Chapter 12

Everything I needed, yet nothing I wanted

Chapter 12

(continue in a restaurant a couple hours later)

Seulgi brought me to a fancy restaurant. We had our table in a quiet, secluded place.  The car ride was silent. And when we left the house it seemed dead. Sooyoung and Yerim were nowhere to be seen. And it gave me chills. But once we arrived I put those thoughts aside and settled my focus on my date for tonight.

- How was your day with Sooyoung? - Seulgi asked me the first question only when the food was served.

- It was good. I had fun. - I kept quiet for a second. - How was yours?

- Not the way I expected it to be. Can't say if it was good or bad. But I'm glad I did it though.

- What are we going to do tonight?

- Many interesting thing. - The first one being us eating this delicious food. Second being you asking me five questions. Third being you requesting one thing from me, whatever you want. What's later shall be revealed at the according time.

- Okay. Can I ask? - I had lots of questions as always. And that request thingy totally got my outmost attention.

- Go ahead. - Seulgi nodded and motioned her hand for me to continue.

- Who is Yerim? - this was the question I was most eager to know at the moment.

- She's Sooyoung's little sister. - Seulgi answered as if she expected this question. Maybe my intentions were obvious, I have no idea.

- Why does she dislike me? - another obvious question.

- Because you're endangering my life and theirs as well, in a way.

What the hell? How am I endangering anyone's life? Should I ask? No, it'd be stupid. I won't understand the reason. Better not waste my remaining questions.

- Whom did you meet today? - I was nervous about this one. Seulgi can just say 'a friend' and make this question pointless.

- It was an acquaintance of mine. We aren't friends like I am with Sooyoung. I'd say we are simply business partners. But I must say that talking to her is a pleasure for my mind. It's always productive and interesting. Our talks make me think. And I love thinking. Her name's of no importance for now. If ever needed you'll find it out.

- What is it that my father cherished more than me? - this quite never let me sleep in peace. I'm constantly thinking what or who was it that father loved more than me. I still need to know. Pathetic, huh?

- Your mother, Joohyun. He loves your mother strongly enough to give you to me. - this answer threw me off guard. Why would my father trade me for my mother? Did Seulgi or someone else threaten my mother's life? 

- What was wrong with my mother? - I asked the question that'll bring even more confusion to my mind.

- She was dying, Joohyun. Your mother had cancer. - Seulgi answered the question while staring into my eyes. Was she searching for devastation? For sadness? If she was she got nothing. I hid my emotions very well. My mom was dying and I knew nothing about it. So that's why she and father were leaving together so much lately. And it explains why she wasn't as lively as she used to be. But I saw her at the gala. She was totally fine. What was it that dad traded me for?!

We finished eating the food and left the restaurant. It was dark and the city lights made a perfect atmosphere. We were walking through a park. It was nice. I felt warm. Everything felt so good. Nothing was out of place.

Suddenly, Seulgi stepped closer to me and gently took my hand in hers. She intertwined out fingers and gave me a light squeeze. And this was shocking! Waves of adrenaline shot thoughout my body. I blushed slightly. I turned my head to look at Seulgi, but she kept her own turned away. Her other hand was in her pants pocket. And her eyes were lost somewhere in the trees.

We stopped at the small lake both gazing over the calm water. Our hands still melted together. Then Seulgi tagged at my hand and I turned to look at her. And there she was with those warm ocean blue eyes. She was `smiling`. The look in her eyes was so soft and adoring. I felt the desire to see Seulgi real smile take over me. And so I decided to release my request.

- Seulgi. - I said as fondly as I could.

- Hmm? - this hum sound was adorable!

- I can request from you anything I want, right? - I crossed my fingers in my mind wishing for a 'yes'.

- Yes, Joohyun. Anything you want. Have you came up with a request already? - Seulgi didn't expect me to do it so soon. I guess I'm finally able to surprise her.

- Can you... - I hesitated a little. - Can you smile for me?

