hey kiddo.

The Sound of Wind Chimes


Taemin was eight. 
He was upset that he had to leave this place in another ten days. This place being Asan-- countryside in Korea. He loved the mountains, he loved the small town with all those lovely people residing there. His parents had brought him to Asan for vacation, and at first, he hated it. He never wanted to leave the city, that is, until now-- he did not want to leave Asan. 
He walked to a tree, out in a small field and sat below it. He felt the wind caress his face gently, welcoming him here. The leaves rustled against each other, the comforting sounds entering his ear. He felt like he could stay here forever. The shade of the tree blocked him from the blinding light from the sun. Cool, yet warm. 
“Hey, kiddo. What are you doing here?” 
Taemin who had his eyes closed, frowned at whoever disturbed him from this peace. And he was not a kid. He was eight and his parents had clearly told him that he was a grown up boy. He forced his right eye open to see a tall boy in front of him, in his white uniform, and black school pants. He had a bag slung over his shoulder, black hair in a mess. 
“I’m not a kid,” Taemin told him, stretching his rather long legs for a moment. The boy looked amused, and crouched in front of him, a playful grin stretched on his face. Taemin looked at his slightly tanned skin, and his unusually large eyes. 
“Are you sure you’re not a kid?” The boy asked, moving closer to the young kid, who was sort of pretty, with a few strands of brown hair. And his lips were cute, pale pink and plump. His nose was a little strange though, a little hooked. But his eyes were the prettiest, dark brown with a sparkle in them. “Look at you with your short legs and body.” 
“Short?” Taemin gasped, feeling insulted. Most people, adults especially, complimented on his slim and long-for-a-kid legs. He pouted. “Mother and father says my legs are long.” 
“For a kid.” 
Right. Long-for-a-kid legs. Taemin sadly looked at his shoes, and untied shoelaces. This stupid hyung was right. He spread his hands on the grass and grabbed tufts of it, pulling it out of the ground for nothing (that’s what he thinks though. He’s kind of upset actually).  The boy looked at him and gave a loud laugh. Taemin found this boy annoying-- first insulting him, now laughing at his victory. How rude of him to even add salt to the wound. 
“You’re cute, kiddo,” the boy grinned, ruffling Taemin’s hair up. Taemin sat there, devastated. Now his hair was ruined. “What’s your name?” 
“Lee Taemin,” he said after a while, when he deemed that this boy was of no danger. Then he added rather proudly, sticking out eight fingers. “I’m eight.” 
The boy chuckled and sat down comfortably next to the kid. He held up his index finger and made a seven with his thumb and finger with the other hand. “I’m Choi Minho, seventeen.” 
Taemin gasped. “Ahjussi.” 
“What?” Minho’s eyes widened at the term Taemin used to call him. Ahjussi? He tickled Taemin and made the boy squirm around, peals of laughter escaping his lips. “I’m hyung to you!” 
“O-Ok! H-hyung!” Taemin squeaked, trying to escape Minho’s large hands in vain. Minho laughed and ruffled Taemin’s hair again, a habit he was about to form. Taemin, whose fringe was plastered to his forehead from the sweat that formed, slapped Minho’s thigh. Minho blinked in confusion. “My hair. Is messed up.” 
“Aish, this brat.” 
Taemin spun his head to the direction of his mother’s voice. He beamed and then turned back to Minho. “Hyung!” 
“That’s your mom?” Minho asked, looking at a beautiful, young lady, who had brown curls that reached her waist. She looked just about like Taemin. 
“Yes! Hyung, can I see you tomorrow?” Taemin asked hopefully, taking a liking to the annoying Minho. The older boy nodded, now resting against the tree. Taemin, unexpectedly gave Minho a hug and ran off, with a blush on his cheeks. Minho just laughed and shook his head, eyes closed, ready to doze off. 
“Minho hyung!”
Minho was halfway walking to the tree before being greeted by a cute boy, with arms around his legs. Taemin looked up adorably at the teenager and reached out for his hand. “Minho hyung.” 
“Taemin ah,” Minho raised an eyebrow. “You could have waited for me to get there.” 
“I waited for so long, it was getting boring,” Taemin said, small hands secured within Minho’s large ones. “Let’s go somewhere else…” 
“Where would you want to go, kiddo?” Minho asked, swing his arm back and forth slightly. 
“Somewhere fun… Does Asan have an arcade?” Taemin asked eagerly, jumping up and down. Minho gave a soft laugh. 
“It’s sort of far from here, Taeminnie… Would you like to come to my house? I have a computer,” Minho said, feeling embarrassed. Taemin nodded his head, finding it nice to visit his hyung’s home for once. As they walked, Minho started asking questions, curious about the boy. “Where are you from?” 
“Seoul,” Taemin replied, digging out a lollipop from his pocket. He stared at the candy that was wrapped up in a complicated manner. “Hyung, can you help me open this?” 
“Oh, sure.” Minho let go of Taemin’s hand and worked quickly on the candy. He was in fact, so afraid that Taemin would fall down or hurt himself if he never held the boy’s hand. He folded the wrapper and placed it in his pocket. Then he held Taemin’s hand again, after passing the candy to the delighted boy. Seoul? So Taemin was a city boy. No wonder he asked if there was an arcade. Sure, there were a few in Asan, just further away. 
They walked past a few houses, a few older women gushing at how the two of them made good siblings. One handsome, one too cute. Minho felt great being called handsome, and his brother always said he had a prince disease. 
“We’re here, Taeminnie.” 
They stood in front of white house, with a pretty little garden in front. Taemin peeked from over the gate and gasped at the white flowers blooming. Living in the city hardly gave him any chances to see such pretty things. All he saw was buildings and pretty gadgets. Plus, computer games. 
