Hellfire Oasis
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Michael watched the chaos unfolding before him, a grim confirmation of his fears. He had been right all along, if the heavenly realm hadn't meddled in Irene's affairs, none of this would have come to pass. But they didn't listen to him. The celestials, in their arrogance, felt invincible and believed they could do as they pleased. Yet, they were not perfect. The roots of this conflict lay in the greed and jealousy sparked by Seraphine.


Michael charged into the fray, his sword gleaming with ethereal light as he struck down devils that surged forward. The battlefield was a gruesome tableau of fallen celestial beings and devils, their bodies strewn across the once-pristine realm. The stench of blood and smoke filled the air, and the cries of the wounded pierced through the din of battle. He couldn't fathom a more devastating scene. The heavenly realm, once a bastion of peace and order, had been thrown into turmoil by the sudden, brutal onslaught from the forces of the hell realm.


At the forefront of this chaos was Irene, leading the charge with a terrifying fury. Her eyes blazed with a wrath that sent shivers down Michael's spine. She was no longer the devil he once knew from afar, whose dealings were often shadowed in mystery and power struggles. Now, she was a force of vengeance, her every movement a testament to her rage and sorrow. Her dark aura sliced through the air as she commanded her infernal army with an iron will.


Despite the undeniable truth that his side had mistaken, Michael couldn't bear to see his fellow angels and his beloved home destroyed. The celestial spires that once reached towards the heavens were now crumbling, and the lush gardens were scorched and barren. He felt a profound sadness and anger, not just at the invading devils but at the arrogance of his own kind that had brought them to this point.


With a heavy heart, Michael steeled himself. He had to defend the heavenly realm, not out of blind loyalty, but to protect what little remained of the paradise he once cherished. As he plunged deeper into the battle, he resolved to fight not just for his home, but for the hope that one day, peace and wisdom might prevail over arrogance and conflict.

As the war drew to a close, the aftermath was nothing short of catastrophic. The heavenly realm's king had fallen at the hands of Irene, leaving Seraphine in deep mourning for her father. The once-majestic realm was now a desolate wasteland, littered with the bodies of fallen angels. The devastation was immense. On the infernal side, the king of the hell realm had also perished, and Irene, stricken by overwhelming grief for her love and her father, succumbed to an endless slumber. The war had ended, but at a tremendous cost. Both realms retreated into isolation, each closing its gates to the other, for any crossing of their boundaries threatened to reignite the flames of chaos.


In the aftermath, Michael found himself burdened with immense responsibility. The high-ranking angels, faced with few options, appointed Seraphine as the queen of the heavenly realm. Despite her perceived weakness, she was the only heir to the throne. Michael vowed to do everything in his power to restore peace and stability to their realm, motivated not only by duty but also by the need to protect his young son, Eunwoo, who was only three years old.


Eunwoo was the result of a forbidden love between Michael and a human woman he had met while observing the human world. Tragically, she died during childbirth. The high-ranking angels, who disapproved of Michael’s relationship with a human, ensured that her soul vanished forever, preventing her from ascending to heaven. Despite the intense grief and anger this caused Michael, he remained loyal to his duty. He defended the very angels who had caused him such pain, and they, albeit reluctantly, accepted his son despite his half-human, half-angel nature.


Michael’s belief that everyone— angels, humans, or devils deserved to experience love fueled his deep empathy and understanding of Irene’s actions. He knew that love and loss could drive beings to great extremes. This conviction strengthened his resolve to foster a future where peace and compassion could prevail over arrogance and division.


As he navigated the treacherous path of rebuilding their realm, Michael often thought of his son. Eunwoo, with his innocent eyes and untainted heart, represented hope for a better future. Michael's love for him was a constant reminder of what he was fighting for—a world where his son could grow up free from the shadow of war and hatred. He knew the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he was determined to see it through, for the sake of both his realm and his son.

But not everyone knew, Michael harbored a secret, carefully guarded from all. Before the war erupted between the realms of heaven and hell, Michael had revealed himself to Irene's lover. He had discovered the celestial beings' plan to kill him and warned Irene's lover to be cautious, urging him not to leave Irene's side. Michael knew that as long as Irene was present, no one would dare harm her loved ones. However, Irene's lover, consumed by panic and fear for their newborn baby girl's safety, chose not to disclose this information to Irene. He believed that revealing the danger would only enrage her, and his priority was to protect their family.


