
Flaring Affection (FA) [UNDERGOING EDITING]
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Byun Baekhyun, a mysterious man with a hidden identity as the nightcrawler, finds himself hunted by the ruthless mafia boss, Park Rex.


He wasn’t careful enough to avoid falling into Rex’s dangerous world. One wrong moment, one overheard secret, and Baekhyun’s life was no longer his own.


Life doesn’t always go as planned. Sometimes, the very things we try hardest to avoid are the ones we end up embracing.




Park Cara’s life started with clear, innocent dreams. As a young child, she had her future planned out. She wanted to become a famous musician and would often tell her mother that her first song would be about her. Cara was a bright, joyful child, full of love and always ready to help others.


But everything shattered one fateful day. Her colorful world turned pitch black when unknown gunmen ambushed her family, killing her mother in front of her eyes and leaving Cara wounded. Though she survived, the traumatic event scarred her deeply.


To protect her, her father, Park Min, staged a public announcement, declaring that both his wife and daughter had died. He then revealed the dark truth to Cara, not only about her mother’s death but also his own s

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Chapter 13 of 'Flaring Affection' is out, please check it out and let me know what you think.


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55 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 23: 🤩🤗😃😃😃🤗🤩
829 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 23: I am looking forward to ti! ;)
41 streak #3
Chapter 22: I somewhat thought that new account might be yours, cause both of the accounts' writing style was same 😅
Chapter 21: Take care of yourself first before continuing to write~ It’s okay to take your time! We’ll always be here when you need support <3
41 streak #5
Chapter 21: I'm so sorry for your loss unnie, I'm still interested in reading this story, also take care of yourself first ❤️
Nlnz2016 #6
Chapter 21: Sorry to hear about your loss. Pls take care. Yes, would love to read this story but only if you can continue. Your health matters most.
55 streak #7
Chapter 21: Sorry to hear that authornim.. I can understand cause I've also gone through this situation several times...I would love to read this story.. take care of yourself and take time if you need.. it's ok and understandable.. authornim fighting 🥺❤️
829 streak #8
Chapter 21: I am sorry to hear about that, but I am sending my prayers out to you and if you need someone to talk I am here. ^^

I am looking forward to reading this ^^
55 streak #9
I would love to read more about them..hope authornim continues this amazing story ❤️ 😍
41 streak #10
Chapter 20: Yes sure sis ☺️