“My mother likes planting flowers. Come on,” Minho said, rummaging through his bag for his keys. “Let’s go in.” 
Taemin waddled through the gate opened for him and Minho laughed softly to himself at the cute sight. “Aigo, so cute.” 
Minho shut the short gate and caught up with Taemin who stood in front of the white colored door. Then he glanced to the side with stairs leading up to the second floor. “Hyung, where does that staircase go?” 
“My room,” Minho replied smugly as he fumbled for the right key. He had to play rock paper scissors with his brother to win that room over. “But I need to let my mother look at you, so let’s go in from here.” 
He opened the door and took out his shoes quickly at the entryway. “Umma, I’m home!” 
Taemin entered the house and unwillingly took off his shoes, revealing pink socks. It was the last pair that wasn’t in the washing machine. He stumbled over to Minho, and hid behind his back when he saw a nice looking lady with a second Minho, who was not as handsome as this Minho hyung (in Taemin’s opinion). 
“Oh goodness, who’s this little boy you’ve taken home with you, Minho ah?” The lady asked, her voice honey coated, just the way Taemin liked it. She was just like his mother. He shyly peeked out from the back of Minho’s legs and gave her the sweetest smile she could ever ask for. She gasped. “Oh my, Minho, I always thought you were the cutest baby I ever saw, but this boy is…” 
“Cuter than me?” 
“Real sorry, baby,” the lady laughed, and kissed Minho on the cheek. “You’re still cute. You’re just all grown up…” 
Taemin stared at the Minho number two for quite a while. He was sitting on the couch, with a wordy book in his hands. Taemin noticed that he paler, compared to Minho hyung. He was paying a lot of attention to the book and Taemin could never understand him. Minho realized how Taemin was getting closer to his brother and it disturbed him. It had been only two days, or about a day anyway, since they met and Minho hoped Taemin could just look at him more. 
“H-Hi… Minho’s hyungnim,” Taemin whispered from the back of the couch. Minho snickered when his brother jumped up from the couch and stared wide eyed at the boy who was just as shocked. 
“I’m Lee Taemin,” he said shyly, kicking his leg back and forth. Minho’s mother was cooing about how cute he was and Minho nodded in agreement, watching the two from the side.
“Hello, Taemin ah. I’m Minseok hyung,” Minseok smiled, holding his large hand out. Taemin reached out for his hand and the older chuckled, shaking it gently. “Why did Minho ah bring you here?” 
“He said he would play computer games with me,” Taemin answered excitedly and ran back to Minho and tugged at his uniform. “Hyung, let’s go.” 
Minho placed his hand on Taemin’s shoulder protectively and smiled at his brother (proudly). “We’ll be going upstairs now.” 
“Taeminnie, would you like any snacks?” Minho asked, before bringing Taemin upstairs. The child bit his lower lip and looked pleadingly into Minho’s eyes. He gestured for Minho to bend down lower and whispered into his ear. 
“Can I have chocolate?” 
Minho smiled and walked into the kitchen to bring out a few chocolates from the refrigerator. Minho’s mother caught him and grimaced, eyeing her precious chocolates. She loves chocolates too much. “Minho? I thought you don‘t eat chocolates.” 
“Taeminnie wants them.” 
Her eyes brightened up and pushed Minho out of the kitchen. “Tell him that he can have as much as he want.” 
Minho rolled his eyes and brought Taemin upstairs to his room which was a little messy, with all his books lying around, shirts on the bed left unfolded or ironed. He ran his hand through his hair, watching Taemin walking towards the computer without stepping onto anything. 
“Ah… Taeminnie, I hope you don’t mind hyung’s room,” Minho said weakly, kicking his stuff to one side, next to the bed. Taemin shook his head adorably and plopped onto the chair with ease. It was just that he could not reach the keyboard. Minho laughed and adjusted the chair for him and switched the computer on.
“Hyung, who’s that girl?” Taemin asked, pointing to Minho’s desktop background with a small smile. Minho blushed and quickly clicked on something else, a game that Taemin would probably enjoy. “Hyung!” 
“Aish, you… She’s my girlfriend.” 
“Hyung’s girlfriend is pretty,” Taemin beamed, clicking away at the game. Minho smiled, thinking about Sulli’s cute face. 
“She is, huh?” Minho unwrapped the chocolate and plucked off a piece to feed Taemin, who had his hands occupied. The pink lips spread opened for him and Minho gulped. Sure he was a kid, but those lips were seriously killing him-- pink, soft, just like a girl’s. Minho felt like a complete e, lusting for something like this, but who could blame him? (anyone) Not to mention he already had a girlfriend and Taemin had just questioned him about her innocently the past few minutes. 
Taemin lips accidentally brushed against Minho’s fingers but he never noticed it-- only Minho did. Minho groaned internally and walked back to the bed, staring at his finger blankly. He decided that he was weird since the beginning and pushed the thoughts of Taemin’s lips away from his mind. 
He stared at his bag and decided that he should not do his homework yet. Now was the time to take care of the kid, or maybe he should just sleep. 
“Hyung, are you going to play with me?” 
Minho cracked his eyes open and grinned. “Sure.” 
Maybe not sleep. 
After three hours of playing the computer, Minho was dead tired. He could never win this game against Taemin. Taemin was some kind of game freak and was winning every single round. The kid pounced on Minho, who was lying on the bed, resting. Minho’s eyes flew open in shock and smiled at the boy who grinned eagerly at him. 
“Hyung, it’s seven.” 
Minho blinked a few times, registering what the younger one just said. Seven. He sat up suddenly and Taemin gasped. “We need to get you back home, now!” 
“Hyung, so fast?” 
