Who Said I Miss You? - KyuMin

Who Said I Miss You?

Title: Who Said I Miss You?

Author: evil-bunny

Genre: Fluff, Crack, Fail!Comedy

Rating: G

Characters: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Leeteuk

Warning: English grammar, random thing -,-

Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun had their time together before their sleep. Kyuhyun just wanted to talk, nothing more. Well, some things sometimes didn’t go smooth, right?




“Hey, Min.”


“Yeah, Kyu?”


“You haven’t slept yet?”


“Mmmh. Why?”


“I just feel like talking…” Kyuhyun mumbled. “Do you want to sleep, Min?”


Well, I can’t say yes now, can i?”


“I can stop talking now, if you want it.”


“No, no. Keep talking. I can’t sleep since you’re talking.”




“No, don’t apologize, Kyu. I like your voce, anyway. Keep talking.”


“Is my voice that nice, Min?” Kyuhyun smirked.


“Kyu… you start it again.” Sungmin whined. He turned his back to Kyuhyun, sulking.


“Aww Min, don’t sulk~” Kyuhyun back hugged the smaller man. “Sorry, okay? I just love seeing you blushing, not sulking.”


“I-I am not even blushing, you pabo!”


“Okay, I’m not teasing you anymore.”




Kyuhyun only chuckled.






“Do you know what tomorrow is?”


“What? Neither your birthday nor mine. Not our anniversary too. What day tomorrow is, Kyu?”


“What day today is, Min?”


“Why? You keep asking what day today is. Is something wrong, Kyu?”


“You forget about tomorrow?”


Sungmin blinked. “What’s with tomorrow, Kyu?”


“Tomorrow is Friday!” Kyuhyun growled. “Don’t you remember?”


“Oh… oh. Friday. Oh.”


“Just oh?! You’re surely forget, eh?”


“Everyday Friday you only tease me, Kyu. What things to remember?”


“Me of course!” this time Kyuhyun the one who was sulking.


“Aww Kyu~ how cute~”


“Shut up.” Kyuhyun said coldly. “I thought I can spent some times with you since I have no schedule today. But seems like you don’t want it.”


“Noooo~ Kyu, I’m sorry…”


“No, you’re not.”


“I’m so sorry Kyu, and I miss you too…” Sungmin blushed with his words.


“Who said I miss you?”


“B-but… Kyu, you mean…” Sungmin pouted.


“You start it first, Min.”




“Aww Min, don’t cry~” Kyuhyun grinned like a child, wiping Sungmin’s tears on his eyes. “I’m just kidding, okay? I miss you too, of course!”


“You said… you don’t miss me…”


“You know me so well I always stare at you whenever we out.”


“You just wanna tease me… you wanna make me cry…”


“No, Min, no!” Kyuhyun nearly shouted. “You know how I love your smile, Min! Not only your smile—your laugh too! I love everything about you, Min.”


Sungmin mentally giggled. “And you love my tears.”


“Nooo—everything but that. Well… sometimes I do love your tears.” And now Kyuhyun was smirking. He probably thought something y.


“K-Kyu… it’s getting late… le-let’s sleep now.”


“After you teased me? Min, you should know where it will lead when you tease me.” Kyuhyun’s smirk got wider.


But before Kyuhyun pull Sungmin’s blanket away, their room’s door opened, revealing Eunhyuk with his monkey printed pajamas.


“Er… Min, you know, if you don’t keep you voice down, Donghae won’t sleep. And if he won’t sleep, I don’t sleep either. And if I and Donghae won’t sleep, Leeteuk hyung will come down here. And if Leeteuk hyu—”


“You will be in your room if you know I will come down here, Eunhyuk.” Eunhyuk gulped. He turned around and saw Leeteuk stood there before him, his arms crossed across his chest.


“H-hyung… Annyeong!” Eunhyuk waved. “I just asked them to sleep, hyung. And now, bye!” Eunhyuk waved again and ran to his room.


“You two, go to sleep! We have to wake up earlier tomorrow for our flight to Japan for our show.”


“Ne, hyung.” Sungmin and Kyuhyun then laid on their bed, waiting Leeteuk to leave them alone.


“Good. Don’t try to stay awake tonight—I will NOT wake you up tomorrow. Now sleep.” Leeteuk  then went away after closed their door.


“N-night, Kyu.”


“Night, Min. Hope you dream about me.”




“Min?” Kyuhyun asked. Sungmin hummed to answer him. “Kiss me?”


Sungmin raised his head from his pillow to look at Kyuhyun who was grinning. “In your dream, Kyu. In your *yawn* dream…”



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RayhanAdni #1
Chapter 1: pwahahahhaha poor kyu that still waiting for his kiss. XD
fygaeming #2
Chapter 1: puahahaha poor kyu, no kiss from ming, good job ming kkk

so cuteee <3
little-dreamer #3
Chapter 1: Hihihihi sooii cuuutteee >///<
little-dreamer #4
Chapter 1: Hihihihi sooii cuuutteee >///<
liatkyu #5
Chapter 1: evil-y kyu XD awww how cute ^^
you can continue that one shot to be a story ^^"
if you're doing it please tell me :)
evil-bunny #6
@OnlyCro: thank you for commenting~ ^^ actually, your statements are right =)) Leeteuk is the best leader, yeah~ and evil!Kyu is the best, indeed =)) and of course KyuMin is so cute >o<
Awww...~~ Leeteuk is the best leader \o/
But evil!kyu is the best :D
Kyumin is so cute ^^
And I'm so incoherent!
*runs away*
evil-bunny #8
@A101203: Because Kyuhyun is an evil fox =))=))
@s3xyangel7: I wrote it in my chemistry class while my teacher is one of four killer teachers in my school ==a and I always bored in her class =A=
@whitelf: I know, right? XD I always love cute!min and evil!kyu =))

Thank you for commenting~
cuteee~~ evil!kyu and cute!min is soooo cute~~