
Here and There



Disclaimer: I only own this fanfic.


The young lawyer coughed as she took another bite from her piping hot bowl of noodles, the spicy gochujang flavour burning at her elite taste buds.


God, it's been three weeks and she's already missing the sublime cooking of the mansion's cooks. 


She closed her eyes, bobbing with pain as she swallowed down the cheap street food, her free hand grabbing tightly at the counter of this small street noodle shop.


From the haze of surrounding hotness, she heard the amused chortle of her best friend.


"I've waited for twenty four years of my life to see this sight." Wendy snickered, waving her hand at the struggling lawyer.


"To see the great Kang choking on a one dollar bowl of noodles."


Seulgi Kang glared at her through her bronze monolids, swallowing down the last morsel, along with all her self-esteem.


She reminded herself that it is she who got herself in this tiny shack, eating dollar noodles because her bank account is finally running out. 


"If I wasn't living in a hotel room, I could have cooked my own food." Seulgi bit out, pushing the bowl away. She'll just buy egg sandwiches from the 7-11 instead, rather than die of this bomb of a concoction. 


Wendy finally pitied on her friend. "Seulgi, believe me, if my place was not already so cramped-"


"I know." Seulgi waved off, not in the least upset at her friend's lack of help. And how could she be?


"You have a girlfriend, Wendy. It wouldn't be appropriate to crash at your place." 


"Yeah, especially when it's just a one room apartment."


Seulgi banged her head on the counter, a loud groan of desperation and disgust emitting out of her burning throat. The situation is finally getting to the lawyer. 


No place of her own. Just a suitcase of clothes to her name. A start up law firm to maintain.


"Was Seoul always this small?! Can't I get bigger apartments to rent?!" 


Wendy smacked the back of her head, ignoring Seulgi's yelp of pain. They both knew she deserved that.


"Can you afford it?" Her best friend asked without beating around the bush. 


Seulgi looked down at the red soup inside her bowl. She counted how many pieces of pork were floating. 


Just three.


"No." She quietly whispered, feeling a sense of kinship with the noodle soup. They both are lacking in what is needed. 


She felt her friend's hand on her shoulder, the only thing that had been keeping her going since the past three weeks. Since all these years, actually. 


Here she is, almost broke and crying over the lack of culinary choices. Whining over sharing a room with a stranger. When it's the only thing she can afford. 


It will save so much money to not live in hotels. The money she desperately needs to keep her new law firm running.


How can she help those who need her help, when she herself needs help?


"I--I didn't think it would be so difficult." Seulgi admitted after a long beat, her fingers swirling the chopsticks into the soup. "I thought I knew the city I was brought up in for my entire life."


"But you lived in London a lot too, Seulgi. You came back just a year ago." 


Seulgi laughed, suddenly finding her millions of pounds worth of law education worthless. "What good is my education when I can't even get a shelter over my head?!"


"It was your choice, remember?" Wendy calmly reminds, making Seulgi more irritated.


"And you know why I made that choice!" She hit back, her shoulder shrugging off her friend's hand. "It was either stay under the evil corporation and lose the bits of my soul each day, or live with my morals!"


Wendy flinched, gingerly taking her hand back. "Your family isn't that bad, Seulgi. They do what clients pay them for."


"Yes!" The Idealist lawyer lashed out, all the frustrations of past months pouring out. "Taking money from a e billionaire and save his ing from going to the jail. Right where he ing belongs!"


Wendy looked away, having no defence at this point. Everyone knew what went down five months ago. 


It was just another rich, privileged man walking free from the Court of Justice. But it was the last straw for Seulgi Kang.


Enough. If she wants to do something. Bring some change in this rotten world, then she has to become a part of it. Live like the unprivileged. Leave behind the luxury she now hates, but also longs for.


"Seulgi-" Wendy started again, but she cut her off.


"I am ready. I am ready to share a room." 


Damn, why does this sound so melodramatic?


"What, share the room of your heart?" Wendy joked, latching onto the melodrama that is going on in the noodle shop.


Seulgi glared at her for the second time this evening. 




Both of the women looked up from their staring contest. The owner of the store walked away to his kitchen, feeling proud that he finally made the two ladies shut up. 


Looking down at the off white poster that has been plastered on the counter. 


Roommate required. Should be a young, dashing working woman with a good sense of humour. All the expenses will be split equally. 


Seulgi's eyes widened when she read the contact details. 


Joohyun Bae.


Isn't that-?


"Young and dashing? Good sense of humour? What is this, a Tinder profile for a date or a roommate advertisement?" Wendy snarked, before she too noticed the person requesting these peculiar demands.


"Hey, isn't that the same Joohyun Bae from our high school? The one you crushed upon?" 


Seulgi whipped her head at her friend, glaring at her for the third time. "I used to! It's been almost ten years now!"