“Your parents must be worried! Come on, kiddo!” Minho exclaimed, bending down for the boy. The boy clambered onto his back, then to his shoulder with a squeal and Minho took off, going downstairs to let Taemin bid goodbye to his family. Minho’s mother was the most reluctant, still giving Taemin another bar of her favorite chocolates. Minseok just smiled at Taemin and waved goodbye. 
“Wah, it’s dark already,” Minho said, walking briskly to the location of tree where they met for the first time. Taemin was yawning, his chin resting on top of Minho’s smooth, black hair. He nodded his head sleepily and gazed silently at the tree which was coming into view. “So, where do you live?” 
“The nearest hostel from here, you see that reddish brown roof, hyung?” Taemin said tiredly. Minho murmured a quick reply and slowly jogged down a small hill, and down the street to the hostel. He found a couple, waiting outside the door, panicking. He recognized the woman to be Taemin’s mother and he waved to her. 
“Mrs. Lee?” He called out, hands curled around Taemin’s small thighs to keep him steady. Taemin’s mother smiled at him, and walked forward to look at her son. 
“So you are you the ‘Minho hyung’ my baby has been talking about forever?” Mrs. Lee said, chuckling quietly. Her husband came forward and smiled at Minho. 
“Ah, thank you for taking care of that bundle of energy, I’ll carry him now,” Mr. Lee whispered to avoid waking Taemin up. He gently grasped Taemin’s waist and carried him off Minho’s shoulder. He adjusted Taemin in his arms carefully and patted the boy’s back, helping him sleep better. 
“He has been talking about me?” Minho rubbed the back of his neck with an embarrassed smile. 
“He said you were annoying,” Mrs. Lee laughed, watching her husband and child going back into the inn fondly, with her sparkling eyes. Then she turned back to the boy. “But in the end, he told me that you were nice. He always wanted a big brother… That’s why he took a liking to you quickly.”
“Annoying…?” Minho smiled sheepishly. “Taemin’s a nice boy… I hope to see him more often.” 
“He can play with you tomorrow,” Mrs. Lee beamed. Minho found her smile breathtaking, just like Taemin’s smile. “You’re still attending school, aren’t you? What time are you going to be here?” 
“Around three thirty. Um, Mrs. Lee, when are you all returning to Seoul?” Minho asked. He found himself hoping that it would still be long before they leave. 
“In eight days,” she said, running a finger through her curls. Minho’s heart sank. He knew it sounded silly but, he felt like Taemin was like his very own, younger brother. He did love this boy and, he did not want to let the boy go at all. 
“Oh, I see. Um, goodnight.” 
“Goodnight, Minho ah.” 
Minho trudged back to his house, feeling like an idiot. Who the hell would actually get so clingy to a dongsaeng, eleven years younger than him, in two days? Him. But, anyone could. Taemin was a special boy and Minho was just, lucky enough to meet him. 
In another three days, Taemin had to leave. In the span of seven days, they realized that they were inseparable-- like the best pair of siblings. Minho’s neighbours, the noodle shop owners, and the owner of the hostel agreed too. Minho felt himself sighing all day long, because Taemin was leaving soon. Much sooner than he expected. 
Taemin was on another lollipop that Minho bought for him in the convenience store and they both returned to the tree. Minho carried Taemin to sit on his lap and he stared out to the fields, the mountains and the small town. Taemin wriggled about in his lap, trying to find himself a nice spot. 
He settled in between Minho’s legs instead and lay on Minho’s chest with a contented hum. Minho ruffled Taemin’s hair dotingly with a loving smile on his face. The younger one pouted, small hand rearranging his disheveled hair. “Hyung, why do you like to do that so much?” 
“Because, hyung loves Taeminnie, a lot,” Minho answered truthfully. 
“Taeminnie loves Minho hyung a lot, too,” Taemin giggled, craning his neck backwards to look at Minho. “But, I’ll be gone soon…” 
“Don’t say that, Taeminnie,” Minho whispered, hugging Taemin. “It’s not like you’ll be gone forever. You can always come back here to look for me. Or maybe, in two years… I’ll go to university. I’ll work hard and study in Seoul, so I can look for you.” 
“Promise?” Taemin held out his pinky finger, looking expectantly at Minho. 
“I promise,” Minho hooked his pinky with Taemin’s and kissed the boy’s forehead for the very first time. 
The last evening in Asan, was horrible. The two were silent when they met each other, and Taemin could no longer hold back his sobs. The small hands clenched around Minho’s pants, showing that he did not want to let go. He dropped the package that he was holding in his hands too, not caring about it anymore. “I don’t want to leave hyung. What if I can’t see Minho hyung again?” 
“Taeminnie, you’ll see me again,” Minho smiled, bending down and wiping the tears away with his thumb. The doe like eyes stared into Minho’s dark eyes. 
Minho carried Taemin who was cradling the package in his arms carefully. Minho settled beneath the tree and stared at the package curiously. It was wrapped in white paper, with a small blue ribbon on top. He heard something within clink and ring for a while. Taemin was using his fists to rub the tears away. 
Minho pulled Taemin’s fists away and shook his head at him. “Taeminnie, what’s this?” 
Taemin small hands unwrapped the package and opened the small box, revealing two Japanese styled wind chimes. It had glass sphere, with the hole on the bottom. A string, along with the clapper goes through the hole, and is attached to a rectangular card, which was empty. 
“Wind chimes. They bring good luck and… We can write our wishes on the cards, so I begged umma to buy me this,” Taemin sniffed, holding one up gently. “Then I want to hang it on the tree here. Hoping that one day we will meet again.” 
“Taeminnie, that’s nice of you. Come on, you got a marker?” Minho asked softly. Taemin pulled out a thin marker from his pocket and handed it Minho. Minho slowly penned down a short message vertically as neatly as he could, unlike what he did with his homework-- scribbling. 
