The Stir Up

Secrets of the Royal Harem


    I hope I didn't disappoint. If you don't know, Junmyun is Suho and Chanyue is Chanyeol. His Majesty Wu Yi Fan is Kris. So yeah.     Comments are appreciated. More characters will be introduced in the next chapter.


“What do you mean?! This is absolutely preposterous! Why would the royal selections be held at a time like this? The mourning of the late Empress had passed not long ago, and the Emperor hasn’t even visited us once. How can he choose a time like now to hold an event to select more concubines?”

The royal harem had been stirred up by the news of the royal selection set to occur soon. With the Empress’ passing only a month ago, the news of selecting more concubines shook up everyone from the maids to the consorts themselves.

“Calm down, Mei mei. I think the Emperor must have a good reason to approve of this. We must not question his actions for he is above us all.”

“Jie jie, I’m well past the young age and his majesty has not visited me once. With new competition, I won’t stand a chance. I thought I would at least be able to grab his attention after the death of the Empress, but look at me now.”

“You must not worry too much. Even I, the older one, am not too concerned about it. You will have your chance, mei mei. The lantern festival is quickly approaching. I’m sure you have ideas to entertain his majesty.”




            Junmyun ah, you must listen to mother’s words carefully alright? The world we are currently living in is very judgmental and hatred and jealousy fills every crack on the paved paths we walk on. Your father was one of the ones who were unfortunate. His high rank had caused his death. Now, they are after you, Jun ah. Mother can only do so much. I want you to start a new life once you cross the border. Remember that even though you are at a different place, we will be looking up at the same sky. The Wu Dynasty is prospering and I hope you can build up a life that supports you well. Mother must go. Remember my words, Jun ah.

A sudden memory of my mother jolted me awake. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about her. It’s been a long time since I last heard my real name said to me so affectionately. After fleeing the Joseon lands onto the lands of foreigners, I have learned many things. People here are no different from back there. They are just as judgmental and filled with hatred. The only difference is here, the language is different. The food is different. The people are not as welcoming. It’s always been a cold world, but here, it seems like the world dropped a few degrees below zero.

I was now fully awake and didn’t plan on falling asleep anytime soon. The noise outside aroused my curiosity so I quickly dressed and headed outside. The night was still present, but bright lanterns lit the sky up. The sight before me was totally uncalled for. My master stood before me with his daughter by his side. Madam was rushing to the carriage that had stood outside of the gates. Were they leaving? It was then when I heard a disturbing sound that pierced the silent nights. It was the sound of heavy feet running uniformly. Guards. My master looked around with worried eyes before spotting me.

“Boy, come here.” I obeyed. He instructed me to take Madam and Lady into the cellar to hide. As I lock the cellar doors shut, Madam fell to her knees and knelt before me. I tried to get her to stand up but to no avail.

“Boy, I ask you of this favor because I can only trust you. They are coming for her. They want her for the royal selections. I can’t have that. I know what it’s like to be stuck in there, and I don’t want that for Song Qian. I beg you, please.” Song Qian was silent next to Madam. She was always the obedient one out of her sisters, but in her eyes right now, I could see the fear. “Please, boy, before they come.”

“Let’s switch clothes, my lady.” Song Qian’s eyes widened, but she quickly obliged. I turned away and soon I was dressed from head to toe in her outfit from the under garments to the silk robe. My hair adorned with her accessories. Madam had gone out to inform Master when I heard their quick approach.

“My lady, please hide well,” I managed to say before stepping outside to where the guards are threatening the Master.

Master’s eyes land on me and with a hint of hesitance, he announced, “My daughter, Song Qian, as you can see before your eyes.”




            “Chanyue, slow down! You are going too fast!” A figure on a horse appeared before the horizon. His speed was far too fast for his servants to catch up with. He was a skilled rider after all. His horse came to a stop as he pulled on the reigns.

“I’m not going fast. It’s because you can’t keep up. Anyways, this is getting boring. Bring me back to Father,"Chanyue ordered. The servants then began leading his horse back to the village. There, guards who stopped to gaze up at their prince’s beauty greeted them. Chanyue never glanced once into their eyes. The walk to his father’s tent is not long, but he stopped outside the tent flaps before entering.

 “How can the Emperor hold selections?! I sent my daughter not long ago, and I have yet to see her prosper in the Forbidden City. She may have the rank, but that does her no good. He hasn’t even glanced at her once and now, he wants more from me?!” Chanyue’s heart melted at the mention of his crush. He hadn’t heard news about him in a long time. Ever since the emperor’s visit to his village to marry his eldest sister.


            He had arrived with a grand entourage from eunuchs to the war generals. His presence was felt everywhere. You needn’t see his face to know he was there. He was here to marry Chanyi, the eldest daughter of King Yin. It was more of a peace treaty between the two states. The King would be offered war assistance when needed and the Emperor would be given part ownership of the lands. It was a win-win situation for both. Chanyue was just fifteen at the time. His Majesty had just turned twenty. They had met by accident when the young prince was out hunting. Chanyue had managed to hit a rabbit hopping before the Emperor.

