
From Me to You


"You sure you have to go?"

"Yes. I'm sure I have to go." The girl said, dragging her luggage by one hand. "Besides, isn't it kind of late to be asking me this, while we're at the airport?"

True to her words, the couple stood in the middle of a swarm of people. There were families saying good bye to each other, friends departing for a trip. They were surrounded by the sounds of laughter, the familiar sound of crying and an atmosphere filled with euphoria.

The girl turned to the boy next to her. "I'm going to miss you."

He laughed, and the sound rang in her ears. She was going to miss that laughter. She was going to miss everything about him.

"Silly Jihyun," said the boy and the girl pouted.

"I'm being serious. You better not cheat on me while I'm gone."

Laughter sounded again. "Wouldn't dream of it." He leaned in and pecked her on cheek. "I'm saving the rest for when you come back."



"I'm sorry, what book did you say you wanted again?" Harin asked, fighting the blush threatening to devour her face.

The man gave her a pointed look, as if saying "do you really want me to repeat that?".

"Right," She murmured to herself. Really, she really loved her job. There wasn't anything better than working in a bookstore.  She couldn't ask for anything more; except maybe to get rid of the adult section in the corner of the store. 

After directing the customer to where his book was placed, she quickly fled the scene.

"Shouldn't you be used to this by now?" Her co-worker Xiumin asked, his cheeks puffy as usual. The image of him looking like a bun suddenly appeared in her mind and she resisted the urge to snicker. It really was all Hyun Ni's fault – her and her need to call Xiumin as steamed bun. 

"You'd think. I guess practice doesn't make it perfect." Harin pouted.


"Noona," a desperate whine reached her ears. "Could you please get off your phone and help? Please?"

Said noona barely spared a glance to the source of whine. "Sehun-ah, I'm watching something. I'm almost done, okay?"

Sehun shook his head. It would've been a more reassuring sentence if she hasn't spoken the exact same words 30 minutes prior. He liked his noona, he did. He just sometimes wished he didn't work the same shift as her. Sighing, he took the newly made order to the window table. It wasn't like she was going to help him anytime soon. Upon reaching the table, he felt a shiver down his spine. He quickly glanced out the window, it couldn't be —? After nearly dropping the order on the couple sitting at the table, Sehun rushed back to the counter. Barely able to catch his breath, he said "Noona, they're here!"

When it became evident that she wasn't going to spare him a look, in an attempt to get her attention, Sehun latched and began shaking her. "Noona. Stop watching your video! Noona, you have to shoot them away. Oh god, they're here and they're going to murder me and rip off all my clothing and I'll be left with nothing but my underwear and —" He said all this without taking a breath.

"You do realize that they're only teenage girls. You're overreacting." She shoved his arm off of her.

"But Hyun Ni noona, they're not just teenage girls," Sehun corrected. "They're hormonal teenage girls who are after my body!"

"Sometimes I feel like you're secretly a narcissist on the inside." Nevertheless, she placed down her phone and proceeded towards the cashier.

Not a second later, the door burst opened and a horde of girls varying from ages 12-18 rushed in.

Hyun Ni plastered on her best fake smile and said, "Welcome to Exo Cafe. How may I help you?"

Peeking from behind the curtain, Sehun let out a breath of relief.


Han Sunghee, resident fashionista strode down the hall as if she owned the school. She was a woman on a mission. She'd had enough of his fiddling, once she could over look as misunderstanding, twice it might've been a mistake but three times in a row? He was going to die. How dare he even think of doing someone else's homework! Right after how much he complained about not having enough time to do his own? She was being kind and understanding and let him off the hook for not completing her assignment, only to find out he didn't finish it because he was finishing someone else's instead? On top of that, he had to work for the one girl she couldn't stand.

When she reached her destination, she threw open the class door.

Ignoring the bewildered look on the teacher's face, she screeched, "Baekhyun! You bastard. How could you do this to me?"