Taemin took the marker once Minho finished his message. He wrote it as neatly as he could too and Minho peeked at it, watching the cute handwriting from. He chuckled and Taemin pouted at him, pushing his face away to stop him from looking. 
“What did you write hyung?” Taemin asked, placing the cap back onto the marker. Minho showed him his neat work proudly. 
“I wrote that we would be together again.” 
“… Oh. Hyung, can you climb up the tree to hang it up for me?” Taemin asked, passing his wind chime with a smile. 
“Of course, I don’t want our Taeminnie to fall down. Let’s see what you have written… Minho hyung and Taemin…nie? Wow, Taemin ah, you called yourself Taeminnie.” 
“Hyung!” Taemin whimpered, his small form inching away shyly.  
“Minho hyung and Taeminnie forever. You’re so cute, Taemin ah.” Minho chuckled, putting the wind chime in his pocket, making sure it was deep inside. He climbed the tree skillfully, like how he always climbed one just to get out of school. Of course he would not tell Taemin that. He would totally be ruined. 
He sat on the end of the lowest branch, closest to the trunk, and leaned forward to tie the two wind chimes at the other end as far as he could reach. He heard Taemin’s gasp of delight when he heard it ring slightly. Minho smiled and secured the knot so that it would not drop. 
He climbed down swiftly and admired his work. The paper containing their wishes fluttered about in the small wind, and a small ring could be heard. Minho smiled at the two objects that hung beautifully down from the branch. 
“I’m going to see hyung again.” 
“You will, Taeminnie. Remember this when you’re back in Seoul, I’ll always be with you. Hyung will always be here to wait for you when you need me,” Minho bent down and said. He brushed Taemin’s cute fringe away from his eyes and smiled. “And call me when you can ok?” 
Minho wrote his number on the paper box and handed it over to Taemin. The younger one beamed and circled his arms around Minho’s neck to hug him. “I’ll see you, hyung.” 
“See you too, dongsaeng.” 
And the wind chimes started ringing as a soft breeze passed them. Taemin beamed into Minho’s shoulder. The older smiled, closing his eyes.
Minho and Taemin together again. 
Minho hyung and Taeminnie forever.
In the morning, they were gone. Minho had asked the owner of the hostel. 
And Minho’s heart broke when he saw the paper box, with his number in the bin. They must have mistaken it for rubbish and threw it away… 
Taemin sighed, glancing out of the window. It was always good to sit next to the windows-- you could just look out of it if your were bored. He stared at the trees, the leaves rustling because of the wind. Only something was missing. That familiar sound that was left in his heart. 
The comforting ring of the wind chimes. 
He was fifteen now. It had been seven years since he last saw his hyung. He really wanted to hate his parents for throwing away the paper box, thinking it was rubbish while he was still sleepy and clueless. Afterwards they just left, without even telling Minho hyung. But he couldn’t really hate them. 
Good news was, he was going on a school trip to Asan, now! He was overwhelmed with happiness, after hearing the news just two weeks back. They were going on a school trip because their entrance examinations were over. He sighed, hugging his bag to his chest, a goofy smile spreading on his lips. He was going to see his big brother… Just like they promised. 
“Lee Taemin! I expect you to listen to the briefing, not stare out of the window!” His teacher called out, upset that her favorite student was not paying attention. Taemin blinked and nodded his head. 
“Oh oh, ne…” 
How old was his Minho hyung now? Twenty four. He remembered Minho hyung telling him he would study hard enough to get into a university in Seoul, and Taemin wondered if he did. Or maybe, Minho already forgot about him. He prayed Minho didn’t, and walked out of the classroom with the other students, ready for the trip to Asan. 
“What were you thinking about?” Kai asked him. 
“Someone really important, who lives in Asan,” Taemin answered with a small smile. “The hostel we’re going to living in, is the exact same one that I lived in, back when I was eight.” 
“Wow, that’s cool,” Kai grinned. Taemin beamed. 
The trip was two hours or so, not like how Taemin remembered it. Taemin took the train, so it was about thirty to forty-five minutes. Taemin realized the longer the trip was, the more anxious he got. Seven years-- what should he say to his hyung? What if his hyung was not in Asan right now? 
Kai had already given up talking to Taemin, seeing how immensely distracted the boy was. Taemin could not help it. It was Minho hyung he was thinking about, the man who was like a real brother to him. He could imagine going off to the tree again during the evening because that was when they could wander about. 
He would sit beneath the tree and listen to the wind chimes ring heavenly, reminding him of his hyung, the good days he spent during Asan. And the promises they made. The two brothers promised to meet one day. 
And Taemin was determined not to let this promise die. 
He spent most of the time, wondering when they would arrive and what should he say or do when he meets Minho hyung. 
The moment he reached the hostel, he dumped his bags to the corner and went to meet the owner, who was still the same uncle that aged a little this time. He grinned at the uncle and greeted him enthusiastically. 
“I’m Taemin… Lee Taemin!” 
“T-Taemin..? The young brat who’s always with Minho ah?” The uncle laughed, giving the teenage boy a warm hug, welcoming him back to Asan. “I’m so glad to see you again. Look at you, you’ve grown!” 
“Ne,” Taemin laughed. 
“It felt like it was just yesterday, seeing a young boy around, here!” The uncle raised his hand slightly, above mid thigh, showing Taemin his eight year old height. “And now look at you, even taller than ahjussi… Aish, you and Minho are just the same. Growing so tall quickly.” 
Taemin giggled, his hand covering his mouth as usual.
“And you look just like your mother, aigoo, how can a boy be so pretty,” the uncle chuckled, ruffling Taemin’s hair. “Now go, I’m sure your teachers want you out by now.” 
