CHAPTER 4 pt. 1

BIG BANG vs 2PM (Revenge, Games & Hearts)


Chansung park his car on the parking lot. Well, because tonight 2PM wants to make farewell party at the club near the their college for Chansung before he go overseas. As he walking towards the door, he see Junsu and his sister are arguing.

“Hey, what’s up bro?” Chansung shake his hands with Junsu.

“Hey maknae.”

“Yah Junsu! Why you don’t want me come with you?”CL smacked his shoulder from the back.

“Chaerin, what’s with the smacking? You better behave yourself. Because of you behaviour is the cause that make me doesn’t want to bring you to meet up with my friends” Junsu make an angry face.

“Chaerin? I thought I have warned you about not to call me that name. It’s too girly.”

“Hey, that’s your real name and I have the right to call you whatever I want.” he argue.

“Hey, chill bro. Relax, she’s the CL baddest female right. That name is cool too.” Chansung laugh.

“Why are you interrupting other’s conversation? And do you really like ‘the baddest female’ name? you are my maknae right, why you’re taking her side?” Junsu blaming Chansung.

“Relax, I just like your sis, she’s hot.” Chansung smiled and Chaerin smacked his shoulder.

“Chaerin, I want you to take this key and go back home. STRAIGHT TO HOME! Don’t go to other place. Understand?” Junsu put his hand on his waist.

“Fine! Tch, you so full of yourself. You know Junsu, you just like mum. To much control of your little sis, I bet you never tell me about your relationship because you never get a girl.”CL snatched the key from his hand.

“Wow! That was a good one” Chansung laugh but Junsu give him a death glare that shut his mouth.

“I don’t want you to call my name either. I hope you learn to call me oppa for the mean time. Besides, I’m your real biological brother not your step-brother.” Junsu eyeing CL.

“Whatever.” CL walked away from them.

“Sheesh, you really love your dongsaeng too much. Let her learn to be an independent girl.” Chansung walked to club’s door.

“I really hope she will be like one but she always wants to have fun you know. Kids these days is a disaster.” Junsu follow Chansung from the back.

As they step in the club, they saw people dancing crazily. The music is too loud but people still shaking what their all got. They passed through the dance floor and straight to private room no. 2. They saw other members drinking and dance. They began to shaking hands with each other.

“So, Junsu and Chansung, why are you two late? We start the party an hour ago man.” Junho ask.

“Well, I’ve got a date with Sunmi today. Today is her first class at our college, so I see her after my class finished. I don’t want to leave her alone at the college” Chansung grab one glass of beer served on the table infront of him.
“I see, a love bird. We can’t do anything about love.” Junho smiled.

“Junsu, what’s your reason?” Nickhun ask.

“I’ve just got in a fight with my sister. She want to attend this party too, but I didn’t approve it. So, she get mad at me.”

“Oh yeah, I never saw your sister right?” Nickhun asked.

“Yeah, other member already meet her but that day you go to see your parents.”

“So Khun. What about Ahn Sohee, your fiancé?” Taecyeon asked.

“You got a correction there, soon-to-be fiancé” he correct Taec but Taec just give ‘whatever’ look.

“She just got here. Now, she’s meeting up with my parents. She’ll be living with me at my apartment soon.”

“Oooo..”All the member glance him with teasing face.

“So, if she live with you, meaning that you both can do everything together. Like eating together, bathing together and…sleeping together on one bed.” Wooyoung giving a playful smirk.

“Yah! Stop thinking about these things because we won’t do everything together. No eating together, bathing together and sleeping together on one bed. Come on, I have to respect her , right? That is what gentleman always do” Nickhun lift his eyebrow.

All the members nod their heads together.

“Today, I’ve just got into a fight with Yoobin. She got mad at me because she knew about me kissing with the new nurse. She said because I’ve said the truth, so she will try to consider about it. T-R-Y! TRY!” Taecyeon sighed.

“Wait, do you really kissing with the new nurse?” Junsu ask.

“Of course not, it was just an accident. Yoobin thought that I have an affair behind her back.”

“Wait, talking about Yoobin, I got something to tell about her.” Nickhun turn his face serious and all member showing their curious face.

“Well, today I passed by the men exchanging room. Then, I hear a weird noise so, I went to check out what is wrong. I heard a noise from Seunghyun’s locker, got curious about the locker I decided to open the locker. When I opened the locker, Seunghyun and Yoobin fall together from the locker.” Nickhun’s last word got Taecyeon’s eye widened.

