The diva has horns

The Diva's Assistant
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Okay no Minjeong takes it back.


The worse part of the Job has to be this very instance.


Rushing out of her apartment building, with no time to even grab breakfast, the blonde dashes into her Sedan and begins speeding towards the city.


Jimin's designated driver had quit recently on the spot (Nobody is surprised at this point)


So guess who is the diva's new personal driver until further notice?


That's right, yours truly.


Too bad Minjeong wasn't actually given the heads up until literally 20 minutes ago.


She was going to take her time initially, get herself a nice bowl of cinnanom crunch cereal and watch the morning news before making her way to the movie set and tend to Jimin.


Well there goes that plan.


Damnit please don't be late please don't be late.


Minjeong really doesn't feel like getting scolded by Jimin again, she already has no food in and her messy bun was messier than usual. 


Just the imagary of the taller woman sneering at her was enough to make her nerves flare up. 


She can't reallty explain it, but that pretty face really doesn't suit that snarky expression Minjeong had recently learnt was really Jimin's signature look.


What if I tell her to stop sneering or else she's gonna get wrinkles on one side of her face quicker? The blonde chuckles to herself at that very thought, but really quickly tamed it down as the image of herself getting fired crossed her mind.


Her slender fingers began tapping on her steering wheel frantically as she found herself stuck behind a sea of cars just at the traffic lights.


Eyeing the clock on her dashboard, the tapping only becomes more intense.


If only Jimin hadn't set her stupid rule number four or whatever.


She couldn't even speed up because of the cars in front.


"Damnit this is stressful"


Minjeong begins honking on her car, as if it was going to make the traffic move any faster...


Please don't be mad at me Jimin








"You're late!"


Minjeong gulps at that scary tone of voice.


Looking at the dashboard... she was actually 3 minutes early.. somehow




which means she's two minutes late.


Is there even a point trying to explain myself with that girl's temperament?

She tried anyway.


"Sorry, I got the announcement last minute and also the traffic here was terrible-"

"And what is this car?" Was all Jimin responded with. 


Yep that seemed about right didn't it


No understanding of Minjeongs situation.


No ears to even listen to Minjeong's situation,


Not even a slither of empathy.




"It's a freaking mess."


"Oh-" Okay this might actually be the blondes fault here, her car is typically for her use only.


What that means is no one ever sits in here other than herself, the driver...


So overtime, the back may have been loaded up with a few.. rubbish to say the lest.


.. I should've cleaned up....


"I'm really sorry Jimin" the blonde was sincere with those words "I was rushing here, and II completely overlooked the mess at the back. The front, however, is spotless. If you don't mind taking a temporary seat, I'll ensure it's thoroughly cleaned after your filming today. I promise."


Not saying another word, the actress seemed to have taken up on Minjeongs's offer, making her way towards the front seat.

Progress! Minjeong thought to herself Yay-










Did... did that woman just slam her car door shut after coming in?

What the heck...


The car wasn't anything special... but it was the first car Minjeong bought with her own money... and had served her well ever since... at least have some respect...


"And a sedan really?"

Ohhh... she is really pushing it this morning....


Closing her eyes... the blonde tried to remember all the meditation classes she's ever attended.


Inhaleeee and exhaleee 


"Can you not get a better car? It's embarassing to be seen in this tinbox"


okay.. yeah the meditation was really running it's course this time around...


Seriously, is this girl compensating for something or what?


Letting out a subtle sigh, Minjeong only muttered a small apology before starting up her treasured sedan and driving off towards their destination.


There's no point arguing with a girl like that. I just need to keep it civil...






"We're here, feel free to get off here and I'll find parking" Minjeong said with a small smile, "We're right on time too, your bodyguard is just outside."


"I know, I can see" The actress, unable to match her manager's cheery mood, unbuckles her seat belt.


Was the A lister always this cold and serious?

Gee and people call me Winter...


But all thoughts aside, right now was the first time today where the blonde was finally able to see Jimin properly. Being a rushing mess at the beginning she hadn't notice just how nice the actress looked.


