Hello Manager

Author's POV

Reaching his apartment Chanyeol parked his car infront of his building.

He looked back to check if Baekhyun was still unconscious. He sighed looking at the latter's peacefull figure against the window.

Chanyeol looked out to see it was still pouring outside. Since it was already getting late, Chanyeol decided to run for it.

He got down and opened the back door and tried to wake Baekhyun up

"Baekhyun? Can you hear me?"

Getting no response Chanyeol went closer to get him out. Suddenly Baekhyun started grumbling and threw his arms around Chanyeol's neck.

It took few moments for Chanyeol to realise what was happening.

Is he hugging me???

Baekhyun snuggled into Chanyeol's neck mumbling.

"It's cold..."

*BaDump* *BaDump*

It's here again...the abnormal heartbeat...

Shaking his head Chanyeol carried Baekhyun on his back and headed towards his building. Reaching his apartment, Chanyeol pulled out his key making sure Baekhyun doesn't fall.

He quickly headed towards his bedroom and laid the sleeping boy on his bed.

Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun's clothes were damp due to the rain. He quickly removed Baekhyun's denim jacket and shoes.

But his shirt was also still quite wet. Chanyeol headed to his closet to check if there was any new shirt of his.

Picking out a t-shirt and some tracks, Chanyeol tried to wake Baekhyun up once more.

"Yah Baekhyun? Can you hear me?"

Seriously...what the hell did you drink to be knocked out like this??

Sighing Chanyeol decided to first change Baekhyun's clothes himself.

Chanyeol suddenly stopped what he was doing. He couldn't believe himself that he was doing so much for Baekhyun.

I just don't want my bed to get wet! Yeah that's the only reason!!

He looked Baekhyun who was in a deep slumber. Looking closer, Chanyeol noticed how smooth is face looked. He noticed Baekhyun scrunching his eyebrows in discomfort. And his lips plump red. Curious if they were actually soft...

What the hell am I doing??

Chanyeol mentally screamed.

Just change his clothes!!

Shaking his head, Chanyeol removed Baekhyun's shirt and changed Into the new shirt. He removed his jeans too and changed into the tracks.

Taking a deep breath Chanyeol sat on the edge of the bed, tired from changing his clothes and carrying.

Chanyeol groaned burying his head into his hands.

"You better treat me better for going through this much..."

Chanyeol said glaring at the boy who was now snuggled into his blanket.

"But...he didn't even wake up after all this...Did he really only drink alcohol...?" Chanyeol spoke to himself. How much ever he thought Chanyeol couldn't understand why Baekhyun was like this.

It cannot be because of that right...

He wouldn't do something like...this right?

Chanyeol let out sigh and got up. He picked up Baekhyun's clothes and switched the off the lights. After putting them on the dryer he decided to sleep on the couch.




Baekhyun woke up as the light through the window fell on his face.

He opened his slowly, since it was too blinding. He sat up straight and stretched his body.

Just then it hit him. Baekhyun looked around the unfamiliar room confused

This is not my room.

He was sure this wasn't Jongin's house either. He looked around quickly trying to identify where he was.

"Where the hell am I??" Baekhyun muttered running his finger through his hair. He tried to recall what happened last night but everything was a little blurr.

"I definitely didn't drink anything though..."

Suddenly he heard water running from the bathroom.

Is someone in there?

Just then, The person Baekhyun least expected came out shirtless and just towel wrapped around his torso.

"What the hell??" Baekhyun screamed moving back to the corner of the bed towards the wall, covering his eyes. Baekhyun could feel his ears get hot.

"Oh...You woke up?" Chanyeol asked nonchalant drying his hair with another towel.

"Wh-What are you doing here??" Baekhyun yelled pointing at him.

"What do you mean? This is my house." Chanyeol said rolling his eyes taking a step forward.

"Your house?? Why am I here?" Baekhyun asked glaring clearly confused.

"Why?" Chanyeol asked smirking.

This should be a little fun...

"Baekhyun...Did you forget what happened last night?" Chanyeol asked in low voice coming closer towards the bed.

"H-huh??!" Baekhyun yelled pulling the sheets closer. He looked down to see the clothes, which were definitely not his.

"Where are my clothes??" Baekhyun asked covering his body with his arms.

"They got wet, so I changed your clothes to dry ones." Chanyeol said shrugging.

"You did what??!" Baekhyun was very close to kill the tall giant infront of him. Sighing Chanyeol came even closer towards the bed.

