
Hands Off, He's Mine

The nursery is abuzz with whispers and murmuring amidst the sound of children absorbed with holding the grandest tea party for their dolls and waging war in another epic round between the transformers action figures. Mothers all sit to one side of the classroom positioned where they can easily watch their children play, but this time their attention is otherwise diverted. The tradition of all women attending the parents day has been broken and the anomaly sits straight in his chair, eyes focused on his child. His profile is flawless with high cheekbones, a smooth jawline and blonde hair carelessly tousled which only serves to add to his aura of perfection.

Each and every one of them are guilty; some sneaking furtive glances whilst others boldy ogle him, sighing and fanning themselves with their slender hands tipped with french manicures, tossing coy glances at him and oh-so-accidently flipping perfectly curled waves of hair onto his shoulder  saying 'omo, mianhae~', fluttering their long lashes all the while.

He, however, remains completely oblivious to their 'charms' and cannot see anything apart from your adorable son (he looks like Yoogeun from SHINee's Hello Baby ><), playing and giggling. Then a chime rings as the door to the nursey opens and all the women snap their heads around to see if its anyone who would pose as a threat in their futile attempts to catch his attention. But of course, little ol' you looks too innocent so they wave you off, dismissing you as any sort of potential competition. You ignore the strares and head briskly over to the reception and start talking to the receptonist.

Then for the first time in that entire hour, the women watch Kris's attention being diverted from his son.... to you?!
'Jagiya~~' he calls and when you pretend not to hear him (after seeing him sitting surrounded by other mothers), he chuckles and the deep timbre carries to you and you hide a smile without turning around.

You feel a familiar pair of arms encircle your waist as you are pulled back into a firm chest and his chin rests
 on your shoulder and at the lack of response, he cutely whines in your ear 'Wae~ are you angry? Huh? Huh? ' and you shake your head, 'Aniya'. He turns you around in his arms and bumps foreheads nd gives you an eyesmile and your heart thrums a little faster but you feign indifference and ask 'you've been at Unnie's house haven't you? That Bacon has been teaching you how to eye smile hasn't he? ' he nods and eagerly asks 'is it working?' You smirk, 'Psssht.' And look away but after a couple of seconds of silence you look up (cz he's so damn tall ><) and see him looking disappointed 'Aisssh. That Baekhyun lied. He told me this was the all-kill move' he pouts.

You can't stand it anymore and tiptoe to quickly peck him on his pursed lips 'you're so silly,' you tell him, 'even your derp face is an all-kill for me.' His face lights up and he leans down and you close your eyes tightly and feel his warm breath ghost on your lips. You barely feel his lips imprint on yours when- 'Umma! Appa' and two little arms grasp tightly on either of yours legs. You both break away laughing and gaze at the little boy that is yours.


So how was it? Please comment! Thank you to those who took the time to read my little fic *flicks tear from the corner of my eye*
Oh and picture isn't mine, credit goes to an unknown lovely person <3

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How cute. ^^
Alwaysx4ever #2
That was soo cute! wahhh~ Appa Kris is so faithful and loving.
I just saw your reply! :D Me loves you too Sunbae! :D
LOOOOL! xP Oh Kris! xP
Ahahahahah! xD
Oooh Sajid, ill always be your Hoobae! ;)
I love it :D
Awwww i love you munchkin *squeezes you so tight*
*Kris stalks over with his long- legs and plucks you from my death grip*
"Can i take back what's mine now?" *one snooty eyebrow raised*
'Take her'
*runs off to complain to BB*
Oh MY Lord! You had me dead at hair 'tousled'!! xD
Of course he's totally oblivious. Whats the need to look eslewhere. ;)

I totally love it! <3 :D
Ahh Komawoh!!Hehe i know, my friend gets so defensive if anyone else takes 'a liking' to her dear dhuizang ;D
Awhhh! So sweet! I can totally understand her feeling. Haha! Not because I'm married to Kris( Virtually, I am) but that always happen when a hot guy is by your side. Lol! ^_^