Settle down

Bad romance
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A sleepy Kim Minjeong opened her eyes earlier to look at the sleeping beauty next to her. "Why am i letting her in where no one is allowed?" she asked to herself, feeling so weak for her. "Isn't it obvious already? You don't want this to slip away." she thought, panicking at the idea of losing the younger girl. 


The sound of Karina's phone alarm scared her, but still Winter stretched to grab it from the night table.


"Please, don't let me go." The younger mumbled before hugging her tight and resting her head on her chest. 


Winter turned off the alarm "Sorry, honey. You have school." she said, not wanting to separate as she got drunk in her fragance. 


"Buzz killer." 


The brown haired smiled "You will thank me when you graduate. C'mon! Wake up, babe." she told her softly, then kissed her head gently.


"I hate you." Karina complained, hugging her tighter 


"Wait. You're hugging me too hard." Winter complained at her force. "Okay, 10 more minutes and then you're out." she added as Karina relaxed to continue resting on her girlfriend's chest


The brown haired only looked at the ceiling "She's cute like a kitten, but when you wake her up. She turns into a tiger." she thought doing her best to find a good way to wake her up. 






"Are you really my girlfriend? Aren't you going to forget?" 


Winter caressed her black hair tenderly "How am i supposed to forget about you? I would get totally lost without you." she confessed, getting her girlfriend's attention. 




Winter looked at those black eyes totally surrendered to them. "I can't think about anyone else. And yes, it will be difficult now because of my parents, but once you graduate. I will tell my parents how i feel for you for now it has to be a secret" she told her with all the good intentions in the world. 


Karina sighed a bit sad about it "Nobody will know you're mine." she whispered, then just got out of the bed with Winter following her "Then i guess we can date like idols do. Lovestagram, matching clothes and all that corny stuff." she told her, trying to cheer her up cause a sad Karina was the worst thing that could happen to her. 


"Eh?! but we don't have anything that matches." 


"Let's go shopping later. New cellphones, new clothes and let's take many obvious pictures to post them on our sns. That would make you happy?" Winter asked, rubbing her arms up and down gently. 


Karina smiled "Would you do that?" she asked. 


"I would do anything for you." Winter answered, but then covered cause didn't know where that came from. 


The black haired cupped her cheeks "You're cute embarrassed." she told her before giving her a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I gotta go before evryone else wake up." she added with a smile, then left the room. 


"Winter, what's wrong with you? Think before speaking." Winter said to herself as she walked to grab her phone of the night table to text Karina. She smiled at the fast reply and found it cute. 


The two texted cutely for some minutes until the brown haired went to bathroom to have a shower.


All dressed up, she decided to go to the kitchen. 


"Good morning!" Winter told everyone with a bright smile on her face. 


All the staff got nervous and bowed to her totally shocked at the cute tone. 


"Little miss. What are you doing here?" Th chef asked confused cause Winter hasn't come to the kicthen in a long while. 


Winter looked at them "I think i scared you all. Forgive me. I just wanted to know about today's dishes and maybe add something else." she said, hoping the chef would agree. 


"Yes, little miss. What that could be?" She asked very nervous, while the brown haired got closer. She wrapped her arm around the chef's neck like the old times when she used to sneak in and change the menu. "Everything you do is always delicious Mrs. Lee, but we need to add something else. Something sweet and soft. I'm craving so much for sugar." 


The other staff where confused at what they were seeing. It was like Kim Minjeonng had returned to her true smiley and fun self and the beast was completely gone. 


"What about a Molten Chocolate cake?" She asked. 


Winter was drooling "You know me so well, Mrs. Lee." she told her with a smile, then noticed the gardener "Mr. Yoon." she called, making him tremble


"The sunflowers look lovely! you're am

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oofiee 1169 streak #1
Chapter 34: oh good thing she knows winter was just messing with her
Trumfeet #2
Chapter 22: potanginamo jungwoo
Trumfeet #3
Chapter 19: nginaaaaa yung snasabi nilaaa na kapag ang love kapag naging instincts🥹🫶
Chapter 33: i'm so hooked up reading this all night such beautiful story, i'm glad the got the happy ending.
oofiee 1169 streak #5
Chapter 33: they have a family 🥹 yeji lost without even putting up a fight LOL

also jungwoo char dev... well he needed time to get to know his self-
blanketlove #6
Chapter 33: i love their first encounter with pucca karina and puppy min 🥺🩷 all these years karina had loved winter and Min grew up to love that baby powder scent
dpphppy #7
Chapter 33: when i read the last part, i was like “is this the end” !? because i didn’t see the status but oh no😭 gonna miss this fanfic and maybe will reread it
blanketlove #8
Chapter 33: i will miss this so much 😭😭
Chapter 33: Finally it's finished !!!thanks for the wonderful story author-nim💛🌹
cleofierayne 117 streak #10
Chapter 33: 🎉🥰🥰🥰❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