A month later,

It's a story!


Jam put on a pair of shades and hoddie as she walked the street to downtown of Seoul. “Oppa!” She waved as she saw Junhyung in disguise standing by the newspaper stand. “Hey girl.” He said as he went in for a hug. Jam gladly accepted the hug as she smiled at him.

“How have you been?” He asked her as she linked their arms together. Jam shrugged her shoulders and smiled as they walk towards their favoruite café. They sat down by the window. Junhyung stood up and went to order Jam’s favourite cheesecake with hot chocolate.

“Isn’t school starting in two days time?” Junhyung asked her as he ate his chocolate velvet cake. Jam nodded her head. “It will keep you busy then so that you won’t have to worry so much.” He told her. “Ani, I’ll have to see him in school.” She pouted as she stabbed the fork into the cake. “It won’t be that bad. I’ll be there for you.” He told her. “Promise?” Jam asked him. “Yes. I promise, I’ll be there for you 24/7. I’ll just be a phone call away.” He told her.

They spent the rest of the days going through the small shops and looking through the latest clothes and latest albums that rookie idol groups has just released. “Oh there’s Infinite fansign!” Jam said as she noticed the sign outside the CD shop. “Can we go to their fansign Junnie?” Jam asked him. “I can get it for you when I see them backstage.” Junhyung told her. “Aniyo! Let’s go experience queuing up for fansign.” Jam told him as she dragged him towards the fansign venue.

“Yah~” Junhyung called out as Jam dragged him towards the venue, “You have to buy their album first! Babo.” Junhyung said as he went back to the store and grabbed two albums off the rack and paid for it. “You’re lucky, it’s the last two.” He said holding out the albums infront of her.

“Yah~ Yo seobie!” Splitz called as she tried to go after him. “Could you please just slow down for a bit?” She shouted. Yoseob turned around and waited for her. “What do you want now?” He asked her with a tint of anger in his voice. “I don’t get it! Why are you so mad that I changed the arrangment for this page?” She asked him.

“Aish.” Yoseob said as he messed his hair. “Aniyo, It’s…” He stuttered. “Ugh.” He said as he began to speak, “Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked her. Splitz was stunned for a moment or two as she just stared straight into Yoseob’s face. “Uhmmm. Seobie,” She tried to speak carefully and in the least hurtful way as possible.

“We’re kinda still too young to date, plus Sungie oppa would kill you.” She blushed and told him. “Yah~” Yoseob said as he gave a sad face. “What a stupid excuse is that?” He looked on the ground too shy to face her. Splitz went over and gave him a hug, “Besides t-there’s…” She tried to say. “I t-think I… I… l-like h-him.” She told him looking away.

Xin sat on the bed looking at Lee Teuk still trying to accept this fact. “Oppa,” She decided to break the silence among them, “Could you get me these books?” She handed him a piece of paper. “Get it for me then come see me okay?” She told him. Lee Teuk took the piece of paper and nodded his head. He left the room quietly.

“Arraso!” Jam called out to her oppa. Almost a month has past; Jam doesn’t see that often in school, as SHINee has been busy promoting their new album. Since they had quite some time to themselves, Jam decided to keep herself busy by planning Super Junior’s Asia Tour with Sara and Splitz. She has been looking for appropriate organizers and venues to hold the 4-hour concert. She wanted to do this so that everyone can experience this and she has already asked permission from SM to do this. The best thing is, they will be taking almost a month off to tour around Asia.

“Study hard, hwaiting!” Sara told Junhyung after school that day. Sarra has opened up to people more now days and they have accepted the fact that she has changed. It all began that morning when she woke up early to prepare breakfast for everyone. “Oppa~ I’m home!” She shouted as she walked in through the front doors. Her oppa gave her a hugged and handed her a cookie. “How’s school today?” He asked her as she nibbled on her cookie. “Not bad.” She said and then smiled.

“We did it~!” Splitz screamed as she hugged Yoseob tight. Yoseob blushed and hugged her back. “Yes, it’s your hard work.” He told her. For the past one month, Splitz and Yoseob have been working hard for the yearly school magazine competition and they finally got a gold!  

SHINee has just ended their album promotions and Key is already working hard to be an MC on a weekly show. The rest of them were also busy with their individual promotions as well as catching up on school. Taemin takes time to go visit Xin at the hospital whenever he is available. Key and Jam are still talking right now, but not that often usually just a casual conversation over a cup of coffee. Jonghyun has been flirting with girls as usual, but he still couldn’t keep his mind off Splitz. Minho is now teaching Sarra how to play soccer and their relationship is improving as well.

“Hey,” Lee Teuk slipped into the hospital room a month later with all the books that Xin wanted. He also brought a bag of Xin’s favourite food as well as a bouquet of her favourite daisies. He handed Xin the bag of food while going to fill a vase of water to stuck the daisies in it. “Ohh~ Kamsa oppa.” Xin smiled as she looked into that bag. “My favourite biscuits. At least there’s something for me to eat besides hospital food.” Xin grins as she opened a bag of animal biscuits.

“How have you been?” He asked her as he took a sit by her bed. “Better.” She munched on her biscuits and offering some to him at the same time.  “It’s okay, you can have them.” He told her. “So when will this treatment be finished?” He asked her then. “Hmm, in about a week?” Xin told him thinking hard. “Will you be going back to the dorm then?” He asked her. “Of course I will, I miss everyone so much.” Xin said, “And I want to participate in the preparations for your Asia Tour as well!” Xin told him.

Lee Teuk smiled brightly seeing that his dongsaeng is well taken care of and is having a speedy recovery. The chatted for awhile more before Lee Teuk had to leave for his schedule. “I’ll pick you up then baby.” He told Xin as he was about to leave the room. “Take good care of yourself when you’re in here. Listen to the nurse and take your medication and your meals.” Xin smiled and told her brother, “Arraso~ Annyeong.” She hugged him then he left the room.

“Yah~ I’m backkkkkkkkkkk~” Xin shouted at the doorstep while Lee Teuk helped her in. “Oh~ Xin’s home?” Jam took off her earphones and ran out of the room with Sara and Splitz following behind her. The four of the girls hugged one another for about 3 minutes.

Now that Xin is home, how will the Super Junior Asia tour be? Will Key and Jam get back together again? Will Splitz get her feelings right? Who will Sarra end up with, Doojoon or Minho? 

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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
koreankendi #2
Done reading!! ^_^<br />
Me likey!!!!
vikKiBeoMin #3
<br />
anyway, love your story!<br />
imma read the sequel! ;p
kaytbear3 #5
aww cute ending for all of them!!! too bad the story is done tho, it would be nice to have a sequal or just more chapters but its your story so you can end it however.<br />
o yeah i forgot.... I LOVED THE STORY!!!! IT WAS SOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!
:O!!!!!!! XD I WISH THIS IS LIKE REAL!!! we need hankyung back :[ oppa..... ;w;
O.O :D xD omg update that bridge chapter is making me wanna scream xD from eagerness ;) I love it update soon hwaiting
:O it says u updated but chu didnt o.o
:O HWAITING XIN :O i hope its gonna b ike usual >.< i think shes gonna feel sad if they treat her mroe special than others D:
:O teukie oppa dun cry </3 D: both of u don't deserve to get punished DX update soon!!