Prologue - a Day In The Palace

Love In The Palace [4EverLove Series - Spin Off]


The Prince was sitting in his room. Watching leaves fall off trees. The princess walked in.

“Sang Kyu, Your parents are calling us. “ Mi-na said to her husband.

Sang turned around and walked towards his wife.

“What for?” Sang asked.

“I don’t know” The princess replied.

Sang joined hands with his wife and walked to their parents room.

They walked in, bowed and sat down.

Minutes later Chin-Sun and Ki-won walked in.

They bowed and sat.

“As well as you know, your father is dying.”  Empress Kyoung-Mi  said.

“My sons, you must precede me.  One of you shall be the emperor” “Emperor Ch’anyom indicated.

“Now go and inform your sons” Empress Kyoung Mi sated.

The 2 Parents stood up, bowed and left to do what they are told.


Chin-Sun and Ki-won walked towards there sons room. When they reached the door. They knocked.

The door opened revealing their only son.  Chin-Sun and Ki-won hurriedly sat down with their son.

“Your grand father is dying. Ne or Your uncle will be replacing me.  and when that happens you must find your wife. For you to become the crown prince.”Chin -Sun said.

“But what about Jin?” A curious Chul asked.

“He will if his father will win” Ki-won said.

“But you must fight! We must win!” a selfish Chin-Sun said.


Sang Kyu and Mi-na walked towards their son.

“Your grandfather is dying, and you must find a wife” Sang-Kyu said.

“Does that mean you can be emperor? “ Jin asked, not really caring for the subject.

“No I must compete with Ki-Won and you must  find one if I win.” Sang-Kyu replied.

His wife sat Nervously since she doesn’t know who will win.

“Do not fret my dear wife. We will get through this together!” Sang Kyu stated.

-South Korea News-


The people of South Korea read the newspapers watched the television. Knowing that the emperor is dying.

“Who do you think will win?”

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KimSasaeng #1
seems interesting
sound cool
EunJin #3
Different but the fore happenings is !
Sound interesting.. and like Goong?