29 heads shot towards Baekhyun's direction. The poor boy could only try to slide down the chair in attempt to hide from the judging eyes.

The teacher cleared his throat and everyone turned back to look at him. "Can I help you with something?" The teacher addressed Sunghee, who shot a glare towards Baekhyun.

With a quick flicker of his head, Baekhyun leaped out of his chair and made a break for the door. As soon as he reached it, he snapped it shut. "Are you freaking crazy?" He all but burst out.

"I'm crazy?" Sunghee snapped back. "Do you want to know what I just heard? You," she jabbed Baekhyun, "writing a report for Shin Sujin. Do you see the problem or should I spell it out for you?"

Baekhyun pitched his nose in frustration. "Look, I don't want any part of your girl fights. I just want to live a normal high school life, is that too much to ask?"

"Look Baekie," placing her hand on his shoulder. "You can either stop writing reports for her, or stop writing reports for me. It's your choice. But," she locked eyes with him, "if you decide to choose her instead, you know I'm obligated to make your life miserable right?"

Baekhyun gulped.


"Do you see what she's wearing?"

As per usual, the hallway was riddled with whispers whenever Sujin appeared. Sometimes she stopped and wondered if they had nothing better to do with their lives.

"Did you see her fight with Sunghee yesterday? About Baekhyun!"

"What? Baekhyun? As in the class nerd? No way." The girl leans closer to her friend, "you don't think, that perhaps she likes him?"

"Don't you think perhaps," Sujin said behind the girls, "that you should ask her instead?"

At least they had the decency to look ashamed, thought Sujin as she walked away. Gossiping freaks, couldn't they get their facts straight. Her, liking Baekhyun? Ha, maybe if he was the last guy on earth. She'd rather have her eyes scratched out than be associated with him. And don't even remind her about Han Sunghee, whose like an annoying inch she can't get rid of. If she could, she'd ship the two of them out of Korea in the blink of an eye.

"There you are." Someone poked her in the back. She turned around to see her friends, Krystal and Sulli.

Linking arms, the three girls stroll down.

"Say," Krystal began, "let's stop by Exo Cafe today."

"Again? That's the third time this week," said Sulli.

"Well," she nudged Sulli and Sujin. "You know who is there."

Sujin burst out laughing. "You mean our resident pretty boy? Sure, let's go. I haven't talked to Xiumin oppa in forever."

Sulli paused, a frown making its way to her face. "But isn't that girl working there. I don't know if I'm comfortable seeing her…"

"It's been forever," Krystal exclaimed. "Who cares!"

Sujin nodded in agreement. "Taemin oppa and unnie are history. Don't worry about it."

"Now come on! I want to go before his shift ends!" Said Krystal, pulling the other two forward.


Yoon Mi strolled down the streets of Seoul, taking in lights illuminating the city. It's been two years now, and she still hasn't gotten used to the busy life she's now living. She missed the scenery in the little town she used to live, the landscapers and grassy lands. The fact that a block from her house, she could find a small forest and pretend to get lost in it. The numerous buildings instead of small houses, the roads full of people instead of a peaceful silence.

Truth is, she was kind of lonely.

She missed her old life, when she had friends who loved the same things she did. Who understood her eccentric personality and found her amusing. Here, in Seoul, she hadn't been able to make friends.

But, Jihyun unnie was going come here soon, so she wouldn't be alone anymore.

Yoon Mi skipped in glee.

Soon, she'll have someone to discuss Spiderman with. 


Quick introduction of all the characters & a little bit of their background and personality. All six character's story will eventually come together. Comments + reviews are greatly appreciated. Please enjoy~

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kyokomiyuki #1
@elf232109 Last comment? I don't really see it, but okay. And lol, no worries. I know most people hate OCs, and I can understand why. I'm not a huge fan of them either, but this story is suppose to be dedicated to my friends, so kinda had to use OCs. WOW, really, you remember all the birthdays? And you made a map? Lol. I would like to see that map. Glad you enjoy the story~ Please continue reading~