[Chapter 4]

∞Love Triangle∞

[A/N: Annyeonghaseyo yeorobeun ^^.. IT'S DAEHYUN'S POV NOW :)]


>>Daehyun's POV<<

It was 1 o'clock in the afternoon and all of the members were resting at the couch watching a football match. I went to the kitchen and straight to the fridge. It was empty and I grumply walk out of the kitchen. 

"Do you guys wanna go out this afternoon? Go to Lotte World or..." Zelo cut my line, "CALL!" as he race up the stairs  like he was joining a marathon. He quickly change his clothes and went straight back to the living room. 

"I didn't have an answer yet," I scowled. 

"Let's go then," Zelo answered.So we all quickly change our clothes so that Zelo won't sleep again and we all got in the car. We decided to play a game who's gonna play and who's not. 

>>Fast Forward<<

The winner who gets to play would be me,Jongup and Zelo and the losers whose not gonna play and do chores at the zoo instead would be Himchan, Yongguk and Youngjae. The three maknae winners first headed to The Pirate ride.

There were lots of fans stopped us when we were heading to the ride. We ignore the fans so that we can take the front seats.

While the three hyungs headed to the zoo. They headed to the elephant's cage and had to clean the poop of the elephants. They put on their sad faces and Youngjae almost cried. 

Yongguk had to hide his mouth with his napkin and started to clean up. Himchan clean the poop while putting on a cool look to prevent his ulzzang face.

After the pirate ride, we maknaes went on to the roller-coaster and hop on it. We all have to put away our stuffs to our coordi so that we wont miss it. We started to put on our seatbelts and Zelo was the only one who was so excited.

The roller-coaster started moving slowly and and it went straight up. Jongup looks like he was about to throw up when the roller-coaster went down really fast. Everyone screamed and it started to went really really fast.

[A/N: This is front the bottom view of the roller-coaster and it's not actually AT the lotte world.]

Jongup, me and Zelo raise our hands up in the air while we were screaming. The ride slowly stopped and we had a lot of fun riding it. 

We stop by the restaurant and had lunch together. Zelo ordered Tomato salad and he requested to put lots of tomatoes because he like tomatoes, Jongup order a regular bologney spaghetti while I ordered nachoes.


We talked and finish our lunch fast.

The others had their lunch at the zoo and had to eat what the zoo manager gave them. They look homeless while they're eating.

It was late and we all headed home. But before that, we stop by the nearest supermarket near dorm and took a trolley. We bought fruits, vegetables, ramens, drinks and junk foods. Yongguk hyung payed for all and we all went straight our dorm.


[A/N: Is it okay? What your opinion on the story? Coooommmmmeeeeeennnnnnnntttttttttt....... pppppppllllllleeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeeeeee T.T and I think today I will make a double update depence on my mood so dont wait for me and hope you all have a good sleep tonight and sweet dreams. ^^ *although here is still 18:43 and others which is already in their night times. ]

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In Chapter 3, what is that picture of Chanyeol? The first one? Why does he have long hair?! Is that pre debut or something?! O_O