Chapter 27

Kiss For Sale

‘Annyeonghasayo!’ Reina bowed as she entered the scene alone. Instead of helping Exo-K take their photos today, Reina would be helping famous idols Big Bang to take their photoshoot for their jacket album instead.

Reina spotted Big Bang having their hair done and went towards them. ‘Annyeonghasayo Im your photographer Reina for today.’ Reina introduced herself as she bowed. Big Bang immediately stood up and introduced themselves.

GD held out his hands ‘Im G-dragon but you can also call me Jiyong. You’re the legend photographer aren’t you? You’re really young.’ GD smiled. Reina shook his hand ‘You flatter me, Im not really that great.’

‘Top’ Top held out his hand with a smile. Reina took it and smiled back.

‘Im Taeyang. Pleasure meeting you’ Taeyang bowed. Reina held out her hands and waved ‘Aniya, its my pleasure working with you guys.’ Reina bowed back.

‘Im Daesung.’ Daesung gave Reina his bright smile. Reina smiled back ‘Nice meeting you.’ she bowed.

Seungri placed his hands over Reina’s shoulder ‘Im Seungri, the maknae of the group but I heard Im older than you so call me Oppa okay?’

Before Reina could reply, GD yanked him away ‘Sorry about our maknae. He can be out of control sometimes.’ GD apologized.

Reina shook her head ‘Its okay G-dragon sshi’

GD smiled ‘Don’t need the formalities, just called me Jiyong.’ Reina shook her head ‘It’ll be rude to call you that.’

‘Its okay. In work, we’re about the same since you’re the talented photographer and we need your help in making us looked good in the photo. Besides I feel old if people call me that.’ GD persuaded while Reina contemplated for awhile.

‘How about Jiyong oppa? It wouldn’t be that rude and I wouldnt sound too old right?’ GD suggested. Reina nodded this time ‘I guess so.’ GD smile widely.

‘Called us by oppas too. We’ll be more comfortable that way.’ Taeyang suggested. Reina looked at the other members and they all nodded with Seungri agreeing the most. ‘Arasso oppas’ Reina called and they smiled with satisfaction.

Reina went to pick her camera up while Big Bang continued with their hair and makeup. Like usual, Reina picked up her camera and snapped pictures of Big Bang who were at ease. Top and GD looked up when they heard the sound of camera.

Taeyang tilt his head ‘What are you doing Reina? I didn’t know we had to include such photos in our album too.’

Reina put down her camera and smiled ‘No, the photoshoot haven’t started yet. Im just capturing your natural charm’

Top frowned as he repeated what Reina had said ‘Natural charm?’ Reina nodded before she started explaining just like what she did when Exo-K asked her the same question.

‘So please show me this charm of yours later instead of the usual one you all had been showing.’ Reina finished explaining while Big Bang looked at her in awe.

GD looked at her with admiration *She’s so young, younger than us yet she knew how to capture and showed people their own charms. I guess they were really right about her being talented.*

‘Have a rest oppas, I’ll see you guys later.’ Reina bowed before she left.

Daesung watched as Reina left ‘I wonder how she would capture our photos later and how it would come out to be..’

‘I think this time our album would be a bigger hit’ Seungri said in thoughts. Although most of the time, their maknae was sprouting nonsense, they couldn’t help but nodded in agreement about what he said this time.

Everything was ready with Big Bang standing in front. Reina gave Big Bang a warm smile ‘Remember, just have fun and enjoy!’ Reina spoke before she picked up her camera. Big bang was surprised by what she said and stared at her for awhile before they snapped out of their daze.

GD was the first one to snap out of his daze and turned to s. ‘You heard her, lets have fun’ He purposely slapped Seungri hard on his shoulder. The maknae scowled while GD chuckled. Reina quickly took that photo down ‘Good!’ Reina praised and they found themselves surprised by her again.

GD tenderly gaze at Reina, *I guess she’s really different afterall*

‘Done!’ Reina called after she took one last shoot of Seungri. They walked over to check on the photos. ‘Wow, today’s the fastest photoshoot we had ever have and my photos looks great!’ Seungri said happily, glad that he was finally off work and proud of his photos.

Reina smiled ‘Im glad you’re happy with it Seungri oppa.’

‘Why wouldn’t we be? You managed to finish everything fast and the photos were all great!’ Taeyang commented. Reina turned around to see Big Bang in front of her.

Reina stood up and shyly shook her head ‘Its nothing, Im just doing my job. I guess I should go now. It a pleasure to work with oppas’ Reina bowed before she walked off.

‘No, its our pleasure to work with you, thank you for taking such nice photos of us Reina’ Top thank Reina before she could walked off.

Sehun entered the place where Reina was. He ended his photoshoot early and came to fetch Reina. He hadnt told Reina about it since he wanted it to be a surprise for her. He was about to walk up to her when he saw GD of Big Bang calling her from behind.

‘Reina’ GD called as he approached her. Reina stopped and turned slightly ‘Yes Jiyong oppa?’ Sehun frowned when he heard what Reina called GD. *Why is she calling him oppa? Are they that close?* Sehun could already start to feel jealousy within him. *How could she smile so friendly to him? Doesn’t she know the effect she had on people?*  

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Babbie #1
Chapter 51: Still worth an up vote for it was well written enjoyable for the most of it. Until the sunmi incident which doesn't make sense..nevertheless thank you for the effort.
Babbie #2
Chapter 48: Um...the difference is she wasn't in her right mind and knew she did wrong...he was perfectly sane and emotionally stable and made a conscious decision that went on for a week...and still didnt think he did wrong...I don't know why she forgive him this in the future as long as it's to help ppl it's ok? Don't get it but meh I guess.
Babbie #3
Chapter 42: Now this kiss is more justifiable than sehuns which I feel is a bit plot forced and contradicts his earlier character description with the yoona incident
Babbie #4
Chapter 39: WHAT!!? Poobbuwaio?kukpoiwoaso?OK that was just my shocked nonsense talk..but what is sehun thinking !?
Babbie #5
Chapter 36: God this is the sweetest fluffiest I've ever read hahahah
Babbie #6
Chapter 35: Arnt Kai ever the observer lol
Babbie #7
Chapter 9: Oh sehun must be a pro at mentally counting 3minutes by accurate as a clock!lol.
Babbie #8
Chapter 4: I can only imagine all the germs oh sehun is eating...and the girls shared it all nevertheless interesting start so far!
mon_etoile #9
This story needs attention seriously. It's simply amazing! I finished reading it in a day.