Making the ex shut up.

Hello, Onew-appa


Soojin was busy doing something in their room when her younger brother called her.

“Yes, what’s up?” She said.

“Noona, Kyung San-hyung….”

She got overly irritated after hearing about his name. “I don’t care about him, Jaejinnie… let this pass.”

“Aniyo, noona. We can’t.” He said. “He met me just a little while ago and told me you have to see him.  If you don’t go to the meeting place then he’ll accept the interview a reporter offered to him. He was pretty much a talk of the town these days, and as I heard, few media people are asking for his exclusive statement.” He said.

And it got her pissed off to the nth level. Why wouldn’t he just shut up and live his own life?

She suited herself and went out for a bit to meet him somewhere. She’ll ask him to shut up, to let go of these things, and to not meddle with her life anymore.


“I got jealous of you being so happy with him.” Kyung San uttered with a hint of bitterness. “I left you in your sorrowful state, then when I came back, I never thought I’ll be seeing you as happy as you are right now.”

“Why are you doing this? Just because you don’t want me to be happy?” She asked back.

“I just never thought you’ll be happier than I am right now.”


“I left you because you insulted my pride as a man. I kept on asking you about doing that but you always rejected me. And the next thing I knew, you did that with the person you don’t actually know personally. Tell me, why did you choose to give it to him? Because he’s an idol? Because he’s famous? Because he has much better looks?”

“I told you everything happened out of my control.”

“So, is it my fault for not making you drunk, then? If I ask you about that while you were under the influence of an alcohol, will you be able to give in?”

“Why are we getting back into the past when it’s already 5 years ago?!”

“Because I hate how miserable and alone I feel, when the woman I loved so much, who disgraced me before, is living such a happy and contented life with a man she calls hers.” He admitted.

“You narrow minded guy.” She looked at her in disgust.

“And I heard you guys’ marriage isn’t real at all. So, will there be a chance both of you will break up?” he smirked.

“There will never be.” She concluded. “We’ll marry for real and people like you will be taunted with everything you said about us.”

“You have no idea how much I loved you and seeing you this happy makes me sick.”

“You and your selfish attitude. If you think I disgraced you before, then I never regret doing so. You were the one who left me when you should have taken the risk of accepting me. I never felt regretful of you leaving my side. If that didn’t happen then I wouldn’t be as happy as today.”

She faced him with hard expression. “If you never want to see me happy then blame yourself for leaving me. Thank you for proving me you never worth any love at all and I could give it pretty much better to Sooki’s father. It is all thanks to you that I got to meet and be with him. It is all thanks to you that I got to give Sooki a family she would even want in the first place.” With one quick move she turned around and left him, not even turning again to look at the disgusting man who just thinks about himself.

Behind Story…

2 girls were walking when they spot someone on the street.

“Yah.. Yah…” One girl poked her friend and pointed to a certain direction. “I think I know her… isn’t she…”

“Park Soojin.” The other one uttered when she figured out who it was.

“But that’s not Onew she’s with.”

“OMG… Isn’t he the guy who claimed himself as Soojin’s ex boyfriend?”

“Ex boyfriend and they are together? OMG. This is a very hot sizzling news, we should get this around twitter, facebook, and everywhere. Go. Take a picture and upload it in the internet!”

With one click, they have a proof of Soojin’s meeting with the ex boyfriend.

And 3 minutes after… everybody else can see the photo.


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luvpurplegreen #1
Chapter 80: I've finish this song in only 2 day.. And it is just 2am in my place... I love this story... I've read it before.. And only found it again yesterday... Haha... Good job author-nim... I love this so much....
Chapter 78: I'm crying T^T this chapter somehow felt like a foreshadowing on how everyone grieved and stood to support each other for what happened on 1218
Chapter 48: I'm honestly reading this again because of 1218
Chapter 20: I just noticed... SOO Jin + Jin KI = SOO KI (HAHAHA SORRY LATE)
jinki24 #5
Chapter 15: I can't believe i read this once a year hahahahaha
7018198 #6
Chapter 78: I'm gonna read this amazing story for 4th time
jinki24 #7
Chapter 80: Its 2016 and im reading this again ^^
Chapter 15: I told you I'm reading it again. Nyahahahaha.

This is like "Superman is back" and it's so cute... Ahahahahah....
jinki24 #9
Chapter 80: It's been forever since i read this fanfic.. and i still can't get over this one ^^