Chapter 2: Vampire History Class

Supernatural Academy

Walking into his Vampire History class was nerve racking to say the least. Taemin had told him that this is the first year that the academy has ever had humans attend the school. Junmyeon could see that just by the way people looked at him as he entered the classroom. The classroom reminded him of one of the classrooms from Monster High, but the size of a university auditorium.

Taemin grabs Junmyeon’s wrist and brings him to the back of the classroom, despite Junmyeon’s ty eyesight that he has had since primary school. The first thing Junmyeon notices is how comfy the chairs are compared to seat he had at his university.

“Professor Nico likes to pick on the people in the front – besides no one sits back here due to King D.O so we are all good.” Taemin whispers.

Junmyeon looks around the room and meets eyes with King D.O – who is glaring daggers into his eyes. The crimson red irises boring straight into his soul like he was going to kill him. Taemin notices the tension and holds Junmyeon’s hand, as if to say it’s okay I’m still here.

The Professor clears his voice, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

“Morning students, I am Professor Nico and I’ll be your professor for Vampire History.” Professor Nico introduces.

“Throughout this course you will learn about the very first vampires and the various war to the marriage of our very own King who is a student in the academy this year.” The professor points his hand towards D.O, who nods his acknowledgement.

“Before I start, is Kim Junmyeon here?” Professor asks looking around the room.

Junmyeon raises his hand and stand up – all attention going towards him. Junmyeon was extra nervous now. He never liked attention to be on him even when he was in school in the human world. Junmyeon was the nerdy kid that stayed at the back of the classroom so he wouldn’t get any attention besides his teachers asking him questions.

“As the only human in this class, what is the human definition of a Vampire, off the top of your head,” He asks Junmyeon.

Junmyeon thinks for a bit before answering.

“Some who is undead, that is nocturnal, hates sunlight and drinks blood. Oh! And they are usually associated with originating from Transylvania in Romania.” He speaks.

“Typical humans and their definition of us is Insulting.” King D.O growls from on the other side of the room. He too was seated at the back of the room, not wanting anyone to be near him. Other vampires scoff at Junmyeon’s definition of a Vampire.

Junmyeon sits down and starts curling in on himself. It’s his first day and he’s managed to piss off vampires including the Vampire King himself. The professor manages to calm the tension in the class by starting the class.

“Vampire history starts over 20,000 years ago. The first vampires and also our first king and queen, Do Youngsoo and Do Kyungsoon. The two were born in a village human village just outside where the Vampire palace is located today. The two were part of a curse a witch put on both their mothers in an act of revenge after the village didn’t accept the witch’s sister into the village.

By the time the two were 18, they had fully become vampires. Out of hunger, the two had fed from and killed their own mothers. The event made them distraught. They couldn’t bear with the thought that they were the reason why their own mothers are no longer alive.” The professor starts off. Professor Nico’s vice echoes throughout the auditorium. Junmyeon listens intently whilst also dropping down note in his notebook. He can still feel D.O’s eyes glare at him. I’m just existing and I have already made an enemy. Junmyeon thinks to himself.

Junmyeon can hear all the whispering from his classmates. He knows they are talking about him, but he doesn’t pay any attention to it. This doesn’t stop Taemin from being annoyed that everyone is talking about Junmyeon like he is not even in the room. Taemin has never been one to back down from sticking up for his friends.

“Stop talking about My Best Friend like he is not even here, and you, Your Majesty, stop glaring at Junmyeon. We know you and your husbands hate humans, but have you never learnt manners.” Taemin yells, making everyone in the room quiet. D.O is appalled at being yelled at by some student.

“Mr. Lee, show King D.O respect, you know why he doesn’t like humans, but I also agree that everyone should stop talking about Mr. Kim like he isn’t in the room.” Professor Nico scolds.

Taemin goes to argue but Junmyeon puts a hand on Taemin’s shoulder. “It’s not worth it Taemin, I don’t want you getting into trouble on my behalf, that’s usually Kyuhyun’s job, even then I am my own person, and I can stick up for myself.” Junmyeon says softly. Taemin pouts and sits down.
Junmyeon stands up and bows to the professor.

“I apologise Seonsaeng-nim, Taemin can get quite protective of me.” Junmyeon raises his head and turns towards D.O. “My sincere apologies for my friend’s attitude, your majesty.” He bows 90 degrees. D.O sends a look that says, make sure it doesn’t happen again, and turns back towards the professor.

Junmyeon straightens up and sits back down. Everyone is shocked at how well Junmyeon handled the situation, especially when it involved D.O, the vampire king who is known for his cold and aloofness just like the rest of the kings.

The Professor nods and continues on with the lecture. Taemin mouths a huge ‘Thank you’ to Junmyeon, to whom just tells him it's all good. Junmyeon goes back to focusing on the lecture. Meanwhile, everyone around him is still looking at him. In moments like this, Junmyeon learnt that there is always going to be people in the word that won’t like you.

“In the year 896BC, was the year that King Hyungwon and Queen Sana, took the throne of the Vampire world. This is the same year that the palace that is in place today was built.” Professor Nico starts.


“Alright that was the end of class, your homework for tonight is to write a certain period before the modern age.” The professor instructs.

Junmyeon collects all his things and starts walking up steps when D.O calls out to him. “I would like to speak to you Human.” D.O say coldly. Junmyeon glances as Taemin who was stopped in front of him and nods. Taemin walks on ahead as Junmyeon walks towards D.O.

“Yes, Your highness?” Junmyeon says.

“Listen here. Stay away from me and my husbands, we don’t want your disgusting human presence near us. We didn’t want any of your humans at the academy, but the academy thought it would be good for the ‘relationship’ between us and you humans.” D.O says glaring at Junmyeon. Junmyeon could feel D.O’s aura from here. He could tell by D.O’s body language that he was very tense just by talking to him. Junmyeon just nods and walks away. He doesn’t want to deal with this negativity so leary in the morning. He had to put up with it in the Human realm and doesn’t want to deal with it now. He can hear D.O shout OI! but he pays no mind to it.

Taemin was in the doorway waiting for him with a small smile.

“So, what did Vampy King want to talk to you about?” Taemin asks.

“I’ll tell you later.” Junmyeon says walking towards his next class. Junmyeon knows that this isn’t going to be last run in with these supernatural kings.

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Chapter 2: This seems interesting and fun so far!!! :0 I love the concept, and I'm excited to see more of this world.