First meeting with SHINee

[Prerevamp] Saranghamnida


((Shizune's Point of View))
Omo!! Omo... I'm gonna meet taemin? I think I can die now. (LOL) Taemin, here I come! 
We are walking together Onew and I, going to KBS studio where I am going to meet my obsession, my love,, the very reason I am here in the first place- Taemin!
When we reached the studio, I was in full awe, I think it is just the rehearsals, because there is not much people around. Key is rapping on the stage with Minho, while Jonghyun is with Taemin in front of the audience's seats. T...Taemin (yeah, even in her thoughts, she stutters, keke) Did I just see taemin?
After the song stopped, Key immediately went to us and scolded Onew for being so tardy.
"Hyung! You went out earlier than us! and what? you arrived hours after the rehearsal? aissshh." He suddenly stopped when he saw me beside Onew and grinned mischievously. He called the whole group.
Minho and Jonghyun came closer to us almost simultaneously, laughing. I wonder what's funny. 
The sight was just too much to behold. Taemin is infront of me! Taemin! I am quite sure, I am so red at the moment. Not to mention, the other members.
"Minho" He said so simply, offering his hands. I took his hand almost hesitantly.
"Shizune." I answered with a smile.
"Key." He said simply with a grin without offering me his hands.
"Jonghyun. I am Jonghyun." Jonghyun smiled with his usual smile and offered his hand. I took it when he knelt down and kissed it. I don't know what to think. Key hit Jonghyun's head. "Onew is just in front of you, Idiot!" He screamed in english.
"Taemin." Taemin smiled at me. He smiled at me?! He smiled at me!
I didn't know if time stopped or the world has stopped revolving for a second. He took my hand and kissed it like Jonghyun did, except that it was so gentle, He was still smiling when his lips touched the back of my hand. I was so sure that it could've lasted longer if key didn't hit his head like he did to Jonghyun.
"You stupid! What do you think Onew will think?!" He scolded the other members.
"Hyung, you didn't tell me!" Jonghyun accused Onew with a childish look of tantrums. I looked at Taemin, seems like I don't really care about the whole world; seems like the only thing I wanted to look, to feel, and to hear is Taemin. Taemin looked at me with a confused look. I wonder why he looked that way. Taemin, don't look at me like that!
"Wait, you... you.. didn't understand..." Onew stuttered as he scratched the back of his neck with his left hand.
"Hyung, we understand perfectly!" Key smiled in triumph.
Onew was so red. I've never seen him blush in real life. I wonder what is happening.
Taemin was still looking at me, with a questioning look. With that look, all I can see is his eyes, his eyes piercing through my soul.
The floor manager called them to go back to the dressing room and prepare. I get to watch them at the front seat. A lot of girls, younger and older than me, screaming at the background. Of course, I would even be one of them, but I decided to smile and calm down.
After the whole show, the floor manager lead me to the dressing room. Shinee covered in sweat. I immediately blushed. Taemin smiled.
"So, what do you do here in Korea?" Jonghyun was the first to break the ice. 
Searching for Taemin, (kekeke) well, of course I wouldn't tell them that.
"Uhmm... I'm here to finish my Masteral degree."
They started asking me about my life and I get to ask them questions too. SHINee is sure fun to talk to.
We were cut short when their manager, who they refer to as Manager-hyung, called them.
Onew was left behind and I get to get my last glimpse of my one and only love (yuck), Taemin as he entered the van.
Onew started walking out of the parking area, and I followed him.
"Shizune.." He called me with his sweet baritone voice.
"Oppa!" I answered with a giggle. I flung my hands to him. "Thank you oppa for letting me meet the whole SHINee." I kissed his cheeks when I realized how shameful this thing I was doing to him. He was red all over. 
"So.. sorry.." He stuttered. Onew-oppa sure is shy.
"Sorry for not correcting Key.. when He thought you were my girlfriend... I.. I... will tell them immediately when I reach home." He bowed his 90-degrees bow.
I was mistaken as Oppa's girlfriend?!
Lol. Well, I haven't updated for a while. :) who missed me? kekekeke<3
hope to hear from you soon..
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Chapter 11: It has been a long time since I'd last read this fic and this was updated. My interest from SHINee had drifted, which is one reason why I didn't get to this. Life can get hectic when your priorities shift and you've got more responsibilities on your plate.

