Hellfire Oasis
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All realms were engulfed in an impenetrable darkness, an oppressive shroud that weighed heavily on every living soul. Fear spread like wildfire, gripping the hearts of mortals and immortals alike. The human world trembled, heaven's serenity shattered, and the very fires of hell seemed to wane in the face of the encroaching doom.


Unlike past catastrophes, this one felt final, as though the very fabric of existence was fraying at the seams. Panic surged through the streets of cities, whispered prayers filled the halls of heaven, and in the depths of hell, even the most loyal demons quaked with unease.


The source of this unprecedented chaos was none other than Yerim, the daughter of the Queen of Hell. Her power was immense, her fury unbridled. Once a figure shrouded in mystery and dread, she now stood at the epicenter of this apocalypse, her eyes blazing with an infernal light. Her very presence radiated malevolence, and with a wave of her hand, she could command legions, bend reality, and plunge entire worlds into despair.


The gates of the hell realms began to open, releasing a torrent of beings who surged forth, drawn by the magnetic pull of Yerim's power. Some were compelled by an unholy allegiance, eager to follow her command. Others, driven by fear and desperation, sought to attack her, hoping to end her reign of terror before it culminated in the annihilation of all worlds.


Chaos reigned as monstrous demons, long hidden in the deepest pits of hell, resurfaced. These grotesque entities, with eyes glowing like embers and claws sharp as obsidian, formed a protective barrier around Yerim. They viciously attacked any who dared to approach her with hostile intent, tearing apart those who sought her demise.


Amidst this infernal pandemonium, Yerim stood motionless, her gaze fixed blankly into the void. It was as if she were possessed, her consciousness entrapped in a place beyond the physical. Her once vibrant eyes now resembled black holes, absorbing all light and hope around her.


Beings from all realms tried to breach the demonic defenses, driven by the belief that killing Yerim was the only way to prevent the world’s imminent end. However, each attempt met with brutal retaliation. Screams of agony filled the air as bodies fell, lifeless, at the feet of the unyielding monsters guarding her.


Despite the carnage, Yerim remained untouched, an eerie calm enveloping her as chaos swirled around. Her presence was an enigma, both commanding and unassailable. No one could come close, no matter how many brave souls tried; they all met the same grim fate, their lives extinguished in a futile attempt to stop her.


The scene was a nightmare come to life, a dark tableau of desperation and doom. As the realms teetered on the brink of destruction, the sense of dread deepened. Every moment felt like a heartbeat closer to the end, the weight of impending doom pressing down on every soul present.


Michael and Azazel sprang into action as the barrier around the Queen's palace began to dissolve. Beings of various shapes and powers emerged from the shadows, launching sudden attacks. Forced into combat, Michael and Azazel defended themselves, striking back with a fury born of desperation.


Celestial beings, stunned to find Michael in the hell realm, were even more astonished to see him alongside his son, Eunwoo. They quickly jumped to conclusions, believing Michael had formed an alliance with the forces of hell. Despite knowing Michael's formidable power, the celestial beings attacked him and Eunwoo. Michael, already burdened by the necessity to protect his injured son, fought back with relentless determination. His every move was calculated to shield Eunwoo, whose weakened state made him vulnerable.


Azazel, meanwhile, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of monstrous demons, entities he and his allies had imprisoned a century ago. These creatures had once wreaked havoc in the hell realm, spreading fear and chaos until the King of Hell himself had them locked away to restore peace. Now, they stood before Azazel, unleashed once more and attacking with savage ferocity, all in defense of Yerim. Azazel's shock was palpable as he grappled with the realization that these monsters were now under Yerim's control.


Joy, on the other hand, was paralyzed with indecision. She had never seen Yerim like this. The Yerim she knew seemed to have vanished, replaced by a being of pure darkness and malevolence. Fear gripped her heart as she gazed at Yerim, whose once-familiar eyes now reflected a complete and terrifying transformation. It was as if Yerim had become an entirely different demon, devoid of any remnants of her former self.


Suddenly, Joy was jolted from her thoughts by a vicious attack. Instincts kicking in, she defended herself, her movements swift and precise. She struggled to reconcile her fear and her loyalty to Yerim with the immediate need to survive the relentless onslaught.


The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos and violence. Michael, Azazel, Joy, and Eunwoo each fought their own battles, their minds whirling with confusion and determination. As monstrous demons clashed with celestial warriors and alliances were questioned, the very fabric of the realms seemed to teeter on the brink of collapse. The outcome of this epic confrontation would determine the fate of all worlds.


