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The sun was gently setting, casting a golden hue over the city as we walked hand in hand, Aiah's fingers intertwined with mine, while the soft breeze played with her hair. Her laughter echoed in my ears, so light and carefree, and I couldn't help but smile. It felt like the world had stopped for us, like nothing could ever come between us. I glanced over at Aiah, watching the way the sun seemed to kiss her skin, making her glow even more beautifully. 


"Ano ba, Aiah," I teased, "baka mawalan na ako ng hininga sa kakatawa."


Aiah chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Alam mo namang gusto kong pinapatawa ka, eh. It makes my heart happy kaya!"


I squeezed her hand a little bit tighter, my heart swelling with a love so deep, it almost hurt. We walked along the familiar path that led to the old playground, the one we used to visit when we were kids. I could still remember the way we would race to the swings, competing to see who could go higher. I would always let her win, just to see that cheeky smile I loved on her face.


"Do you remember, Mikha?" Aiah asked softly, her voice tinged with nostalgia as we neared the swings. "This was where we first met. I was crying because I had scraped my knee, and you came over with that small bandage from your bag."


I nodded, giving her a small smile. "Yeah, tapos sinabi ko pa sayo na ang tapang-tapang mo kaya wag kang umiyak. But you kept crying anyway, so I stayed with you until you felt better."


"Ang bait mo talaga," Aiah said, her voice full of warmth. "You’ve always been there for me, Mikha. Thank you."


I suddenly felt a lump in my throat, my heart squeezing tight. "I’d do anything for you, Aiah."


We sat on the swings, gently swaying back and forth, not needing to say much. The silence between us was comfortable, filled with the unspoken words of years of love and friendship. I closed my eyes, letting the gentle swaying of the swings and the warmth of her presence lull me

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I recommend listening to Ian Quiruz's Iduduyan while reading this. enjoy :)


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827 streak #1
Chapter 1: It was wonderful!