the taxi..??" you spoke under your breath.You cupped your face with your cold hand.

Seriously,You're a coward,afraid of the dark.

So,right now,you were dealing  with a big situation.

You could wait for L.Joe and the friends until the the party finished,but..

the image of your father with a Bazooka and your mother with a gun in front of the house's door;ready to shoot you for being home at late night, forced you to go home immediately.

Once again,the cold breeze of night blew your face,but at this time,it accompanied with a wolf's cries.

Out of sudden,you were really wanted to shout Niel's name out.




"Where did you learn the wolf's cry??"Chunji asked L.Joe.

He smirked and shrugged.

Ricky interrupted,"Hey,she'd already took the wrong way to her home."

"Good.Now,call Niel."



Niel's phone rang.

He picked up his phone without  removed his eyes from the football match on the television.


"Niel-ah,did _______ had arrived home?"Niel heard Chunji's voice.

Niel flipped the window's curtain to see your room.

He's your neighbour.Your closest neighbour.So,he could see your room's window clearly.

The room was dark.No lights on.

But,he knew you well.You're coward.You even slept with lights on.But the room was dark.

He frowned,"She's not in her room..".

"Its midnight,and she still not in her room?I thought she had arrived home since she'd left my house two hours ago.."

Two hours ago?? Niel's eyes widened.

Chunji continued,"..or..maybe she lost.."

Thats it.Niel threw his hand phone to the sofa and started running out from his house.

"That pabo girl! Always be such a trouble!"He murmured as he ran through a few shops before crossed a busy road.

His urge to find you  made his long legs ran 2x faster than usual.

He ran and ran while his heart yelling,"_______,wait for me!"



Your shivered legs walked slowly through the dark street.

You cursed the damaged lamp street under your breath.

Suddenly,Niel came into your mind.

"That could he left me like this??!!Okay,I'm the one who asked him to go,but still!"

"Niel,even we always fighting..but I do really need you now.." You eyes started teary.

A flashback came into your mind.You both first met.When you were five years old...


You were sitting alone on the bench as another kids doesn't want to play with you.

They said you were so weak.When you complaint it to your mother,she'd only said,

"Well,you're still five years old.Once,you have grown up,you wouldn't be weak anymore."

But the kids still didn't want to play with you.

As you sat,thinking about your unlucky fate,someone handed you an ice cream.

"Want an ice cream??" You took the ice cream,"Gomawo~"

He sat beside you queitly as you the ice cream.

"You're beautiful."He said softly.


And that was the first time a boy said you're beautiful.




Niel kept running while his eyes bewildered around to find you.

"Where're you girl?Please don't say you lost.I'm really worried here!"

Without no reasons,he suddenly tripped his leg and fell hard.

"Great!" he said before he cursed something .

As he threw himself on the ground to sit properly,he tried to catch as many as oxygen in the air.

Then,he sighed."_________-ah..where are you??"

In your life,this is not the first time Niel came to the rescue.


*Niel's flashback*

When you were seven years old:-

"Niel-ah~"You ran towards Niel while crying.

"Why?"He asked."

You pointed at a boy at the swing."The boy took my candies!!"

Niel narrowed his small eyes before walked towards the boy.

"Yah! why do you take her candies?!Return them back!"

The boy who was scared of Niel's sudden anger and returned the candies.

You cheered happily.

"_____-ah,I've help you.Why don't you give me some candies?"

"NO!Its mine!"You said before left him.


When you were fifteen years old:-You were almost being bullied.

"Raise up your face!Don't bow!" a senior girl held your chin and raised it roughly.

"Nice eyes..but what is that water around your eyes?Ooo my,she's crying!"

She turned to her friends and laughed out loud.

"Hey,what happens here?What are doing to her??"Niel came from nowhere and said all manly.

The girls turned to Niel before glanced at you.

Then they left;afraid to mess up with boy.

"Are you fine?" he asked.Without raised your face up,you yelled,"Of course I'm fine!"