“Ne, ahjussi!” Taemin bowed down to the owner of the hostel before scrambling back to his room, changing and gathered all of the necessary items. He got back with the class and sighed, relieved when he realized that he was not late. Kai tapped his shoulder and they got back onto the bus, where they would travel to a taller hill for a hike.
After the hike was a treat at the hot springs and after the hot springs was dinner, plus their free time.
Taemin was looking forward to that, and he hoped time could fly faster. While Kai was on the verge of dozing off. 
“God, Taemin! Can’t you just talk? I’m going to be so bored,” he whined. Taemin laughed softly. 
“Are you not going to eat dinner?” 
“Save me some chicken!” Taemin hurriedly pushed past the students and wore his shoes hurriedly at the entrance. Then he skipped to the ground, dashing off to the place where he and Minho first met. As he left, the owner of the hostel smiled knowingly at the boy. 
A thousand thoughts ran through Taemin’s mind: ‘Had he forgotten? Is he mad that I never called him? Will we be able to talk like we used to the last time? What if he thinks I’m annoying and childish?’ 
His legs felt weak, but he continued, to the tree where they first met. He stopped a few meters away from it, staring at the unmoving paper. There was no wind now. He wiped off the sweat that formed on his forehead and he moved almost cautiously to the tree. He could see the spot where he used to sit on all the time but the grass was longer there. 
He squinted at the paper that fluttered slightly and turned. He recognized his childish handwriting and gasped. He could feel the memories rushing back to him, how he cried when he could stand it no longer, with the knowledge that he was going to leave his only hyung.
His hand touched the bark and a shiver ran through his spine. He leaned against the tree and settled down on the longer grass. It felt a little prickly but he could handle it. His hands played with the softer grass by the side and smiled a little, closing his eyes, letting himself drift back to seven years ago. 
“Who are you?” 
Fierce, demanding, unfriendly. From a distance. Taemin opened his eyes quickly and stood up. Who was this? He noticed the man had dark brown curls and was… extremely tall. Maybe fifteen centimeters taller than him. He made no move to run away from this man, because this place used to be his, well, sort of. 
When the man got closer, Taemin could not help but stare into those large eyes. Unmistakable large eyes… 
“Who are you, and what are you doing here?” 
“M-Minho hyung?” Taemin blurted out, going one step closer to the man. The man’s eyes widened and looked closely at Taemin. For a moment, they both stared into each other’s eyes, familiarizing with each other. 
‘Those eyes…’ The man thought, his hand reaching out. 
“Oh my god, Minho hyung!” Taemin laughed, feeling so much better than he had in seven years and hugged Minho, causing them to fall to the ground. He laughed in the crook of Minho’s neck, not believing how real this was. Minho had grown so well. He definitely matured and there was no more black shaggy hair. He had dyed it and curled it slightly. 
He felt Minho’s warm, large hands land on his back, rubbing soothing circles. “T-Taeminnie, is that you?” 
“Yes, hyung, yes!” He exclaimed, his arms tightening around Minho’s waist. 
Minho hated himself for yelling so coldly at Taemin. He thought it was a stranger that took his spot. He felt protective of this spot, in case some bastard tried to take down the wind chimes, like how a father tried to get it down for his son to play just months ago. He got so mad at that time, and suspected everyone who touched the tree. 
Yes, it was weird. A young boy he had known only for ten days or so became the most precious person in his heart. Maybe because he never had a good relationship with his own brother. His own brother always studied and rarely had the time to play with him. 
Minho hated himself even more for not recognizing the boy, the boy with the sparkle in his eyes. The one with the unusually pinkish lips that were plump and feminine for a boy. When Taemin pulled away, Minho felt the same as always-- his breath was taken away. Despite the tear streaked face, Taemin was still so heartbreakingly beautiful and Minho was proud to have such a dongsaeng. The smile, everything about Taemin was perfect and Minho missed it. 
“You’ve grown a lot, Taeminnie,” Minho chuckled, pressing his lips to Taemin’s forehead affectionately. Taemin had grown, sure, that was why he felt a little uncomfortable when he received the kiss. Back then, he was a kid, he wouldn’t feel strange things going on with his heart. Now… 
“Hyung, you too… I’m sorry I never called, umma threw the box away when I was still asleep. She apologized too,” Taemin said apologetically.
“It’s ok. You’re here now, right?” Minho wiped the tears away from Taemin’s eyes. “You see, Taeminnie? You cried for nothing, I told you we would meet again.” 
Taemin nodded his head, and hugged Minho once more, and feel the wind caressing him once more, welcoming him back to Asan, just like it once had, and the wind chimes rang once more. 
Yes, the wish came true. The promise was left unbroken. For now. 
Every evening was spent with Minho, lying beneath the tree and talking about their life. Taemin would sometimes find himself curled up to the older man, taking a short nap of ten minutes until Minho woke him up, telling him that he had to go, before the teachers got worried. And, Minho would always give a kiss to Taemin on the forehead before he left. It disturbed Taemin many times, starting from the first day of the trip.
 All this continued, until the second last evening. Taemin found himself locked up in his own room for the time being. He was afraid. Firstly, he was afraid to leave Minho once more. Secondly, Minho said he would bring his girlfriend over to meet Taemin. Taemin knew it was strange to be afraid, because, what on earth could Minho’s girlfriend do to him? 
He felt his phone vibrate. Minho was asking him why he was not there yet. Taemin gathered up his courage and got out of his room and out of the hostel. What courage did he need in the first place?  He struggled to the tree, fighting those crazy thoughts away from his mind. 
