
Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Others Have Leather Jackets
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[ A/N unedited as well. I'll edit this tomorrow, like how the lazy me always say]



[ Heroes and Villains ]


Taken back. That was what Irene felt as the hero before looked at her with lost eyes as if she wasn’t from this time era.

“Don’t try to trick me!” Irene couldn’t believe she dared talk with such desperation with the hero. They were enemies, for freaking fck sake! 

But it was futile. The hero was kneeling on the floor, looking around with her skin turning paler each second. She kept looking around for clues but nothing. All she saw was debris from burning buildings and the cries of people calling for help. They were pretty much obscured from the people who were trying to rescue everyone they could find, everyone but them. She looked down on her costume which was nothing fancy but some leather jacket, shirt and tight jeans. She didn’t even have a cape.

She thought she was just a normal citizen lost in a burning world. Unknown to her, she used to be the hero of this city… and a few minutes before, she just saved them yet again but at the cost of her memories.

Irene raised her weapon at the hero, although she was trembling. It was the first time for her, the villain of this story, to be so lost as well. She was supposed to be happy, especially since the hero finally lost her memories, finally lost a part of her.

She didn’t expect to be this lost and empty… she didn’t know what to do with finally the hindrance gone.

“Don’t trick me! I know who you are!” She screamed, holding the trigger of the gun, aiming it to the hopeless hero.

“T-that’s a good thing.” The hero coughed, her head getting dizzy again due to her eventful crash earlier. She couldn’t collect any memories. “—I don’t know who I am. Would you please tell me who I am…?”

Irene dropped her gun, speechless and surprised. Wendy really didn’t know who she was.



“S-so you’re saying that I am a hero?” A laugh escaped Wendy’s lips as she darted around the villain’s condominium, totally mesmerized with the action figures on the furniture. “That’s so cool!”

Irene couldn’t help but groan at the sight of the clumsy hero who almost slipped out of nothing. “Careful… we don’t want you getting into more injuries!”

“Eyyy, don’t worry about me!” Wendy grinned. “Besides, didn’t you just say that you’re a villain? That we’re enemies??? That’s ten times cooler!”

“I didn’t think that’s a good thing…” Irene mumbled.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard.

“Hey! What’s that?!” Wendy asked excitedly, looking out of the huge glass windows of the condominium. “Is there a problem downtown?! Am I supposed to go down and do some heroic saving?!”

Irene ignored her, looking over the news. “Nothing. It’s just my good ol’ friend and villain Joy bombing the Fire department.”

“That’s not a good thing.” Wendy pouted. “Should I go and save them?”

“No, Wendy! You’re supposed to rest—“ Irene stared as the hero flew out of her glass windows, instantly breaking them down. “—and chill. Huh. Heroes are more troublesome than villains after all.”



“Hah! You think I’m afraid of you, Wendy of Planet-C0223? Take this!” The villain Joy hissed before throwing a freaking dynamite at the flying hero.

“You’re not! But I’m also not afraid of you! And take this!” With a strong push, a body of water suddenly formed in front of them and directly in front of the villain.

“Arggh! Yah! Do you even know how long do I prepare my hair! You’re so dead! I’m gonna kill you—“

Before Joy could even throw a bigger dynamite at the hero, Wendy lost sight in front of her and stupid slammed against a tall brick wall which instantly knocked her out.

“That’s sad. I guess I’m the one finishing you after all. I can’t believe Irene didn’t kill you before. You seem to be so easy to deal with—Irene?”

“Hey! Don’t kill her!” Irene jumped in the fight, standing right in front of Wendy before looking at her friend. “She’s mine to kill.”

“Well why won’t you kill her now?” Joy intrigued with a hint of menace in her voice, glancing at the sprawled out hero in the floor. “She seems too delicate. It’s an easy win…”

“I-I—where’s the honor of killing someone with no idea of who she was?” Irene decided to come clean.

“What?” Joy was surprised. “What are you talking about?”

“She had amnesia, I think. She fell down from a hundred feet after our last fight. When she woke up, she asked who she was… and she’s clueless about everything.”

“And you didn’t think that it could be a trick?!”

“Of course I did! I’m not stupid!”


