"Why Should I Believe You?" ~BEASTGIRL~

Dreams Come True... Kind Of...

"There's my girl," I heard Hyunseung call from behind me and then few moments his armed wrapped themselves around my waste.

"Stop, people will see," I whined trying to get myself out of his arms and closed my locker.

"Who cares?" he asked looking at me with his adorable eyes.

"Look, we're not exactly the most expected couple out there. You're one of the kingkas and I'm kind of the nerd kind so I wouldn't want to be killed by your fan girls," I said finally out of his grasp.

"Look nothing is going to happen to you," he said kissing me quickly on the lips. I was thanking god that nobody was in this hallway because it was already an hour since the final bell.

"Don't you think we can keep this a secret? I mean we can tell our friends, but I don't feel like going public about this," I said kissing his cheek.

"Fine, if you're really sure about this we'll keep it that way," Hyunseung said kissing me again, "but I give you a ride after school right?"

"I don't know how that's going to work, I mean what are people going to think?"

"You are tutoring me," he smiled.

"Eh, works for me," I shrugged my shoulders and we walked out hand in hand knowing that nobody was in school this late.

We kept our relationship in secret for several month already and everything was going fine, during school we would keep galncing at each other, I would get cute notes every day in my locker, sometimes we would sneak out and go to the garden outside of the school, and after school he drove me home which was right next to his. I can't believe the tutoring idea actually worked, nobody even suspected that we were a couple.

"JaeHwa! This is Jessica, she's a new student. DO you mind showing her around?" Mr. Park asked me after Algebra lesson. I nodded. She looked nice enough.

"Hello, Im Jessica, nice to meet you JaeHwa," the blond girl smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you too, so since it's lunch period I can show you around," I smiled taking my bag and leading Jessica out of the classroom. As I was telling her about school I noticed that she wasn't even looking at me and was just looking at guys walking by.

"Wait, who is he?" Jessica stopped me with her hand and used the other one to point in the direction of non other than Hyunseung.

"Um, that's Jang Hyunseung. He's one of the kingka's really popular," I said already worrying about her next words.

"He's hot, is he available?" Jessica asked. I wuickly got jealous how he winked at her when he saw her looking.

"Yeah, he's available," I gritted through my teeth glaring at Hyunseung when he looked at me.

"That's nice to know," Jessica smiled.

"Well you know he doesn't date," I said trying to hold myself back from pulling her hair.

"oh trust me, I have experience with this," Jessica smirked.

That's it, maybe it's the right time to go public about this.

After school I waited outisde for Hyunseung to come out and when he did he was with non other than Jessica. My hands tightened into fists as I watched them laugh together. My eyes squinted with anger as I watched her give him a back hug and a kiss on the cheek, but the next thing really set me off. He smiled and kissed her cheek too.

As soon as he came up to me I glared at him walking away fast. I can't believe he would act like that with a girl when he knows that I was waiting for him.

"JaeHwa, where are you going? We have our tutoring session today!" Hyuseung grabbed my arm.

"I'm feeling sick today," I said not turning around.

"At least let me drive you home," Hyuseung yelled getting all of the heads turning our way.

"I don't need you to, I am sure there's somebody else you would want to drive home!" I yelled getting his hand off my arm.

"Get in the car now!" he growled at me.

"Why should I? Why don't you drive Jessica home, I'm sure she'll want you to!" I said staring at him with pure hate.

Hyunseung said nothing but pulled me toward his car and pushed me into the passanger seat slamming the door after me. A moment later he was sitting next to me and we were driving out of the parking lot. The whole ride home was silent with an exception of his constant hitting of the driving wheel. When he stopped at my house I opened the door with anger.

"Ask her Jessica out. Don't worry about me because we are done!" I yelled slamming the door violently. I walked away crying silently. I turned around once to see Hyunseung staring at me but I just ran inside my house slamming the door and sliding against it.

The next day in school I was a big mess. I kept tripping, fell a few times, bumped into people. I was laughed at by Jessica who was always next to Hyunseung with his possy of friends.

"Can you watch where you're going?" Jessica smiled evily.

"I'm sorry," I mummbled and walked away hearing laughter behind me.

During lunch I sat alone at an empty table trying to force food down my throat.

"Why don't you eat?" Jessica asked coming up to me. I didn't even look at her I just kept my eyes down parying that she wouldn't do anything, "maybe I should help you finish it off?"

A moment later I felt my water bottle empty it self on the top of my head followed by gasps around the cafeteria. I pushed my tray away and ran out hearing foot steps behind me.

"JaeHwa!" Hyunseung's voice yelled.

"What?" I stopped aburtly.

"Look, we need to talk," his voice became quieter as he saw my face filled with anger.

"Okay, talk. Talk Hyunseung," I said noticing that the whole cafeteria was not watching us.

"Look I'm sorry if yesterday made you think that I liked Jessica," he said quietly but the cafeteria was so quiet I could hear it clearly.

"What do you think it looks like when you two kiss each other cheeks?" I asked my voice already trembling.

"I admit it, I flirted. But isn't that what you wanted? Didn't you want to act as normal as possible so people wouldn't suspect our relationship?" Hyunseung asked. His words cause millions of gasps.

"Would you think that I wouldn't be jealous?" I cryed out.

"Look I only like you JaeHwa okay?" Hyunseung said coming closer to me.

"Why should I believe you?" I yelled, "prove it to me."

Hyusneung shrugged his shoulders and stood up on a table.

"Everybody since I already have your attention, I want to tell you something that JaeHwa and I have been keeping a secret for several month already. We have been going out. Yes, this whole time all of you thought that I was single, but I had a girlfriend who was scared about coming out about it. Now that you all know about it I want to prove to her that I love her. Yes JaeHwa, I love you. I have loved you for five years now but only had the courage to ask you out this year," Hyuseung yelled out looking at me for the last sentence. His words almost made me cry again.

Hyunseung jumped down from the table and walked over to me slowly.

"I love you JaeHwa," He whispered to me and kissed me infront of all those people. I smiled and wrapped my hands around his neck. When we pulled back I hugged him tightly and tried to never let go.




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onehelllove #1
omg!! that sounds cool
kathleensiew #2
Update soon! ^__^
ohhhkeo #3
I can't wait for mine ><
UPDATE SOON<3 Hwaiting !
thx so muchh :D siwon's so sweet :D love this ~ jeongmal gomawoo :D
love the chapt :D and mine's on working :D can't wait for it too ~ hwaiting with the story ^^
im applied <br />
nao2483 #7
aww i luv my chapter^ ^~ thanks for the update
OMG mine is so far away TT^TT but it's ok, ill wait patiently while i read the other great ones before mine :)
uwaaahhhh, Evil maknae so different, I love his character here... THank very very much...
polaris- #10
I love it. ♥ Yesung and the confession. erted Donghae. Thanks for doing it! :D