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“So, how’s your day, Wendy?” Taeyeon asked, looking at the latter. “Did you already saw her?” Wendy nodded. “How is she? Are we going to have problem with her?”


Wendy thinks for a moment and said. “She’s more beautiful in personal than in picture.”


Taeyeon waited but Wendy had nothing more to offer.


“That’s it?”


“Yep,” Wendy said.


“Are she kind of short-tempered, spoiled brat or what?”




“Did you saw her sister?” Taeyeon asked.




“Her friends?”


“I didn’t notice.” Wendy replied.


“Are you taking this mission seriously?”


“Yes I am.”


Taeyeon sighed and said. “Please be more serious about it, then.”


“I know what I’m doing, Taeyeon-unnie.” Wendy said. “By the way, where’s Byul-unnie?” she asked, looking around.


“She’s already on the table, she reserved earlier with the others.” Taeyeon replied.


As they arrived in the cafeteria, students start murmuring and talking about them again. They looked around, looking for their friends. A student girl noticed and walked toward them and said. “If you’re looking for Byul-sunbaenim. They’re over there.” She pointed the table, near the counter. Taeyeon’s girlfriend, Tiffany noticed them and waved her hands, making their other friends to looked at their direction, Taeyeon just smiled and looked back to the girl. 


“Thank you for telling us.” Taeyeon said.


“Thank you.” Wendy said. “By the way, can I ask your name?”


“Sana. Minatozaki Sana.” The girl shyly replied.


“Sana is it?” the girl nodded. “That’s a beautiful name, fitted only for a beautiful lady like you.” Wendy said with a sweet smile. Sana’s face suddenly turned red as tomato.


“Please excuse us, we need to go to our friends.” Taeyeon said and grabbed Wendy’s shirt, dragging her away from the girl. ‘Seeing this brat, flirt in front of me making me want to puke.’


The other students in the cafeteria start squeaking and fanning their faces as they saw a peak of Wendy’s abs.


“Hey,” Wendy protested. “Let go of me, Taeyeon-unnie.”


Taeyeon let go of her shirt and Wendy immediately fixed her shirt. “Why did you do that? You know I’m talking to someone.”


“You’re more like flirting with her, Son Wendy.” Taeyeon corrected. “And, I don’t have time to wait for you, young lady. I’m already hungry.” She added, walking her way to their table.


“You can just leave me there, you know.” Wendy said, following her behind.


“And you know I can’t do that.” Taeyeon said, sternly. “Tiffany will get mad at me for leaving you there.” She added, remembering the time that Wendy’s still a freshmen and she go to the cafeteria without her, she got scolded by Tiffany for leaving the latter behind and commanded her to go back to fetch Wendy and bring her in the cafeteria to lunch.


Wendy hummed. “Well, Tiffany-unnie is over protected to me more than my own unnies.”


“Tiffany treats you not as her younger sister, but as her daughter…” Taeyeon said.


“More like a son.” Wendy corrected, Taeyeon silently agreeing to what her sister said.


“Why are you two late?” a voice said, full of authority, making the two stopped walking and looked up to see who it is. As they looked up, they saw the girl they just talking a while ago, smiling at them, but that smile making the both of them shiver. “And what happened there earlier?” she asked nicely, but for Taeyeon and Wendy it’s a command from the tyrant queen that they don’t want to disobey.


“We didn’t know where you guys sitting at. Good thing someone told us.” Wendy replied, trying not to stutter.


Tiffany smiled at Wendy and glared at Taeyeon. “Then why did you drag her like that?”


‘Here we go again.’ Wendy, Byul and their friends thought at the same time.


“Tiffany, if I didn’t do that, she’ll take forever flirting with that girl.” Taeyeon replied, whining.


‘Wrong move, Taeyeon-unnie. Wrong move.’ Wendy thought, feeling sorry for what will happen to her sister. Although half of this is her fault, her unnie should think something smart to respond instead of that.


“You can just tell her.” Tiffany said.


“Tell her? That kid never listens to me!”


“That’s not enough reason for you to drag her like that!”


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Chapter 2: Oh~~ I am looking forward to see more of this story
CorLeonisAuream #2
Chapter 2: Can't wait to keep reading your story!!!
I love that Taeyeon and Tiffany are together. And the little family with Wendy 😂😍
Ohh interesting
1801 streak #4
Chapter 1: To protect or kill? Huh she has douchebag bf here
jico_21 #5
Syniix #6
Chapter 2: Irene already surrounded by douchebag bf, an abusive admirer and even assassin. this gon be a lot of fun with the drama and actions. still a bit confuse if wendy were assigned to kill irene or protect her
wenrene012 #7