It sounds like you meant "in the studio." Using the preposition "on" doesn't make sense.

It doesn't seem like Taehyun was in the studio since his presence wasn't mentioned and the SHINee members didn't say anything about seeing him there. However, it's likely that they didn't notice him or realize that he's there when he didn't make his presence known (hiding in the shadows). Whatever purpose he has, he is paying close attention to Shizune. Because of the angle that he's in while observing her, it seemed to him that she was looking at Onew. Views can be obscured when looked at from a different angle that's not within range. Something more about Taehyun's character has yet to be revealed. Taemin's side of things need to be explored as well. It's a point of curiosity about what you'd be doing with Shizune's, Taehyun's, and Taemin's characters.

Hopefully, you'll get around to updating this fic whenever you could.
ImWeird #2
Heyoo i lM startibg to love ur stories hahah please update soon
I hope you'll update really soon. :DD
This is short, but we have a sweet Onew-Shizune thing going on here. Just as he is the leader of SHINee, he can prove himself to be a good fatherly figure. He is so responsible in checking in on the other SHINee members and making sure that Shizune gets home safely. It's obvious that Onew is already in love with her even though they just met ("love at first sight" indeed). It looks like one twisted family she grew up into. Her mother wasn't setting a good example or being a good parent for her by going out clubbing with her friends instead of spending time with her on her birthday. Her father is even worst. He shouldn't have been together with another woman while he's still married. That is so morally wrong and it's infidelity on his part. It's a good reason for her parents' divorce. xD Hell might've rained a thousand daggers by then after he was found out. Throughout the madness, it's good that Shizune is able to remain sane and keep a good head on her shoulders. Taehyun's absence has gotten me puzzled. <br />
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Chapter 9 mistake:<br />
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I was on my pajamas and I decided to drink milk downstairs.<br />
* It's "in my pajamas" since she is wearing them on her body.
That's a nice poster that you'd put up. The way that Onew reacted to their misunderstandings is cute. xD Not Taemin too! It's something I would have expected coming fron Jonghyun since he seems to be such a ladies' man. Taemin looks up to Jonghyun, but he doesn't seem to be setting a great example for him--being a flirt. The way that Taemin looks at Shizune... Could it be that she's somehow familiar to him but it's something that he couldn't quite put his finger on? xD Unless, you're trying to surprise us readers into thinking that it's Taemin but he is actually Taehyun in disguise. They are identical twins, so it's not impossible for them to pull it off. I wonder if that Selene woman had already corrupted poor Taemin. Onew is so sweet here. xD After how Shizune thanked him, he might take it the wrong way and think that there's an extra special meaning behind her actions since he's flustered over it. <br />
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As grammar reminders: <br />
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The correct prepositional phrase is "on the stage." When you wrote "in the stage," it makes me think of them standing in a hole on the floor while the two are watching them below. xD That wouldn't make sense because Shizune wouldn't have seen them before her.<br />
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It's "closer to us." Minho and Jonghyun are heading towards them where they're standing.<br />
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In this phrase, "seems like the only thing I wanted to look to feel and to hear is Taemin," there should be commas to separate the list of actions so that the sentence flows smoothly--"to look, to feel, and to hear."<br />
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Onew stuttered as scratched the back of his neck with his left hand.<br />
* The subject "he" should be inserted after "as."
NerdyJae #6
Hayy there! Your poster is ready to be picke up! Drop by whenever you can :) Thanks for requesting at NerdyJae's Photobook and thanks for being patient~<br />