Chapter 39

Teach Me How To Love


Someone was tapping Jieun’s cheek as she slowly opened her eyes.

“Annyeong noona!” She saw Hyunwoo’s little cute face smiling at her.

“Heeeeeeey!!” Jieun whispered back and lifted him up and sat him on her lap.

“How are you?” Jieun hugged him.

“Good, I came to wake you up…. Everyone ate breakfast but I left a little bit for you…” He looked up at her and smiled.

“Awww~ Thank you!” She kissed his forehead.

“Okay, I’ll quickly wash up and change my clothes and then I’ll come to the kitchen, okay?” She said to him and he nodded.

Then he hopped off of the bed and ran out. Jieun smiled and took her clothes and walked to the bathroom. She knocked at the door and slowly walked in. She then quickly took a shower and walked out of the bathroom. On the floor she met L.Joe.

“G-Good morning.” He greeted her.

She looked at him for a second and then quietly passed him by. As she walked into the bedroom she saw Myungsoo looking for something in their suitcase. He looked up when Jieun walked in.

“Good morning beauty!” He smiled at her.

She threw her PJ’s on the bed and walked out without talking.

“Noona!” Hyunwoo jumped up from his seat and ran towards her when Jieun walked into the kitchen.

“Heey!” Jieun hugged him.

“Come!” Hyunwoo grabbed her hand and led her to the table.

“Halmeoni, you forgot the eggs!” Hyunwoo said to the grandma who was cooking fried eggs.

“I didn’t forget.” The grandma smiled as she put the fried eggs on the plate in front of Jieun.

“Oh my god, you didn’t have to!” Jieun said.

“Oh dear, I was cooking anyways…” The grandma smiled and patted her shoulder.

“Hey halmeoni, I can’t find my shirt…” L.Joe walked into the kitchen and looked at Jieun.

She quickly looked away.

“Noona, eat now…” Hyunwoo gave her some rice with his chopsticks.

“Hmmmm~ delicious!” Jieun smiled at Hyunwoo.

“Ya Hyunwoo come let’s play!” Sangwon called Hyunwoo from the garden.

“Coming!” Hyunwoo yelled back.

“Noona, eat quickly and then come out to play with us!” Hyunwoo said to Jieun.

Jieun giggled.

“Ok, but take your jacket!” She said and Hyunwoo rushed out nodding.

“Hyunwoo likes you…. A lot….” The grandma said to Jieun smiling.

“A bit too much…” L.Joe whispered.

Jieun glared at him.

“What?” He asked her.

Jieun just turned around and continued eating.

“Halmeoni, look Jieun’s not talking to me anymore…” L.Joe pouted as he pointed towards Jieun.

“You deserved it!” The grandma said and walked out.

Jieun started to laugh.

“Ya Jieun, don’t laugh!” L.Joe sat in front of her.

Jieun tried hard to suppress the laughter but she ended up laughing really hard.

“What happened?” Myungsoo asked confused as he walked into the kitchen.

L.Joe scoffed and Jieun continued laughing. Myungsoo sat down next to her and looked at her. After a while Jieun calmed down. Myungsoo was still looking at her.

“Stop being a creep.” Jieun said without looking and continued eating.

“I’m sorry, I can’t help but look at your beauty.” Myungsoo said smiling.

“Eeeewwww cheesy!” L.Joe cringed his nose.

“Shut up!” Myungsoo snapped at him.

L.Joe just stretched his tongue out to Myungsoo and put his head on the table.

“Go sleep in your room. The table’s not your bed.” Jieun said and got up.

She was done with her breakfast. She quickly put the dishes into the sink and walked out.

“She’s still mad…” L.Joe sighed.

“Because of you!”  Myungsoo hissed.

“Oh shut up!” L.Joe rolled his eyes and followed Jieun.

Jieun got her jacket from the bedroom and walked out to the garden. It must have been snowing last night because the whole garden was covered in white.

“Unnie!” Sanghee excitedly waved when she spotted Jieun.