"Yah, I am already exhausted because of last night. Though you look small, how can you be so heavy?" Chanyeol said stretching his body. Baekhyun could clearly see how his muscles were flexing.

Wait- That's not important!!

Exhausted because of last night..?


"NOO!" Baekhyun screamed grabbing his hair in frustration.

Chanyeol flinched surprised at Baekhyun's scream.

"Yah...are you okay?" Chanyeol moved closer. Baekhyun quickly picked up the pillow beside him and threw it right at Chanyeol's face.

"Oww!!" Chanyeol groaned in pain.

"Don't come any closer!!" Baekhyun warned picking up the closest object near him and pointed towards Chanyeol.

"Yah! Is this how you treat someone who saved you?? Aish I should have just left you there...!" Chanyeol grumbled the last part rolling his eyes.

"Bwo...Saved me?? What did you do to me?" Baekhyun asked folding his arms.

"What did I do? You got drunk and almost ended up going with that old hag." Chanyeol said annoyed.

"Old hag...The producer??"

"Yah...can you stop screaming? Gosh.. you are asking too many questions as soon as you woke up." Chanyeol said shaking his head.

Baekhyun Brought his hand down and tried to calm down.

"How far do you remember from last night?" Chanyeol asked folding his arms.

Baekhyun looked at him suspicious but tried to recall what happened last night.

"We went to the dinner, and Jongin and Kyungsoo sneaked out....then I met the producer near the restroom and he just dragged me with him to his table..."

"Did you drink?"

"No! I definitely didn't drink any alcohol...but.." Baekhyun paused and thought.

"But?" Chanyeol asked raising his eyebrow.

"The producer gave me soft drink, after that I started to feel dizzy!!" Baekhyun said realising what had happened.

"I knew it....then he must have spiked your drink." Chanyeol said quite annoyed.

"I can't believe he did something like this..." Baekhyun said shuddering disgusted. Chanyeol nodded agreeing.

" did I come here?" Baekhyun asked confused.

" asked one of the right question."

Chanyeol told what happened from when he saw the producer taking him to the car and Chanyeol bringing him home.

"Then my clothes?"

"As I said, it was raining and your clothes got drenched so I put them in the dryer. I didn't want my bed to get wet because of you. And I only changed your clothes so don't worry." Chanyeol said placing Baekhyun's clothes and his phone on the bed.

Baekhyun let out a releived breath.

"Jeez what do you take me for? You are definitely not my style." Chanyeol said with smug look on his face.

"You are not my style too!" Baekhyun spat back "Then why would you say something so misunderstanding?" Baekhyun mumbled looking away.

"It's your mind that's in the gutter." Chanyeol said scoffing.

"Me? Yah Atleast put on some clothes!!"

Chanyeol quickly leaned closer, making Baekhyun instinctively move back. Baekhyun gulped at the sudden closeness.

"Isn't a bit late to say it now? And seems like you enjoyed the view quite well..." Chanyeol said whispering the last part.

Baekhyun could feel his cheeks burn hot. Chanyeol quickly stood straight.

"Change your clothes and come out." Chanyeol said as he picked out his T-shirt and tracks from his closet and headed out of the room.

He did this in purpose didn't he??

"This is a disaster..." Baekhyun groaned burying his head into the pillow.

Baekhyun sat up straight remembering what he wanted to do last night.

This is all because of that Idiot!

Baekhyun let out an evil laugh and picked his phone to search for the pic he wanted to post.

After uploading the photo, Baekhyun grinned in satisfaction.

Baekhyun quickly picked his clothes and went to the bathroom to get changed.

Baekhyun noticed a new toothbrush with a note on it.

For smurf

Baekhyun let out a small chuckle unconsciously.

Wait- Did I just laugh?

Baekhyun shook his head and looked at the mirror. His hair was a mess. Quickly finishing his business, he headed out.

Baekhyun looked around the house.

"It's not as big as yours, but it's a comfortable house." Chanyeol said sitting on the couch.

It was a small house when compared to Baekhyun's house. It had a single bedroom and a hall. Since there weren't many things, it looked quite spacious.

"This place looks cozy too... Staying in a place like this is not bad." Baekhyun said looking around. Baekhyun wasn't exactly interested in staying in a big house, but he had to because of the deal.

"Then why do you stay in such a big house by yourself?" Chanyeol asked confused. Chanyeol was still curious and a little suspicious on why Baekhyun lives in place that is definitely too big for him.

"I...have my reasons..." Baekhyun said looking away.