“It’s real! She forgot who she was! A-and I can’t just kill her like that, can I?” The last words were almost a breath being held back. Irene couldn’t believe she said it.

“Well, good luck with that.” Joy rolled her eyes. “Just check your heart. You might have unwanted feelings that would hinder your purpose.”

“I know what I’m doing!” Irene spat back.

“Yeah, you do.” It was a mock. Irene was sure of that.

When Joy left, Irene couldn’t help but glance at the hero who was still knocked out. With a sigh on her lips, she carried the hero in her arms.

“You’re such a hopeless disaster!” Irene couldn’t help but groan at the latter’s weight. She was usually strong but the day’s events were tiring her and she’s in no condition to deal with a knocked out hero that moment. “No wonder you used to have that sidekick with you every time. No one can literally take you out of their sight! Next time you should just pick the fights you can’t! Otherwise, don’t pick fights in which you’re not ready for! Stupid!”



When Irene woke up the next day, it felt like she was being hit with a truck. Her head was aching in many degrees, as if she was slapped with a big cooking pan. She kept squinting with the sunlight passing through her windows. Now who the damned hell decided to put aside her curtains—

Irene was distracted with a smell of bacon and fresh bread that morning. She quickly stood up and followed the scent until she was greeted with the sight of the hero in an apron on her kitchen. The girl had a smile on her face as she prepared breakfast, even singing a happy tune under her bread not that she remembers what that song was anyway.

“You did not just use my kitchen.” Irene muttered in disbelief.

Wendy looked up at her and her smile widened tenfold. “Hey! Good morning! I cooked you some breakfast! I hope you don’t mind if it’s a simple one though. I couldn’t really remember anything so this is the only thing I could do.”

“N-no—It’s okay. It’s just… even I haven’t used my kitchen before. I’m hopeless with cooking.” Irene mumbled. She took a seat across the hero in her small table.

“Glad that you have me now to take care of you?” The hero teased.

“Please.” Irene rolled her eyes, receiving a laugh from the hero right after.

“Here, eat some.”

Irene’s eyes grew wide as Wendy tried to feed her.

“Oh please! Just try to eat! I can hear your stomach growling up until here, you know?” The hero pouted.

Irene blinked. “B-but—“

“I am feeding you, yes! Do you even have any idea how malnourished you look?” Wendy muttered. “Besides, if I only wanted to catch criminals and sent them to jail then I should’ve been a vigilante, right? Instead, I’m here being nice to you because I am a hero and it’s in the job’s description!”

“It doesn’t work that way… Where did you even learn that?” Irene pointed out, finally taking the spoonful of egg that Wendy offered her.

“In the internet?”

“Pfft… You’re supposed to defeat me.”

Wendy smiled gently on her way. “Well I think I already succeeded. You’re eating well.”



“Hey! Won’t you release me?! I can barely even breathe here!” Wendy huffed in annoyance as she glared at the villain who was chilling on the couch, watching reruns of Star Vs. the Forces of Evil. She was being tied in a chair as the sounds

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Chapter 1: Ahahahaa aigooo they so cute and adorable OMG thank you so much author your doing so great and i really like it also enjoy this story so much 🙊👏🏻💝💙💝💙🤭🤧🤣👏🏻🙈😌🤝🏻👍🏻🙏🏻👐🏻🔥🤭😁😆😄👋🏻😭
mochick #2
Chapter 1: kekekeke i wish yeri was there too ... it will be epic XD
Chapter 1: I was totally expecting Joy eating besides Seul while watching all this xD
Gowther75 #4
Chapter 1: another episode of joy saying "you guys are disgusting" and seulgi enduring wenrene being disgusting
Chapter 1: I think this is my 2nd or 3rd times reading this story already but why did I just subscribe it now? 😂😂
1692 streak #6
Chapter 1: "You guys are disgusting" every single Joy quote every time Wenrene being flirty and clingy on live
Favebolous #7
Chapter 1: Seulgi hahahahahaha
Chapter 1: The ending is so cute, lol poor Seulgi, stuck being tied up and Wenrene are being sickly cute in front of her.
Chapter 1: Wenrene as usual being lovey dovey but I love it! Hahaha! Sorry Seulgi, you might have to wait a bit more for you to be untied XD
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is so adorable, i want mooooorrrreeeee