Jieun smiled and waved before she sat down next to the grandma.

“Are you still mad at the boys?” The grandma asked Jieun as she sat down.

“I just don’t know why they can’t get along…” Jieun sighed.

“Jieun, I’ll be honest with you…” The grandma grabbed Jieun’s hands and turned towards Jieun.

“Byunghun still loves you.” She said and looked at Jieun.

Jieun gulped and didn’t know what to say.

“When you had the little fight with your husband, Byunghun told me about it. He was ready to accept you even if you’re pregnant. He was ready to give you his last name, even to Myungsoo’s child. When he took you to our house, he wanted to show you to me and to show you how happy you could be with him… He wants to let you go but he can’t. I know how hard he tried and it was the first time that I saw him like this. He never had a girlfriend before… You were the first and last one…” She told Jieun as a tear escaped her eye.

Jieun hugged the grandma.

“I’m sorry.” Jieun whispered.

“No, no, don’t feel sorry… I just wanted to let you know… I know you’re married and you love your husband, it’s just that… Byunghun is my child and it hurts me to see him get hurt, you know what I mean?” The grandma wiped her tears away.

“Yes…” Jieun whispered and looked down.

“Ho ho ho ho~” L.Joe appeared out of nowhere and hugged the grandma as he sat down next to her.

“Hey~” The grandma let Jieun go and patted L.Joe’s hands.

“Am I disturbing you girls?” He grinned.

“Girls? I’m a granny!” The grandma laughed.

“You’re my girl!” L.Joe said and kissed her cheek.

“Oh stop it.” The grandma giggled.

“Halmeoni, is Jieun still mad at me?” L.Joe asked the grandma as he looked at Jieun.

“Are you?” The grandma smiled.

Jieun smiled back and shook her head.

“Woot~ I love you!” L.Joe quickly pecked her cheek and ran away.

“Y-Ya…” Jieun said as she held her cheek.

“Why did he kiss you?” Myungsoo came with a cup in his hand.

“I leave you alone then.” The grandma got up and walked into the house.

“For you.” Myungsoo gave Jieun the cup.

She took it without saying anything and took a sip.

“What? L.Joe is also at fault and he gets to kiss you while you ignore me, your husband.” He pouted.

Jieun smiled and pecked his lips.

“Delicious” She whispered as she looked into Myungsoo’s eyes.

He leaned in and was about to kiss her again when suddenly someone threw a snowball at them. It hit Myungsoo’s head and he quickly turned around.
L.Joe lifted his hands and pointed at Hyunwoo who was standing in front of him while making a new snowball. Hyunwoo then looked up at Jieun and waved at her before running away.

“He’ll get it back!” Myungsoo hissed and ran towards L.Joe.

“You’ll catch a cold!” Jieun said to Myungsoo but he didn’t hear her.

Instead he jumped onto L.Joe and both fell down.

“YA!” Jieun heard L.joe screaming while laying under Myungsoo.

Myungsoo was drowning him in the snow when L.Joe suddenly got up and Myungsoo was laying on the ground. Jieun couldn’t help but smile.
After a while Myungsoo and L.Joe walked towards Jieun while pushing each other. Both of them sat down on each side of her. Myungsoo was freezing.
Jieun got up and walked into the house. She got a blanket from her room and took it out for Myungsoo.

“Here.” She said as she gave him the blanket.

Myungsoo quickly wrapped it around himself. He then leaned towards Jieun and closed his eyes.
Jieun looked at him and smiled. Then she looked at L.Joe whose nose was red from the cold.

“Am I that pretty?” L.Joe asked without looking at her and smirked.

Myungsoo’s head shot up and he looked at them.

“She’s looking at the ugliness in your face.” He said and laid his head back on Jieun’s shoulder.

L.Joe was about to say something when Jieun interrupted him.

“I’m tired… I think I’ll sleep a little more.” She said and got up.

“I’m cold… Let me sleep with you!” Myungsoo back-hugged Jieun and they both walked in.

Jieun led Myungsoo to their room and opened the blanket for him.