Let's just hope Joohyun isn't as beautiful as she used to be. Let's hope she doesn't have those legs that- 


No! Focus, Seulgi! You are no longer a smitten teenager! You've moved on! Met other women!


You're no longer a blushing fifteen year old .


Wendy didn't look any impressed at her unsure expression but she kept her teasing to herself. Instead, she asked the question that Seulgi is now asking herself.


"So will you take it?"


Seulgi felt her cheeks pinking at the thought of even being in the same space as the girl of her dreams.


Used to be of her dreams. Emphasis on used to be!


She sighed. She's still the same fifteen year old girl, isn't she?


"Do I have any other choice?"




First impression? 




Seulgi cringed at the apartment complex she was standing at. No, no, it wasn't as bad as a slum, but still. No security guard? Paint peeling off the walls? A lift that can carry only six people at a time? And by the looks of it's maintenance, she immediately decided she'd use the stairs.


Only, the person she has come here to meet lives on the topmost floor. The sixth floor.


The lawyer exhaled, already feeling exhausted. She would have done less morning workout if she knew she'd get it here itself. 


By the time she reached the top, she decided she needed more cardio in her workout regime. God, she can feel her liver aching! 


"Good thing you took the stairs. I won't trust the lift either." 


Seulgi looked up from her bent knees, trying to get her panting breath in control to reply back. But one look at the woman smiling in front of her and she lost all her breath. 




The very beautiful woman gave a small grin, her very beautiful black hair softly waving in the wind. Her very beautiful arm extended a small carton of orange juice to her.


Her very beautiful mouth opened to speak in a very beautiful voice.


Don't you think you're overdoing it, Seulgi?


"Hey, do you want this? Looks like you need it. I heard the stairs screeching all the way to my apartment. You must have run hard."


Seulgi snapped out of the haze of hotness that surrounded, not wanting to know if it was due to her body heat or- actually never mind! 


She quickly took the carton from the woman, feeling gratitude that Joohyun had the compassion to open it already for her. She has no idea what to do with all these cheap packaged products. 


She's used to drinking juice freshly made in tall crystal glasses. But as she eagerly swallowed the cool orange flavoured water, she decided the artificial ones are okayish too.


Finishing the carton in one go, she gasped in relief, handing over the carton to the now very  amused Joohyun, who was giving her a look over from head to toe.


Seulgi nervously shifted on her feet. She was dressed in the best clothes she had. Well, the best she bought from her own hard earned money. It was no Gucci or Armani suit, but she'll like to think she still cuts a good image in a simple office blouse and pants. 


They're at least black in colour. Black is supposed to be cool and intimidating. It's also the colour of lawyers.


So yeah, she totally didn't dress up to impress Joohyun.


Seulgi bit her lip, just standing awkwardly as Joohyun without any shame kept scanning her body. Alright, maybe the shirt and pants were too tight. She doesn't look fat, does she? Please, please don't let all the workout and taekwondo lessons go to waste!


"Well, I imagined a different person from the voice I heard." Her potential roommate finally observed, her eyes still flitting over her abdomen.


Seulgi shyly brought her hand to her stomach. Yes, her abs are there, thank god. They didn't disappear overnight.


"Ah, that was my friend, Wendy talking actually." She shyly mumbled out, ashamed that she didn't even have the guts to talk to Joohyun over the phone. Instead, she begged Wendy to talk to Joohyun over the details.


Her ears tipped red at all the teasing Wendy did. 


It'd be such a while since she was called Seulgom.


Joohyun chuckled at her obvious embarrassment, adding even more to her shame. 


"Not much of a talker, are you?" The woman teased, which Seulgi immediately refuted, shaking her head like a nervous kid in front of her crush.


Which she kind of is.


"N-No! It's not that! I just need to know you to not be-"


Alright, shut up, Seulgi. You're being creepy. 


Talk like a normal person. You brought a to justice last week. Surely you can string a sentence of courtesy. Introduce yourself!


Before Seulgi can do any of that, Joohyun beats her to it. 


"Well, then let's get to know each other." The woman said in a lilting voice, tucking her one hand in her slim jean pocket. Seulgi stressed herself to not look at how the thin jeans clings to those thighs. 


"I am Joohyun Bae, occupation: Air Hostess Chief."


Air hostess? Seulgi's mind immediately begins to wander. God, she can just imagine this woman in that uniform of skirt-


The lawyer coughed, introducing herself hurriedly. 


"Seulgi Kang. Occupation: lawyer."


She flinched as Joohyun's expression did a one-eighty degree. It always happens when her last name gets mentioned. 


Seulgi panicked just a little when recognition flashed in those black eyes.


"Kang? As in, that Bul Yong Seulgi Kang?"


Seulgi groaned, rubbing her hands at her face, more like hiding it because she's probably as red as tomato now. 


