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Hyukjae opens his eyes. They're tearful.

Donghae's barely awake. He was up late. Working. But he slips out of bed immediately. He's deeply concerned.

"Hyukjae? Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

The mannequin stands. A big smile lights up his face. He runs to Donghae. Hugs him tightly.

It's almost like before...

Donghae's heart's drumming. Expectantly. Hyukjae kisses his cheek. His eyes gaze into his. Then he kisses his lips too. Donghae gently kisses him back. Searches his face. For any remembrance.

"Hi, baby," Hyukjae says.

"Hi... sweetheart..." Donghae says. He's hopeful. Waiting.

"What's wrong?" Hyukjae asks.

Donghae smiles. "Nothing, love. How are you this morning?"

Hyukjae giggles. Kisses Donghae again. And again. Donghae's more than happy to receive the kisses.

"I'm really good. I feel so good."

"That's great, baby. Is there a reason?"

"Reason?" Hyukjae says. Tilts his head cutely. "I don't know. I'm just happy to see you. Because I love you." Then his eyes widen. He stares at Donghae. Gasps. "I love you!"

Donghae's startled. Hyukjae's bouncing. Hugging him more. Tightly. Laughing.

"I love you! I love you, Hae! I'm happy because I love you!"




The tears come back. Each day. Right before Hyukjae has to turn mannequin. Hyukjae doesn't know why he's crying. His answer is always -- because I love you.

Donghae tries to comfort him. Tells him he loves him too. That everything's okay. He's afraid of how Hyukjae will act...

If he gets his memories of Donghae.

But the progress is good. Hyukjae's alive for longer. He gets to eat more. He's excited about baths. Scented soaps. Shampoo. Lotions. Clothes. Cooking. He pokes Donghae for books. His eyes go to the ones he read before. He says he feels he knows them.

Donghae promises him. Soon. When he remembers more.

Hyukjae's now completely accepted it. That Donghae's telling the truth. He behaves more freely. It's wonderful. But it also makes Donghae worry. Because he sees Hyukjae suddenly tear up. From whatever emotions he feels.

Hyukjae doesn't have the memories to understand where those emotions come from.

Donghae gives him a kiss every time. He lets Hyukjae sit in his chair. Then he steps back sadly. Watches Hyukjae's hard form.




Hyukjae smells like peaches. He's cuddled up beside him. Donghae pecks his head. It makes Hyukjae glance up. Smile. Then hug him again.

"Baby," Donghae says. "Do you find yourself... feeling tired at all?"

Shouldn't it happen? Hyukjae must start needing sleep. Because it's not quite sleep when he's mannequin.

All the hours he's been awake so far... he should need sleep by now...


"Don't you want to close your eyes and rest?"

"B-But we haven't kissed..."

Donghae chuckles. So he doesn't understand yet.

"Look up, sweetheart."

Hyukjae removes his head. Sits up. Donghae gives him a kiss. Hyukjae's eyes widen. Shine. His hands reach for Donghae's shirt. He grips it. Lowers his gaze to Donghae's lips.

He always looks so pretty. Adorable. When he wants some love.

Donghae cannot even think of denying him. Nor does he want to.

He captures his lips. Feels how Hyukjae melts into him. Instantly. It's like home: his lips. His scent. Warmth. His body. The way he's reacting.

Hyukjae shudders. Moans quietly. Pleased? Surprised?

Donghae realizes then. It's because of him. He's slipped past his plump lips. To seek the familiar taste. His soft mouth.

He pulls away. Gently Hyukjae's back.

"Sorry," Donghae says. "I didn't notice... what I was doing..."

Hyukjae's eyelids open. Donghae has remained close to him. He's holding up his chin. Feeling his warm breath. He can see individual lashes... the pupils in Hyukjae's dark eyes...

"Can you... do more?" Hyukjae says.  

Then he moves up. Pulls himself over Donghae's legs.

Donghae holds him. Lets Hyukjae settle the same way. Like he always did. Donghae has to look up now. Hyukjae's fingers are on his face. And he sees it.

Hyukjae's feeling the familiarity... about this...

"I... I w-want more..." Hyukjae says. "Can I... please?"

Donghae gently connects their lips. He missed this. Missed Hyukjae sweetly asking for kisses.

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HelenDamnation #1
Chapter 24: I keep thinking Saeron must be a very good and kind person. She waited for 30 years for Hyukjae to come back, and she waited alone so that there would be no one to be frightened by him and frighten him back if he ever did come back. It must have been so scary wondering what happened to him after her house
was sold.

I like how you've written her as improving. That's what a military doctor told me about my father when his moods got really erratic -- that at his age, unresolved PTSD was running the show (in his case from what he'd been through in the military), and if there's some way to address that, a whole lot of mental functioning and mood issues suddenly get better. It doesn't magically cure underlying disease, but it makes a truly astonishing difference. And for Saeron, the treatment is knowing Hyukjae is okay and spending time with him.
Chapter 42: After long time finally got time to read again. Im sorry coz i haven't able to read ur updates in time 😊 always remember you're a great author! Love the relationship between them. 💕
749 streak #3
Chapter 1: So glad I saw this story, I absolutely love the first chapter. You did a wonderful job with setting the tone and introducing the plot - which is so original btw. I can’t wait to read the rest of the chapters.😊
Chapter 47: Ini cerita yang sangat bagus, aku merasa hangat dengan interaksi Donghae dan Hyukjae. Terimakasih telah membuat cerita yg indah ini 💙
Chapter 48: Finally finish reading this. I really love this story. Thank you for sharing. And there’s a sequel **criessss. Thank you so much <3
165 streak #6
Chapter 48: What a pleasant update! 🥰
Chapter 48: OMG!!! Authornim, you are a blessing from the heavens. Thank you so much for this sequel ❤️
Chapter 48: Yesssssss ! of course when I saw this update I was so happy. This fic is a little gem, so I'll be sure to check out the link. Thanks
HelenDamnation #9
HelenDamnation #10
Chapter 47: This is my favorite story on this site.