A New Muse

Blank Canvases (Oneshot)

I hate weddings. 

It's not the atmostphere, the (terrible) music or the people. I love being able to watch with tears in my eyes as the happy couple gets paraded out of the chapel, dodging airborn fistfulls rice and escaping into the waiting limosine. I love dancing to the music with my friends at the reception, even those ridiculous conga lines. I love watching the couple grow closer, and their love grow stronger over time. 

My only reasoning is that I hate the fact that I'm not the one waiting at the end of the isle.

That I'm not the one who grips their true love's hand as they recite their vows.

But what I hate most of all, is the fear that I may never expirience any of it. 

I mean, I have every right to feel this way right now, right? I'm 20 years old, all of my relationships have been complete wastes of time, nowhere near even a slightly serious commitment. 

I like to consider myself pretty modest, but I have to say, I think I'm pretty dateable. I dress nice, I'm at least somewhat handsome, I like to think that I give off a nice-ish first impression, and I'm nowhere near boring. 

But of course, it's that time of the year again. The time when my mailbox is stuffed with invitations, all of which are printed with the names of my close friends. 

I can't help the groan that escapes me as I stand from my art bench, an empty canvas sitting neglected on the floor in front of me. This painting is going nowhere. Nothing has been going in my favor lately. My inspiration has escaped me, and every time i feel as though I'm about to reclaim it, it somehow manages to evade me yet again. Making matters worse, this one has a deadline. I'm supposed to be sending one of my paintings out to the local art museum, but the one I was sending got crushed. So now I have to make another. Urk.

Making my way out of my small townhouse, down towards the wall of mailboxes that I have to share with the rest of the inhabitants. 'Let's get this over with.' 

Quickly unlocking the safe, the mere sound of the tumblers activating unnerves me, and the sight of that tell-tale cursive script serves it's purpose of destroying my mood. I snatch the envelope from the locker, and waste no time in tearing it open.

 I can't tell whether I should be crying with joy, or tearing the decorative paper in half.

Mr. Taemin Lee


Mr. Minho Choi

Request the honor of your presence as

the Best Man during their wedding on

 Saturday, the 12th of April.

Please confirm or deny this invitation 

as soon as possible,

and we hope that you will choose to

share this special day with us.

I bit my lip, a failed attempt to stifle the grin that threatened to split my face. Looks like the baby finally manned up and proposed...

Taemin, an aspiring young dancer, is the closest thing I have to a best friend, though our relationship is often likened to that of a mother and her child. he is the kindest, most thoughtful guy that I can claim to know. We balance eachother out. His calm, naive, and understaning nature offsets my fiery, abrasive one. I guess it's no wonder that he found someone so quickly. He draws people in like a moth to a flame. 

Minho however, was the gentle giant that held the respect of anyone who crossed his path. Extremely talented in sports, graced with the body of a model and the manners of a victorian gentleman, he seemed too good to be true when Taemin stumbled across him. 

I frown deeply as I read the date. The 12th? He could have given me a bit more warning, you know. Best Mans gotta be prepared to sashay down the isle and all. 

Slamming the locker shut and forasking the rest of my mail (Oops.), I rush back up to my apartment, slam the door behind myself, and slide onto the sofa. I place the invitation gingerly on the coffee table before picking up my dinosuar of a laptop. My fingers fly over the keys as I tap out an email to Taemin.


I would think that the Best Man would get to know about the wedding a little earlier than a week before the wedding, but that's okay. I forgive you for your negligence. As long as I get to pick the tuxes for you and Minho. I don't trust that guy to get anywhere near a rental shop. Oh And I'm helping with the Bridesmaids (Groom's Maids?) too. I have somthing perfect in mind for Sulli.

Get back to me ASAP. Seriously? How could you leave your own Umma out of the loop like this?'

Hitting the send button, I sigh and recline on the couch. Knowing Taemin, there'll be a reply within a few minutes. Might as well kill some time.

I manage to waste away around 20 minutes watching the latest episode of "BPM: Beats Per Mnet", swaying along to the beat of Super Junior's latest single, before the nagging beep of the computer alerts me to Taemin's response. 

'Sorry, Hyung! 

I've been so caught up in planning lately, and I ended up putting off the invitations till the last minute. And please, do help out. I don't think I'll get anywhere in a shop like that without you (And as much as I hate to admit it, Minho is completely incompetent when it comes to these things.), and I'm sure the girls will love to see you again. 

Should we meet up on Wednesday? We can get everything sorted out, and we'll have plenty of time to catch up.'



And true to his word, we met. 

The final days before the rapidly approaching wedding were packed with Taemin and I prancing through bridal stores (For the bri- groom's maids of course) and Tux rental shops, usually with Minho stumbling after us, trying to make sense to all of the mysteries of fashion that seemed like common knowledge to us. ("Minho, put that down. Just stop trying. The double-ed jacket would not work with your figure in any way, and is that a pleated shirt in your hands? Just stop.") 

We were, in the end and after hours of trial and error, finally successful. Just as the two lovebirds were walking out of the changing area to show off their garments to the rest of the wedding party, I caught out of the corner of my eye, the serene smile that fell perfectly in place on Taemin's face as his fiance gingerly fastened a display lapel flower to his suit. 

He looked so happy. Happier than I had ever seen him.

Seeing this, I couldn't help the grin that stretched my lips, and quickly snuck to the lounge to wait with the rest of the extended family.

The days flew by, and the night before the wedding, it hit me like a train what was happening. 

So here I sit, in my apartment at 2 AM, watching disney movies in the dark, sulking. What? No wait, I don't sulk. Kim Kibum does not stoop to sulking.  I'm kinda down. Who wouldn't be? There is always going to be the nagging feeling of 'I'm losing my best friend', but it'll go away. As long as Taeminnie's happy, then I am. 

I mean, I should be right? That's my responsibility as his friend, I would assume. I just can't get rid of this feeling in my gut that something strange, for better or for worse. 

That was sappy as hell and I regret saying it already. 

I manage to distract myself from the pity party that I've thrown myself, and turn my atention back to the tv, preoccupying myself with the drama that is Bambi.


The day we had all been waiting for had eventually come, and much too soon for my liking. (I'm still upset about the short notice, but at this point I don't think it matters.)

After those painstaking hours of decorating, dolling up Taemin (Not that he really needed much work done. He's adorable anyway.), and pacing in circles waiting for the ceremony to start, my heart almost burst out of my chest when I heard the organ start playing.

The amount of tears shared by the crowd at this wedding could have filled a swimming pool. My poor, poor heart could barely take watching Taemin walk down the isle in the suit we picked out together, seeing the glistening of tears threatening to fall from his eyes, and that perpetual blinding smile of his stretched across his face.

I saw the way he looked into his soon-to-be husband's eyes, and the way Minho stared back with equal passion, and I knew that they would be perfect together. I could only sit, consumed with happiness, knowing that I would be able to watch them grow closer and closer as time wore on.  And these feelings were only cemented when they shared their first kiss as a married couple.

Blahblahblah, sappy wedding stuff, things happened. Eventually, once we had all filed out and shooed the happy couple into the waiting limousine, everyone got themselves changed into their dancing shoes and hurried over to to the reception area, which as it happened, was Taemin's dance studio.

Sure it was a bit lackluster for my taste, but it definetely cleaned up nice, and it managed to fit everyone inside. For being a dance studio, this place was huge. Like, warehouse huge. Tinted lights hung from the ceiling in arcs, casting the normally white building in a golden glow, and sheets of light blue satin hung from the walls. If you had never been here, you would have never known what it really was. 

Being the socialite (not) that I am, I instantly grabbed a table that bordered the dance floor, and watched as the rest of the party guests filled the dance floor, waiting eagerly for the grooms to join the party. 

And that's pretty much what's happened leading up to this. But seriously, It's been like 30 minutes. It's not like Tae's changing into a fancy new dress and re-applying his makeup (Well maybe the makeup part) before they come back. Sure, the music is great, and the people seem nice, It's just that it's not that fun till the couple joins in. At that point, most of the weddng party seems to loose it.

I frankly can't wait. That one groom's man, what was his name, Jinki? I hear he's a total clutz. Can't wait to see him burn up the dance floor. If he makes it that far without falling down the stairs or something. Oh, Amber too. I'm surprised she and Sulli havn't already taken over the entire party. Actually, I don't remember seeing them at all today. I was probably too caught up in everything to notice. Oh, wait there they a-

"Hey, are you okay?"

Who dares disturb my people watching? I turn my head to face the person, and my jaw drops. 

One of the other groom's men, Jonghyun I think his name was, is sitting right next to me, large doe-like eyes slightly amused. I remember Minho telling me about him, and I vaguely remember him being described as dinosuar-like. Whatever that means. I don't see the resembalence. I barely notice him talking as I catch myself admiring his strong jaw and silky ski-

"Kiiibuuummm. Is anyone in there?"

"Bwa- huh?" I sputter.  Well. That sounded intelligent. "Sorry, I was distracted by the..uh..decor ." Oh, just keep going Kibum. You're on a roll. "You're Jonghyun,  Minho's friend, right?" 

He grins, apparently hapy with being recognized. "Yup! And you, are Kibum. The best man. Right?" He pauses, a contemplative look crossing his face. "Aren't you? I mean, I could be sitting here talking to a complete stranger. In any case that's okay, since you seem nice." 

I barely choke back a giggle, trying to keep up as he continues to babble. I hold up a hand, and nod. "Yeah, that's me. So, how are you enjoying the reception?"

"Oh, It's great, but I feel like I'll get lost if I take a step onto the dance floor." He scowls as he waves a hand at the sectioned off area. Noting his stature, I can't help but agree. He might get stepped on or something.

I nod and give a hum of agreement. "But it's not like there's much else to do while we wait. All of the food has been devoured already." I can't help but marvel at that. An entire buffet polished off. Those poor caterers are working themselves to the bone trying to keep up with all of the hungry partiers. 