Bul Yong. Fire dragon. The name she was called since her kindergarten years. Thank you very much, Wendy The Great Namegiver! 


At least Joohyun doesn't know about the other name.


Better be fearsome fire dragon then cutesy-cutesy Seulgom.


"How do you even know that name?" She mumbled, still hiding her face. Hearing Joohyun's laugh made her want to hide herself even more. 


"Everyone knew it at school, Seulgi. Even I did, and I was in my final year. And yes, you can very much call me unnie." Joohyun snickered, still laughing to herself. 


"Do you still burn anyone who dares approach you, O Dragon?" The older woman sing-songed, to which Seulgi let out another groan of horror. She felt all the memories of her past snobby kid self hit her like a truck. 


No, she is not that same Seulgi, the upstand lawyer wanted to say. That Seulgi died the moment she entered the Courtroom, all her childhood and clan arrogance burning away.


This time, Seulgi chuckled, shaking her head at the turn of fate.


"No, unnie. The Dragon is now a peasant. And I can't eat spicy food anyway. Some Dragon I was." 


Joohyun gave her a curious look, her black eyes searching for something. Seulgi kept her face still giving nothing away. She might be a panicking schoolgirl in front of this woman who was a gay awakening, but she also is a damn lawyer! 


That very beautiful mouth curled into an amused smile, respecting Seulgi's privacy. But she didn't let go without putting one more sassy comment.


"Well, this peasant is honoured to have the Fire Dragon Goddess in her humble abode." 




Seulgi watched the older woman turn around, leading her to the cornermost door of the corridor. She scrutinized the door, a old brown colour, showing how old and in need of paint the door was. The scratches and cracks made her wonder if she can knock this door down in one shove of her shoulder.


Now she grew worried over security very seriously. How did Joohyun manage to survive in this place? And how much is she getting paid to be able to afford just this ranshack of a place?


Actually, let's not go to salary, she thought to herself. It's not like she's any better.


"Well, get on in, Seulgi. Welcome to our humble abode."




Seulgi likes the sound of it. 


Suddenly, she is now willing to sleep in a tent if it means she gets to share it with this enigmatic woman. 


But as she entered the cluttered mess of a room, (is that over there?!) she regretted that thought.


Just a little.




Joohyun followed Seulgi's eyes, and immediately jumped out of her skin to hide those neon pink . Shoving it in her jean pocket, she coughed loudly, even if she had nothing burning in her kitchen right and Oh God, isn't this whole idea so wrong?!


She looked at the young woman standing so stiffly in the middle of this cluttered room. So out of this whole place in her meticulously creased pants and creaseless shirt. 


Polished leather shoes, an elegant women's watch. This woman is class personified. And yet, here she is.


Wanting to share a single room to save her broke . 


Because it's so very clear that Seulgi Kang is at the last end of her straws. That face says everything. Shadows under the eyes, slightly hollow cheeks as if not eating properly. Roughened coffee-brown hair that desperately needs shampoo and conditioning.


Joohyun doesn't know Seulgi Kang very much. Yes, she talked to the young woman as if she's her old friend or maybe even her date, but that's just her air hostess self. Doing something for years will become a mask that you can easily wear.


But underneath this easygoing mask, she is genuinely curious about what happened to that fifteen year old girl who used to come to school in a Royal Royce.


No, it's not your place, Joohyun. She reminded herself that they are not even acquaintances. As long as Seulgi does her share of roommate duty, it's fine.


But is it good enough?


"Please, take a seat." Joohyun offered her the couch, at least proud that it's one piece of furniture that is respectable in this one room apartment. 


Seulgi cautiously dipped into the couch, and Joohyun did not miss how the young woman had used a handkerchief to wipe it down before sitting. 


Oh dear. This modern aristocrat wouldn't have a nice time here. There are rats going around this apartment complex. And don't get her started on ants.


"I am sorry for the mess this place is. I swear it's not always like this." Joohyun blushed a little, feeling bashful. "I was so tired after my night flight shift that I just fell asleep. And well," She waved around the room, "I forgot to clean up as you can see."


Seulgi shook her head, very clearly uncomfortable in her surroundings but still managing to be polite. 


"It's alright. I am just glad you got good rest."


Oh my, even quite charming. Joohyun grinned. Seulgi will do just fine in this dumpster of a place.


She rubbed her hands, putting on her mask. Let's get down to business.


"Well, let's talk about our arrangement, shall we?"


Seulgi pulled a little at her collar, a faint pink on her cheeks. Joohyun really wants to feed this woman until they aren't so hollow anymore.


"Yeah, let's begin." The Kang quietly mumbled.


Joohyun plopped down on the couch, keeping a good distance between them. She can sense that Seulgi is kind of a person who really likes to have her own space. Well, they won't be getting much of that here, but she'll try to be as accommodating as possible.