"Yah!I've help you but you don't even bother to thank me,but yelling at me!what a grateful girl!"

"Who ask for you help?"You said as you left him.

*end of flashback*


Niel sighed.

I've several times help her,but she never appreciated it.

So why must I help her now? She might told me off too.

So,now..should I help her or not?

He forced his head to think but before it made any decisions,his feet started running again;find for her.

Well,love came over the hate.




You still walked alone on the dark street while held back your tears.

"Niel..why do you leave me??huhhu~Maybe this is what I get after fighting with you always..Just like karma or something."

You sighed before turned your head to the back.

"Niel-ah..I can feel that someone is following me..please come here..right now..I need you now.." You said in your heart.

Your body had already felt weak;maybe tired from walking too long.You hugged yourself with your cold arms.

*Huh,why must Niel came and save me here?He might have a nice time snoring on his bed right now.Moreover,I don't want him to look me as a weak girl.*



"What type of girl that you like,Niel?" L.Joe asked him one day.

You eavesdropped.

"From appearance,I love girl who has a smiling eyes.From attitude and personality,I love strong girl."

*end of flashback*


*Thats why,I couldn't make him saw that I'm weak.I wanna show him that I'm strong.*

..because I love him.



"..Then,just confess to him! "Eunji,your Best-Friend-Forever said as you told her about your love to Niel.

"No..can't you see?He hates me.."

 "I don't think he hates you.."

"He hates me.Believe me."

She shrugged.

*end of flashback*


"He loves strong girl.Not a weak girl like me.I'm hopeless.See?I'm lost and it shows how weak I am."

You continued to murmure alone.

"I'm not only weak outside,I'm weak inside too,I'm weak with my own feeling."



"Niel got a fever.Don't you want to give him a visit?" Your mother said.

"No." you replied her simply.

Then,after twenty minutes,you peeked through Niel's kitchen window.

Right at the time,Niel walked into the kitchen weakly as he reached for a cup of water.

You hid yourself behind the tree.

"Omo,Niel-ah,you're sick! why do you got out from your room.Just rest inside your room.I'll take the water for you."

"Never mind,umma.I just looking for headache pills.."

Her mother tapped her head."Aigoo,we'd run out of that pill!"

Niel smiled slightly before said,"Never mind.I'll take a rest and sleep,then."

Without thinking about anything,you ran to the nearest pharmacist to buy some pill,and ran back to Niel's house.

"Mrs Ahn.Here some headache pills,Maybe you need it."

Mrs Ahn said in happy,"Aww~thank you!" then she rushed into Niel's room.

You sighed."Sorry Niel,I might be too ego to come and see you,but actually,I really want to take care of you right now.I just..can't."

*end of flashback*


*I'm too weak to confess,and I'm too weak to let him the best way is to hate him.

But now,my heart is calling for you,Niel.

It needs you.

I need you.



He knocked himself in the head when he remembered that he left him phone at home.

He'd ran non-stop since twenty minutes ago.

So,he stopped;tired.When he looked up,he realised that he stopped in front of ice cream shop.



"Arghh!! you better let go off me!" you said as you pulled his hair hard.

"You're better let me off first!" Niel said as he pulled your hair too.

Both of you on the floor,with he was at  the bottom,pulling your hair,and you,on the top of him,pulling back his hair;wrestling over the small thing.

" You're the one who make my ice cream fell! you're the one to blame!" you yelled. 

"It was an accident!"

"Stop!" L.Joe yelled.

Both of you stopped.

As you looked up,Ricky,C.A.P Changjo were laughing out loud;enjoying the fight.Chunji just chuckled.

L.Joe sighed.

"Yah~! you're seventeen,stop acting like seven years old! Don't you feel ashamed?People are looking!"

You released Niel's hair and got up with a red face.

You took on your headphone on your ears before ran out from the ice cream shop.

Inside,L.Joe said to Niel,"You should go after her."

Niel bowed to the people in the shop before ran out.