Meanwhile, Irene was still reeling from the shocking revelations about Jinyoung's true identity. He was her half-brother, the son of her father to a mortal girl. Where her father had murdered Jinyoung's mother, and Jinyoung's wicked plan for revenge was to kill her and take her daughter away from her. His alliance with Seraphine, who was obsessed with Yerim and sought to poison her mind, added another layer of betrayal and danger.


The whirlwind of emotions—betrayal, anger, and fear—surged within Irene, leaving her barely able to process the information. Her rage threatened to consume her, but it was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a loud commotion outside the palace. Her thoughts immediately turned to Yerim.


Irene ran as fast as she could towards the source of the noise, her heart pounding with fear for her daughter. At the entrance of the palace, she found Joy, frozen in place, staring at something outside. Irene followed her gaze and saw Yerim, now radiating a dangerous, otherworldly power. Michael, Azazel, and Eunwoo stood around her, their faces etched with fear.


“Yerim, please don't do that!” Irene shouted as she ran towards her daughter, desperate to reach her in time. But it was too late.


Yerim suddenly released a blinding, dangerous light, sending everyone around her flying backward. Irene was thrown to the ground, the wind knocked out of her. When she looked up, the palace barrier had shattered, revealing a scene of utter devastation. The sky darkened, and the air grew hot, filled with the oppressive weight of chaos and destruction.


To her horror, Irene saw different kinds of celestial beings and entities entering through the broken barrier. Many of them were clearly intent on eliminating her daughter. 


“No!!!” Irene screamed in fury as she saw an angel flying towards Yerim with murderous intent. She sprang to her feet, ready to intercept and kill the angel herself, but before she could act, the angel disintegrated into ashes the moment it neared Yerim.


Irene stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide with shock. She watched as more entities approached, only to be destroyed by the sheer force of Yerim's power. It was then that Irene realized the terrifying extent of her daughter's abilities. Yerim was no longer the child she once knew; she had become something far more powerful and uncontrollable.


Tears filled Irene’s eyes as she called out, her voice breaking with a mix of fear and desperation, “Yerim, please! You must stop this!”


But Yerim seemed unreachable, lost in the overwhelming surge of her own dark energy. The chaos around them intensified, and Irene knew that the fate of not just their realm, but all realms, hung in the balance.


Amidst the chaos engulfing the realms, Seulgi found herself locked in her room, seeking solace in solitude. Her mind was consumed by the weight of her newfound fate—a fate that seemed to contradict everything she had ever known. She was not meant for hell; her soul belonged to heaven. The essence of the queen's lover, intertwined with her own, added another layer of complexity to her identity. Seulgi felt adrift, as if her entire existence had been built upon a lie, a mere vessel for someone else's purpose.


Tears streamed down Seulgi's cheeks as she grappled with the overwhelming sense of purposelessness. What was her place in this world now that everything she thought she knew had been shattered?


Suddenly, a deafening explosion rocked the palace, jolting Seulgi from her thoughts. The sound reverberated through the walls, threatening to pierce her very soul. Seulgi recoiled, instinctively seeking refuge in the safety of her room. But as she glanced out the window, her heart skipped a beat.


Yerim stood at the center of the chaos, surrounded by a blinding, dangerous light. Seulgi's breath caught in as she watched in horror. Entities of all shapes and sizes swarmed around her sister, their intentions clear: to attack and destroy.


Despite the turmoil raging within her, Seulgi knew she couldn't stay hidden any longer. Her love for Yerim, her instinct to protect her sister at all costs, overpowered her own conflicted emotions.


With a determined resolve, Seulgi dashed out of her room, her footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. Every fiber of her being screamed for her to turn back, to retreat to the safety of her solitude. But she pushed forward, driven by an unyielding determination to stand by Yerim's side, no matter the cost.


As she emerged into the chaos outside, Seulgi's senses were overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of battle. But amidst the turmoil, her focus remained unwavering, her sole purpose clear: to protect her sister at any cost.



Seulgi observed the chaotic battle unfolding before her with a mixture of awe and trepidation. As she witnessed the queen and the others fighting with valor, she felt a pang of weakness knowing her own lack of powers, save for her ability to teleport. Yet, fueled by determination and loyalty, she resolved to contribute in any way she could. With each step, her heart pounded in her chest, the adrenaline coursing through her veins heightening her senses to the danger that surrounded her.


A sudden blur of movement caught Seulgi's attention, and she instinctively dodged a projectile hurtling towards her. Her acute sense of hearing allowed her to anticipate the attack, her body moving with fluid grace as she evaded it with precision. With every near-miss, her resolve hardened, her determination to reach Yerim's side burning brighter with each passing moment.