But when he reached the tree, he felt his legs go weak from the sight of Minho, pecking lips with a pretty girl, with long wavy hair and a cute face-- the very same girl who Taemin saw in Minho’s desktop very long ago. The one that Taemin called pretty. Her lips were pink too, just like his, just a darker shade. And for once, Taemin felt so ugly for once in his life. He used to hate it when people called him pretty, but now… He just wanted to be the prettiest in Minho’s eyes. Because he knew he was special in Minho’s heart. Right? 
“Taeminnie! What took you so long?” Minho had called out, grinning with a blushing face. He had pulled away from the kiss once he realized Taemin was standing there. But Taemin was staring blankly at them, emotions gone from his face. What was this feeling in his heart? He just wanted to run away from Minho, and never come back. The wind chimes were not ringing anymore. He could see Minho’s girlfriend gesturing for him to come over. The girl that he called pretty. 
Minho sensed that something was wrong, so he got up and jogged towards the frozen boy. He cupped Taemin’s face and looked into his eyes. “Dongsaeng ah, something wrong?” 
“M-Minho hyung.” 
“Taeminnie?” Taemin felt like crying, after hearing Minho call him that. Yes, he was supposed to be special right? 
Taemin grabbed onto Minho’s wrists and had them tightened, to stop himself from crying like a baby that would annoy the heck out of Minho. 
“Taeminnie, if there’s something wrong, you can always tell hyung. Remember? I’ll be there for you,” Minho told him gently, relaxing Taemin’s grasp. His thumb moved across Taemin’s soft cheeks and swiped off the tears that were coming from his beautiful eyes. 
“C-Can I not meet her, hyung?” 
“Y-You mean, Sulli? My girlfriend?” Minho raised an eyebrow, a little surprised. He turned to look at his girlfriend, smiling understandingly at him and he glanced back to Taemin. “Why not?” 
“I don’t know hyung. Will there be a day when hyung will leave me alone, because he has a girlfriend already?” Taemin asked softly, his voice wavering. Minho gazed at his dongsaeng softly.
“Taemin ah, that’s the most ridiculous question you could have ever asked. What do you think?” 
“Hyung will probably leave me because I’m not pretty enough for him,” Taemin whispered, blushing furiously. This was the first time he worried about not being pretty enough. Usually he never wanted to be pretty, he hated it.
“Taemin ah, you’re such an idiot. The eight year old you is a smarter kid too,” Minho chuckled and wrapped his arms around the smaller sized boy. “Of course I won’t leave you. You’re my dongsaeng, and I won’t care about how you look like. You’re special to me. One day you’ll know that Sulli won’t take me away from you. So…” 
“I-I still don’t want to meet her. I’m sorry hyung,” Taemin whispered. 
“It’s ok, then… I’ll be going off now, ok? I’ll have to send her home,” Minho said, a smile still plastered on his face, like everything was still fine. 
Taemin’s eyes widened, watching Minho walk away from him. ‘No hyung, you’re wrong. Sulli ssi will take you away from me. And now’s just the beginning.’
The wind chimes were not ringing anymore. The papers were not even fluttering, just hanging there like it’s dead-- like the wishes were dead. The promises were gone. 
Or was the wish supposed to mean something more? 
Taemin shoved his luggage into the compartment and dusted his hands to get rid of the dirt. Kai had his arms around Taemin as he led him to the bus. Taemin halted in his steps right at the door and frowned at the path that led him to their tree. He really wanted to see Minho again, but what if he can’t let go? He could not believe himself, he was getting so possesive over a hyung. 
“Woah, what kind of name is that?” Kai raised an eyebrow and shifted his attention to the tall male running towards the bunch of the students. Some of them snickered and Taemin worried for himself-- what would happen when he got back to school? 
“K-Kai, I’ll be back later,” Taemin said in hushed tones and approached Minho who was waiting by the path. He jogged towards his hyung and looked at him innocently, like he had done nothing wrong last evening. Minho had sent him countless of messages, called him for about ten times, but Taemin made no move to come out. He locked himself up in his room with Kai and plucked out the battery for his phone. 
Taemin dragged his hyung to the tree once more and sighed, leaning against it, staring at Minho for a good amount of time. 
“Taeminnie, you didn’t listen to my call, or reply to my messages, do you know how worried I was? I waited till nine at night and--” 
“I’m sorry, hyung. I didn’t feel too good last evening,” Taemin lied, looking at the ground to avoid eye contact. 
“You’ve been acting strange since the day I said I wanted to bring Sulli over. Taeminnie, if you have any problems, you know you can tell hyung,” Minho was getting frustrated. He felt like he was drifting away from his younger brother. Seven years made no difference but when Sulli was brought into the picture, Taemin changed. 
“I-I told you, I’m afraid of Sulli ssi. She’ll take hyung away from me,” Taemin stammered, watching Minho going closer to him. 
“Idiot. I told you she won’t,” Minho sighed, palm on Taemin’s cheek. 
“Hyung, you’ll never know,” the younger one grudgingly pulled his face away to show how he was upset. Minho’s hurt expression made Taemin felt so bad, that he wanted to just drop into a hole and stay there forever. 
“Taeminnie, I do know,” Minho whispered. “D-Don’t you trust your one and only hyung anymore?” 
Taemin bit his lower lip. He didn’t know anymore. “Minho hyung. Don’t worry about it.” He turned to look at Minho and tiptoed a little, shyly kissing Minho softly with his eyes closed. It sent a spark through his body, and he just wanted to melt. He pulled away. “Goodbye, Minho hyung. I’ll come over whenever I can in the future.” 
“Taeminnie,” Minho choked, eyes wide. 