“How dare you try to attack his Majesty? I will have your skin peeled.” His personal guard roared.

Chanyue didn’t dare look up. He had been warned to stay away from these quarters by his father before. Now, he was definitely in big trouble. “I….I was out hunting. I swear I didn’t mean it. I…”

“I would like to have a moment alone,” His Majesty gracefully commanded. The guards hesitated before retreating to a farther distance. His Majesty looked down at the boy in front of him. He was bemused that such a boy would dare try to hunt in this area. “Tell me, how are you able to enter this area? Is it not restricted?”

“My father is King Yin, your majesty. Usually….I’m allowed to enter here, but I was told not to these days because we had important guests….but I couldn’t keep away…The rabbits were calling to me… my sleep,” with his head lowered, he stumbled with his answer. He was overwhelmed by the presence of his Majesty. His Majesty was tall and handsome, unlike the boys in his village.

His Majesty let out a soft chuckle before moving closer to Chanyue and lifted his chin up, “So you are a son of King Yin. Indeed you are. You are very pretty, did you know that? I almost mistook you as a girl.”

His Majesty was standing alarmingly close to him. With swift movements before Chanyue’s eyes, his Majesty planted a soft kiss on his cheeks. He felt his cheeks flush red. His Majesty then leaned closer into Chanyue, his mouth close to Chanyue’s ears. “If I could choose, I would pick you over your sister. You are just too precious.”

The second time he met his Majesty again was the night he sent off his sister, Chanyi. They were set to leave at midnight, so Chanyue had to stay awake to see her off. A part of him also wanted to catch a glance at his Majesty again. Chanyue couldn’t stop thinking back to the first time he met him. He had spent many nights wideawake dreaming of his Majesty.

“Chanyue ah, I must leave now. Don’t let the boys bully you, okay? My Chanyue is so pretty, he even makes the pretty girls jealous. Jie jie can’t take care of you anymore. I hope when we meet again, you would have grown to be a strong man.” Her words comforted his heart a bit, but he knew once she left, he would be sobbing uncontrollably. Chanyi had gotten onto her carriage and all that was left was to wait for his Majesty. He appeared before Chanyue, dressed in an elegant robe made of silk. He looked handsome as ever if not more. His smile was enchanting and the way he was looking at Chanyue made him feel nervous.

“I hope we can meet some time in the future, younger brother-in-law,” Those were his last words to him.



            “King Yin, please reconsider. His Majesty would be utmost upset if he were to withdraw from the treaty and return your daughter,” The official sent by his Majesty exclaimed.

“I have no more daughters to give him. He has already taken Chanyi. Chansu has already been married off. Chandi, my eldest son, must take my place when I pass. I only have Chanyue, my youngest son, who just turned eighteen. I’m sure his Majesty wouldn’t want to marry a young boy now.”

“I’m sure a little dress up wouldn’t hurt. His Majesty does not discriminate. Besides, your youngest son can pass for a young lady. I’ve seen his figure. His Majesty would be utmost pleased.” Please say yes, Father. Please.




“Your Majesty, the selections have started off well. We have stopped all marriages from occurring and prevented any young ladies from leaving the capital.”

“I see. What about the alliances? Have they been willing?”

“Yes, even King Yin who was reluctant at first has agreed now. I’m sure the selections will go smoothly.”

“When will they arrive at the palace? Are the plans for security going along well?”

“Yes, we have set up for the guards to be on high alert. The candidates will be arriving slowly throughout this week.”

“Good, you are dismissed.”

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Lunablood #1
Chapter 6: Porque son asi? Dejan los fic en partes geniales.
Chapter 6: This is so good. I was waiting on Minseok's arrival but I fell for Chanyeol and Junmyeon's characters as well. I can't wait for your next update~
joanna20 #3
Chapter 6: Chanyue I hv a feeling yr sis will not like u much since emperor like u more. I hope u & junmyeon & xiumin can b Frd & fight off those es together!
bananaicecream #4
Chapter 6: I came here for krismin, but well.. no sign of it happening lol.. but this is so sweet.. so I might coming around. chanyue is so cute.. and I love junmyeon character ^^
and his majesty is just too handsome and kind >.<
moongirl #5
Chapter 6: Hello,
I am a new reader to this story
I love historical stories
Also I like the idea of the story and how until now we dont know the mean couple
Out of all couples i prefer krisho couple
I adore suho charcter in this story, i hope the main couple will be krisho that would be great ^_^
I love everything about this story
Cant wait till the next chapter
ps, could pleeeeeeease be a fast updater , thank you

Keep the good job

Fighting ^_^9
Chapter 6: ...................................................................................... ok
Chapter 5: GOOD! please .. wanna see next :)