Appendix XXXIV [IP]

Appendices [RS]
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A/N: I used Mansaeng here since Byul or Moonbyul was use to refer to one of Wheein's personality. Please don't get confused and also, I did not proofread this one. Just needed a break from the story I'm currently writing. Thanks!


“I’m nervous”

Ma smiled at me and patted my shoulder before holding Yongkeey with both of her hands. Ggomo was lurking by her feet, wondering what was going on.

“You’ll do fine. Besides, Yongsun will be there. Please don’t worry too much”

“I’ve been worrying since last night” I mumbled, pouting at Ggomo who was staring at me with wide eyes.

“Weren’t you excited to meet her friends?”

I nodded.

“And Yongsun said that they’re excited to meet you”

I nodded again but I felt even more nervous. And I think Ma noticed it cause she laughed at me and affectionately patted my head.

“You’ll be great. They’ll like you, Whee”

I gulped hard to calm myself down for how many times now and nodded at Ma for I don’t know how many times as well.

“And besides, you cooked for them. Yongsun has been bragging about you, your art, and your cooking”

“Which means they’ll be expecting a lot”

“No…” Ma said with a light chuckle. “They already think of how amazing you are”

I don’t think so. I really think they’re expecting a lot from me and I’m really nervous.

Meeting new people is way out of my comfort zone. Even meeting Yongsun the first time was so extraordinary, but in a nervous and shocking way, but she knows how to make me comfortable around her. She talks a lot, smiles a lot, holds my hand all the time, and most importantly, checks on me if I’m okay and comfortable.

Not everyone is like Yongsun.

My social circle is limited to Ma and Dr. Park, to my doctors, to the pets at the shelter, the staff there too, and to my clients, whom I don’t talk with outside my work. I don’t have any experience at all about socializing. Even at my age now.

I’m also worried about my past condition. I’ve never switched since but… I’m still worried.

My heart has been palpitating and I’ve been overthinking the thought of meeting Yongsun’s friends and colleagues since she opened up about this the other day. She was so into the idea, really excited about it, that I couldn’t say no even though I dreaded it.

Ma was also right about needing to socialize. Achieving stability with the day-to-day functions of the social norms. But I’m really just happy if I don't expand my circle. I’m happy to stick with Ma, Dr. Park, and Yongsun and our babies.

Ma glanced at the clock in the living room before she said, “You should get going now or you’ll miss her break. Call me if you need anything, okay?”

She leaned forward and kissed my cheek before she walked me to our front door.


“Have fun, Wheein”

I sighed heavily and nodded. “I will. Thanks, Ma” I said.

I left a kiss on Yongkeey and Ggomo’s head before walking to my car, bringing the bag of food I cooked for Yongsun and gimbap to share with her colleagues. I waved goodbye at Ma and the babies before I climbed inside my car.

Before leaving the house, I sent Yongsun a message that I’m already on my way to her office. Then I glanced at myself through the rearview mirror, pouting while wondering if I looked okay. I wasn’t sure about it so I called Ma before I’d regret my decisions.

“I can still you from the living room window”

I unconsciously smiled at what she said, “I wanted to ask about your opinion on something”

“Go ahead”

“Should I change my clothes?”

There was an exasperated sigh from Ma before she said, “You look great and beautiful. I’m sure Yongsun will like you no matter what you wear, so just please go now or else Yongsun will miss her lunch”


“You’ll do fine, Wheein. I believe you’ll do great. You’ve overcome DID. You’re the greatest warrior I know. Meeting Yongsun’s friends will just be a piece of cake”

I relaxed at her words. It was effective at getting rid of half of my nervous thoughts. My heart wasn’t as loud in my chest as earlier when I was preparing dinner. My hands and insides weren’t shaking anymore either.

“Thank you” I sincerely said.

“You’re always welcome”

I put her on speaker and started the car. I pulled out of our garage and headed to Yongsun’s workplace, which was near her old apartment.

“I’ll see you later, Ma. And please take care of the babies. Don’t feed them too much”

“Is it their feeding time now?”

“I’ve already feed them while I was cooking”

“But they’re okay with treats right?”

“They are…” My eyebrows furrowed when I think I know what she’s doing now. “Are you giving them treats?”


The response was immediate, which makes me wonder if she’s saying the truth or not.


“Okay, in my defense, I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to give them treats but I only gave them a little and never anymore after finding out that I shouldn’t feed them treats at this time”

“I did tell you plenty of times that no treats after they’ve eaten. You even listed it down on your phone”

“Okay… I’m sorry but they’re so cute, Whee. I couldn’t say no”

“Please practice saying no…”

“I’ll try”

I silently groan. That doesn’t sound so convincing at all.

“Have you left the house already?”


“Okay, then I’ll end the call so you can focus on driving. Drive safely, Wheein”

“I will. No treats yet, okay? Stick to the schedule, Ma”

She was laughing when she said, “I can handle them”

I think she heard me sigh because she was laughing so hard before she ended the call.

I’ll worry about our babies later. For now, I wanted to focus on staying calm while heading to Yongsun’s workplace. I just hope that they weren’t being spoiled by Ma but I also doubt that won’t happen. Ma has been very open about spoiling the furballs. She and Yongsun does.

And here I am thinking that I’ll spoil them too much since I’ve been wanting to have pets since before. I thought wrong. Very wrong.