“Yerim–ah!” Seulgi's voice reverberated through the chaos, a desperate plea lost amidst the din of battle. Though her cries went unheard by her sister, Seulgi refused to be deterred, her determination unyielding as she pressed forward through the fray.


Meanwhile, Irene's heart clenched with worry as she watched Seulgi darting through the battlefield, evading attacks with unnatural grace. Her fear spiked when she saw something closing in on Seulgi, prompting a surge of protective rage within her. With a roar of fury, Irene charged forward, her sole focus on intercepting the relentless assault aimed at Seulgi.


“Seulgi!” Irene's voice echoed through the chaos, but Seulgi seemed oblivious to her cries, her gaze fixed on her destination. Confusion gnawed at Irene's mind as she watched Seulgi's reckless advance. Then, understanding dawned upon her, realization striking like a bolt of lightning. Seulgi's desperate dash was not an act of recklessness, but a deliberate attempt to reach her daughter's side.


Horror washed over Irene as she grasped the grim truth, anyone who drew near to Yerim risked being consumed by her uncontrollable power. Panic surged through her veins as she shouted Seulgi's name, her voice a desperate plea to stop her from advancing into danger.


“Seulgi, stop! You must not go near Yerim! It's too dangerous!” Irene's warning fell on deaf ears as Seulgi continued her determined sprint towards Yerim, oblivious to the peril that awaited her.


Fear gripped Irene's heart as she raced to intercept Seulgi, her mind consumed with the thought of losing yet another loved one. She moved with desperate speed, driven by her instinct to protect.


Seulgi drew closer to Yerim, her heart pounding with anticipation and fear. “Yerim–ah!” she called out once more, her voice trembling with emotion. As Yerim slowly turned to face her and time seemed to stand still, the world around them fading into insignificance.


Seulgi's breath caught in as she met Yerim's gaze, a flood of memories and emotions washing over her. Then, in a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, Yerim smiled—a smile that held a lifetime of shared moments and unspoken bonds. Seulgi's heart ached at the sight, a mixture of joy and sorrow coursing through her veins.


But as Yerim's form began to fade, Seulgi's panic surged anew. The thought of losing her sister, of being left alone in a world consumed by chaos, was more than she could bear. Without hesitation, she threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around Yerim in a desperate embrace.


In that moment, everything seemed to blur. Seulgi felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, her senses overwhelmed by the sudden rush of darkness. Her grip on Yerim tightened, her last conscious thought a silent prayer that they would emerge from the darkness together.


The battle came to an abrupt halt as celestial beings and entities began to flee for their lives, the monstrous demons vanishing into the air. The once-devastated surroundings fell into an eerie calm. Michael, Azazel, Eunwoo, and Joy stood amidst the wreckage, gasping for breath, their faces etched with shock as they stared at the spot where Yerim had stood moments earlier. They had all witnessed the incredible turn of events.


Irene, however, remained frozen in place, her heart shattered. She had seen it all, the way Yerim had smiled at Seulgi, the way her daughter's body had begun to fade as if she were slipping away from this world. Tears streamed down Irene's face, and she struggled to breathe, her mind invaded by terrifying scenarios about what might have happened to Yerim and Seulgi. It felt as though her world was collapsing around her.


As the reality of the situation settled in, Irene released an anguished scream that echoed through the hell realm, shaking its very foundations. Consumed by rage and despair, she began to attack her surroundings, her power erupting in a relentless rampage.


“Your Majesty!” Joy and Azazel sprinted towards Irene, desperate to stop her destructive outburst. Joy threw her arms around the queen, trying to calm her as Irene collapsed to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably for her lost daughter and Seulgi.


Joy held Irene tightly, whispering soothing words despite the chaos that still lingered in the air. Azazel stood by, his face a mask of sorrow and determination, knowing that their struggle was far from over. They needed to find Yerim and Seulgi, no matter the cost.


In the midst of the devastation, a fragile sense of resolve began to take root. The battle was over, but the fight to reclaim what was lost had only just begun.






Seraphine fled her palace in a state of panic, her heart pounding with fear. Jinyoung had become too dangerous, his presence a constant threat. She had to warn Michael and reveal Jinyoung's nefarious plans. Regret gnawed at her for ever entertaining Jinyoung and forging an alliance with him.


She ran as fast as she could, every step fueled by desperation. She could sense Jinyoung's presence growing closer, a dark shadow pursuing her. As she put more distance between herself and the palace, the ground began to shake violently, and the sky darkened ominously. Chaos seemed to envelop the heavenly realm, and an immense power radiated through the air.


