
King of my Heart

The king was dying.

At fifty-two years old, he was dying. Father to four daughters, he had only one son to be his heir, a quiet and petite boy of only nineteen. Taeyong, the only child of his second wife. 

He would be crowned, it was decided, two weeks after the king's death, whenever that was. The boy was not by any means ready to rule the kingdom, but it was the king's will and who could go against that? 


'Taeyong,' his mother said softly. She gestured for Ten, the bright-eyed little servant boy who waited on her, to step out of the room. 'You will be on your father's throne soon. You must know how to rule. Be kind, but firm; loving, but just, and understanding but not afraid of punishment. Do you think you can do all this?' 

'I can, dearest mother. I must.'

She kissed her son's cheek. 'I trust you.' She smiled, her cheeks turning pink. 'And you must have a companion. Just as I have my dear Ten, the sweetest child alive next to you, my darling, you must have a servant. Only as ruler, you need one stronger than him. An adult, a man who can protect you should you ever need it.' 

Taeyong's eyes brightened. He knew of one. 


'Oh, I'm sorry!' The deep voice jolted Taeyong to reality. He rubbed his injured head, looking up cautiously. 'Did I hurt you?'

A handsome face appeared, worry written over the attractive features. 'Are you injured?' 

'I'm alright. I've been hurt before. It's already much better.' Taeyong smiled.

The young man bowed. 'I am deeply sorry. I was in a hurry to get water. I knocked into you. I can never forgive myself.'

'But I forgive you, so it is fine!' Taeyong assured him. He smiled again to reassure the worrying youth. 

'Jaehyun!' A little girl's voice called. The young man bowed, said a hasty goodbye and apology, and raced into a hut near the roadside. 

Jaehyun. Taeyong would remember the name. 


'Your majesty,' Jaehyun dropped to his knees and bowed before Taeyong. 'I am ever at your service.'

'Rise,' Taeyong said kindly. 'If you are to serve as my assistant, you must not be too polite. I shouldn't like it.' 

Jaehyun rose. His eyes landed on Taeyong's face and he gasped. 

Taeyong laughed. 'I believe we know each other, yes?' 

'I-' Jaehyun's eyes were panicked. 'Your Highness, you should punish me!' 

'I have no reason to.' Taeyong smiled and held out his hand. 'Come along. I will show you our quarters. You have the adjoining room to mine, in my house of the palace. No one else need enter.' 

Jaehyun, awed, nodded. 


As they walked, Taeyong learned about Jaehyun. He was twenty-one, older than Taeyong, and he needed money to pay for a necessary operation to save his mother's life. Taeyong assured him he would earn it easily. 

'But you must hear a little about me, so that you will not be intimidated,' Taeyong said merrily. 'I enjoy swimming. And running. And playing chess. Do you know these things?'

'I also like running and swimming,' Jaehyun said, a little less frightened now. 

'Here are our quarters.' Taeyong showed him. 'We also have a garden and a pool. You shall enjoy life here, I think.'

'I hope so, Your Highness,' Jaehyun murmered. 

'And one more thing.' Taeyong turned. 'When we are alone, do not call me Your Highness. Call me Taeyong.'


The first night was calm. The day after was spent growing to know each other, and the second night was spent peacefully sleeping in their separate rooms. The day after they talked, sat together to read, swam in their pool. It was on the third night that the storm came. 




Taeyong whimpered like a child, hoping for Jaehyun's attention. 'Jaehyun.'

It worked. 

'Taeyong?' Jaehyun bowed as he stood. 'What is it?'

'The cold fills my room more than yours,' Taeyong spoke softly. 'The windows rattle in the wind. I cannot sleep there.' 

'I shall, then. You may take my room.' 

'No. I could not inconvenience you for my own sake. I shall simply stay with you.'

'Your Highness!'

'Taeyong,' he corrected. 

'Taeyong.....' Jaehyun's eyes were wide. 'You would room with a servant?'

'No, with a friend,' Taeyong replied with a smile. He climbed into Jaehyun's bed. 'Now come here and sleep.'

Jaehyun climbed in behind him. He was drifting off to sleep when he felt Taeyong's hands take his wrists and pull his arms to they wrapped around the prince's waist. He inhaled sharply, but allowed himself to move closer, feeling Taeyong's warmth against him. Slowly, he let his own large, rough hands curl around the softer, smaller ones. At last, they both slept. 

The next week was spent growing closer to each other. And then, the old king finally died.


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T9TY5Y #1
Chapter 1: i love this ><