Sympathizing with the man's plight, Michael secretly guarded him, ensuring Irene remained unaware of his presence. From the shadows, Michael witnessed firsthand how love transformed Irene. She became a devoted mother and wife, and their family radiated warmth and happiness.


However, events unfolded that forced Michael to return to the heavenly realm, leaving Irene's family behind. Unbeknownst to him, Irene had decided to visit her father, the king of hell, to discuss urgent matters. In her absence, the angels seized the opportunity to attack Irene's lover. By the time Michael realized what was happening, it was too late. He arrived to find Irene's lover mortally wounded, his life slipping away before his eyes. Despite his efforts, Michael couldn't save him, leaving Irene consumed by intense grief and loss.


When Irene's lover died in the human world, his soul faced a pivotal moment. If it were to go to the hell realm, he could be with Irene for eternity, a reunion that would offer her some solace. However, if his soul was destined for the heavenly realm, it would spell disaster. Seraphine, with her unyielding grip, would never release him, leading to further strife and heartache. Michael pondered this dilemma deeply, knowing that he had to act with precision and care.


Michael waited with bated breath for the arrival of Irene's lover's soul, fully aware that Irene was anxiously waiting in the hell realm as well. The moment of truth arrived when the angel of death, tasked with fetching souls from the human world, appeared with a procession of new arrivals. Michael's heart pounded in his chest as he scanned the faces of the newly departed, his anxiety mounting.


Finally, his eyes locked onto the familiar face he had been searching for, and a wave of immense sadness washed over him. Irene's lover was among the souls destined for the heavenly realm. Michael froze, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but he knew he had to act swiftly and decisively.


Approaching the man, Michael's nerves were palpable. He had to act swiftly before the angel of death noticed him. Seizing the moment, he deftly took Irene's lover away while the angel of death was preoccupied with other newly arrived souls. Irene's lover recognized Michael, his eyes wide with a mix of relief and confusion. Michael brought him to his secluded abode, a hidden sanctuary where he could stay safely out of sight. He knew that once Irene's lover's name appeared in the Book of the Dead, Seraphine would immediately come searching, and all would be lost.


As Michael tended to him, he saw the depth of the man's anguish. Tears streamed down his face as he repeatedly called out for Irene and their daughter. The man's grief was palpable, a haunting echo of Michael's own past loss. He pleaded with Michael to reunite him with Irene, but Michael knew it was impossible. The man's soul was meant for the heavenly realm, a fate that could not be altered.


Desperate, the man continued to beg, his despair growing with each passing moment. Michael, torn by compassion and duty, struggled to find a solution. He deeply wanted the man to be reunited with Irene, despite the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Determined to make the impossible possible, Michael devised a daring plan to help the man's soul escape from the heavenly realm. He knew that once the soul reached the hell realm, Seraphine could do nothing, aware of how powerful Irene was.


As they prepared to escape, Michael carefully explained the plan to the man, who listened intently, clinging to every word. Their escape had to be precise and flawless, for the stakes were incredibly high. However, before they could put their plan into action, Seraphine discovered that Irene's lover was in the heavenly realm. She immediately commanded all angels to search for his soul, unaware that he was hidden with Michael.


Michael did everything in his power to protect the man, guiding him through secret passages and hidden routes in the heavenly realm. The tension was palpable, and Michael's heart pounded with the urgency of their mission. Just as they neared the final stage of their escape, disaster struck. The Cherubim, powerful celestial beings, captured Irene's lover and began torturing his soul.


Michael, witnessing this horrific scene, knew he had to act swiftly. He summoned all his strength and power, launching a fierce attack on the Cherubim. Using his abilities to shield his presence, Michael managed to drive the Cherubim away. However, the damage had been done. The man were left severely weakened, his strength sapped by the Cherubim's soul- power.


Michael helped the man as they hid away from the clutch of Seraphine. He did his best to heal him, but the man's soul was gravely weakened by the Cherubim's attack, making it nearly impossible for his soul to escape now. The Cherubim's power had drained him to the brink of nonexistence.