“I don’t know what’s going on about those two but I’ve got a bad feeling about this. Seunghyun just wearing a wife-beater and his hair really wet. Imagine that Yoobin is with him in the locker alone with him, ALONE. I don’t know what is really going on but I think that something is going on between those two.” Nickhun glance at Taecyeon that is pissing off.

“That bastard always got trouble in his head! First, he just snatched captain position from Taecyeon. Now, he’s trying to snatched Taecyeon’s girlfriend?!” Junho yell.

“Guys” Junsu’s calm voice shift everyone look on him.

“I suggest we better not take any action. Nickhun said that he’s not confirming anything right? We just have to watch every single step they’re making, if it is confirm. Only then, we can take any action.” Junsu try to calm the members.

They got agreed about his suggestion and nodded their head.

“Hey girls. Sorry for being late. Just got a date with Chansung oppa.” Sunmi hi-five the Wonder Girls.

“It’s okay, we’re just arrive here. Where’s Sohee? Isn’t she coming?” Sunye asked her.

“She said she have to see Khun’s parents. Well, isn’t she going to be his fiancé right? So, she have to greet them first” she sit next to Ye eun.

“Ye eun, how many times do I have to tell you that we are going to hang out I in a club? We come here to have fun, not to read books. Besides, this is not library.” Sunmi take Ye eun’s book and put it away from her.

“This club is boring. So, I always bring my book to keep me awake from sleepiness. Besides, today is miserable. I’ve just got bumped with Big bang’s Daesung in the library. We fought over a science book, he’s attitude irritates me. He didn’t even be a member but he wants to borrow the book. He makes me laugh. I had never seen a guy whom as dumb as him” Ye eun whine.

“Relax girl, today is my bad luck too. Today, the nosy repoter, Eunhyuk, caught a picture of Taec kissing with someone else. O-M-G, for the first time, my boyfriend cheating behind my back. Urghh.” Yoobin making an irritated face.

“Wow, so many unexpected things happenened. Sunmi, why don’t you call Sohee to come here to cheer up the pissed-off sisters. You’re the one that close with her right?” Sunye asked.

“Okay. Just a minute” she punched the buttons of her phone and searching for her best friend name on the screen.

“Hey best friend.”

“ Sunmi, aww.. my Mimi. I miss you”

“ I miss you to girl. I’m craving to meet you. Where are you now?”

“I’m on my way to Nickhun’s apartment. Why?”

“Ooo, Khun’s apartment? Wow, I didn’t think that you two will live together so fast.”

“Yeah, me too. But my parents insist me to get close with him, so I’ve just did what they order.”

“Hey, why don’t you come here, hanging out with us. We’re at the club near the shopping mall we used to hang out. Please come because unnie’s mood are not in a good condition cause somethin’ bad just happen to them. We really need you to cheer we up. Please..”

“Um, I don’t know. I have to tell Khun oppa first because he will get worried”

“Aaww, please come here. For Mi-So? Pretty please” she begged.

“I think it’s okay. I’ll be there”

“Yay! I love you”

“Love you to and don’t forget to tell them that I’m on my way. We meet after 15 minutes.”

“Yay! Thanks Sohee. We will wait for you here. Just come as fast as you can. Bye”

“Okay!Bye.” Sohee hung up the phone.

“Girls, She said she will come here after 15 minutes. Let’s get our drinks first, I’m really thirsty right now.” Sunmi waving at the waiter.

After the waiter gets their orders, the drinks served right after Sohee came afterwards.

“Sohee! Omo, I miss you” Sunmi pulled Sohee into a quick hug.

“Me too, hi unnies” she hug the girls and take a sit beside Sunmi.

“So, Sohee. How is your life?” Sunye ask her while pass her drink.

“So far so good. America is great unnie. How about you guys? I heard from Sunmi that you’re all not in a good condition. What happen?” she ask while sipping her drink.

“We’ll I----” Yoobin’s sentence stopped as she heard girls screaming, fangirling and giggling. They all shift their looks at the main door, curious while wondering whom could it be? As their pupils grow bigger and bigger, everyone starting to gasp as a group enter.

“The fat guy?”
“ert stranger?” the four girls gasp sarcastically excluded one girl-

“Taeyang oppa?” Sunye start forming a smile as she see a guy in a hat with a chinky eyes that is always smiling.

Everybody turn their shift to Sunye with a ‘what the?’ look. She just avoid the gaze and sipping her drinks while peeking to see Taeyang, taking a seat at a table with the guys. The mood suddenly turning down after Big Bang appearance. Yoobin start to taking a deep breath and continued her story.