"I'd offer to dance and act as a life preserver, but I've gotta run as soon as Taemin and Minho make their grand entrance." I say, a sheepish smile creping on to my face. 

Jonghyun merely flashes me one of those toothy smiles. "That's okay, I kinda figured. You look kinda tired." He shifts in his seat a bit. "Whatcha got planned after this?" He suddendly jolts, a bit of pink, almost unnoticable, falling onto his face. "Just curious, you know."

I quirk an eyebrow, and allow a joking smirk to slide on my face. "Oh, but we've only just met, Mr. Kim..." 

Jonghyun ends up stuttering and waving his arms in  a defensive motion, and I laugh outright, waving my hand flippantly. "Kidding, kidding. I've got to work on a comission for the art museum down the road."

Jonghyun's eyes widen almost comically. "You're an artist? That's so cool!" Almost as if he had forgotten, he adds as an afterthought "Oh, I work at the museum on weekends! At the front desk."

This guy is really ditzy. It's kinda adora-NOPE. Focus Kibum. "Really? Maybe we can meet up when I drop it off. If I ever finish it."

He frowns a bit, tilting his head ever so slightly. "Having writ- eh, artist's block?"

"Yup." I heave a sigh. "I can't think of anything to paint anymore. I can usually frind inspiration in the little things, but lately I've been drawing a blank."

"Well, being as artisticly untalented as I am, I can't really offer you any great advice. Maybe today will prove to be enough inspiration?" He smiles, but something seems to draw his eye and he ends up staring past me. I turn around in my seat just in time for the cheering to start. 

Taemin and Minho are standing at the door, each changed into a more casual tux, their arms linked. I manage to catch Taemin's eye, and sends me a huge wave that I return, 

The DJ's voice blares over the speakers, and I barely refrain from covering my ears. "Ladies and Gentleman! I have had a special request from one of the men of the hour, and we're going to be moving the customary bouquet toss tooo...NOW." 

The girls all shriek and rush from the dance floor, and I grin as I see Sulli and Amber trudging through the girls to get their fair shot at the bouquet. I see Minho and Taemin bickering about who throws the bouquet, and eventually Taemin gives up and marches in front of the room. Jonghyun taps my shoulder and regains my attention. "Not gonna go for it?" 

I scowl. "I don't think that guys are allowed. I mean, there should be privelages for the fabulous Best Man, but I guess not."

Jonghyun chuckles, and he points back towards the action. I've been to enough weddings to know that this is going to be a bloodbath. Taemin turns around, grasps the bouquet in his hands, and throws it blindly behind him. 

The girls all jump as high as they can, but it soars in an arc straight over the heads of each of them, which results in most of them falling into a mountain of dissapointed young women.

I'm about to go back to talking to Jonghyun when the bouquet lands flat in my lap. 

Jonghyun and I exchange a wide-eyed glance and I pick up the bouquet. I stand from my seat, give Taemin a wink, and sweep a bow. "Sorry girls, I win."

There is a moment of silence before the crowd bursts into applause, and I spy the newlyweds laughing and patting eachother on the back. Jonghyun sneaks a smile. "They planned this didn't they."

"Most likely, yes."

He stands from his seat, hands in his pockets, and says "Found your inspiration?" His pink lips are pulled into a subtle smile.

"I think so." I reply, mirroring his smile. "Can I count on seeing you this weekend?"


"Then It's a date." I can't help the laugh that escapes my lips as I leave, watching Jonghyun flush that lovely pink and rush over to Minho. 

As soon as I get home and pencil meets paper, the designs flow easier than ever before. 

I can't help the happiness that surges through me as I stare down at the canvas, a field of lillies now covering the once empty space.


ARGHAJK. SHAME. But I finished it, and it definitely relieved some stress. 
It ended up more 2Min-y than Jongkey, but It was sort of done without a plan x.x 
Either way, I hope you enjoyed it!

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Chapter 1: omg can there a sequel ro this, please?? *-*
Like '1 year later' - ish? xD
Pretty please
Noooooo !!
What happens after that ? ):
i have finish reading this a long time ago, but i can't help but to read it again!
author-ssi is so jjang!
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute omfg im sitting here spazzing out and making werid high pitch noises XD
i loved Keys dry humor and diva personality! and minhos failure of a fashion sense XD
susumiya08 #5
hehehe so cool the wedding and the soon couple!!! hahahaha ♥jongkey♥
this was so cute! i dont think i would be able to ever write something like this!! haha! Minho.... you unfashoinable dude! also everything key said and thinks was either funny or would make you smile!!! Xd thank you for the story!
Awwh, this is really adorable and I think I'm getting diabetes. xD the dialogue and what Key thinks about everything is funny. xD I died when they were buying the clothes and Minho was being a disaster. Asdfghjkl I just want to snuggle this:D
omfg i can't! it's just so perect ahhh asdfghjkl;'
OMG!!! F*** YEAH!!! Thanks Taemin^^ :DD