The man cried, his thoughts consumed with Irene and their daughter. He was on the verge of giving up, and Michael, feeling a deep sympathy for him, began to think of another way to help. Finally, an idea formed in his mind—a risky, unorthodox plan that might offer some semblance of peace. He proposed the only option he could think of, the dream realm.


“In the dream realm,” Michael began to explained, “you can experience a world of perpetual happiness and wonder. More importantly, you can visit Irene and your daughter in their dreams, creating moments of reunion and love, albeit ephemeral. It’s a place where you can see them, speak to them, and feel their presence. But this solution comes with a heavy price.”


The man looked at Michael, his eyes filled with a glimmer of hope mingled with resignation. 


“What is the price?” he asked, his voice is weak and trembling.


Michael took a deep breath. “Once you enter the dream realm, your existence will no longer have a place in the heavenly realm or any other. Your presence in the dream realm is not temporary, your existence will gradually vanish little by little.”


The man's face was a canvas of conflicting emotions—hope for the chance to be with his loved ones again, fear of the unknown, and sorrow for the heavy price. But his love for Irene and their daughter was overwhelming. With tears in his eyes, he nodded.


“I will do it. I will do anything to be with them, even if it’s just in their dreams. I just want to be with them before I vanish from existence,” the man declared with unwavering determination, his voice filled with a mixture of love and resignation.

Michael nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of the man's decision. But before guiding the man's soul into the dream realm, he asked a solemn question, his voice tinged with a sense of reverence.


“Would you allow me to take the essence of your soul?” Michael asked, his gaze unwavering. He knew the significance of this request, for it meant that the man's soul would be able to reincarnate—a chance that had been denied by the events that had unfolded. By extracting the essence of his soul, Michael hoped to offer the man a chance at a new beginning, a fresh start in another life.


The man's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected request, but he quickly understood the implications. With a gentle nod and a grateful smile, he agreed. 


“Thank you, Michael, for everything,” he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude and acceptance.


With a sense of reverence, Michael carefully extracted the essence of the man's soul, a delicate and sacred process that carried the weight of untold possibilities. As he completed the extraction, he felt a profound sense of responsibility and hope, knowing that he had played a part in shaping the man's destiny.


With the essence of the man's soul safely in his grasp, Michael proceeded to guide him into the dream realm, where he would find solace and peace. Before releasing him into this ethereal domain, Michael bestowed upon the man a precious gift—the power of memories. With this gift, the man would be able to draw upon cherished moments from his past life, present and the future weaving them into the fabric of his dreams, creating a tapestry of love and connection to sustain him in his new existence.


As the man's soul crossed into the dream realm, a new chapter began—a chapter filled with the promise of renewal and redemption, guided by the selfless act of one angel's compassion. In this realm of infinite possibilities, the man would find a sanctuary where love transcended the boundaries of time and space, offering him a haven of comfort and joy amidst the trials of existence.


With a final, gentle farewell, Michael watched as the man's soul disappeared into the shimmering landscape of dreams, a beacon of hope shining brightly in the darkness. And as the echoes of their encounter faded into the ether, Michael felt a profound sense of peace wash over him, knowing that he had helped to bring light into the darkness, and that the man's journey had only just begun.



Michael watched with a heavy heart as Irene crumbled under the weight of her grief, her anguish palpable in every tear that fell. The memory of his own past heartbreak surged within him, reminding him of the pain he had once endured. Seeing Irene in such agony was a stark reminder of the fragility of love and the cruelty of fate.


But as grief consumed Irene, a darkness began to creep into her soul, twisting her thoughts and clouding her judgment. In her madness, she forgot the presence of her daughter, consumed instead by thoughts of revenge and retribution. With a single-minded determination, she turned her back on her child and set out for the hell realm, her heart ablaze with the desire for vengeance.


Left behind in the human world, Irene's daughter was now alone, her innocence a stark contrast to the chaos that surrounded her. But Michael refused to abandon her, his unwavering loyalty tethering him to her side. He watched over her with a vigilant eye, shielding her from harm and offering her what comfort he could in the absence of her mother.


As the devastation of the heavenly realm reached its peak, Michael found himself torn between his duty to protect Irene's daughter and his responsibilities to his own kind. With a heavy heart, he knew he had no choice but to leave the child for a time, trusting that she would be safe in his absence. Before he departed, he ensured that she was in capable hands, surrounded by guardians who would watch over her with the same unwavering devotion that he felt.


And so, with a silent vow to return, Michael left the child behind, his heart heavy with the weight of the choices that lay before him. But even as he turned away, his thoughts remained with the innocent soul he had sworn to protect, knowing that he would stop at nothing to ensure her safety and well-being, no matter the cost.

As Michael fought for his home during the tumultuous war, his thoughts were never far from the baby left alone in the human world. When the conflict finally came to an end and he learned of Irene's descent into endless slumber, Michael's heart ached with sadness for the child who now had no one left to care for her. Determined to ensure her safety, Michael flew swiftly to where the baby resided, his wings carrying him with a sense of urgency and purpose.


Arriving at Irene's house, Michael was met with a surprising sight—Azazel, the superior of hell, disguised as a regular man, cradling Irene's baby in his arms. Michael instinctively shielded himself, careful not to reveal his presence as he followed Azazel, his curiosity piqued by the devil's unexpected actions.


They traveled to a small house, where Azazel gently placed the baby on the doorstep before knocking on the door before disappearing from sight. Anticipation hung in the air as Michael waited alongside the devil, his heart heavy with uncertainty.


When the door swung open, revealing an elderly man with a warm smile, Michael felt a sense of relief wash over him. He could sense the goodness radiating from the old man, a reassurance that the child would be in capable hands. As the old man scooped the baby into his arms, a spark of joy lit up the baby's face, it was clear that she would be well cared for in this new home, surrounded by love and warmth.


Suddenly, a girl aged around five years old appeared beside the old man, her eyes shining with excitement as she reached out to touch the baby. Michael watched in wonder as the two children interacted, feeling a sense of hope blossom within him.

Watching from the shadows, Michael's gaze shifted to where Azazel had stood moments before, the devil now vanished from sight. In that moment, a sense of understanding dawned on Michael. He realized that despite the animosity between their realms, Azazel had acted out of compassion for the child's well-being, ensuring that she would be cared for in Irene's absence.


In that moment, Michael couldn't pull himself away from the baby. He guarded her alongside the old man and his granddaughter, watching them from the shadows as he became a silent part of their family. They loved and cared for the baby deeply, and Michael felt a profound sense of happiness and peace seeing the child surrounded by such warmth and affection. He hoped fervently that Irene would wake from her slumber and reunite with her daughter.


However, the tranquility was shattered when Seraphine, relentless in her pursuit of Irene's baby, commanded the angels to find her. Michael's anger burned fiercely. Seraphine had caused all this turmoil, and now she targeted an innocent child. Determined to protect the baby, Michael devised a plan. 


He learned that the old man and his granddaughter were facing eviction; the owner of their house was about to kick them out. Seizing the opportunity, Michael disguised himself as a regular man and approached the old man with an offer. He provided them with a new house, one where they could live without worrying about payment, and where no celestial beings would be able to find them.


At first, the old man was doubtful and wary of Michael's generosity, suspecting hidden motives. But faced with the prospect of homelessness, especially with a baby and his granddaughter to care for, he reluctantly accepted the offer. Michael reassured him, understanding his hesitation, but knowing this was the best way to ensure their safety.


As the old man and his family moved into their new home, Michael continued to watch over them, his heart both heavy and hopeful. He knew the dangers that still lurked, but he also believed in the strength of the bonds that had formed. With unwavering resolve, he stood guard, ready to protect the innocent life that had become so precious to him.


Michael hoped that one day Irene would awaken and be reunited with her daughter. Until then, he would do everything in his power to keep her safe, even if it meant confronting Seraphine and her angels head-on.


Michael also met Seulgi, the granddaughter of the old man. He knew she was an orphan too, and he saw in Seulgi a deep love for the baby, as if the child were truly her sister. Seulgi never left the baby's side, always protecting and caring for her, while also helping her grandfather around the house despite her young age. Her maturity and understanding of their situation impressed Michael, and he couldn't help but see echoes of Irene's lover in her.


This reminded Michael of the essence of Irene's lover's soul that he held. He wondered if he could really give such a profound gift to someone so young. After much contemplation, Michael made his decision. 


One evening, he approached Seulgi with a gentle smile and offered her a candy. She thanked him cutely, her eyes bright with gratitude. As she accepted the candy, Michael carefully and subtly transferred the essence of Irene's lover's soul into her. He watched as a faint, almost imperceptible glow enveloped Seulgi for a moment, then faded.