“As I was saying, I having bad luck today and bumped into a gangster guy, that is one of the double B member. Boys usually treating me nice but that guy pushed me away from him and even call me a stalker. Can you guys believe that? I hate that guy, he is sooooooo not gentleman. I wonder what girls like about him. Pshhh..”

“Yeah, me too. That smiling guy is crazy, trying to steal my precious book”

“Omo, unnie. The eye-bag guy is the ert stranger.”

“Huh? ert stranger?” everyone confused and waiting for Sunmi to continue.

“Yeah, he once trying to tackle me. He said that I want to get his name and his number. I told him that I have a boyfriend but he insist on giving him my phone number. Luckily, Chansung oppa come to the rescue on time” she smiled.

“I think that they are good and nice” Sunye said, backing up Big Bang.

“What do you mean good? They have an attitude that making me puke.” Yoobin said, glaring at her.

“I don’t know about all of them but Taeyang oppa is nice”

“Pshh.. whatever Sunye-ah”

As everyone enjoying theirselves in the club except Seunghyun who’s been wondering while holding a pink phone. Jiyong neared him and take the phone from his hand.

“What are you wondering about?” he ask Seunghyun , looked annoyed on his sudden appearance.

“Nothing actually. This phone is making me crazy”

“Who’s phone is this?” Ji ask, take a clear look on the phone. He gasp as he saw a picture of a guy kissing a girl on her cheek.

“This is Yoobin’s phone? Yah! Why the heck did you take Taecyeon’s girlfriend phone? Are you planning on something? Tell me. Tell me, I promise that I won’t tell anyone” but Seunghyun quickly take the phone from Jiyong’s hand.

“Shut up Jiyong. I’m not planning anything, she just lost her phone in my locker. There’s nothing you need to know about.”

“Sheeeshh.. don’t be mad. I’m just asking anyway.” Seunghyun look at Jiyong face and wondering whether he should ask Jiyong about his thought.

“Yah, do you think that I should give back this phone to her?”

“Of course. I bet she is looking all over for it. Just give it back”

“Okay. Thanks” he tap on Jiyong shoulder. Lay his back on the couch comfortably, feeling relieved. Jiyong leave him alone and take out a piece of note from his pocket.

Ahn Sohee. You wanna play with me? I bet you will fall for me first.

He starting to dial Sohee’s number and make a call. Waiting, waiting and waiting but there is no answer from her.

What the? Asking me to call her but she didn’t pick up my call? Huh…. She really wanna play hard to get. Let’s see.

He dial her number once again while descend the stairs, make a way to the main door. His eyes locked on a figure that is sitting on a bar by herself, drinking by herself. Jiyong dial a number quickly while peeking from upstairs, hiding from her. She lazily take the phone call an unknown number.


“Love deliveries is here”

“Huh? Who is this?”

“The call you have been waiting for.”

“Kwon Jiyong?”

“No need to call me by my full name. Just call me oppa will be great.”

“No, Kwon Jiyong is much better. You should be grateful that you got such a nice name.”

“So, you’re loving my name. I bet you are liking me all this time” he tease.

“Are you sure? Aren’t you are the one that give me call? You must be the one that fall for me first”

“Well, I am but you are the one that give me your number. You didn’t expect me to reject a hot girl offer right? I don’t like to disappoint people.” He repeat Sohee’s sentence from their meeting before.

“Why are you copying me?” she ask while chuckled at his statement.

“I am not.”

“Yes you are.” She argue.



“Okay! Enough with the copying. Why are you sitting alone?” he peek from the upstairs. Laughing when he saw she’s been looking around, searching for his presence.

“How do you know that I’m sitting alone? Where are you?” she ask, still searching for him.

“I’m------ nowhere.”

“Jiyong, don’t play with me. I know that you in a club.” she warn him, playfully.

“Aren’t you the one that want to play a game with me?”

“Well, yes I am but-“ her sentence stop as he start to talk.

“Answer my question first, do you want to see me?”


“Then, I guess I better hang up. Bye-”

“No. No. Okay, Fine! I want to meet you.”

“Then, your love deliveries will arrive in 10 second ma’am. I want you to count from 10 to 1” he hang up and start to smile brightly.

He fix his shirt and make a steps towards a figure. She’s been waiting patiently as her gentle voice is counting. He coming near her body, feeling heating up as his face near hers and start to whisper.