And just as those words left my mouth I saw something breathtaking. Seulgi's facial muscles relaxed. Her features softened. And the corners of her lips turned upwards forming an absolutely perfect smile! It was the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. And by the way Seulgi looked at the moment I would never be able to guess that she's an extremely serious person. Her smile was so innocent and bright! Her face was shining! and the smile grew even wider. Her eyes shutting slightly and her white as snow teeth showing. I was entranced. Truly stunned. And I couldn't look away.

Involuntarily my empty hand rose in the air and I slowly reached for Seulgi's face. As our skins came into contact electrifying lightnings struck inside my body and my heart was racing faster than any car ever created. Seulgi's smiled faded, but she was still smiling, slightly. She put her empty hand on my own. And closed her eyes enjoying the moment.

It was the most intimate and emotional thing I ever experienced. That closeness is something I would never forget, not in a billion years! Our hands intertwined, Seulgi's smile, her hand atop my hand on her left cheek. It felt magical, astonishingly beautiful...

But our happy moment didn't last for long. Apparently, the fate had other plans. A forced cough interrupted us. We both turned our heads to look at the person who spoiled the moment. There stood a tall handsome man in a dark blue business suit. And next to him stood bulky bodyguards. I felt my heart race for another reason. And Seulgi's face became ice cold again, shivers ran down my spine.

- Not sorry to interrupt, - the man spoke. It wasn't arrogantly said. It was measured and calm. He sounded like 'he meant business'. - But you two have to go with me. You don't mind, right Kang?

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Oh, I'm definitely in the best shape ever!
A third chapter in one day!
I might update tomorrow if my brain is still as fired up then.
But I think I'm done for today, though.
I've got house chores to do ;)
Enjoy ^_^


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Kindulie #1
Chapter 31: Wow, I’m a lil speechless. This is one of the best stories I’ve ever read so far in here. You’re crazy talented and I’m sad that this story is left unfinished, but also glad that I decided to take a chance in reading it. I love how Irene’s self talk/pov sometimes is really funny and made me giggle. I hope you’re doing great, author-nim
akrr1997 #2
Chapter 31: Oooh more action! Thank you for updating!
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 30: Joohyun finally gets to see a little bit of Seulgi’s life. I wonder how she will adapt.
akrr1997 #4
Chapter 29: So many great comebacks!! It’s funny, we have similar taste in music. Ah I didn’t know that you’re an insomnia too!
Chapter 31: Whatttttt! Another update already?! Christmas came early this year. Wow...

Idk if I’m more blown away by Seulgi being so straightforward will now, or by badass Yeri. This is getting even better! :O

Can’t wait for the update and find out who those men are O_o
Chapter 29: Whatttt! This is getting more interesting. Makes me feel like Taeyeon and Seulgi are Demi gods or something. Can’t wait to see what’s going to come!

About your author note: I feel the same about the scandal. Also, we like the same groups and idols! Taemin is my fav male idol too. I love him so much haha
bpblink #7
Chapter 1: Hellaaa interesting first chapter! Gonna keep reading 👀
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 28: Every chapter gets more interesting and intriguing! And just like Joohyun, I end up with more questions. I’m looking forward to finding the answers. Thank you for sharing your work!
Fahaza #9
Chapter 28: I honestly don't have any idea about this universe.. who seulgi, taeyeon, and tiffany is. But i do enjoy this story even i don't get it at some parts. Makes me wanna knows more.

Also about that last part.. seulgi really showing up her emotions ^^ kissing part is more heated than the last one *cough* also seulgi said "it felt good" that means she's start feeling something again right???

About the voting.. i did vote :p and whatever the result is I'll still support you and looking forward to next part which "is not over" xD
Chapter 28: No need to be shy, author-nim! This should a new aspect of Seulgi’s personality we haven’t seen before, so it’s a nice change in dynamic!

Also, I guess Joohyun is finally starting to ask “the right questions.” Haha. This was interesting, as always. Thank you for the update (: