lose u

A Letter For Taeyeon.....


i dont know if i should continue.....

no one read my story....wa...wa......(cry)




“taeyeon….there’s a car” I shout at her….she turn and look at me….then she look at that car…….she doesn’t move….oh god….

I feel so scared that time….my heart stop beating…..i run a fast as I can to get her….

I get her and we fall together at side of that road…..she in my arms and I fall first….

My head land on that hard road….it feel hurt….then I look at taeyeon….she alright….

Thank god….i got up…then I look at her….i feel really annoying that time….

“ya…..why don’t u look before u cross? U really want me to go crazy?” I raised my voice at her….she just look down……

“what if anything happen to u? u make scare to death…..aishhh” I really burst up…..

I feel like anything happen to her I lost everything in my life….i hate that feeling…then I look at her….

She cry….i saw tears fell from her eyes to her cheek….i feel regret instantly at that time….why I scold her….great Im Yoona….u make her cry…..

“taeyeon ah…. I’m sorry….i don’t mean scold u” she look at me and then she hug me….

I don’t really understand what happen but I eventually hug her back….maybe she more afraid then me…..

Stupid Yoona!!!... I scream in my heart…..we stood there for a moment…

Then she turns around…smile at me…and she said let’s go…..she smile but that smile look really sad……

“wait….” She turns around and look at me….i hold her hand and we start walking….

I keep quiet after that….she doesn’t let go my hand….so I assume she alright when I keep holding her hand…..




We arrived at that cafe…I still afraid for what happen just now….but I feel safe when yoona with me…

I feel so much relieve when I hugs her….she really angry but I don’t know why….maybe because she suppose so make me safe…it’s her work…but I can feel she really care for me….

Her eyes look like she going to lose someone that why she angry so much….but that maybe only my opinion… I don’t know exactly what in her mind…..

She hold my hand all the after that happen…when we arrive at café she let go my hand…..

She want to protect me…usually when other people hold my hand I don’t like it….but just now I feel really comfortable….i feel safe….why??

We sit at empty table…..the waiter come and we order food….

Then that waiter offer something to Yoona…

miss….we are having promotion today…if u order one cake u get less price for the second one…it’s a couple cake…u want to order that?”

“nope thank u…I don’t really like cake….” Then that waiter whisper something at yoona….

“your girlfriend like that cake so much…I think u should order that….she regular customer here” yoona make a weird face…I heard what that waiter said….

Everybody said that yoona my girlfriend…are we really look good together? Yoona look at me….

“u want to eat cake?”

“sure…why not” yoona order that cake….so that means we are going to get two slice of cake…but yoona doesn’t really like cake…

I look at yoona…..she look at other place but not at me…


“huurmm….” She look at the tables now….

“yoona….” I call her again….

“yes…what is it?” now she look at other customer….

“yoona….look at me….” I got frustrated…maybe she feel awkward right now….

She look at me…she feel uneasy…..

“yoona….thank u” I said to her

it’s okay…that my job….” She reply me short….i don’t like that answer actually….

“I could die today….” I said to her…

“don’t say that…I always there for u….” she try to comfort me….


Our food arrive and we enjoy the food….yoona look really happy…..

she really eat a lot….maybe she a shiksin….i even give her my food…maybe because I drag her all day so that she feel so hungry….

i just look at her….when she finish her food I want to ask something at her….

“yoona…why are u so angry at me just now? If anything happen to me u really are going to be crazy?” she cough….i give her water….

“oh…’ough’…’ough’…..that” she try to answer….i still waiting for her answer…..

She having a hard time…..but then the waiters come and serve our dessert…that cake….couple cake….i’m take vanilla cake and yoona take chocolate cake…..

Then she didn’t answer that question…I don’t ask again..i feel like that question seem bother her….so I just enjoy my cake….

I finish my cake then I look at her….she eat that cake and make some not-tasty-face …she is so cute…..

There some cream at … I take tissue then I wipe it…she look shock and say thank u to me….

I don’t know why I do that…It just a reflex….after that we decide to go to nearby park…..

I think she want me to forget what happen today……

We walk together in that park…she look happy when we walk…..then she said something to me….

“want ice cream?” she look excited..


“what flavor?”

“anything is okay”

“okay…wait here….”

she take turn to buy that ice cream…..i stare at that lake….only a few people here….

then I see someone pass by me…he wear cap so that I can’t easily see his face…he looks weird…

I just look at him….then my eyes meet her eyes…that so scary…. He then walk away from me….

“here u go” yoona come back to me….

“u okay?” she ask me…maybe because she look at my scared face…

“I’m okay…but that man looks weird” she search at that man….

“I don’t see any weird man” he disappear…so fast…maybe he a ghost…eww…that’s creepy….

just forget it..it nice here”

“yup…I always come here to relax my mind….” Yoona look at the lake

“really” I decide to play her again

what up with that tone?”


“you seem don’t believe me”

“no I don’t “

“what wrong with u?”

“just my heart can’t  believe u….u are hot temper..how come u like this place” I ….she start to look angry….i like that…..

“no I’m not”

“yes u are…look now”

“aishh….i’m not….”

“u are pabo too….” I just like to see her angry…

“ya…that it…I’m going” she walk away from me… but I want to make her more angry….hehe

“if u walk away u  are a coward too…” she turns around and stare at me….she look really angry now….but she still can keep inside….

“come here….sit here….”  Surprisingly she follow my order….she just stare at me…

“why u doing this?” she ask me

“doing what?” I keep eating my ice cream….

“this midget” she whisper but I heard it…that make me angry too…she know I hate that word….

“ what do u say?”

“nothing…” she look at the lake….i punch her shoulder….

“what was that for?”

“that for calling me midget and for u to know…u are coward, pabo and crazy…” I mocking her….

“ya!!!!.....” then I see her whisper to herself

-Yoona..calm down…calm down….she president daughter-

She so cute….

you ugly too” I laugh at her….she so cute….i think she can’t keep it longer….

Her face show that she thinking of something….she can’t hurt me…i follow her eyes….

She saw my shoe…I put that shoe down cause my feet hurt ..i wear that for a long time….

She take my shoe and throw that in the lake…..then she scream….arghhh…..

I in shock state…my lovely shoe….

“YA!!!!! Why u do that? That my shoes” I yell at her…then she look at me…angryyyy….

“I don’t care anymore….you ugly too” she said to me…

“what?” I want to hit her but she already run away….i can’t catch her cause my shoes in that lake….

“yoonaaaaa…..” I scream her name……


“now how should I walk….i can’t walk like this”

“I didn’t think of that” she look at the lake….my shoes is gone….

“u carry me now” I give an order….

“why should I do that…u have your own feet?” she doesn’t want to do that

“you cause all of this and now carry me on your back”

“what if I don’t want?”

“I jump into that lake….for your information I can’t swim” I threat her when I move my leg towards that lake….

“no….no…I carry u” she look so scared….i have win smile at my face….

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yoon_yul06 #1
Chapter 38: Good story author-nim? But next time please don't use cursive text cause it's quite hard to read? I hope you create more interesting stories?
congrats on getting featured ♡
Iminthezone #3
dafiretrucker #5
congrats on the feature!
Chapter 38: thank you for your stories author-nim. more stories about yoontae please...... hehe :) I ship this couple so bad..
Th3Nugg3t #9
Chapter 39: Good job. Yoontae is so cute
Chapter 39: That was great!!!! Yoontae is soo cute..