"Hey wait!

"What are you want,pabo!? "

"You're pabo!" Niel took off her headphone roughly.

"Give me back!"

He raised the headphone high,so you couldn't reach it.

As you jumped and jumped,suddenly,a boy with skateboard crashed over both of you.

So,you fell..and the headphone flew in the air..before fell hard to the ground..and being crashed hard by the skateboard.

"No!!" You yelled.You took it and checked it out.

"Great! Just now,you embarassed me in the ice cream shop,now you make my headphone broken!"

You ran with crying,left him and the skater boy with the broken headphone.

The next day,Niel locked himself in the room,for the whole day,trying to repair the broken headphone with glue and tape.

But failed.At last,he kept it in his drawer and stared at it,whenever,he missed her.

*end of flashback*


*I love her..but she never know it.Because all she can see through myself is hate.Thats why,I decided to love her by hating her.

She hates me,I'm so sure about that.

She hates me,the boy who was always peeking through her room's window from far secretly,just to see her opened the window and smiled to the morning sky.

She hates me,the boy who was always stayed up late night,just to make her a birthday song on her birthday.

But the lyrics always ended up under my bed,since I don't dare to sing it for her.

She hates me,the boy who always have his eyes on her since he was five years old.

She hates me the boy who always admiring her beauty secretly..

She hates me,but I couldn't blame her.*



"She seems scared.." Ricky broke the silence.

"Don't worry,we 're here.but where's that Niel boy!?Duh! Did he lost too!?"L.Joe said.

Chunji shook his head."I don't think so.He knows the road very well."



Niel messed his hair with frustation before sighed."'re really make me going crazy.."

At the same time,not far from him,you were walking with your shivering legs,hoping for Niel to came from nowhere.

" Niel,if you come,I promise,I wouldn't call you big-lipped boy and wouldn't write an essay about how much I hate you again..." You murmured  as tears rolling down your cheeks.

The image of series ,vampire,gumihos and wolfs kept playing in your mind.

As you held you phone,which had no credits since L.Joe had used them up for calling his friends,you closed your eyes tightly.

"Niel,I want you to be here,with me,right now,please..." Another tears rolling down,wet your cheeks again.



Niel turned back.He heard someone cried softly.

He gulped nervously.

The situation of the road didn't help at all.

It was dark.The lamp streets were damaged,he thought.

..and there's no one.No car as well.

So who cried?

As he walked slowly,he saw...


He breathed out with relief.

The deep breath ever he'd relieved.

At last,I found you,________!



"Pabo! Why did you take the wrong way??!!" 

A familliar voice.You looked up and saw...


You blinked twice at him,who was standing not far from you,with his chest went up and down.

At that moment,you were really wanted to ran to him and hugged him tightly..

but when you saw his clothes wet with sweat..and his face looked very pale,

You held the urge to hug him.


"Pabo..I'm very worried about you.." He said softly,but still you could hear it.

And that made you bursted out.

"NIELL!!!!!!!!!!! UWaaaa~!!!!! Do you know how scared I am walking home alone??!!!!!"

Niel blinked once before slightly laughed.

You continued," Its all your fault!! Why did you leave me??!!!You Pabo! I hate you!!!!!"

He yelled back,"Yah!! I ran about six kilometres to find you,but you said you hate me??

You continued cried as you walked towards him slowly,"It IS your fault!!"

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" You hit him at the shoulders softly.

Niel didn't react anything,but stared at you with an expression which couldn't be read.

"Do you...."

"..really hate me?That much?" He asked softly.

You stopped crying,but still sniffed.


He took a deep breath before said,

" You do really hate me so much,don't you?I know..its not your fault.I'm the one who make you hate me..but its kinda hurt heard you said you hate me."

He continued,"Maybe you don't know..but it is real.I do feel hurt"

You blinked before started crying again,"Pabo! You're really pabo right??Why could you don't understand??!"

You hit his shoulders again but this time,roughly.