“Hyung, please don’t forget me,” Taemin hugged Minho once and ran off, tears in his eyes. He prayed so hard that Minho would not leave him. He knew he was being foolish but, it was something different than being left alone literally-- Taemin knew he fell in love after all those years, including the days he spent in Asan recently. He got to know Minho so much better, and he finally understood why those kisses on the forehead were disturbing him. He did not know if Minho meant it in a family kind of way, or that kind of love that Taemin wished for. But it was clear, those were just family kisses. And he loved how Minho usually had a hand curled around his waist protectively while he was sleeping.
He was afraid of being left alone without anyone to love him, without Minho to love him. 
Sulli was there. Minho would love Sulli. And she was taking him away. 
He got onto the bus noisily and squeezed into the seat beside the window, that Kai had left for him. He covered his face and sobbed into it, trying to be as soft as possible. He wanted to stop crying like a baby, but the tears would keep coming, wetting his hands. Kai had pulled Taemin into an embrace, utterly confused. But he wanted his friend to feel better. 
“There, there…” 
Taemin could feel his heart ache so badly, and he wished for the pain to stop. He wished he never had to fall in love with Minho because chances of them being together were near impossible. He was a man, eleven years older than him, with a girlfriend of more than seven years. 
The wishes he left on the wind chimes were… Were impossible? 
Back at tree, Minho had his fingers on his lips, still feeling the softness that lingered there. Taemin’s lips had felt so impossibly right against his. What did that kiss meant? His heart skipped a beat. ‘Could it be..?’ 
But how could Taemin even like him that way? Firstly, they were both boys. Secondly, Minho knew he was so much older than the boy (which he honestly found it exciting). Thirdly, Taemin knew he had Sulli. The nice Taemin would just keep the feelings to himself-- Minho’s bit his finger. That was it. That was why Taemin had no wish to see Sulli. That was why Taemin was acting so strange! And the reason why Taemin was so afraid of her. Then again, what if it was something else? 
Then he wondered what his kisses on Taemin’s forehead meant. He groaned to himself and rested his forehead on his knee. 
Great. Just, great. 
But his heart felt so much better when he heard a faint ring from the wind chimes. 
The both of them still kept in contact, a little awkward at first. They successfully managed to avoid the subject of the kiss during Taemin’s last day at Asan. At sixteen, Taemin took the train back to Asan after his examinations to visit Minho for three days. It was like back in the days, where they spent time playing games in his room and talking. Minho had taken three days off just to spend time with his dongsaeng too.
Minho even brought him to the nearby stores, where his friends worked and show Taemin off to them. 
At seventeen, Taemin was allowed to go to Asan for summer vacations, under one condition: he was to bring something to study. He groaned, packing his bags and a heavy mathematics textbook. Minho had laughed at him, teasing him. “Now you know my pain.” 
Minho tutored him everyday for only one and a half hours (thank god), after his work and they would resume going out. This time Taemin got to go hiking with Minho and Minseok too. Taemin was a little shy when he met Minseok once more, but they got along well. Taemin swore he did not like Minseok that way, but he felt his heart flutter once. Maybe because Minseok hyung looked a little like his Minho.
At eighteen, Taemin could not afford to go for a long summer vacation. He could only stay there for five days maximum and went back for summer classes because the entrance examinations were nearing. During the five days, they spent their time beneath the tree, studying. Because like Taemin said, wind chimes do bring good luck. Maybe it would help. During the time they stayed there, the wind chimes were constantly ringing because of the wind.
Minho could not help but notice how Taemin had grown again-- from the unsure fifteen year old boy, Taemin turned into a more confident eighteen year old but much quieter. When Taemin was younger, he would usually be more enthusiastic about things. But now, all he gave was a smile, showing his delight. 
There were also changes in appearance. Taemin had a piercing on his ear, which made Minho realize that Taemin was no longer the little boy. His hair was also slightly brown, curled not like how it used to be a cute bowl cut. His cheeks were still chubby, but not as chubby as the eight year old him. His eyes were always the same, innocent, sparkling. 
“Taeminnie, it’s already six, do you want to head back home for dinner?” 
Minho heard no response, except the tinkling of the wind chimes, and the rustle of the leaves. He turned around to see Taemin fast asleep with his lips slightly parted, with the most angelic expression on his face. Taemin was an angel himself. Minho brought the boy’s head to rest on his lap. His fingers ran through the soft strands of Taemin’s hair, then moving to touch his baby soft cheeks. 
Minho was twenty nine. And he hoped Taemin had expected something. He planned to tell it to Taemin on the last day of his stay, which was tomorrow. It wasn’t much of a choice for him. He couldn’t continue any longer, his mother would be suspicious and Minho guessed, it was for the best. 
So he leaned down to give Taemin a loving kiss, for probably the last time. 
But when the boy woke up, he knew nothing. Minho for the first time, realized how much he loved the boy. It felt wrong, but… He couldn’t help it. Ten days they spent together when Taemin was just eight. Seven years without seeing each other. Now, in contact, meeting each other once in a while. 
Was love meant to be like this?
It was almost like a dream-- staring into each others’ eyes, drowning into the depths as the tinkling continued.
“Taemin, I’m getting married in January, next year.” 
The whole world stopped for Taemin. No, he was not expecting this. Then again, how could he not? Minho was a twenty year old man now, he should be married and settling down. They both stood beneath the shade of the tree, avoiding the heat of the sun that was near setting.
“Entrance exams end by November, right?” Minho smiled (if you could even call it a smile). He already noticed Taemin’s watery eyes, and the tears that were dangerously close to falling. ‘Please don’t… don’t cry.’ 
Taemin nodded, swallowing that annoying lump in his throat. “N-ne. C-Congratulations, Minho hyung!” 
