It Hurts To See You Hurt

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Today is one of the days Donghae dreads. 


Not because Eunhyuk wasn’t able to eat with him during lunch because he was busy being their concert’s director. Not because he made a mistake again mentioning he’s in Hong Kong instead of Macau and then Siwon immediately correcting him during his YouTube live. He felt embarrassed but since he’s a great actor, he was able to brush it off as if nothing happened and ended the live properly. But, because he is going to be performing again while enduring a bad lower back. What’s worse is that it's not just a short performance on a music broadcast but a 3-hour long concert full of dancing, plus he had a solo to carry out. This had happened a million times in his life as an artist and being professional means getting on that stage despite bad conditions after receiving multiple shots of medicine to go through it. The show must go on, a line that has forced so many artists to prioritize work first before health. Maybe it is also because of their training. They are used to pushing their limits just so they can get on that stage or show they are scheduled to do. 


“Hey, idiot. Can you perform? Wouldn’t it make your condition worse?” Eunhyuk wonders with obvious concern in his voice as he keeps on checking the big LED displays they are going to use for their songs two hours later.


“I’ll be fine, Hyuk. It won’t be that bad I guess. I’ve already gotten many shots for it.” Donghae replies, ignoring the little stings of pain in his lower back. 


Upon hearing his response, Eunhyuk immediately turns his full attention on him and stares with incredulous eyes as he rests the back of his hand on his waist. He mentally laughs a little remembering how this gesture became so remarkable for the fans. Uh-oh. Here comes sassy Eunhyuk. “Are you seriously treating your injury as if it’s a flu? Are you not aware that your injury is in your spine? Spine, Lee Donghae. The part of your frame which supports your whole upper body.”


He reacts with a click of a tongue showing stubbornness on his part. “I know my anatomy, genius. Don’t worry too much. The doctor okayed after the shots so that means I can still perform,” Donghae insists as he flicks his boyfriend’s forehead and walks away as quickly as he can to go to the dressing room.


“Hey! Get back here!” he hears him shout as a staff member walks to him and cuts him off to talk about stuff concerning their concert stage once more. It is a good thing he is occupied at the moment to keep him from going after him and lecturing him about the importance of putting health first as if he has a healthier lifestyle than him. He can only escape before he starts nagging again like a mother. 


He knows his condition is not that good but he would feel terrible if he won’t be able to participate. The members would have to cover his parts and it would push the whole staff, Eunhyuk, to make last-minute adjustments on everything. That would surely make him feel guilty. He doesn’t want everyone to suffer because of him. 


A little while after, Eunhyuk comes into the dressing room recommending his stylist to put something on his waist to support him later when he dances his injury away. Just something to keep your bones together old man he says as if they are not the same age. He swears he is going to get back at him when he feels much much much better.


As the show starts, Donghae is feeling hyped up. He can hear the loud noises of the fans, their beloved ELF, in the stadium. Everyone is anticipating. He is also anticipating a lot even though from time to time, it feels like there are little needles in his lower back. Getting on the stage, he forgets about the little needles and his body begins to overflow with adrenaline as they sing and dance.


As the concert progresses through the night, he thinks everything is going well so far. It doesn’t feel that bad even though he is trying to keep up with everyone’s energy. He does his best to ignore the sting that keeps on stabbing him and focuses on enjoying the show with the members and the audience.


As time passes by some more, it seems like the effect of all the adrenaline in Donghae’s body is already wearing out. It can’t numb the pain that much anymore. It is too early for his body to give in but he can’t ignore what he is feeling in his back. It was still bearable enough for him to keep dancing in a couple of songs until it was the “y, Free & Single” stage.


This is what he was dreading the most. It is supposed to be a moment that highlights his dancing skills. Majority of the fans are waiting for it, want to see him glide on the stage. It has been one of the big talks among their fans so everyone must have been looking forward to it and have been having expectations. However, at that moment, when he has pushed his limits too far, the little needles in his back rack his body with so much pain that he just decides to stop and kneel after his big turn. He immediately feels ashamed and it throws him into a muse. He remembers Eunhyuk coming up to him, asking him to do this part. He was reluctant to accept it when it was offered by the director because he didn’t want the other members to think there was some favoritism at play just because he’s his lover. It was the opposite of what he expected though. They encouraged him to take the part when they talked about it and told him no one else but him could do the job perfectly. And now, he is not just at it but totally failed in delivering his performance. 


Seconds pass by with him having those thoughts as he freezes up in his spot until he is hearing his name roaring in the stadium. Lee Donghae they shout. It’s okay they say. It is as if the whole concert hall is intentionally cheering too loud to drown out the sounds of the negative thoughts he is currently having. It is warm and comforting. The yells of his name continue in the crowd as he tries to ease even a little of the pain so he can get up and make everyone less worried.


At the same time, the other members are looking at him with eyes full of worry. All of them, including the back up dancers, can’t take their eyes off him, ready to run to him if he ever cries out for help. Everyone’s holding their breath, waiting for him to get up. Some fans are already crying and some of the members already want to run to him and help him. Among those people, there is Eunhyuk who tries not to flinch too much about what’s happening. Somehow, deep inside him, he knows Donghae would still try to handle the situation. He has been with him for so long that he knows almost exactly how he acts and thinks. He wants to run to him too but he chooses to wait it out instead.


Many of the fans are still cheering so loud for Donghae. But, among all the voices Donghae is hearing, one voice especially stands out.


“Hey Macau, make some noise!!”


Eunhyuk.. it’s Eunhyuk..


He is able to stand up afterwards as if he is pulled out of a trance by that voice. The pain becomes tolerable again and with that, he quickly apologizes to the audience and continues with the performance together with the group. He endures until the “Mr. Simple” stage is done.


When they take a break for a while to change costumes, Eunhyuk instantly comes up to him and hugs him by his shoulder. 


“Hey, you stubborn idiot,” his hug get

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1726 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oh I remember this concert. It was so hurtful seeing all the pictures of vulnerable Donghae on the net. You created a very beautiful and touching story around this scenario. Thank you.
And I miss Chullie on stage, too T^T
MyeolchiHyuk #2
Chapter 1: Such a nice and lovely story... Hyuk is so caring and hae please dont push it to much. Don't you get hurt...
LeeLenaMx #3
Chapter 1: Loved it! Is really sweet! Thank you for sharing
Chapter 1: thank you so much for sharing this lovely and heart warming non au fic authornim~ ≧ω≦ you never fail to amaze me when it comes to your non au fics, it is all wonderful and i loved it all :3 looking forward for more of it on the future~~ fighting and stay safe ♡__♡
14Katebeckett #5
Chapter 1: Loved this!! Thank you for sharing!!