It didn’t take me that long to arrive at the building where Yongsun was working. I parked the car and brought the bag of containers with me. I grabbed my phone from my pocket as I headed to the lobby. I checked her message. which was a reminder of which floor their office was and how excited she was to see me.

I stopped for a second to look for the elevators and found them to the right of the reception area. I went inside and pressed the button for the seventh floor.

As I was heading up, my nervousness kicked in and I felt just a tiny bit claustrophobic inside the elevator. I focused on breathing and remembered my breathing exercises with one of my doctors. I closed my eyes and emptied my thoughts. I counted in my head and breathed. Just breathe.

It helped a lot until I heard the elevator ding.

I panicked while my eyes opened wide as I watched the doors opening. I bit my lower lip when I saw the change of the interior. The lobby feels too generic and commercial. This floor seems too elegant. It even smells great here.

Right in front of the elevator doors is the reception area and behind the reception area are several bottles of products lined up on a glass shelf. The floors are hardwood and there’s a mix of white and brown color schemes in their walls and furniture going on, highlighted with gold and white lights.

Yongsun works in a cosmetics and beauty clinic. The company manufactures their own makeup and skin care products while also offering several care services. Yongsun works as their accountant. She traces and manages financial matters in their company while also working as a consultation services to other companies.

As I stepped out of the elevator, something caught my attention on my left. I slowly turned my head towards my left and gasped, my lips wide open in shock, when I saw a huge picture of my fiancée.

She still has her black hair but it’s short. I never knew she cut her hair short! She’s holding an eyeliner, probably one of the products they're selling, while staring right at the camera.


I must’ve been staring for a long time because someone had to clear their throat to grab my attention.

I forced myself to close my mouth and dragged my eyes away from Yongsun’s picture. I glanced towards the reception desk and saw the receptionist grinning at me, I cleared my throat and forced myself to walk towards the desk, feeling shy when I was caught ogling at the poster.

Though I wasn’t able to stop myself from still eyeing Yongsun’s huge picture on the wall.

“Good morning. How may I help you?”


That’s what her name plate says. And do they all have to be beautiful to work here?

I mean it’s a beauty clinic so that must be a requirement.

I tried to meet her gaze but settled on focusing my eyes on her left eyebrow. I can’t look at her. She’s intimidating even when she’s smiling at me.

“I’m looking for Yongsun” I shyly whispered, hoping that she’d heard it because I don’t want to repeat myself.

Her smile widened, making me more nervous. “Are you Wheein?”

I was able to meet her gaze out of shock this time. Yongsun really did tell her colleagues I’m coming here to visit her.

I could only nod.

Irene glanced at her wristwatch before she said, “Right on time.” She stepped out of the reception desk and opened a door at the right of the shelf of products. “I’m still waiting for a client to be done with her treatment so I can’t walk you to her office but admin staff goes here. You can find her either in the lounge or in her office. Lounge is the first room on the left and Yongsun’s office is the third one on the left”

She looked at me with her eyebrows raised. “Did you get that, Wheein?”

I cleared my throat as I nodded. “I guess so…”

She chuckled under her breath, seemingly enjoying my nerves acting up. “I’m sure you’ll find your way. Why don’t you head in? She’s been blubbering about you coming here. Might as well worsen it” she said, laughing to herself and motioning for me to get in.

I bowed to her and started heading towards their admin office, glancing one last time at Yongsun’s picture in the reception area.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Wheein”

“You too” I whispered as I passed by her.

The office follows the same color scheme as the interior outside. The wall of posters and products outside were just nothing but white walls and glass windows with gray curtains in the admin office. Rooms on the left were all covered in glass walls while the office spaces on the right are open cubicle booths. Then there’s a room at the end of the hallway that’s probably for their president or CEO.

The lounge had a couple people in but they were both busy talking and preparing for lunch. Yongsun was nowhere to be found.

“Irene said third room on the right” I whispered under my breath.

I counted the room first to look for Yongsun’s office. Upon locating the room, I was about to take a step forward when the room at the far end of the hallway opened. I instantly heard Yongsun’s voice along with the others.

“Yah… You never had problems agreeing before. Why are you hesitating now?” a woman in a red suit with blonde hair asked Yongsun.

They stopped walking to face each other, only mere inches apart.

I’ve heard of Irene, Chorong, and Changsub. I’ve met all three of them. I don’t know who this is.

Yongsun crossed her arms in front of her before she said, “I’d like to think it over this time”

The blonde laughed at Yongsun as she reached over and pinched her cheeks. Yongsun’s fluffy cheeks that I love so much. Yongsun just accepted the tease.

“You’re cute when you’re whiny”

“I’m not whiny.” She finally pushed the blonde’s hand away from her cheek. “Stop that”

The blonde wasn’t fazed at all and decided to tickle Yongsun’s chin. “You’re beautiful, Yongsun. Even your CEO loves you as their model”

“She just says that so she wouldn’t spend a lot on professional models”

The blonde’s hand was on Yongsun’s shoulder and Yongsun wasn’t doing anything at all. I think she even likes it.

This is worse than Eric.

“She pays you as much as hiring models”

Yongsun only rolled her eyes while the blonde laughed at Yongsun again, her face getting closer to Yongsun as she booped Yongsun’s nose with her index finger.

The door behind me suddenly opened before I heard Irene say, “Oh, weren’t you able to look for Yongsun, Wheein?”

I saw Yongsun and the blonde turn their heads towards me just as I glanced

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Take care and stay safe always everyone!

- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