He gave the man a tight hug, arms around Minho‘s neck. Minho could melt into Taemin’s warmth. He hid his face in Taemin’s fluffy hair, taking in the scent of his vanilla scented shampoo. He felt his shirt dampening and he knew Taemin was crying. His hands that were on Taemin’s waist gently pried him off and he kissed the tears away. Taemin’s breath hitched as he felt his hyung’s hands move up to rest on his shoulder, then his cheeks. 
The warm lips kissed each droplet away, and then gently brush against his lips. Taemin closed his eyes, feeling as though he could fly. The last kiss was on his forehead and Minho leaned his forehead against Taemin’s, hands still on those soft cheeks. A warm orange glow from the sun cast upon them, embracing them, cutting them off from reality. 
“Minho hyung,” Taemin whispered, opening his eyes. His fingers curled properly around Minho’s neck and gave him a full kiss on his lips, to show just how much he would miss Minho. It was time, he was left alone. 
The wind chimes were eerie, not tinkling once, even when the wind blew across them. The faded promises fluttered in the wind, ready to disappear when the wind took them. They’ve been through rain, sunshine, snow, almost ready to let go. 
“Hyung, I might not go.” 
“… I understand. I‘m sorry, for leaving you.” 
Taemin tried not to cry. 
Taemin knew pretending to be sick was not an option. He would just have to continue his life, get good scores for his CSAT. And that was it. 
Minho didn’t know time could fly so fast. Just days back, he had his first, real kiss with Taemin that signified their parting. And he thought kisses were meant to bring people together. Today, he was standing on the platform with his soon to be wife. The people that were seated around the tables were his friends, family, and soon to be family. Sulli was beautiful in her white dress, her lips painted with cherry red. 
His eyes scanned the crowd, hoping for that beautiful boy that he loved so much to appear. Hoping to see the same sparkle in his eyes. He looked at his mother who smiled proudly at him. ‘If only you knew, umma.’ 
Minseok’s face had pity written over them, despite the smile. For once, Minho felt so close to his big brother. He looked into Minseok’s eyes desperately for help and Minseok glanced at the entrance casually. He was not listening to the host speaking, all he heard was a buzz, so irritating and just, detestable. 
Until the deafening silence came, he realized that it was now the time to say ’I do’. Sulli smiled patiently at him, being the nice girl she always was. Minho’s heart was going crazy. Here he was, after so many years with Sulli, in a white suit and her, in a white dress like she always dreamed of.
“Sorry, Sulli.” 
He let go of the girl’s hands and ran off, ignoring the horrified gasps of the guests. The dropped the ring in the middle of the red colored carpet, leaving it to stay there forever. It was never going onto his ring finger. Someone else’s ring was going to stay on his ring finger instead. 
He ran out from the simple building and tried to find his way back to the same place where he found the boy. He could feel it, the boy was going to be there. He never said that he wouldn’t be in Asan. He just, didn’t want to go to the wedding. Minho was tired and cold from the winter but he wasn’t giving up anytime soon. 
Taemin was waiting. He just knew it. 
The feeling was getting strong as he got closer to the tree. He could see the paper fluttering in the air. Then the beautiful glass wind chimes that lasted there for many years, waiting for the wishes to be granted. Then someone who waited even longer was sitting there, under the tree. 
He was in a large, cute brown beige coat with baby pink mittens. He wore matching, slightly fluffy boots too. He looked just like a kid again. He could see the eight year old Taemin closing his eyes and resting under the tree. He could see their hooked pinkies and how Taemin used to look so hopeful when Minho was tying the knots for the wind chimes. 
“Hey, kiddo. What are you dong here?” 
Taemin jumped and spun around with the roundest eyes. Minho must have looked pathetic, he was very sure-- shivering in the cold. He made his way to the boy who was just frozen to the ground. 
Then Taemin just laughed a little, eyes forming pretty crescents. “I’m not a kid…” 
Minho then laughed along, feeling like the most happiest man in the world. He took Taemin’s face and meshed their lips together. Taemin whimpered a little at Minho’s strong grip. He opened his mouth a little to let Minho’s tongue enter. They let their tongues swirl about together for a moment, Minho’s half lidded eyes watching the pure bliss on Taemin’s face. 
They broke away, panting, faces flushed from the slight heat. “You’re always a kid to me.” 
Taemin beamed, snuggling to Minho. The tears slipped out of his eyes. And Minho wiped them away while allowing his own face to be stung by the chilly air and his own tears. 
And Taemin was waiting for it. 
The sound of the wind chimes were back again, this time, lasting the longest. The melodious ringing filled their ears, filling their hearts, reminding them of the wishes and promise they made when they parted for the first time. 
Reminding them how they were together again.

AUTHOR NOTES: oh my god. This is like LONG. Anyway hope you liked it. (i think it wasn't too nice) ._. 

twitter: _xiaoq

By the way, the fan art I found really matches this story, well sort of. o.o Whooots.


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Chapter 1: Read it again. never fail to amaze me .... I love this story so much....Oh my heart..

Chapter 1: such a sweet story.................love it so far....................
really...............I like big e.............wow..............just wow
Chapter 1: I'm crying... I love how you wrote 2min here... It was so beautiful!
Love_Cute1648 #4
This story is very beautiful. I love it :)
And the ending is the best ;)
You're a really good writer
shirokuroi #5
it's really beautiful, :')
i love this <3
When I read the ending I was like: I swear I heard angles singing, or maybe thats the fangirls screaming Thank God XDDD

Love It!!!!!!!!!!
OMG. i was like crying reading this!! So amazing!!::D write more yeah? Looking forward to reading more!! :)
ps, i think this is the best fanfic i have ever read. Keep it up! :)
Omg omg omg
So cutee >//3//<
Ehehehehe, just when i was about to bash up Minho, he made the right decision ;)
Awww omgosh soo cute... i love the story <3