Michael smiled as he finished, feeling a sense of peace. He knew in his heart that Seulgi would love and protect the baby unconditionally as they grew up. He believed that the essence of Irene's lover would guide her, ensuring that the bond between the two children remained strong and filled with love.


And Michael was not wrong. As the years passed, he watched Seulgi and the baby, named Yerim, grow together despite the hardships of life. Even after their grandfather passed away, they conquered every challenge as long as they had each other. Michael continued to follow and guard Yerim, Irene's daughter, and Seulgi from the shadows, unbeknownst to both the heavenly and hellish realms. Not even his son knew of his secret vigil, it was something Michael kept to himself.


One fateful day, as he watched Seulgi and Yerim engaging in a playful pillow fight, a flash of light suddenly appeared over their heads. This ominous sign indicated that their time in the human world was coming to an end within hours. Michael was taken aback; they were too young to die. He suspected there might be a connection to Irene, perhaps her slumbering state was affecting her daughter's fate.


Unable to defy fate, Michael prepared himself to face the inevitable. As he watched Seulgi and Yerim, his heart heavy with sorrow, he resolved to ensure their final moments were peaceful and filled with love.


The hours ticked by, and Michael observed the two girls, their bond stronger than ever. They laughed and played, unaware of the impending end. Michael's mind raced, trying to think of any way to alter their fate, but he knew some things were beyond even his power.


As the final moments ap

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Hellfire Oasis is complete! Four intense days of writing the final chapter with 12k words. It was so hard, but oh so worth it. Huge thanks to all of you for your unwavering support to this story!♡


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Chapter 35: 😍😍😍😍
percydary #2
Chapter 33: congratulations for finishing this beautiful story, how can u be a newbie, when u got hooked us in every chapters, u are so good! and the ending feels like u wanted more haha. Really cant wait for the book 2, I know its already amazing just like hellfire oasis
Chapter 33: 🥺🙏
sunnysideup01 #4
Chapter 33: i forgot that Seulgi was task to document everything in the hell realm through her drawings and writings, and the scenes on the last part describing Seulgi's book, it was amazing omg! This is so cool! I love everything about this story. You're amazing authornim, really cant wait for your other stories 😭
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: my heart! I'm crying, the part where Jinyoung began to dissapear, my heart broke for Wendy, that was so painful and the part where Irene is on her knees begging for Yeri 💔💔💔 Irene will be crazy if she knew the god wiping all her daughter's memories and Seulgi being missing 😭😭😭

Congratulations author for finishing this story. This is so beautiful, we will gonna support you on your other future works and can't wait for book 2!!
Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhh its so goodddddddd 😭😭. Now its time for Seulgi's story I can feel it with the cliffhanger in the end. Damn , the lengths that Irene will do just to protect and find Yerim. How she was willing to go down on her knees just to be with her daughter 🥺🥺. Now that Irene got her daughter back, I hope they will find Seulgi soon 😔.

I can't wait for Book 2!! For a new writer you really did amazing with this story and got us hooked each chapter! Have a nice day author-nim! 😊😊😊
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 33: Congratulations author nim for ending book 1 , u done a very great job and can't wait for book 2 😭🫶🏻🩷🩷
I'm soooo scared everytime i refresh my aff and see new story updated in my notification 😭 I don't want this to end yet 😭😭
velvet5evr #9
Chapter 32: You cant really miss the small details on this story, like the portrait of the woman that Yeri wants Seulgi to draw and the picture of young Jinyoung that Yeri left in their room in purpose so that Irene would know where she is and all the subtle hints in other chapters. For a newbie writer like you this is already amazing and Im kinda sad that this will be the end or not? but I'm very thankful to you, because you written an amazing story for our girls and of course to our baby Yeri as a main character, thank you ma'am for this, I'm looking forward to your future stories. Hellfire Oasis jjang jjang!!

Looking forward for the book 2 🫂
Chapter 32: idk how to feel while reading this chap, im afraid they all gonna fall apart especially the friendship of wenri and Seraphine was obsessed to take Yeri away from Irene but in the end she got Seulgi instead and knowing Seulgi's soul was really meant to be in heaven omg this is gonna be so good! I smell angst here 😭