“Hey” his low and husky voice filled her mind. She slowly turn to face the playboy.

“Hey” she replied, but her face start to red as their face is so close to each other. She push Jiyong away gently and tap a sit beside her. He just give a slight chuckle and sit beside her.

“Aren’t you happy to see me? Why are you pushing me away?” he ask, facing her but Sohee didn’t look at him.

“I’m not. You’re the one who is happy to see me because it was clearly shown on your face”

“but you said that you want to see me?”

“No, I am not”

“Oww. You’re hurting me girl” he put his hand on his chest, making as if it was his heart aching.

“You’re funny Jiyong” she giggled as she look at him.

“Wow, funny? Don’t you mean sweet or handsome or hot?”

“Nope! I mean really funny”

“I never heard a girl calling me funny.” His face changed.

“Well, exclude me. I’m the only one that can call you funny. I guess I am new to you, right?” she ask him while smiling cheekily at him.

“Yeah, I guess you are right.” He paused.

“I never found a girl that want to play me except want me to play them, although they know the consequences. Their hearts will be broke into pieces and hard to accept a new one.” He continued slowly as the mood is change.

“Trust and honesty will be hard for them towards guys. A revenge will crept into their hearts right?” his face change into depressed one after he quote TRUST and REVENGE word. He close his face with his both hands as he left a big sigh.

She look at him, shocked seeing his depressed mode. Sad and worries playing in her hearts. She take a close look on Jiyong that have turn different suddenly, he have been staring down at the table, silently and completely blank. She look at his hands that is forming a fist.

He must have thought about something bad.

As she thought, she put her hands on his fist, slowly. Afraid that her action will shock out of him because she want to ease him from a depressed thought. She suddenly want to warm him with her hands but he suddenly stand up.

“Let’s go somewhere else.” Curve a force a force smile.

“Um, okay. Let me take my bag first.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you outside at the main door. Just stay there okay” he walk leaving her confused with his ‘bipolar’ mood.

Sohee go back to her members and grab her bag.

“Sohee, where are going? I thought you want to hanging out with us. You just got back here.” Sunmi stopped her.

“Um, Sorry but I’ve got something to do.”

“Why? Is it important?”

“Um, I -” she stutter.

“Sohee-ah. Are going out with guys again? I told you that you have to behave yourself since you are now going to be related with Nickhun oppa” Sunmi ask her.

“Ah- N-No. Nickhun oppa want to meet me. Sorry.” Sohee left them dumfounded

“Urghh, so boring. Now, only four of us left, AGAIN” Ye eun sighed.

“Hey guys, I’ve got an idea.” Sunye just speak out.

“What’s that?” Yoobin asked.

“What about we bet on those Big Bang boys? Each one of us have to go to one of the Big Bang member and ask him to dance. If one of us dancing with one of the Big Bang member in 10 minutes or more, then she’s the winner. The winner can order the losers to do what she want and the losers have to paid 50 000 won to the winner. So, how’s that?” Sunye lift her eyebrow.

“Wow Sunye, I never thought an innocent girl like you can think of a brilliant plan.” Yoobin compliment her.

“Good idea, I got so many clothes that have not washed either.” Sunmi smiled cheekily.

“So, Ye eun are you in?” Sunye asked.

At first she doubt about it, but she take the challenge after a couple of minutes having a thought.They all put their money on the table and the bet is begin 

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OMG! I'm such a freaking liar. I am so freaking sorry. *hides in a corner* You all can blame me. Anyway, chapter 23 updated!


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katnipp #1
Chapter 27: If you ever update this story, please stick with the pairings on the picture. It's the best pairings everr!!!! Heedragon, Toobin, Suntae, Rimi, Daeeun, Taecbom, Khunchae, Woodara, Junzy, and maybe chansung with hyerim? pleaseeeee
it's been a year :( TT^TT
KhunChae please? There are so little moments of them and they are the best pairing for me. :) Please make more scenarios for them. I hope they would end up together. ㅠㅠ
misoness #4
Chapter 27: Update pleeeasssseeeee

Btw new reader here :)))
xPinky #5
So....will this story be updated?
qiqilalaqiqikoko #6
Chapter 26: Update please , i want to see what happen between heedragon ?
Chapter 26: I beg you authornim, please do update. I missed this story so much and ofcourse you! Huehue. Totallyhooked with this story ❤
xPinky #8
Update! Can you do ChanMi instead of Rimi?
author-nim~ please do update TT^TT