Her hair was tied back into a nice sleek ponytail, she was wearing a short black tank top that just showed her belly button, matched with a nice pair of tight jeans.


Wow.. she looks... really... good... Minjeong was subtle with her stare... but still she couldn't help but gawk a little




So freaking cold.


She managed to catch the weather on her phone earlier today, and the blonde could've sworn it was only 13 degrees celcius outside...


and Jimin didn't even bring a jacket




"Wait Jimin" The blonde quickly called out, stopping the actress on her tracks, just as she was about to exist her car. Rushing out of her car, she went to the back to grab her spare hoodie "Here" She presented it in front of the raven haired woman "It's cold today, you could use this. We don't want you to catch a cold right?" 


Minjeong said in her usual cheery voice again.


Jimin might've been a challenge, but deep down, the blonde is someone who deeply cared about others around her, and Jimin is no different, especially when her job description literally said to 'Take care of Jimin's wellbeing.'


The actress eyes widened and went back to normal so quickly, Minjeong almost missed it, before her gaze went straight to her hoodie. 


"And wear your hoodie that was marinated in your rubbish? No thanks" Without even a second glance the actress shuts the door behind and walks straight past Minjeong.


"Hey- It wasn't marinated in rubbish it was beside it!" The blonde's began rambling an explanation again but was stopped immediately by the finger that was raised up by the actress who had her back turned towards her now.


"Rule one." She said, still pointing up her index finger. before continuing to walk away.


"Right..." The blonde mutters to herself before shaking her head and throwing her hoodie back into her car.


Rule one, never talk more than necessary.


Well.. if that girl wanted to catch a cold so badly, she supposes it's really not her problem... but damnit what even is that attitude...


She's a diva indeed...


Minjeong leaned back on her car to collect her thoughts, wondering what the best approach would be to even assist or manage such a celebrity like that.


It's like nothing she does is ever good enough...


No wonder so many managers quit.


admist her inner turmoil however, the blonde couldn't help but stare at the taller who was still walking towards the set.


There were fans lined up along the fence waiting to meet their favourite celebrity.


The location must've been leaked...


It was a price to pay as a famous actress afterall.


At least she smiles at her fans


The shorter didn't miss the way Jimin begins greeting the line of screaming fans with a wide smile on her face, even taking her time to sign a few items and stopping her bodyguard whenever he tried to come between her and her fans.


Minjeong couldn't believe it really.


She's such a diva behind closed doors... but towards her fans... she's looked like an angel.


There's always two sides to everything I guess... The blonde continued to stare. She has a very nice smile though...


Minjeong began smiling herself watching the new expression painted over Jimin's face.


It was a refresher to say the least


I wish she would smile at me like that instead of sneering.


"Oh my god, what am I even thinking" She catches herself before running back towards the driver side of the car


Parking Minjeong we have to find parking


Starting her engine however, the blonde's eyes landed on the actress one last time.


She couldn't help but notice the way she had her arms tightly crossed around her chest as she continued to walk towards the entrance.


Pulling out of her current location, Minjeong felt another sigh leave her lips


She must be freezing.





Minjeong day went by just about like this;


She waited in a trailer whilst Jimin was filming


When the latter needed something she would text the blonde and Minjeong would instantly oblige

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Breezy 0 points #1
Chapter 39: Yay, healthy communication and supporting each other
Breezy 0 points #2
Chapter 38: Sweet, Karina trying to make it up to Giselle in her awkward way. Though, I’m surprised Ningning didn’t actually call the cops when Winter disappeared
Breezy 0 points #3
Chapter 37: Glad they’re back together and communicating. Though both of them need therapy lol. They put each other through a doozy
Breezy 0 points #4
Chapter 36: Finally. Poor Karina getting blamed for everything when the poor girl tried to broach the subject in her own way only to get rejected by Winter every time
Chapter 43: God, this is such a good read. Definitely enjoyed it, and im so happy for them 😩
Chapter 41: 🥹🤍
Chapter 33: :(
Chapter 30: Oh , now this definitely hurts 😭
Chapter 26: So it's part of your plan— yu jimin gdjshahsgs
Chapter 20: They finally kissed 😭