Seraphine's breath caught in as she realized the source of this overwhelming power. It was Yerim. She knew that Yerim must be in a rampage once again, her uncontrollable energy wreaking havoc. The thought sent a chill down her spine, spurring her to move even faster.


Seraphine's resolve hardened as she pushed herself forward, knowing that Michael was her best hope against Jinyoung's treachery. With every passing second, the realm plunged deeper into chaos, and Seraphine felt the weight of regret heavy upon her. Yet, driven by a fierce determination to correct her mistakes and find redemption, she pressed on.


But just as she neared her destination, a powerful force struck her with staggering force, sending her crashing to the ground. Darkness enveloped her, swallowing her cries for help as she succumbed to unconsciousness, her fate hanging in the balance.


Jinyoung's dark smirk twisted into a cruel laugh as he surveyed Seraphine's unconscious form on the ground.


“Did you truly believe you could escape me?” His voice dripped with malice, each word laced with danger. “You're nothing but a pawn, easily manipulated and discarded.”


With a wave of his hand, Jinyoung unleashed a barrage of power, aiming to snuff out Seraphine's life with a final, fatal blow. But before he could strike, a loud noise erupted from Seraphine's palace, interrupting his deadly intent.


Fury burning within him, Jinyoung abandoned Seraphine and hastened back to the palace, his mind consumed by thoughts of Wendy. He cared not for the chaos around him, his sole focus on protecting what he considered his own. As he teleported to Wendy's side, his anger boiled over, fueled by the fear of losing her to unknown assailants.


Upon discovering Wendy was already awake, seated on the bed with her hair disheveled, Jinyoung's gaze fixated on the wounds adorning her neck, a surge of fury and anger coursing through him.


“J-Jinyoung?” Wendy's soft voice filled the air, catching Jinyoung's immediate attention. His heart stirred at the sound, but he quickly masked any hint of emotion.


“What h-happened?” Wendy's voice trembled with fear and confusion as she addressed him, her gaze darting around the unfamiliar room. She couldn't quite grasp her surroundings, her mind still foggy from recent events.


As Wendy gently caressed her neck, a wave of pain washed over her, triggering a flood of memories. The torment inflicted by the queen, the accidental attack by Jinyoung to Joy, and Eunwoo's torture—all came rushing back with unbearable clarity. Tears welled up in Wendy's eyes as she struggled to contain her anguish.


“Are you crying for that angel?” Jinyoung's voice dripped with accusation, his eyes blazing with anger. Wendy's only response was a series of choked sobs, which stoked Jinyoung's fury even more.


He began to hurl objects across the room, the sound of breaking glass and splintering wood echoing around them. Each crash made Wendy flinch, her heart pounding with fear.


Wendy slowly rose from the bed, her legs shaking as she took hesitant steps backward, terrified that Jinyoung might lash out at her. She could see the barely contained rage in his eyes, a storm ready to unleash.


“Jinyoung, please, stop this now,” Wendy pleaded, her voice trembling, tears streaming down her cheeks. She could barely see through her blurred vision, each tear a testament to her despair.


“Are you in love with him now, Wendy?” Jinyoung demanded, his voice a dangerous growl as he advanced towards her. His eyes, once filled with warmth and love, now bore into her with a cold, piercing intensity.


Wendy shook her head frantically, her hands trembling. “No, he’s just a friend,” she whispered, but Jinyoung refused to accept her explanation. He loomed over her, his shadow casting a menacing pall over her small frame.


“Just a friend? Yet you lie to me repeatedly just to see him. Don’t treat me like a fool, Wendy!” Jinyoung shouted, his voice cracking with hurt and betrayal. Wendy’s heart ached, the weight of her guilt pressing down on her chest like a vice. She felt the crushing responsibility for the chaos and pain that surrounded them.


“I’m so sorry, Jinyoung,” she said, her voice breaking. “It’s true that I lied to you, but not because of him. I was afraid to tell you the truth. I lied because I fell in love with the human world. It brought me peace and comfort in a way I never felt before.” Wendy's eyes searched his, pleading for understanding, her words a desperate attempt to bridge the widening chasm between them.


For a moment, Jinyoung’s face softened, a flicker of the man she once knew appearing. But then his expression hardened again, his walls slamming back into place. The hurt and jealousy were too deep, blinding him to the sincerity in her words.


“You fell in love with the human world?” he repeated bitterly, his voice dripping with disdain. “And what about us? Was that all just a lie too?”


