Chapter 1



“Sorry, Mr. Kim.. But you’re late so there’s only one chair that left..”

I saw when he sighed and looked at me.. And at that time, I knew for sure that we wouldn’t get along that well.. I mean.. Look at him.. He has a guitar on his back and basketball on the other hand.. His messy uniform which I couldn’t stand was not a big problem for the teachers.. Since he has a cute smile that can melt anyone’s heart.. But not me, of course..

And I knew he felt the same when he saw me.. A thick glasses and a dozen of thick books.. There’s all the things that I have around me.. I just looked down, trying to concentrate on my notes.. I didn’t want to start any useless conversation with him..

“You’re Kyuhyun, right? It’s nice to meet you.. My name is Kim Ryeowook..”

I looked up and found a hand that was offered to me.. He smiled at me, waiting for me to grab his hand..

“Yeah..” I said simply and nodded..

He seemed a little bit hesitated when I didn’t grab his hand.. It must be out of his expectation, isn’t it?

“Well.. I hope we get along well, Kyuhyun-shii..”


I shook my head seeing the behavior of the boy who’s just sitting besides me.. For God’s sake, we have a lesson right now.. And could you imagine what he does? He was laying on the table and slept.. Not even once paid attention to the teacher.. Tch.. I couldn’t understand why people like him go to school.. Why did you go to school if you don’t learn anything valuable from there?

He moved a little bit, made me froze.. I didn’t want to be caught looking at him.. It’s weird.. But still.. It didn’t stop me to observe his face.. Well.. I didn’t want to lie, but I have to admitted that he looks innocent when he sleeps.. No wonder he’s quite popular in this school.. Yeah.. Mr. Kim Ryeowook who was sleeping besides me was one of the popular guys.. I heard a lot of thing about him.. How he loved to play basketball, how he loved music, and moreover, how he’s perfect.. They say that he’s kind to anyone and smile to anyone.. The type of guys that I hate really much.. How could you being kind to anyone? Well.. I guess he’s just another two-faced guy..

“So, can you please answer this question, Mr. Kim Ryeowook?”

The boy that was just sleeping before, looked around with confused face.. I was just about laughed when I saw his action.. Didn’t see it coming, huh?

“Me? I’m sorry, Sir.. But are you asking me to answer that question?” he said stuttering..

“I want Mr. Kim Ryeowook to answer this question..”

He looked around nervously.. Hoping to get some kind of hint or another thing that can help him to get out from this situation.. Too bad.. Seeing his hopeless face, I thought he didn’t get any.. I didn’t know what pushing me to do it.. But the next thing I knew was I offered my notebook to him secretly.. He saw my answer and looked at me.. His eyes were bright and he muttered thank you silently.. Well.. Since I am a nice guy, I thought I pitied him too much.. Really.. It isn’t easy to be a nice guy.. There’s always someone like him who needs my help..


It was a break time and I was ready to get out from class as soon as I can.. To go to a place where I could enjoy being alone and ate my delicious sandwich.. I didn’t have any friend, though.. It’s not that nobody wanted to be my friend.. I thought they’re just afraid of my intimidating aura.. See? It’s not easy to be a genius guy.. I’m a straight A’s student.. Maybe I’m not the best one when it comes to Physical Education, but if you ask me another question from Science or some difficult problem from Math, I bet I can answer that easily.. The teacher didn’t even bother to ask me that question.. To tell you the truth, I have the feeling that they’re also afraid of my aura..

“Kyuhyun-shii.. Thanks a lot for your help before..”

I looked up and found a pair of brown eyes staring at me.. ‘That boy again.. What the hell he want from me again?,’ I sighed..

“That was nothing..”

I was just about to get up when he suddenly sat in front of me.. “Mmm.. Actually.. I was just about to ask..”

‘Yeah.. Go on.. You just want something from me, right? Do you think I will help you another time?’ I thought.. Well.. There’s no reason of being kind to another people if you can’t gain something from them.. This is the reality that we have to face everytime..

“Do you want to have lunch with me?”

“I won’t…” I just answered randomly when I realized what he asked for.. ‘Did I imagining things?’

“Uh oh.. I guess you’ve already have someone to have lunch with.. Maybe next time..”

I stared at him in disbelief.. ‘No.. I don’t imagine things.. He asked me to have lunch with him..’

“Wait.. Are you asking me to have lunch with you?” I asked him once, just to confirm the truth..

He nodded and replied, “Yeah.. But if you already have someone…”

“No.. And yeah.. It will be nice to have lunch with you..”


I don’t know what’s wrong with my head today.. But the last thing I realized is I sat here, on rooftop, which is my most favorite place at school with Mr. Popular.. And now, I’ve been forced to hear his lecture about my lunch, which is consist two sandwiches.. Well.. Compared to his lunch, my delicious sandwiches looked like a trash.. But hey!! It’s the best thing that I could make myself.. I didn’t have anyone to make me a full-course meal for my lunch nor the ability to make it.. I didn’t get along well with my kitchen..

“You know.. If you only eat two sandwiches for lunch, you won’t get any nutrition that will help you grow.. You need more than this..”

I just laughed hearing his statement.. “Well.. At least it gives me the nutrition that I need to grow taller than you..”

He just pouted hearing my statement.. I couldn’t help but smirked at him.. I didn’t believe I would say this, but he looked cute like that.. I looked at him, waiting for his reply.. He sighed and looked at me.. Well.. I guess I win this one too.. No one could win arguing with me..

“Then.. Starting tomorrow, I’ll make you lunch.. “

I could fell my smirk was gone from my face.. Did he really say lunch?

“I can’t see you eating like that.. You need something more than sandwiches for a boy in your size.. I also can say that two sandwiches won’t fill your stomach..“

Well.. I guess I’m not wrong.. My hearing is still good as ever..

“Well then.. This place is actually quite good.. I’ve never been thinking that having lunch at school’s rooftop will be this nice.. I guess I’ll see you again tomorrow..”

I just stared at him blankly.. I couldn’t even utter any words to him.. See me again tomorrow? What the hell did he mean by that? Did he just ask me to have a lunch again with him tomorrow?

“Same place for tomorrow okay, Kyu? “

And just like that, he left me with my mouth hanging wide open here, like a fool..

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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 4: Awweee thats totally kyutee
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 3: Aww.. Thats sweet.. Wookie stand up for Kyu
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 1: Aweee ryeowook is so good to Kyu
update soooooooooooooooooooooon! <333
so sweet ;A; <3
hold my breath so romantic...kyuwook moment
heheh is so cute and funny please update soon =)
Hehe, lame Kyu is all winded!
But this chappoe is super sweet! I can't wait for them to compose together!
Plz update soon! ^^
Nerds are y... I'm just saying...
I love Wookie for being ao awesome and sicking up for Kyu!
Minnie you !
I lurve this! Please update soon!^^
katharine #9
it's cute i'm waiting until kyu change his style and be my evil hot kyu i wish it be soon
update soon