"Are you really not doing any illegal business?" Chanyeol asked raising his eyebrow.

Baekhyun clicked his toungue annoyed.

Wait- If I slept on the bed... where did he sleep?

"Where...did you sleep?" Baekhyun asked looking around.

"Couch." Chanyeol said nonchalant looking through his phone.

Baekhyun suddenly felt guilty that he had to go through a lot because of him.

"Anyway...Thanks..." Baekhyun said the last part mumbling. His cheeks tinted pink.

Chanyeol quickly looked up. "What did you say? I couldn't hear you." Chanyeol asked smirking.

"I said thanks..." Baekhyun said once more biting his teeth.

"Huh? Sorry I really can't hear properly. Can you tell once again?" Chanyeol asked grinning enjoying Baekhyun's expression.

This jerk! He's doing this purpose isn't he!

"Aishh...Forget it if you didn't hear!" Baekhyun snapped back rolling his eyes.

Chanyeol started laughing, satisfied with Baekhyun's reaction. He stood up and went. Closer to the latter.

"Just remember you owe me now." He leaned closer and whispered into Baekhyun's ear. Baekhyun quickly pushed him away, suddenly feeling a bit hot.

"A-All right! I get it." Baekhyun said looking away. Chanyeol smirked shrugging his shoulder.

"Did you get any call from Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asked the taller. Chanyeol shook his head no.

"That kid is gonna suffer something when I see him again..." Chanyeol said smiling biting his teeth.

He must be quite mad too.

"You? Did Jongin call you?"

"No...but he'll soon will..." Baekhyun said letting out an evil chuckle at the end.

"This is the same expression you had last night...What are you planning?"Chanyeol said taking a step back.

Smirking Baekhyun shrugged his shoulder. He check his phone for the time and it was almost 9:00 Am.

"Then I'll get going." Baekhyun said stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Do you want me to drop you off?"

"It's okay, I can take a cab." Baekhyun said rummaging for his Wallet in his pockets, heading towards the door.

Wait- where did it go??!

"Did you see my wallet?" Baekhyun asked quickly turning towards the taller.

Chanyeol shook his head shrugging. "You did have your wallet with you. Did you leave it in your car?"

Baekhyun groaned running his hands through his hair. Chuckling Chanyeol picked up his car key which was hanging on the wall

"I'll drop you off." Chanyeol said smirking opening the the door.

Though Baekhyun didn't want to get more help from the taller, Baekhyun had no other choice.

I am gonna kill that Gucci bear when I see him!!

Baekhyun followed the taller to his car.

Most of the car ride went in silence. Baekhyun noticed how heavy it had rained the last night.

Soon they reached Baekhyun's apartment and Baekhyun got down from the car

"Then...I'll see you tomorrow at the shoot." Baekhyun said before closing his door.

Chanyeol watched as he saw Baekhyun go inside his building.

Now Chanyeol wasn't sure if he hates Baekhyun. But somehow he was getting addicted to the different expressions and reactions that Baekhyun makes.

Chanyeol felt his phone vibrating. He quickly picked it up and noticed Kyungsoo's message.

From O.O

Is there any schedule for me today?

Chanyeol read the message in disbelief.

How can he be so nonchalant??

Sighing Chanyeol looked outside. For some reason Chanyeol wasn't really mad at Kyungsoo for leaving like that. Even though he had quite the trouble with Baekhyun.Β 


Chanyeol saw another article trending on the Idol page. Chanyeol bursted out laughing looking at the cute-derp picture of Kai now flooding the internet.

Is this what Baekhyun meant?

But still the response fron his fans weren't that bad. It seemed they all loved seeing Kai's new side.

Chuckling Chanyeol looked out at Baekhyun's building.

"You are really something..."

Author's Note

And I am back with another chapter~!!
But...I have a little...NewsπŸ˜…πŸ₯Ί

I'll be going on a 1 Month Hiatus... My Final exams are starting in two days, So I am not sure if can continue at that time...πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί I wanted to atleast post one chap before that...

I will be back by August 2nd week for sure~!

And big thanks to everyone who subscribed, upvoted and commented. I hope you guys will stay with me for a while.

Thank you guys so much~!!

So see you guys on August~!!!❀️❀️✨

Luv ya~

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Chapter 26: Yess! An amusement park dateee!!! Why is this story having all the tropes i looove!!πŸ’žπŸ’ž
835 streak #2
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1480 streak #3
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
835 streak #5
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1480 streak #6
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #7
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
835 streak #8
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1480 streak #10
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!