"So, I'll be very affront, Seulgi. The expenses aren't very much. The total rent of this place is  400,00 Won. That should be 330 dollars." Joohyun translated, just to get her point across. It is dirt cheap in Seoul standards. Average rent per month goes up to 750 dollars.


Well, average also offers average facilities. Here, they are going to get dirt cheap facilities.


"For food and groceries, we'll see how it goes. As for other essentials, we'll split the rent, the electricity and the water bills. So, be very careful when using electricity and water." Joohyun narrowed her eyes at the young woman meaningfully. "It means no weeknight TV binges or long showers."


Seulgi's monolids practically watered with tears at the prospect of five minute showers and no Netflixing, but she obediently mumbled a quiet okay.


Joohyun took pity on the poor girl. God, it's like a small baby dragon crying in front of her.


She had to soften down. "Alright, we can have weekend Netflix and long showers, okay?"


She blinked in confusion when Seulgi turned bright red at her words, barely able to huff out an okay without stuttering three times.




Joohyun nodded, satisfied. Now, just one last thing left before they can get to the boring paperwork.


"Also, Seulgi. Just one more thing before we sign this. As you can see, this apartment is one room apartment. It comes with a toilet attached shower, a small kitchen, and this room."


Seulgi nodded, her expression uneasy but she tried to be welcoming. "Don't worry, I won't take much space. Just a little though, for my clothes and office stuff."


"Oh, don't worry about that." Joohyun assured. She pointed towards a small metal cupboard in the corner of the room, which was set with another cupboard. "I already had brought in more storage space for any roommate. It should be enough for a decent amount of clothes. For your office stuff, I can fix up a wall shelf for you. You need it for your law books, right?"


Seulgi smiled, a little more relaxed. "That should be enough. Thank you."


Joohyun grinned. Oh, don't thank me soon enough, Seulgi. There's one more detail.


And the sharp lawyer noticed it soon enough.


"Where would we," Seulgi spun her eyes around the room nervously, "Where would we sleep?"


Joohyun grinned widely. Just what she was waiting for.


"Right here on the floor. And as we don't have enough space for two separate floor beds, you have to share one with me."


Joohyun felt like cackling in sadistic glee at the poor lawyer's paling face. Hohoho, she is going to enjoy her roommate and sleepingmate a lot.


"Don't worry, my mattress has a heating system. It's very comfortable! We'll sleep just fine!"


Seulgi didn't say anything. She just dropped her head on her hands, her whole body shuddering with terror. 


Joohyun got up from the couch, whistling merrily at the treasure she had found. She looked over her shoulder, the poor woman still be her poor circumstances.


Her eyes scoped over those elegant shoulders, going from the woman's lean biceps squeezed into the black shirt sleeves to finally the abdomen that surely must be tight as the whole body of this woman is. 


Joohyun turned around, getting to the kitchen to prepare their first meal together. As she went about chopping the cabbage for the stew, she struck down all the requirements Seulgi met. 


Young. Dashing. Working woman. Maybe not a good sense of humour.


Joohyun chuckled, putting the chopped cabbage in the boiling pot of broth. 


Thankfully, the younger woman has a good enough blush to make her laugh.


She'll make do. 




Teaser for next chapter:


"Seulgi, is that you singing in the shower?!"


"Uhh, yeah?"


"Sing louder! This is better than my morning radio!"

Author's notes:


Been a while, huh peeps? To know why, just look up my latest HnD update.


So, why this all of a sudden? Well, I've been watching this sitcom a lot these days which made me laugh a lot, and I decided why not bring ya all a little smile too? I tried to be as comedic as I could be, let me know if it makes you at least smile! :)


This will be a very light-hearted fic, with minimal dramalama. It's just two women adulting together. Two women against the world! 


Chapters will be short, updates should be quick if I get free time as I am getting these days. 


Also, no lectures because this is the least mumbo jumbo Seulrene fanfic I perhaps ever wrote :D


See ya peeps in the next chapter! 

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okay54321 #1
i miss this story
pls update this story i really love the plot a lot 🥹🥹🥹
1060 streak #3
Chapter 11: come back pls authornim🤧
Chapter 11: i can't wait for the next chapter
ramborambo #5
Chapter 11: authooorr this is so goood i ready it in one sitting please update! i love ur story!
tuesidiot #6
Chapter 11: Author please update! I like Seulgi's team, they work together to conquer this case. They're a great team!
brdfillet #8
Chapter 11: just the first chapter and the atmosphere you created for this, im craving, it's fantastic all the way! hoping for an update soon, authornim!
runner300 #9
Chapter 11: Hi author, I love this story. I just found it recently. Will you be updating soon? Its really good
Zabrinax #10
Chapter 11: This is soo good, i hope it updates soon :'< Btw congrats on the feature authornim! <3