"Hate means love.Pabo means honey."

Niel frowned;didn't understand."What do you mean?"

You cried out loud.

"Could you read the signs? When I said I hate you,thats mean I love you,when I called you Pabo,doesn't mean I really thought you pabo!and fighting is the way I show my love! Could you get it!?"

Niel startled," me??"

Slowly,you hugged him and nodded.

Tears still rolling down your cheeks non-stop.

He slightly smiled as he hugged you back,with a thousand feeling mixed.

" I love you too.."

You looked up at him.

He continued,"..but can you stop crying??"

You wiped your tears with the back of your hand."Really?You love me too??"

Niel nodded fastly.

"Maybe I've hurt your feeling a lot.I've make you cry for many times.But I do really love you."

"But you'd said you like a strong girl..but I..I..I'm weak."You blushed.

He slightly laugh,"I just being sarcastic at that moment,because I knew you were eavedropping me."

"Really? Aish.." You bit your lower lip in embarassment.

He raised your chin up and smiled.You smiled back.The sound of wind had turned to a romantic melodic song for both of you.

Suddenly you started hiccuping.

*hic* "Omo" you covered your mouth.


Niel laughed,"Who asked you to crying too much! Look,now you're hiccuping!"

You held your breath,tried to stop the hiccups but failed.

"Omo,*hic*Niel-ah*hic*,Help me,*hic*do you have some water??"

He shook his head."No,but I know how to make it stop."


"Stay still."he said.

"*hic*what are you*hic* going to---"

 He cut your words..

..And went kissing you cheek.

Due to the shock,your eyes widened in disbelief.The hiccups stopped.

"Look it had stopped already."Niel grinned.

You cupped your cheek with your left hand with your jaw dropped opened.

"Yah,don't be too shock.You must get used to it from now on." Niel said,still grinning.

Shyly,you bowed your head down and smiled sheepishly at the ground.

He touched your chin and raised it up again."You're beautiful when you're blushing."

 You hit his shoulder softly before smiled softly.

Then,he held your hand tightly.

"We better go home now,I'll tell your parent that you're with me.So,they wouldn't be too angry." 

He pulled your hand and clinged it with his.

"Niel."You called his name softly.

"B-bwo?" He turned to you,giving the sweet smile ever.

"Thank you."

He grinned before whispered,"I hate you pabo!"

You laughed because you knew what he meant.

I love you,honey.



Ricky's jaw dropped opened."What the..."

L.Joe hit his head on the tree."Yah,that pabo! pabo! pabo pabo!

"What the hell Niel was doing just now?! He should kiss her lips! not her cheek!" Changjo burst out in anger.

CAP laughed "Chill,guys,even though he didn't kiss her in the lips,he succeed to make her blushing."

Chunji touched his chest,"Aww,we got a pure,innocence love here.."

All of them sighing.

"But the most important thing is our plan succeed."


As you walked home with Niel.

"Niel,I hate you this much!!" you said while forming a big circle with your both hands.

"Oh yeah??I hate you mooooore than that!" He said as he drew a very big circle on the air with his hands.

For us,hate means love.So,its not a big deal to say how much we 'hate' each other.

The night wind filled with a lot of love, blew as you both laughed.

-The End-


Okay,so how the story?

Niel,this is for you.^^lol

So,here it is.I know its kinda boring.

But I need your comments and thanks for read.

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Chapter 1: Omgeeeee so cute!!!
Chapter 1: Late reader here but i just jave to say that this is a really nice story ^^bbbbbbb
warriorbaby #3
Chapter 1: NSJSIAJQKAOQOSJSBASBAJA this is so cute <333
Chapter 1: JJANG!! ^^ <3
Chapter 1: nice~! I want a sequel.. XD
Chapter 1: This was perrrfect as a bedtime story. Kinda long for a one shot, but I enjoyed it :)))
definitely, the more you hate ... the more you love! <33 Aww
Raveness #8
Aw... Cute...