“You’re burning…” She said as she touched his forehead.

“I’m fine…” He smiled slightly at her.

“Come!” He said as he made some space for Jieun.

Jieun took her jacket off and laid next to him while her head was resting on his chest. Myungsoo hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

“I love you.” He whispered as he closed his eyes.

“I love you too!” She whispered and leaned closer to him.


“Go and wake them up.” The grandma said as she placed the food on the table.

“Why me?” L.Joe sighed.

“Because they are your friends…” The grandma looked at L.Joe.

“Myungsoo’s not my friend.” L.Joe looked down.

“Byunghun… I love you… You became my son… I want the best for you but don’t you think it’s time?” The grandma touched his arm.

“Time for what?” Myungsoo walked in while rubbing one of his eyes.

“Time to wake up Jieun.” The grandma said and walked into the kitchen.

L.Joe walked pass Myungsoo towards Jieun’s bedroom.

“I’ll wake her up.” Myungsoo ran up to him and opened the door before L.Joe could.

L.Joe clenched his hands into fists and turned around and walked back into the dining room. There he kicked a chair and yelled a little while going through his hair with his fingers.
After a few minutes Jieun walked arm in arm with Myungsoo into the dining room. L.Joe looked at them and walked out.

“We’ll be eating!” The grandma called after him but he walked out and banged the door.

“Halmeoni, what’s wrong with oppa?” Sanghee asked the grandma.

“Nothing dear, come and eat…” The grandma turned around to the kids.

Jieun looked at Myungsoo and sighed before taking her seat.


When L.Joe came back home the lights in the house were all turned off. As he slowly walked pass the living room he looked in and saw someone sitting there. He got scared at first but then walked in. As he looked closely he realized that it was Jieun.

“Jieun?” He whispered.

She quickly did something with her face and turned around to L.Joe.

“Hey, Joe…” She said but her voice cracked.

“Hey, is everything okay?” He sat down next to her.

She seemed like she was crying.

“I’m fine… I just couldn’t sleep…” She said to him.

Although the lights were turned off, L.Joe could still see her face because of the moonlight.

“Are you okay?” She asked as her eyes were sparkling in the moonlight.

“Yes…” He nodded and looked away.

“I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time…” Jieun bit her lower lip.

“You’re not giving me a hard time…” He smiled at her.

“Joe, I know it… Please stop hiding it…” She said with a shaky voice.

“What?” He tried to smile it off but he was afraid of what she was going to say next.

“You still like me… I’m sorry for stepping into your life and turning everything upside down… After this I’ll promise you to stay away from you.”

“D-Don’t…” Was all L.Joe could say.

“It will be the best for you and for me…” She whispered and got up about to leave when L.Joe grabbed her wrist.

“I don’t want to let you go.” He simply whispered.

“Stop it! You’re hurting yourself , I can’t stand to see you like this!” She whispered and tears started to roll down her cheeks.

“I like it. I don’t care how much it hurts at the end of the day, as long as I’m with you it’s bearable but not when you leave. You can’t do this to me!” He begged her as he also let his tears fall.

“I’m sorry Joe. I’m sorry… When we’re back in Seoul, everything will be fine again. You will be the old Joe before you met me and I will be Jieun, Myungsoo’s wife.” She said and took his hand and let it go of her wrist.

“No… Don’t!” He got up and grabbed her shoulder.

He turned her around and forcefully pressed his lips on hers. Jieun fought back but L.Joe was too strong. He grabbed both of her shoulders and pressed her body to his. After a while Jieun gave up fighting and cried as L.Joe kissed her.
Suddenly someone turned the lights on. Jieun continued crying while L.Joe continued kissing her.


A/N: i knooooooooooooow it's been more than a week now but i had sooooo many exams that i was barely able to continue writing :((((( anyways i hope you'll like this chapter ^^ 
who turned the lights on and what will happen next? :OOO i'll try my best to update again in a few days ^^
no silent readers pleeeeeeease :DD and subscribe if you haven't yet ;D


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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^