
The Legacy of Steel: A Fencing Family’s Tale
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Scene 1: Ko Yurim’s Farewell

The setting is a bustling airport terminal. Ko Yurim stands amidst a flurry of travelers, her suitcase by her side. Moon Jiwoong stands beside her, his expression somber yet supportive. They are about to say goodbye as Yurim prepares to depart for Russia.

Ko Yurim: (tears welling up) I can’t believe it’s time to go.

Moon Jiwoong: (holding her hands) I’ll miss you more than words can say, Yurim.

Ko Yurim: (choked up) I’ll miss you too, Jiwoong. But I need to do this, for my family and for us.

Moon Jiwoong: (nodding) I know. And I’ll be waiting for you, every step of the way.

They share a tender embrace, holding onto each other tightly as if trying to imprint the moment into memory. A voice over the intercom announces Yurim’s flight, signaling the inevitable separation. With one last lingering look, Yurim pulls away, wiping her tears.

Ko Yurim: (smiling through tears) Take care of yourself, Jiwoong. I’ll see you soon.

Moon Jiwoong: (returning the smile) You too, Yurim. Safe travels.

Yurim walks towards the departure gate, her steps heavy with emotion. Jiwoong watches her until she disappears from sight, a mixture of sadness and determination in his eyes. The scene fades to black.


Scene 2: Moon Jiwoong’s Reflection

The scene transitions to Moon Jiwoong’s apartment. He sits alone in the dimly lit room, surro

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