Wendy shook her head vigorously, her tears falling faster. “No, Jinyoung, I never lied about us. I love you, but the human world made me feel alive in a different way. It wasn’t about him, it was about finding a part of myself that I never knew existed.”


Jinyoung’s eyes flickered with uncertainty, but the anger and betrayal were still too raw. He took a step back, turning away from her, his fists clenching and unclenching as he struggled to control the tempest of emotions within him.


Wendy took a tentative step forward, her heart aching to reach out to him, to bridge the distance that had grown between them. “Please, Jinyoung, believe me,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart.


But Jinyoung remained silent, his back turned to her, his body rigid with unresolved pain and anger. Wendy's heart sank as she realized that the rift between them might be too wide to mend, the wounds too deep to heal.


“You know that world means a lot to me. That’s where my mom and I lived before,” Jinyoung began, his voice deep and strained as he struggled to speak the words. “My mom and I lived happily and peacefully, despite the hardships of life. I was content with just having her by my side,” Jinyoung continued, his voice breaking slightly.


Wendy was taken aback as she listened to Jinyoung. She had never known about his life in the human world, he had never shared his story, especially not about his mother. Her heart ached as she realized the depth of his pain and the reasons behind his anger.


Jinyoung’s eyes were distant, lost in memories of a time long gone. “We didn’t have much, but we had each other. She was everything to me,” he said, his voice softening with a mix of love and sorrow. “But then our world began to crumble when my father started appearing and wanted to take me away from my mother.” Anger surged in Jinyoung as he recalled his father.


With a deep breath, Jinyoung bared all his life’s pain and suffering to Wendy. He spoke of the relentless torment his father inflicted, the constant fear and anguish that shadowed his childhood. Wendy listened, her heart breaking with each word. She could see the

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Hellfire Oasis is complete! Four intense days of writing the final chapter with 12k words. It was so hard, but oh so worth it. Huge thanks to all of you for your unwavering support to this story!♡


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Chapter 35: 😍😍😍😍
percydary #2
Chapter 33: congratulations for finishing this beautiful story, how can u be a newbie, when u got hooked us in every chapters, u are so good! and the ending feels like u wanted more haha. Really cant wait for the book 2, I know its already amazing just like hellfire oasis
Chapter 33: 🥺🙏
sunnysideup01 #4
Chapter 33: i forgot that Seulgi was task to document everything in the hell realm through her drawings and writings, and the scenes on the last part describing Seulgi's book, it was amazing omg! This is so cool! I love everything about this story. You're amazing authornim, really cant wait for your other stories 😭
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: my heart! I'm crying, the part where Jinyoung began to dissapear, my heart broke for Wendy, that was so painful and the part where Irene is on her knees begging for Yeri 💔💔💔 Irene will be crazy if she knew the god wiping all her daughter's memories and Seulgi being missing 😭😭😭

Congratulations author for finishing this story. This is so beautiful, we will gonna support you on your other future works and can't wait for book 2!!
Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhh its so goodddddddd 😭😭. Now its time for Seulgi's story I can feel it with the cliffhanger in the end. Damn , the lengths that Irene will do just to protect and find Yerim. How she was willing to go down on her knees just to be with her daughter 🥺🥺. Now that Irene got her daughter back, I hope they will find Seulgi soon 😔.

I can't wait for Book 2!! For a new writer you really did amazing with this story and got us hooked each chapter! Have a nice day author-nim! 😊😊😊
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 33: Congratulations author nim for ending book 1 , u done a very great job and can't wait for book 2 😭🫶🏻🩷🩷
I'm soooo scared everytime i refresh my aff and see new story updated in my notification 😭 I don't want this to end yet 😭😭
velvet5evr #9
Chapter 32: You cant really miss the small details on this story, like the portrait of the woman that Yeri wants Seulgi to draw and the picture of young Jinyoung that Yeri left in their room in purpose so that Irene would know where she is and all the subtle hints in other chapters. For a newbie writer like you this is already amazing and Im kinda sad that this will be the end or not? but I'm very thankful to you, because you written an amazing story for our girls and of course to our baby Yeri as a main character, thank you ma'am for this, I'm looking forward to your future stories. Hellfire Oasis jjang jjang!!

Looking forward for the book 2 🫂
Chapter 32: idk how to feel while reading this chap, im afraid they all gonna fall apart especially the friendship of wenri and Seraphine was obsessed to take Yeri away from Irene but in the end she got Seulgi instead and knowing Seulgi's soul was really meant to be in heaven omg this is gonna be so good! I smell angst here 😭